Help entry level clans

RisingSunRisingSun RisingCalifornia Join Date: 2004-04-19 Member: 28015Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
NS Competitive Community,

I stand before you a beaten and broken player. Team #156 attempted tournament play with no success. It wasnt just that we lost but how badly we lost. Internally we knew this would happen but we strived to not look at clan tags and play to the best of our ability. We knew for a fact we could not compete skill wise when it came to pure KDR. We adapted our strats to counter this but came up short in every way. On aliens (minus strange comm choices) we were defeated by mines. I think if mines had their own kills tallied they would have led and on Marine side we couldnt keep up 2 towers long enough to get past phase tech. No matter what cheese or safe strat we used it fell apart to the pure KDR discrepancy. Marines have ranged but when we even get close they have the mines to thwart us. When faced with overwhelming skulk packs we cant kill more than 1 before dying not to mention higher lifeforms.

So i pose this question to this wise community. Where is the strategy in NS2? What are the bottle necks and what changes could be made so entry level teams at least have a shot at winning when aiming isnt their strongest area?

In the end it is more of a L2P issue but consider this, when Arc uses 2-3 skulks to down a marine group no matter how big to help with the disadvantage what does a team of less skilled players do? We run around in a 4 player skulk pack but still have issues. There is already a division in skill and a ceiling exists that #156 has hit as casual gamers that i dont think we will be able to break through. No one likes to lose all the time no matter how humble or good natured my teammates are. Is strategy in NS2 dead or is it so inconsequential that being a good shot is all you need?

On a side note i'd like to thank the teams in the Razer Tourney for great games. All-in and Nor Cal have improved so much and it is always a pleasure to get stomped by Nxzl.


  • WildChickenWildChicken Join Date: 2004-08-25 Member: 30891Members, Constellation
    edited October 2012
    You're talking about "casual" players getting stomped in prize-awarding tournaments. Strategy isn't going to fundamentally subvert the FPS-aspect of the game to the point that bad players beat good players regularly.
    The fact that the NS2 comp scene is so limited in number of teams currently is an issue that will hopefully be alleviated with 1.0 (to see more teams at your level of skill, currently there's the top-of-the-line, the middle and then 1 or 2 teams at the lower end per region, if even that). The guys at the lower end get stomped in EU too.

    Strategy is still very important (just not very flexible at the moment).
  • RisingSunRisingSun Rising California Join Date: 2004-04-19 Member: 28015Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1999037:date=Oct 28 2012, 04:55 PM:name=WildChicken)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (WildChicken @ Oct 28 2012, 04:55 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1999037"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You're talking about "casual" players getting stomped in prize-awarding tournaments. Strategy isn't going to fundamentally subvert the FPS-aspect of the game to the point that bad players beat good players regularly.
    The fact that the NS2 comp scene is so limited in number of teams currently is an issue that will hopefully be alleviated with 1.0 (to see more teams at your level of skill, currently there's the top-of-the-line, the middle and then 1 or 2 teams at the lower end per region, if even that). The guys at the lower end get stomped in EU too.

    Strategy is still very important (just not very flexible at the moment).<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Very true. I would just like there to be a little more game play before such a decisive loss is assured.

    There is one part of competitive NS that is troubling and that is the Skulk Rush. It is a strategy that you might as well use since there are 0 down sides. With no RFK and no reason for skulks to do anything but attack we find as a lower ranked clan surviving that skulk rush is almost impossible. At least in NS, a skulk rush not only gave the other team res but cost you valuable time as rt/gorge or chamber placement.
  • TechercizerTechercizer 7th Player Join Date: 2011-06-11 Member: 103832Members
    In NS2, tactics are how you fight enemies where they are, and strategy is how you fight them were they are not. Strategy is still important here, but gaining a strategic advantage isn't as simple as quick-dropping a hive or expanding to RTs. I watched many of your fights, and I noticed that you guys tended to engage opponents on their terms more often than your own. In particular, your skulks loved to stick in the fight and get slaughtered instead of running away.

    Marines can't afford to put mines everywhere, and the ones they do place don't stand up well to attrition. They have to defend their westward expansion, east expansion, and base at every point in the game. You guys can pick and choose where to attack, but a lot of your alien play seemed like you were just splitting off your forces in repeated unsuccessful attempts to defend against marine expansion.

