Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3720Members, Constellation

I'm sorry but I'm pro-F4. I think it's silly to play a game that I have obviously lost. I've had games were I was the major influence on the marine or alien team, on the top of charts in kills, always in the thick of the action, seeing the enemies moves and being in place for all the turning point battles that happened in the game, all the way paying my dues by building equipment or donating a hive. But then I see the obvious truth that my team is not as skilled, aware, refusing to even talk on voicecom or simply as interested as the other team in playing the game, and due to some particular objective whether it be a total hive lockdown or a strangulation of resources, its painfully obvious to me that there's no way my team can get out of the mess they're in and there's nothing I can do to help either.
And then you take the other team which of course has no mercy on weaker beings, and in anticipation of victory almost always opts to drag the game out to derive the most pleasure from success as possible by just crowding the battle lines and taking potshots... its just silly to sit there and try to play! For what?
F4, I say and I'm quite vocal about it on servers. But people are like, "Nah thats lame" "Not very honorable" "It's a bannable offense" ITS JUST A GAME! It's not a divine mission. We aren't getting paid for this. It's not a movie of the week. It's just a fricken game. And the ONLY point of a game is to have FUN. If you aren't having fun it's time to do something different and so I think F4 is the best answer.
When my enemies would prefer to see me writhe in prolonged pain rather than kill me quick and my teammates are too inept to do anything about it, there's really no point in suffering through what is supposed to be some pleasure gaming during my free time which I don't have much of. I'm wondering if most people feel the same way I do or if I'm in the minority here.
And then you take the other team which of course has no mercy on weaker beings, and in anticipation of victory almost always opts to drag the game out to derive the most pleasure from success as possible by just crowding the battle lines and taking potshots... its just silly to sit there and try to play! For what?
F4, I say and I'm quite vocal about it on servers. But people are like, "Nah thats lame" "Not very honorable" "It's a bannable offense" ITS JUST A GAME! It's not a divine mission. We aren't getting paid for this. It's not a movie of the week. It's just a fricken game. And the ONLY point of a game is to have FUN. If you aren't having fun it's time to do something different and so I think F4 is the best answer.
When my enemies would prefer to see me writhe in prolonged pain rather than kill me quick and my teammates are too inept to do anything about it, there's really no point in suffering through what is supposed to be some pleasure gaming during my free time which I don't have much of. I'm wondering if most people feel the same way I do or if I'm in the minority here.
While I certainly see your logic, F4ing denies your opponents the fun of getting to blow the hive into tiny little pieces or kill every last building in marine start. They've workedfor what, 1/2-3 hours for that sweet victory, and just when they're about blow the hive up in a glitening fireball of slime and entrails, that fateful sound that tells you the other team copped out and F4ed ruins it all.
The time when F4 is acceptable during the following conditions:<ul><li>When the marines are spawncamping with the majority of the team inside the last hive</li><li>Aliens are spawncamping the ips without destroying them or the rest of the base. </li><li>In the rare case when there is an alien/marine hiding somewhere in the map while he has no chance to rebuild a hive or base</li><li>When the marine team is slowly advancing towards the last hive when the aliens have no chance of winning. During this process upgrading everything, securing every last resnode to finally siege the hive.</li></ul>
In short Lamequit = kick
It's JUST like abortion...
Sure, there are people against it but who would be against a raped nun getting an abortion?
Sure, there are people against it but who would be against a raped nun getting an abortion?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
In short, F4ers suck. They suck hard. You lost the match, suck it up and take it. Leave the server if you dont like it.
F4 should equal ban.
its your own fault for dying and let them into your spawn to kill you, but I agree I don't think it shows a lot of charecter when people do it a lot
Bingo, we have a winner..
The majority of the time (on pubs) the outcome of the game is decided within the first 5 minutes..
no wonder NS isn't popular
Frankly, I would just leave the server and find a new game. (Which often leads to the fact that you have to change server every 5 minutes, the games being so quick.)
I use F4 when these conditions are fulfilled:
- If I'm on the aliens side, and there is too many dead ones...I don't want to wait to get spawned and then die.
- When all uberplayers goes to same side AGAIN (again is the keyword) (this will make me to wait in ready room or leave server, which I do 3/4 of time)
- When I have to do something important in real life
In Combat maps:
- Getting spawnkilled in aliens side (not in marines side, I find getting spawnkilled in aliens side far more annoying)
Yep, I use F4 more in NS maps than Combat maps.
no wonder NS isn't popular <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
When this scenario happens I wont f4, setup camp on top of the hive, go fetch a beer/make some coffee and leave the marines to knife each other or whatever they do when they own the whole map and dont attack the hive.
Same with the rines that are building res nodes, always knifing each other.
