About Time This Has Been Said
Join Date: 2004-01-03 Member: 25019Members, Constellation

Ok, I want to say this here and now.
Natural Selection competitive play is dying, slowly but surely... Now hear me out if you are a player who has EVER considered clan/competitive play. If you are the type of player who typically owns a public server day in and day out... or if you are just a pubber who is a regular to a server, and knows the game inside and out... I would like to make a HUGE suggestion, and ask you to get 5 of your good friends that you play with online, and start a clan.
Natural Selection competitive play is the most intense, and extremely skilled playing in ANY game I've ever played, and I've played alot of games, from Quake III, to your basic RTS games, and NOTHING compares to the skill needed in the organized play of Natural Selection. There is NOTHING better than dominating your opponents last fade in a 6v6, with 100 spectators, ensuring that your team just won a half. There is no bigger rush that performing a succesful base rush at the beginning of the game, destroying the IP and dominating your opponent, once again with 100+ spectators.
If you think pubbing is exciting in any way, and you love that feeling you get when you come back from a hard earned win, I GREATLY suggest starting a clan and getting your friends into competitive play.
This is more than a statement, or an advertisement, this is a plea. This game is too exceptional and skillful to let the competitive scene die so easily. If you've ever seen that lone marine in a public server who can dominate 4-5 charging skulks at him, and walk away untouched, and you wish that you too could perform such feats, get yourself into competitive play.
I'm sick and tired of seeing this game die more and more each season, and I want everyone in this community to help, whether you are poor, godlike, or just mildly skilled, you are welcome to clan play. There are currently two divisions in cal, one for Omega (beginner) teams, and the more advanced Delta (veteren) teams. I come from 3 seasons of Delta play, and I can say that each season has been excellent, and very exciting, and also that each season, more and more clans and exceptional players disappear, and I want you guys to help. The competitive scene once flourished, which is easily noticeable by the CAL team list page, (though 9-10 of those clans are inactive) and I want it to again.
Please consider, there is nothing to lose at all in creating a clan with 5 of your best friends, or best public players.
<a href='http://caleague.com/?division=nso' target='_blank'>http://caleague.com/?division=nso</a>
Natural Selection competitive play is dying, slowly but surely... Now hear me out if you are a player who has EVER considered clan/competitive play. If you are the type of player who typically owns a public server day in and day out... or if you are just a pubber who is a regular to a server, and knows the game inside and out... I would like to make a HUGE suggestion, and ask you to get 5 of your good friends that you play with online, and start a clan.
Natural Selection competitive play is the most intense, and extremely skilled playing in ANY game I've ever played, and I've played alot of games, from Quake III, to your basic RTS games, and NOTHING compares to the skill needed in the organized play of Natural Selection. There is NOTHING better than dominating your opponents last fade in a 6v6, with 100 spectators, ensuring that your team just won a half. There is no bigger rush that performing a succesful base rush at the beginning of the game, destroying the IP and dominating your opponent, once again with 100+ spectators.
If you think pubbing is exciting in any way, and you love that feeling you get when you come back from a hard earned win, I GREATLY suggest starting a clan and getting your friends into competitive play.
This is more than a statement, or an advertisement, this is a plea. This game is too exceptional and skillful to let the competitive scene die so easily. If you've ever seen that lone marine in a public server who can dominate 4-5 charging skulks at him, and walk away untouched, and you wish that you too could perform such feats, get yourself into competitive play.
I'm sick and tired of seeing this game die more and more each season, and I want everyone in this community to help, whether you are poor, godlike, or just mildly skilled, you are welcome to clan play. There are currently two divisions in cal, one for Omega (beginner) teams, and the more advanced Delta (veteren) teams. I come from 3 seasons of Delta play, and I can say that each season has been excellent, and very exciting, and also that each season, more and more clans and exceptional players disappear, and I want you guys to help. The competitive scene once flourished, which is easily noticeable by the CAL team list page, (though 9-10 of those clans are inactive) and I want it to again.