    Strategy is neither dead nor inconsequential in NS2, but it's at least as hard to perfect as being a good fighter.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    In my experience, strategy is really only relevant when the skill difference between the teams is not large. Most of the time, I can predict the outcome of a game just based on the known skill of the individual players. That largely means that you can get pretty far in competitive NS2 right now by just getting together a team of really good shooters/skulks.
  • GORGEousGORGEous Join Date: 2012-02-19 Member: 146762Members, NS2 Map Tester
    edited October 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=1999205:date=Oct 28 2012, 08:22 PM:name=ScardyBob)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ScardyBob @ Oct 28 2012, 08:22 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1999205"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->In my experience, strategy is really only relevant when the skill difference between the teams is not large. Most of the time, I can predict the outcome of a game just based on the known skill of the individual players. That largely means that you can get pretty far in competitive NS2 right now by just getting together a team of really good shooters/skulks.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Yeah, this is very true.

    In NS2 more so than in other games, I think that a smaller difference in skill provides more severe wins. I think this is due to the snowball effect. If you're noticeably better than your opponent in the early game then you carry that huge resource and territory advantage over into midgame. These in game advantages gained compound with the slight skill advantage and then you see the better team absolutely crush midgame.
  • FlipperFlipper Join Date: 2012-08-08 Member: 155120Members
    No matter how much strategy planning or w/e you use you have to be able to kill the opposing team to accomplish anything.

    I suggest long nights on combat servers practicing vanilla marine vs vanilla skulks.

    We (nc) scrimmed nxzl or inversion almost every night, and still do. And still they handle us pretty easily. Its practice practice practice.
  • antacidantacid Join Date: 2007-08-07 Member: 61821Members, NS2 Playtester
    Skill ceiling is too high in NS2 for bad players to beat good ones with strategy alone.
  • YuukiYuuki Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75079Members
    Maybe the strategic skill ceiling is too low (if existent). Maybe team 156 strategy wasn't so good, I don't know.

    Reminds me of this game in which dear won against flash just by outsmarting him:

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • frogfrog Join Date: 2012-10-17 Member: 162551Members
    edited October 2012
    Hugh always says, "Kills don't win games". And that's true enough. But one should never forget that other centuries-old adage, "Not getting kills doesn't win games either."

    I think it's really unfair to say that strategy may be dead in NS2 because "the best of the best are better than most". Any kind of competitive game, whether IRL or !IRL, is broken up into skill tiers. When me and a couple guys I kinda know from the bar go play a round of (American) football, there is absolutely no reason to think we're going to stand a chance against the New England Patriots. They won't even have to employ basic strategy against us, because they can all throw/catch/punt/run/tackle/etc better than us. But that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with football, or, as it were, NS2. That's the nature of competitive play. I don't mean to sound belittling here--trust me, when I get a K:D ratio of anywhere NEAR 1:1 against vets, I feel like I won the game.

    Strategy in a repetitive, no-cost environment, is a variable that can help tip the scales, but it will only tip them so far. If you play against people of your own skill level, strategy will play a huge role; if you play against a team that totally out-classes you, it ain't gonna happen.

    So what should we do? Have fun! If you don't enjoy playing against teams that consistently wipe the floor with you, well, play against someone else!
  • RisingSunRisingSun Rising California Join Date: 2004-04-19 Member: 28015Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1999738:date=Oct 29 2012, 12:19 PM:name=frog)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (frog @ Oct 29 2012, 12:19 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1999738"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hugh always says, "Kills don't win games". And that's true enough. But one should never forget that other centuries-old adage, "Not getting kills doesn't win games either."

    I think it's really unfair to say that strategy may be dead in NS2 because "the best of the best are better than most". Any kind of competitive game, whether IRL or !IRL, is broken up into skill tiers. When me and a couple guys I kinda know from the bar go play a round of (American) football, there is absolutely no reason to think we're going to stand a chance against the New England Patriots. They won't even have to employ basic strategy against us, because they can all throw/catch/punt/run/tackle/etc better than us. But that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with football, or, as it were, NS2. That's the nature of competitive play. I don't mean to sound belittling here--trust me, when I get a K:D ratio of anywhere NEAR 1:1 against vets, I feel like I won the game.

