The Natural Selection Mapping Compendium

AngeluszAngelusz Harmonic entropist Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18072Members, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester
<div class="IPBDescription">For the new and the experienced alike.</div><!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>* Intro *</u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

First of all, a little background info. Two years ago, i started creating a Natural Selection map, i had never worked with any editor like hammer before, so i had to learn everything from scratch. I did not know about r_speeds, entity counts or anything. I did a terrible job and somehow created an unfixable error (for me, at least.) So i dropped that project and went on with other games and stuff. I lost that map in a crash long time ago. Recently, when the forum came back up, i took interest in NS again and started mapping once more. I had learned much about games in general since i had first attempted to create a map, hence started off on a better foot. I've asked a lot of questions and have gotten even more answers. The goal of this topic is to share all I've learned with others. Since it would have no sense to copy and paste all the tutorials and such I've used, this topic is going to contain the links to all these things. Look at it as a compilation of mapping links. Naturally, I'm hoping for a sticky, so if you like this, tell the moderators. =]

<!--coloro:#CCFFFF--><span style="color:#CCFFFF"><!--/coloro-->If you find that any of the information given below is incorrect, or if you think something should be added, PM me.

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>#1: Contents</u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

#2: Setting up your editor and tools
#3: Starting mapping - Basics
#4: Advanced mapping
#5: r_speeds and entity counts
#6: Important / Useful Links
#7: Coming to an end

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>#2: Setting up your editor and tools</u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

Before you can start creating maps, first you need the tools to do so, and configure them to use with half-life and natural selection.
First, you need the editor:
--> <a href="" target="_blank">VERC Valve Hammer Editor</a>
Next, you need compile tools! ZHLT are the best possible for NS, download them here, the below tutorials describe how to use them. Just download and extract the ZHLT somewhere convenient.
--> <a href="" target="_blank">ZHLT</a>
Then there's setting up the editor, check out these links to find info on setting up the Valve Hammer Editor for use with Half-Life and it's mods.
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Natural Selection Forum - How-to: Set Up Your Computer For Mapping</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">The Snarkpit Setup Tutorial (Advised!)</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL Setup Guide</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">GCFscape</a> (opening halflife game files)
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Wally</a> (Texture editing)

Some things i learned:
- Adding game textures, don't forget the "zhlt.wad" that came with the tools you downloaded, they include some textures used to control map compiling and will get useful later on.
- More adding game textures, keep it simple in the beginning, only add ns.wad and ns2.wad.
- Don't forget to add nshulls.txt as hullfile for the compiler, if you forget, forms like onos will get stuck in the ground after gestating. Find more info about this in the NS mapping guidelines. These can be found here:
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Natural Selection Mapping Guidelines</a>

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>#3: Starting mapping - Basics</u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

So you've set up your editor, now you wish to create a map. First of all, i would recommend you to read through the Natural Selection Mapping Guidelines mentioned above. Beside information on what natural selection can and cannot do, it also contains information on which atmosphere is best for NS, and some do's and don'ts. You will find that almost all of the tutorials are made for Half-Life or Counter Strike. However, since Natural Selection is based on Half-Life, those tutorials mostly apply to NS just fine. Also, a great link to learn about mapping design:
--> <a href="" target="_blank">68th Vlatitude - General Level Design</a>

That being said, here's some useful links that teach you the basics!
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL - From the Beginning (Advised!)</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL - Compiling Introduced</a>

--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL - Texture Application</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">69th Vlatitude - Basic Lighting Tutorial</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">69th Vlatitude - Basic Doors</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">69th Vlatitude - The Clip tool</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">69th Vlatitude - Glass Tutorial</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">69th Vlatitude - Ladder Tutorial</a>

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>#4: Advanced mapping</u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

If you've got the basics of mapping covered - creating rooms, lights, doors and simple entity systems - as well as the different tools available in the editor, it's time to learn more!
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL - Detailing Maps</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL - Everything About Lights</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL - Adding Custom Textures</a>
After having read these, you can try new things on your own. In the "Important / Useful Links" section you can find a few links to tutorial sites. Go there and find things you would like to create, you can expand your own knowledge from there. If you've advanced far enough to control all above skills, it's time to learn about r_speeds, very important! Read the next section.

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>#5: r_speeds and entity counts</u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
Like i said before, r_speeds are of utmost importance in a map. They tell you how heavy the map is to run. The higher the r_speeds (w_polys and e_polys), the slower the map will run. Computers these days can easily run very, VERY high r_speeds. However, the Half-Life 1 engine is quite old already, the engine itself can't cope with too high speeds. Therefor, you need to keep the r_speeds down. As a mapper, you will be working with the "W_polys" the most, these represent the polys created by the world around you, brushes. "e_polys" are models, like structures, players and cyclers (entity that displays a model).
NOTE: Tutorials tell you to stick to certain max r_speeds, these do not apply to Natural Selection. The mapping guidelines state that currently, we have the following boundaries:
- peak w-polys (r_speeds #) under 1000 for the commander view
- average w-polys under 700 for the commander view
- peak w-polys under 700 for all other players
- average w-polys under 500 for all other players
- peak baseline e-polys under 2100 for all other players
Only the map itself counts for the above values. If you test ingame as a marine or skulk, you see the arms and gun or teeth, these raise e_polys displayed, take that into account. (to test e_polys, use readyroom)

Here's more info on r_speeds:
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL - R_speeds</a>
And another technique to reduce them, hint brushes. (the "HINT" texture can be found in ZHLT.wad)
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Counter Map - Hint brush Tutorial</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Pyramid Hint Brushes Tutorial</a>

Currently you may use up to 275 <a href="" target="_blank">Runtime Entities</a> in your map, click the link to see which entities do and do not count towards this limit.

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>#6: Important / Useful Links</u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
--> <a href="" target="_blank">TWHL Tutorials</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">69th Vlatitude Tutorials</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">The Snarkpit Tutorials</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Jinx's Map Tutorials</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Natural Selection Forum - Common mapping errors</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">[FRANK] Huge list of mapping errors</a>
--> <a href="" target="_blank">Zoner's Halflife Tools Info</a>

<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b><u>#7: Coming to an end </u></b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
Special thanks go out to the people who helped me out at this forum, as well as the creators of the tutorials and naturally, the NS developers.
The thread in which i asked all my questions (and still do) can be found here:
--> <a href="" target="_blank">NS Forum - Mapping info Request</a>
As i state there, I'm currently still working and learning as i go along. When my test map is done, i will attach it to this post so people can take a look at what you can learn to do in just days with the above tutorials.
Have fun mapping, and thanks for reading all this!


  • KittamaruKittamaru Join Date: 2006-09-18 Member: 58017Members
    Primo guide mate. I wish to thank you for undertaking this- I had planned to myself with the threat I started, but with my g/f and i breaking up and now I seem to have caught a bloody cold/flu/virus whatever it is *sighs* MURPHY LEAVE ME ALONE!
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