But there are those games were the other team was so much better than your team that it never was a game in the first place. You guys keep talking about ideal instances but thats not what I'm talking about.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->"They've workedfor what, 1/2-3 hours for that sweet victory, and just when they're about blow the hive up in a glitening fireball of slime and entrails..."<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I wouldn't quit in a game like that, sounds fun, but what about a game where the marines didn't work hard at all? Here's the flipside: They walked through the map effortlessly capping every res node while your team hid around parasiting and running away. Instead of rushing off to kill the hive the marines stop their advancement and spend 15 minutes building an HA train, then instituting an "only fire when fired upon" policy that is easily maintained with heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, they prolong the game again by building a large turret farm outside the last hive with sieges so they can end the game with a fireworks display. And I gotta sit though this for the HONOR of it? The enemy team isn't even playing honorably and they are doing it WITHOUT spawncamping which I think is not the only reason for F4. Give me a break man, it's just a game.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->"You fight to the death even if you know you are going to die, you just fight and never let down your team nor your honor of dieing in battle and not fleeing it."<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
What if your own team isn't putting in the same effort and doesn't care like you do, you gotta sit there can watch? A lot of times I play on aliens and I got a lot of displaced marines on my team who just wanna try and rack up kills instead of play a smart game, and get themselves quickly killed as higher lifeforms when we could've had some res nodes. They lost the game for us and now I gotta play honorably by beating my head against bullets for 15 more minutes?
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->"The reason F4ing is lame is because it denies the winning team the satisfaction of finishing the game. If you've ever been on a winning marine team only to have the aliens all F4 as you march on the last hive, you know what it's like."<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I do know what it's like and that most definitely is a case where I wouldn't F4, but what about when the winning team WON'T finish the game. I can't count how many times I was a marine and we only had the res node next to the marine start, we have no defenses except maybe an electrified tf and less than 5 turrets but the alien team is content with ambushing the hapless idiotic rambos that occasionally run out of the base with no backup. Where is the honor ANYWHERE in this scenario?
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->"is it cool to F4 when I'm on aliens, we have 1 hive, and maybe 1 node, the marines have every node on the map electrified and turret farmed? And they have a huge HA train too but they are too horrible/stupid to finish our hive? Like in a situation where we have a .00000000000000000000000000001% chance of winning (read: scientifically impossible ) but the game will go on for another 10-30 minutes?"<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
You guys and this honor stuff is too much. I just think its a very bad idea to be gleaning lifes virtues from a violent video game. You guys are doing what video game enthusiasts have been asking parents and society at large NOT to do. From parents to politicians, they make the arguement that games make kids violent.
Gamers say kids know the difference between real life and a dumb game so there's no danger. But then you guys come in saying there's some kind of honor involved in playing these games and thats kinda scary. I think you are taking the game too seriously and I think there's a natural extension to aberrant behavior if you continue. It's one way or the other guys, either games are just games or they are something more. If they are something more to you I don't think you should be playing a game like NS because it does not come close to encapsulating the dynamics of what can happen in the real world with real people and real weapons of destruction. It's not real guys, it's just a game. Don't buy into the hype. F4 so we can start over and play a fun game.
If you've been fighting and both teams have 3-4 res nodes. and marines ninja Pg'ed and started spawn camping your 1 hive. that wouldn't be a good time to f4 beacuse it's an even game.
However, like someone said (Nadagast i think?) it really is no fun playing if one team is obviously beating the other, and they have a 2 hive lockdown with all the nodes eleced and farmed. that would be the case to f4 IMO, because let's face it no one enjoys losing that much ... no matter what they say.
I mean WTH, do they think they're a good player when they get a good score when they're onosing in a 3on3 combat? <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Gamers say kids know the difference between real life and a dumb game so there's no danger. But then you guys come in saying there's some kind of honor involved in playing these games and thats kinda scary. I think you are taking the game too seriously and I think there's a natural extension to aberrant behavior if you continue. It's one way or the other guys, either games are just games or they are something more. If they are something more to you I don't think you should be playing a game like NS because it does not come close to encapsulating the dynamics of what can happen in the real world with real people and real weapons of destruction. It's not real guys, it's just a game. Don't buy into the hype. F4 so we can start over and play a fun game. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
If you're going to be that pedantic about it, replace "honour" with "fair play".
It's just a game... right then, but it's like quitting another game since you're going to loose.
I do F4 only for joining a weaker team (cf : 5 aliens VS 4 rines if i am alien)
I don't like unfair playing. When i loose, i keep in the same team and try to make us survive as long as possible, that's the challenge i prefer, to make the winner team suffer the most possible before we lost ^^.
I can understand those who F4, a little or much more, but i dislikes them if it's not to balance the teams. I'll never join a winner team, since it's too easy, or leave a team that will lost.
Except case : If the rines plays more than 10 minutes after hives are destroyed and dont kill the last alien, then i'll consider leaving ^^.
EDIT : There is fun in winning but also on loosing a game, just fight and give the best you can. But for those who enjoy themselves only if they're winning and not loosing, i'll say them the same thing they tell us : That's just a game, play it. (well, the way you want it of course ^^ you can do F4, but i'm not going to like you, that's all)
Thyere like 'omg team stack, someone fix pls'
'omg team stack, im leaving' *whnincg sound indictaing end of round*