    Strategy in a repetitive, no-cost environment, is a variable that can help tip the scales, but it will only tip them so far. If you play against people of your own skill level, strategy will play a huge role; if you play against a team that totally out-classes you, it ain't gonna happen.

    So what should we do? Have fun! If you don't enjoy playing against teams that consistently wipe the floor with you, well, play against someone else!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Good point though i think football is a different ballpark, though i get your meaning. Your last sentence is what is impossible at the moment. Waiting for release will help this and hopefully an actual league will spring up.

    Thank you for all the insight guys and keeping it professional =) I know we "suck" at the moment and you all didnt rub our nose in it. It is appreciated.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1999657:date=Oct 29 2012, 04:05 AM:name=Yuuki)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Yuuki @ Oct 29 2012, 04:05 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1999657"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Maybe the strategic skill ceiling is too low (if existent). Maybe team 156 strategy wasn't so good, I don't know.

    Reminds me of this game in which dear won against flash just by outsmarting him:

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I find its more that strategy execution is heavily dependent on individual skill (primarily shooting and skulking). Doesn't matter if we have the most amazing strategy ever, if we're losing the 2v1 or 4v2 matchups we're simply done.
  • frogfrog Join Date: 2012-10-17 Member: 162551Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2000034:date=Oct 29 2012, 07:41 PM:name=RisingSun)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (RisingSun @ Oct 29 2012, 07:41 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2000034"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->i think football is a different ballpark<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Intentional pun? I hope so, I got the giggles :D
  • AngeluszAngelusz Harmonic entropist Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18072Members, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester
    I think the problem here, is that FPS-skills are to some extent <b>required</b> to execute tactics. For instance if you choose to take and hold a certain choke point or tech point in the game, you need to be able to defend it. If you lose all or most of the fights, you'll get pushed back from anywhere you go. I know this by experience, as I'm a fairly good tactician, but an awful (read: mediocre) FPS player.

    Strategy comes into play as a major deciding factor, when the FPS-skill levels are not too far apart.

    So I'd say, hang on till a while after 1.0; I'm fairly confident some more teams will show up, as NS2 will be available to even more people then.
  • YuukiYuuki Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75079Members
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I think the problem here, is that FPS-skills are to some extent required to execute tactics.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I don't really think this is the problem, in starcraft you also require strong mechanics in order to implement your strategy. It's more that the strategic depth is to shallow, that the strategic skill ceiling is to low.
    As an illustration consider team A and team B. Team A is two times better at mechanics but team B in 100 times better than team A at strategy. Who wins?
    Team A, because there is nothing like being 100 better at strategy in NS2, you can only be like 1.5 times better at max. I'm exaggerating a bit but you get the point.

    There's several factors that undermine strategic depth in NS2, that have been discussed here and there on these forums.

    Anyway, improving it would probably not solve RisingSun problem as team that are better at mechanics are usually also better at strategy. Bigger community with release is more likely to help.
  • TechercizerTechercizer 7th Player Join Date: 2011-06-11 Member: 103832Members
    In that case, Yuuki, Team B would probably Skulk Rush Team A to victory :3. 6 Enzymed Skulks can take out the Obs at a terrifying speed.
  • WildChickenWildChicken Join Date: 2004-08-25 Member: 30891Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=2001367:date=Oct 30 2012, 10:06 PM:name=Techercizer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Techercizer @ Oct 30 2012, 10:06 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2001367"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->In that case, Yuuki, Team B would probably Skulk Rush Team A to victory :3. 6 Enzymed Skulks can take out the Obs at a terrifying speed.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    You must be some sort of RTS God, getting 6 enzymed skulks on an obs (that is supposedly in the marine base) in a competitive match :p
  • TechercizerTechercizer 7th Player Join Date: 2011-06-11 Member: 103832Members
    edited October 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2001380:date=Oct 30 2012, 04:29 PM:name=WildChicken)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (WildChicken @ Oct 30 2012, 04:29 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2001380"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You must be some sort of RTS God, getting 6 enzymed skulks on an obs (that is supposedly in the marine base) in a competitive match :p<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    7v7, baby! We need to make it happen!

    In 6v6, you just have to drop a hive over the enemy CC to trigger the Enzyme from. :3
  • AlregardAlregard Join Date: 2012-08-30 Member: 156903Members
    I watched the games of #156 at blindns streamsite. You can clearly hear and see, the shooting skills are too different.

