Maps and gameplay
Join Date: 2003-01-03 Member: 11755Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Spice it up...</div>The maps in NS arent bad at all but i personally would like to see some "objectives" in them besides the capping of resources. I mean, something to make the maps little bit more "live". Objectives being things like Marines fixing generator or whatever.
I read the interview on Firesquad i noticed they mentioned something about "dynamic enviroments", might be something that would cover this topic for the moment, i guess.
I read the interview on Firesquad i noticed they mentioned something about "dynamic enviroments", might be something that would cover this topic for the moment, i guess.
We've discussed such things for years and the new engine and solid, experienced player base makes it more practical now, methinks.
My personal fave is always the descending clock 'get off the station before she blows' missions. Fast, hectic, and Cameron-style. I'm sure there will be tons of interesting suggestions.
some one else made a weld map once
who was that thing sounded awsome
aliens start at one ofthe hives rines start ehre rines have to weld thru every 3rd ish door roof vent and some low vent sallowed them to some tiems triple boost of crwal long distances to reach a second door to weld two or more doors at ocne ther where originaly 2 passage ways, then 4 then 6 ish mid map at a hive location, or where all the hive in the same location where the map then began to bottle neck again
aliens had full run of a complex vent network multi layers
but yes i can agree welding a set of points or doing a set of sdie actiosn to make other thigns possable is certainly a worthy aset, tho i would not like to see any thing to over powered
exsample in large games the weld point in that Co map to basicly open up teleporters right on the aliens hive that, thats bad in my opinion
a greed senario, the thing i find about greed senario's are there are not to many stratagy games that have implimented them correctly, or even in a fun mannor
in a fps strad game it could be a chance to change that, greed is a race of resources, you need to spend wisely and to consume as much of the maps supplie of res as possable, you need to exsauced your opponent cos obliterating them is not the only or correct means of winning
king of the hills can be simply done, and so can last man standings and so on, its a bit hard to crosse these into the realum of rts but the fps side of them has been doing them for ages
hum alternate game types and side missions, how about nothing definative yet, BUT the code needs to be writen so that additional game types can be added latter with ralative ease with out haveing to completely over haul the entire game