What does blockscripts affect?
Join Date: 2003-02-08 Member: 13289Members

What commands does it affect? Need to convert my configs with the decline of ns servers lately.
I know _special doesnt work in any case.
Is it possible to use say like: bind p "exec marine.cfg"
If the exec command is blocked, is there another way to activate a differnt config for differnt class binds?
I know _special doesnt work in any case.
Is it possible to use say like: bind p "exec marine.cfg"
If the exec command is blocked, is there another way to activate a differnt config for differnt class binds?
This discussion has been closed.
it block "wait", ";" and "exec" in binds.
it ONLY allows to be bound :
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->"+attack","+attack2","+left","+right","+jump","+duck","+alt1","+forward","+back","moveleft","+moveright","+lookdown","+lookup",
so you cant use some +commands in "alias"
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->
alias marinecfg "jointeamone;exec marines.cfg"
bind F1 marinecfg<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
try this
The answer is yes, but when blockscripts is on, it might be easiest to just execute that script manually in the console. Something like: "exec scriptson.cfg".
I am leaving the thread open but I just ask that anyone who wants to start a flamewar to just save everyone a lot of time and don't.
bind "f" "impulse 116;say_team Watch out I am Fading and will die soon"
And got a "Scripts are blocked on this server." I think I almost died laughing when I got that message for the first time.
I still think it is dumb when I made a simple bind as stated:
bind "f" "impulse 116;say_team Watch out I am Fading and will die soon"
And got a "Scripts are blocked on this server." I think I almost died laughing when I got that message for the first time.
I think it will be ok if you alias it. blockscripts doenst allow you to bind a key to multiple commands, aliases is ok however.
The impulse might break it though. :<
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->bind "F5" "scriptson"
alias "scriptson" "exec scripts.cfg; bind F5 scriptsoff"
alias "scriptsoff" "exec noscripts.cfg; bind F5 scriptson"<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
Or something like that.
I still think it is dumb when I made a simple bind as stated:
bind "f" "impulse 116;say_team Watch out I am Fading and will die soon"
And got a "Scripts are blocked on this server." I think I almost died laughing when I got that message for the first time.
Just have to change how you script it.
bind f "+fade"
alias +fade "impulse 116"
alias -fade "say_team Watch out I'm Fading and will die soon"
AHAHAHAHA sorry i can't keep a straight face