    Work on your own strategy, try your best and soon you will find more clans on the same level as you. Thats the time where you can actually see, if a strategyis working or not. I personally felt a bit sorry for you guys =(. Was no fun seeing all the stomps in every fight.

    Good luck
  • bHackbHack Join Date: 2010-03-23 Member: 71059Members
    if you look back at season1 and season2 of ensl (and may be even at ESL, but I can't get those details now...) you will see that in S1 there were 6 divisions, 6 teams each. Than in s2 there were 4 divisions...
    You have to get many clans to compete between each other so each of them gets their proper opponent skill wise.
    Eventually all this will happen.
  • MinstrelJCFMinstrelJCF Join Date: 2009-05-10 Member: 67379Members
    Bigger community = more teams closer to your skill level, so you can find teams that are only slightly stronger than your own and play them to improve.
  • BacillusBacillus Join Date: 2006-11-02 Member: 58241Members
    As for improving your play in very general level:

    Playing as an occassional ringer/mercenary for higher end teams can probably help quite a bit, especially right now when there's no NS2TV system around. Pay attention to how experienced players communicate, what kind of ingame timings they hit and so on. Then relate that experience to how your own team plays. The same goes obviously for gathers also, but you have to be a bit more picky on where you choose to take your influences.

    Of course it's not always a good idea to stubborly copy and replicate the play of the high level teams - both because all the teams still have their own flaws at this point and also because your team might not have the way of execution required for something to work. However, sometimes blindly mimicing things even if you don't understand them can still be very beneficial. Often the mimicry still retains the benefits and you're able to see the reasoning as it shows up in the game itself.
  • swalkswalk Say hello to my little friend. Join Date: 2011-01-20 Member: 78384Members, Squad Five Blue
    Thought I would post a few thoughts.
    First off, as others say, being able to combat your opponents is needed, at least to some extend.
    To make your chances better as a marine, you can camp near a resnode, or something similar.
    Wait for the skulk(s) to begin biting it. They will be near stationary targets when you pop out to kill them, and your aiming skills won't matter as much in that engagement.
    I would recommend you to try mines first, and have your team place them all over vents, resnodes, base, phase gates etc.
    Mines are very strong in the early game, and can hog you many kills. However, they are rather weak once lifeforms comes out.
    Lerk can snipe them, fade easily trigger them, onos don't care.
    That's my two cents for you. Hope you find it useful.
  • ForlornHopeForlornHope Join Date: 2003-08-01 Member: 18675Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    edited October 2012
    I agree about mines. I nag pub coms constantly to research them at the start of games as I know that it'll help thwart base rushes, free up the team, save structures further out (i.e. phases, rts. e.g. vents at Topographical/Skylight) and give rines a better chance of reaching destinations and hold them while enough res is gathered to lock them down. As long as you place them in good spots, they easily cover their cost.
  • GlissGliss Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14800Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    watch the replays of your games. this helps so much. if they were casted or streamed, listen to what the casters are saying, see if you agree with it. after every fight, ask yourself "what are we trying to do here", "what should we be trying to do?" "why didn't we do it?" if you did, "why did it fail?" this is just extremely broad general advice that can be applied to any competitive environment, which will help you improve dramatically by finding areas to focus on. you can ask the same questions of yourself for individual play, "what am <i>I</i> trying to do?" etc.

    as far as NS-specific advice, it just plays so differently from a public server, so there are a lot of things to work on at once. alien play is much more passive and teamwork-based. there's the concept of drawing fire (which I've hardly seen any team do except for the EU teams) instead of just suiciding your skulks into a room. there's a lot more hit and run involved. just keep playing, and slowly you will learn to separate "pub-play" from "comp-play".

    for example, in pubs I rarely ever spore as a lerk just because it's more satisfying to attempt to outmaneuver the mooks by going in for bites. in a scrim, I don't think I've ever tried to engage a shotgun directly, and if I have, I'm almost certain it should have resulted in a death every time. you will get a sense for how "in danger" you are, but not until you just keep playing :P

    finally, individual skill. as you said, all these concepts are completely thrown out the window when teams can 2v4 you skulk vs. marine. however, this shouldn't be seen as a wall of any sort. aim can be improved upon just as much as your strategies and tactics can, just ask Bitey.
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