Please consider, there is nothing to lose at all in creating a clan with 5 of your best friends, or best public players.
<a href='http://caleague.com/?division=nso' target='_blank'>http://caleague.com/?division=nso</a>
This discussion has been closed.
Although the public face that people unfortunately remember is the 'jerk vet clanners', it's really not that way when you get involved. In my experience with it, the vast majority of the competitive community is a lot of friendly people who want to have fun with the game that they love by playing it at the fullest and most intese level at which it can be played. Many established clans are happy to loan out server usage to up-and-coming clans that are serious about the game.
So don't let the actions of a few loud and annoying people turn you off to the less-noticable majority. I encourage anyone with the slightest interest in it to give it a try. Just get a few people together, come up with a name, and go play some scrims. Don't be afraid to take on hard teams, and especially don't be afraid to ask questions after the match. People are always happy to give advice and help you improve. A thriving clan scene full of skilled teams is everyone's goal.
Im a pubber at heart...
I play for fun, i play for laughs, and i play for the thrill of playing... While i could get all that in clan play, i do not have the time, and i know my oddball extremely fun strats that i use to amuse my team to no end in pub play would not and will not work in the competitive world...
The closest i come to competitive play is Captains Night on the NSA server, but there we are still all looking for fun, and its great....
I dont see why the game NEEDS a clan scene so bad... i like to play for fun, and while its great that people out there want to make a living gaming, start leagues, and play professionally, its just not me... im in it for the laughs and for the fun. Im in it to know i can **** up ROYALLY and just have a few laughs from the people im playing with, knowing that oh well theres always next game..
I play NS because tis fun, and the few experiences ive had with competitive play (Aes had us do a competitive strat on a 6v6 once in captains night... we pwned royally both times) i dont like it, its structured, boring, and BORING BORING BORING..
Those who know me know im the kinda guy who will do whatever it takes to surprise the aliens, but in competitive play, that doesent work.....
Thanks, but ill stick to fun and games, because thats what NS is to me, a game... <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
For those who don't know what mIRC is, it is the most important tool for a competitive player. It is where people support your clan, where you get scrims, pugs, and basically make friends in the community.
<a href='http://mirc.com/' target='_blank'>http://mirc.com/</a>
<span style='color:white'>Be nice.</span>
I don't have the time to sharpen every possible skill required for this game to the level of you delta teams, let alone learn to refine teamsmanship to the levels also required. <span style='color:white'>Be nice.</span> The line between you and everyone else is miles wide. Why would I start a clan, assuming I could even find 5 other people at the level of game knowledge I'm at who I also got along with well enough and all had the prerequisite skill potentials, when people like you exist?
I don't play this game to get dominated into the ground. I play pubs because I've reached a comfortable skill level that lets me be a top player with less risk of feeling incompetent than clan play would ever allow me. I also play pubs because I'm just too damned busy for this silly little game. HOW much time do you want me to spend a week playing this? I need to eat too you know. It's not worth it to shoot to say ME AND MY TEAM ARE THE BEST (at this third party halflife mod videogame thing) when the effort it would take is too much too late.
Nobody is ever going to catch up to where the current top players are. That's why I don't mind that the scene is dying. SING IT WITH ME, THE CIIIIIIRCLE OF LIIIIIIFE~~(oHMMMuwum~)
I think somebody PMed me an invite to a clan but either it died or I completely forgot to idle in the IRC room. HAHAHA that's another thing, idling on IRC. What's THAT about? And what in the hell is Ventrilo? THIS HOBBY IS SO LAME NOW! I miss pubbing already. The only place I can go where my underachievement is viewed as someone else's overachievement. I can't even get THAT out of real life.
Pub All*s for Life. rep^ur-->self
Good luck to you guys.
1) When you're in a clan, you don't have to be the best. Most people in clans just play to... play in a clan and don't even want to be the first one day. You don't join a clan to be the best of the world, you join a clan to play NS with a team, and with everything that implies (better teamplay, some tactics, better communication... well better games). And clans that aim to be the best are just normal clans with normal players that just have ambitions, they still play for fun and don't spend 10 hrs/day on the game... they just want to get better and better, that's a challenge, and like someone stated, it's even more fun.
