Marine Commander Quiz
Join Date: 2013-01-31 Member: 182695Members

NS2 Marine Commander Quiz
By Medic Grant
(Ver1.2)(Open for more suggestions or scenarios)
Thanks to Locklear, Ghosthree3
Answer all questions or scenarios to the best of your ability. Treat all scenarios as if the teams were 10 VS 10. All players are mediocre in skill level. There is no right or wrong answer. For scenarios please explain why you chose your answer. This quiz is for research and insite. Be open minded to others opinions. Do not pimp slap someone because you don't agree with his strategy. Please excuse any typos or spelling errors.
1. A team of two arrived at a empty base. This base is one of the two closest near your starting base. Power is established. Time is early stage of the round. You have 15 res. What building would you drop.
A. Extractor
B. Phase Gate
C. Armory
D. Command Center.
E. Other
2. In NS_Docking, your starting base is Terminal. Aliens starting base is Departure. What base will be crucial and practical in establishing a secondary base?
A. Cafeteria
B. Locker Room
C. Generator
D. None of the above
3. You have problems maintaining one particular extractor. Every time this extractor is fully built a skulk will come in and destroy it a minute later. It is not a significant run to the extractor from the nearest phase gate. This extractor is well into marine territory. Time is middle stage of the round. You have 3 res income without this specific extractor. What will help detour the alien from destroying it next time.
A. Research Jetpacks for fast mobility and response
B. Place a phase gate near the extractor
C. Research Sentries and placing them.
D. Resource node not worth keeping.
E. Other
4. In NS_Viel the enemy main hive is in Pipeline. The round just started. What area of the map would you emphasized your team on getting first.
A. Sub-Sector
B. Cargo
C. Nanogrid
D. C-12
E. Other
5. You command your army to advance into a fully defensive enemy base from an establish marine base. This is the aliens 2nd hive. You noticed that your forces is being picked off one by one at the entrance of the enemy base. On your minimap you see your forces going in a single file line from the marine base to the alien base. You have limited resources where you can only do one of the follow choices. What course of action would you do FIRST to help your team advance.
A. Establish a forward base with an armory and phase gate
B. Upgrade armor and weapons
C. Research grenade launchers
D. Save for Arcs
E. Other
6. You noticed that your 3rd established base is being overrun by majority of the enemy team. You have the option to beaconing to that base. Power is being attacked. Phase gate is down. You have 3-4 Duals exos and 2 jet packers with welders standing by at a forward base near a enemy hive. Rest of your team scattered doing other tasks. What would you command your troops to do.
A. Command your team to march into the enemy base.
B. Divert your troops from the forward base to defend and reclaim the 3rd base.
C. Beacon your troops.
D. Other.
7. You just started a round in NS_tram. Your starting base is shipping and the enemy base is in Warehouse. A marine happen to run straight to Server Room without incident. Phase gate tech finished researching. The marine is asking for a phase gate. You have not established a secondary base. What would you do?
A. Place a phase gate in Server room.
B. Divert marine to claiming Elevator Transfer.
C. Divert marine to enemy base to kill off eggs or other important structures.
D. Have the marine hide in server until his services are needed.
E. Other
8. All commanders have different starting build sequence. The game gives one extractor and 50 res in the beginning. What 5 buildings and/or tech would you do in order. Explain why your sequence is prefer.
9. In ns_mineshaft the game starts you in Operation. Aliens in Sorting. Time is in the middle stage in the round. Aliens has taken cave as a secondary hive and currently building one in deposit. You have repair as a 2nd base. You are currently building a protos. All Upgrades are level 3. Income is 6 res per interval. Aliens have successfully defend your troops from entering deposit. Aliens have not gone offensive on gap. Both central drilling res nodes are yours and you do have a forward base establish in central, however majority of the aliens are continuously attacking the center of the map where most of your troops are defending off. You are slowly losing central, due to aliens number of advance evolutions. By some sort of luck a marine was able to walked into cave without incident and has establish power for you. At this time what would be priority. (you are not allow to ARC deposit from central,
lets make it hard)
A. Continue on holding Central Drilling the best of your troops ability until jetpacks and exos are done researching
B. Shift focus on attacking Deposit before they established a 3rd hive
C. Surprise attack on Cave with Beacon and Phase gate.
D. Other.
10. Besides phase tech or welders. What first tier tech do you prefer to research first.
A. Armor
B. Weapon
C. Shotgun
D. Mines
By Medic Grant
(Ver1.2)(Open for more suggestions or scenarios)
Thanks to Locklear, Ghosthree3
Answer all questions or scenarios to the best of your ability. Treat all scenarios as if the teams were 10 VS 10. All players are mediocre in skill level. There is no right or wrong answer. For scenarios please explain why you chose your answer. This quiz is for research and insite. Be open minded to others opinions. Do not pimp slap someone because you don't agree with his strategy. Please excuse any typos or spelling errors.
