community generated source quality forum 4 NS2

NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
<div class="IPBDescription">: ) come on ya know ya want it</div>it woud be interesting to see all that extra server space not being used up by all our up loaded images to house like a i&S forum with a active moddler mod to go thru and remove or pic out un wanted community generated content of a source usefull lvl, only acctuly fan made based content owned by the artist no copy right infrindgements and os on, weather it bea file contain 3 unique ram doors of a fiel containg 389 create and drums with TSA bells and whistles, as long as its at a viable sourse quality house it

the have sub forums for that designed colabaration modleing, scripting animating and see if we can come up with some community made and agreed apon wavered content that wil lbe free source for future source based ns 2 maps out doors or other wise

note also posting this in hte suggetion forum

i mean come on guys and girls its not like multimillion dollar gameing company is going to drop its next three wrestling title or raceing simulators or hack slash rpg or the next doom XX11 to come and offer whole hartedly every possable man hour for the next three years to make this game the next best thing with out a single cent proffit

we as a community rely on every single on of our brain power our crafting skills our coder monkeys to get this place ship shape, reguardless of how much of it acctuly gets used in ns, i think its time the forums where opened to if not host our crappy guns and fat cute wombats to at least have area we can colabarate and bounce ideas around

if this happens and people put in the effort whos to say we cant get a weekly meeting goin and apoint a house member or two to continuethe ball rolling and see if WE CANT MAKE A GAME


  • WorthyRivalWorthyRival Black Armor Division Join Date: 2006-11-07 Member: 58470Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    I Would prefer just a sticky post in the NS2 Ideas and suggestions fourm that would have threads moved into it that sparked some interest by developers ( they could just tag it ) that way the ideas could be hammered out better if developers thought the idea had some potential.
  • glimmermanglimmerman Join Date: 2004-04-29 Member: 28300Members, Constellation
    I too agree with this. Make a sticky please devs.
  • NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
    edited November 2006
    well i was acctuly hopeing more like this

    <a href="" target="_blank">;showforum=19</a>

    but with some guidance to what needed or wanted by mappers produceing maps for NS2 offical unoffical or other wise
    host regular 45 minute chanelges and so on

    mouse makes a thread
    i require a create with tsa logos on it it needs to be furtuistic and fit into the feel of ns_lucid for the source remake

    I need 4 differnt size of the create not each create has to be the same and i want at least 6 variations of each create some with diffrent varing amounts of infestation and battle scares,
    Full rights are to the owner with various leaniances of me useing them in said map yadda yadda red tape bull ish
    ill be back on tues day ill review all the possable entrants and will anounce which ones ill use if any and possabley with creators consent additional entrys and or made products will be archived for futrue use in furture maps with creators concet stored here on the forums once aproved by some monkey with carsanargenic bad habbits and the abilitys to use a computer

    acctuly i wouldnt make a sticky, it woudl give away to much of what is being looked at
    in turn people mind sets will subconsiously switch to thinking up ideas along the same line and flavor in turn loseing addition thorys and or any true form of unqiueness and indoviduality in idea's, which would of normaly be thought up if siad thinker swhee not court in a loop of i must think of idea's like this so they get in

    tho i am sure any good idea's are being hot link refranced in some form of secret forum
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