sprayable two

NEX9NEX9 Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members
edited January 2007 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">in game sprays and spray paints</div>i dont know what system hl2 uses for het ingame spreay here sprays i cant even remeber what key hl uses why dont i remeber or why havent i bothered to use this or remeber for a long time, cos i really dont think a sulk should be running around spray painting a yellow smiley face on the wall every 30 seconds is nesacery

now how ever, IF the sprays acctuly looked cool resembled something game related, say there where multiple sprays markers warnings a trend would acure, rine walks around courner barely makes it out alive as a WOL opens fire he turns to the wall and sprays in red running spray a symbol to warn all other rines going around courner there are OC's ahead lots of them, obiously next rine seing this will replace said spray with the new status of if OC's, more OC's, safe zone, defended area, fade crossing, active hive ahead, free hive room

rine friendly rine sprays, phase gate ahead, armory ahead, lock down ahead, IP ahead undefended, JP rougte

note some of these sprays are a doubled edged blade

same for kharaa except the alien symbols will be like a unmodifying mess of infestation sparyed there

my defened area, lock down ahead, stupid rine mines here, parasite at will, onos run zone dont clutter, WOL needs defence, phase gate near by

kharaa friendly sprays, MC's here, Heal ZONE, WOL ahead and could use defence/hidden rine presence

i figure most alien asumptions will come with the sight of infestation and or hive sight

ill consiter photo shoping a few demos of these up, it would be good if ether some can be bound to a key e.g hjkl;' and or a menu ether a off attachemnt to the current menu with the left mouse key or a new menu off of a new key say N?

this would allow common classes player to bind certain common sprays to keys e.g gorge may like to have hot keyed MC here, heal zone, WOL ahead, my defended area and put them ether in his area or in coridors leading to said area

offencive rine swill bind other sprays and defenceive rines will spray other sprays, i would say up to 4 of each spray each sprap lasts 2.5 minutes spraying to close / clipping same spray with the same spray will reaplie it up its timer and not modify the current spray count of said spray, so yes i guess if soem one really wants to spreay 40 sprays close by and over lapping each other they could be a noob and do such a thing weather it would impact on play or not is another thing

but lets discuss, i mean sure theres a map sure there hive sight but more visual reprsentation and marking will make ripid fleeing, coridor navigation a quiker more responcive to things ahead

any more spray icons yas can come up with or genral discussion and or acess or menu / UI will be great

clearly you can see the healing cross in the back ground and the letters DC's
<a href="http://img508.imageshack.us/my.php?image=healbaycopyox4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/333/healbaycopyox4.th.jpg" border="0" alt="IPB Image" /></a>
yet it still sort of retains a kharaa esk element to it

this one more just symbols a sheild and a OC linr art OC image
<a href="http://img409.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mydefencecopyqb3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/6135/mydefencecopyqb3.th.jpg" border="0" alt="IPB Image" /></a>


  • HatlabuFarkasHatlabuFarkas Join Date: 2005-03-09 Member: 44496Members
    my vote is SPRAY on ANY thing (like chambers, or buildings) the reason is a reality.
  • DeadzoneDeadzone Join Date: 2003-07-03 Member: 17911Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    It's a neat idea, but unfortunately with the combination of the minimap, the easily glanced-at full map, chat, and voice, it's almost redundant. When you can instantly find out what's there, communicate it to your whole team, and not have the enemy find out, why would someone use a spray that isn't immediate and can be seen by the other team?

    I think this idea has a lot of merit, but not in this game if the communication works the same. Perhaps in another mod where communication is deliberately limited to being in earshot it would work. You obviously put thought into it.
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