2) You don't need to spend your life on this game. You can even have a clan that only plays at saturday nights...
Me being in high school, i don't have alot of time to play NS during the weekdays. I invest most of my time reading or things of that nature. The point of this is that not everyone has enough time to clan play. If, however i was asked to clan during the summer, i would accept without a single doubt. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I do not understand the importance of clan play. I mean, who cares if u have a bunch of clans or a bunch of pubbers. The devs still have people playing their mod don't they?
Competitive play makes me really really nervous. And to make it worse, i play best at comm so i'm mostly responsible for alot of the teamwork >.< = more pressure for me!
<!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/nerd-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> <--WTH
Btw new siggy by MrRadicalEd ^_^
Althoug we're all pretty skillfull, we really play like **** as a team. And the com's kinda slow, but if I com, that's bad for the attacks...
Oh well, anyway I don't have all the time in the world to play. To beat the top clans I would need to play a lot more and know a lot more stuff about configs and get a better pc, better mouse, don't work at home, not have a girlfriend, etc.
If I need all that to be the best of the best, it's not worth it. I don't have 400$ for a better video card and 800$ for a new pc. I have a life and I have to build it and for a family too. And if I get negetive scores too often, I begin to feel bad about myself thinking I should be smarter etc. That usually makes me break stuff or beat myself up...
I don't do bad in clan play about 1:1, but still gets me down sometimes.
I'm mainly in music anyway.
But I understand why this tread was started, and it's good to see ppl wanna do something...but I'm kinda like swift idiot on many things. I'm comfortable with high end pub playing, and yes, it's there. But not at anytime and everywhere.
And a good pub community is as good as a good clan community, it's too seperated right now anyway!
I can remember my old clanning days in QWCA, where we just hung out on IRC. Sometimes, we got bored and scrimmed other clans. Of course, we had the occasional scheduled match, but other than a post on our website, for bragging rights of course, it wasn't really that much different from a scrim, and it was still fun. After all, we were all a bunch of laggy dialup players lobbing rockets at each other. Now, people have millions of rules and other nasty requirements to make it fair, especially with all the cheating accusations that fly around. Running a clan is probably almost as fun as paying your taxes.
I might be willing to join a clan that REFUSES to take part in any league play. I really tried to get into league play in AQ2, but good god people just get so **** and whiny about losing it really sucks the fun out of it. For some strange reason, CS seems to be perfectly suited for it though. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I can remember my old clanning days in QWCA, where we just hung out on IRC. Sometimes, we got bored and scrimmed other clans. Of course, we had the occasional scheduled match, but other than a post on our website, for bragging rights of course, it wasn't really that much different from a scrim, and it was still fun. After all, we were all a bunch of laggy dialup players lobbing rockets at each other. Now, people have millions of rules and other nasty requirements to make it fair, especially with all the cheating accusations that fly around. Running a clan is probably almost as fun as paying your taxes.
I might be willing to join a clan that REFUSES to take part in any league play. I really tried to get into league play in AQ2, but good god people just get so **** and whiny about losing it really sucks the fun out of it. For some strange reason, CS seems to be perfectly suited for it though. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
You played AQ2? Fourth (fifth) NS player that I've met that played AQ2. Myself, Skie, MrGunner, you, and Viper (saw him pubbing way back in 1.04 on his clan's server, forgot what that clan was, though).
posts like yours appearing in here every 4-6 months... i dont know..but i think this "omg competive play is dieing" pewp all the time is something like additional euthanasia.
there are really peoples out there reading that, spreading the word that ns is kinda dieing, and frighten off gamers new to that game. maybe many possible competiveplayers and clans looking for new games.... (ns? ive heard ns isnt competive..uhm..lets play this other new "team one is defusing bomb and rescuing hostages , and team two has to stop them" game.
at the moment the main reason for many gamers leaving, or not even start to play are some "elements" of the "active" ns community... its all about the attitude you have to this problem. this is just a friggen game, there are more important things than NS clanplay.
<!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
As for swift....there are 2 divisions for a reason. I generally try to move all the experienced clans to delta so that you omega teams can have more fun without getting your feet too wet in competative play. If you dont enjoy league play at least scrim sometimes.
Man viper was such a hacker.
Natural Selection competitive play is dying, slowly but surely... Now hear me out if you are a player who has EVER considered clan/competitive play. If you are the type of player who typically owns a public server day in and day out... or if you are just a pubber who is a regular to a server, and knows the game inside and out... I would like to make a HUGE suggestion, and ask you to get 5 of your good friends that you play with online, and start a clan.
Natural Selection competitive play is the most intense, and extremely skilled playing in ANY game I've ever played, and I've played alot of games, from Quake III, to your basic RTS games, and NOTHING compares to the skill needed in the organized play of Natural Selection. There is NOTHING better than dominating your opponents last fade in a 6v6, with 100 spectators, ensuring that your team just won a half. There is no bigger rush that performing a succesful base rush at the beginning of the game, destroying the IP and dominating your opponent, once again with 100+ spectators.
If you think pubbing is exciting in any way, and you love that feeling you get when you come back from a hard earned win, I GREATLY suggest starting a clan and getting your friends into competitive play.
This is more than a statement, or an advertisement, this is a plea. This game is too exceptional and skillful to let the competitive scene die so easily. If you've ever seen that lone marine in a public server who can dominate 4-5 charging skulks at him, and walk away untouched, and you wish that you too could perform such feats, get yourself into competitive play.
I'm sick and tired of seeing this game die more and more each season, and I want everyone in this community to help, whether you are poor, godlike, or just mildly skilled, you are welcome to clan play. There are currently two divisions in cal, one for Omega (beginner) teams, and the more advanced Delta (veteren) teams. I come from 3 seasons of Delta play, and I can say that each season has been excellent, and very exciting, and also that each season, more and more clans and exceptional players disappear, and I want you guys to help. The competitive scene once flourished, which is easily noticeable by the CAL team list page, (though 9-10 of those clans are inactive) and I want it to again.
Please consider, there is nothing to lose at all in creating a clan with 5 of your best friends, or best public players.
<a href='http://caleague.com/?division=nso' target='_blank'>http://caleague.com/?division=nso</a> <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That would be impossible for myself for i have no friends and secondly i don't exist
As for me, I suck too much, and dislike the general attitudes that pervade clanplay.
As for me, I suck too much, and dislike the general attitudes that pervade clanplay. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I actually think that it does. My opinion. I know a lot of players that have switched from competative ns to css (same stuff) and say it requires tons of more teamwork. I say so too (I have both cs and ns competative experience).
I dont want to discuss it since Ive discussed it before and come to the conclusion that ns players are to obesessed with NS > ALL to actually listen. NO flames k.
Playing NS competatively is a lot more fun, though.
I've been playing NS for a while, but prefer the pub scene because it's less cutthroat and people are more willing just to have fun.
Not for me, but I'm sure that it works for others.
I see cri. - I leave the game.
I see exi. - I leave the game.
<span style='color:white'>Be nice.</span> Not only that, but they always clan stack.
No, clanners deserve the reputation that they get. Your plea to revive the competitive community is falling on deaf ears. I'm standing around with the nails ready to put it in its coffin.
I've played NS comp. play
I've played HI comp. play
Every single one ends up being so stressful that I spend so much time playing trying to get "L337" that I don't do my homework. Then I fail a class. Then I get grounded. Then I get kicked out of the clan. Rinse Repeat.
Then there's the fact that all the clans I've been in have fell apart (seems to be a trend..heh).
Personally I feel CS is more Clan-orientated that NS. The reason why is simple: NS is <b>nowhere</b> near being a polished game. There are so many bugs/glitches and balancing issues. Same goes for Hostile-Intent.
edit: Not to mention most clans consider IRC idleing a must. Why the hell can't you just IM me on AIM? <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->