1. A team of two arrived at a empty base. This base is one of the two closest near your starting base. Power is established. Time is early stage of the round. You have 15 res. What building would you drop.
A. Extractor
B. Phase Gate
C. Armory
D. Command Center.
E. Other
2. In NS_Docking, your starting base is Terminal. Aliens starting base is Departure. What base will be crucial and practical in establishing a secondary base?
A. Cafeteria
B. Locker Room
C. Generator
D. None of the above
3. You have problems maintaining one particular extractor. Every time this extractor is fully built a skulk will come in and destroy it a minute later. It is not a significant run to the extractor from the nearest phase gate. This extractor is well into marine territory. Time is middle stage of the round. You have 3 res income without this specific extractor. What will help detour the alien from destroying it next time.
A. Research Jetpacks for fast mobility and response
B. Place a phase gate near the extractor
C. Research Sentries and placing them.
D. Resource node not worth keeping.
E. Other
4. In NS_Viel the enemy main hive is in Pipeline. The round just started. What area of the map would you emphasized your team on getting first.
A. Sub-Sector
B. Cargo
C. Nanogrid
D. C-12
E. Other
5. You command your army to advance into a fully defensive enemy base from an establish marine base. This is the aliens 2nd hive. You noticed that your forces is being picked off one by one at the entrance of the enemy base. On your minimap you see your forces going in a single file line from the marine base to the alien base. You have limited resources where you can only do one of the follow choices. What course of action would you do FIRST to help your team advance.
A. Establish a forward base with an armory and phase gate
B. Upgrade armor and weapons
C. Research grenade launchers
D. Save for Arcs
E. Other
6. You noticed that your 3rd established base is being overrun by majority of the enemy team. You have the option to beaconing to that base. Power is being attacked. Phase gate is down. You have 3-4 Duals exos and 2 jet packers with welders standing by at a forward base near a enemy hive. Rest of your team scattered doing other tasks. What would you command your troops to do.
A. Command your team to march into the enemy base.
B. Divert your troops from the forward base to defend and reclaim the 3rd base.
C. Beacon your troops.
D. Other.
7. You just started a round in NS_tram. Your starting base is shipping and the enemy base is in Warehouse. A marine happen to run straight to Server Room without incident. Phase gate tech finished researching. The marine is asking for a phase gate. You have not established a secondary base. What would you do?
A. Place a phase gate in Server room.
B. Divert marine to claiming Elevator Transfer.
C. Divert marine to enemy base to kill off eggs or other important structures.
D. Have the marine hide in server until his services are needed.
E. Other
8. All commanders have different starting build sequence. The game gives one extractor and 50 res in the beginning. What 5 buildings and/or tech would you do in order. Explain why your sequence is prefer.
9. In ns_mineshaft the game starts you in Operation. Aliens in Sorting. Time is in the middle stage in the round. Aliens has taken cave as a secondary hive and currently building one in deposit. You have repair as a 2nd base. You are currently building a protos. All Upgrades are level 3. Income is 6 res per interval. Aliens have successfully defend your troops from entering deposit. Aliens have not gone offensive on gap. Both central drilling res nodes are yours and you do have a forward base establish in central, however majority of the aliens are continuously attacking the center of the map where most of your troops are defending off. You are slowly losing central, due to aliens number of advance evolutions. By some sort of luck a marine was able to walked into cave without incident and has establish power for you. At this time what would be priority. (you are not allow to ARC deposit from central,

A. Continue on holding Central Drilling the best of your troops ability until jetpacks and exos are done researching
B. Shift focus on attacking Deposit before they established a 3rd hive
C. Surprise attack on Cave with Beacon and Phase gate.
D. Other.
10. Besides phase tech or welders. What first tier tech do you prefer to research first.
A. Armor
B. Weapon
C. Shotgun
D. Mines
2. Locker Room - As long as you aren't stupid, gives you cafe by default and stops aliens getting their three hives. Also easier to hold than generator.
3. Other - Research mines and dedicate someone to phase gate duty, should be close enough to stop the skulk if they evade the mines.
4. Cargo - Secure Cargo and you've already won the game, the aliens can't expand anywhere, even nano.
5. Establish a forward base with an armory and phase gate - Lets the marines poor into their base over and over again, eventually you'll get through if they aren't totally incompetent.
6. Command your team to march into the enemy base - If you have three bases, they have at most two. Killing the one you're at should be quick if all the aliens are in your third base, that leaves one hive that you should be able to roll into after the one you just killed. (Note: Why don't you have 1-2 people defending your bases via phase gates) (Note2: Why do you have so many exos)
7. Place a phase gate in Server room - Phase gate close to the enemy base, stopping them expanding one way? Yes please. (Also it's NS2_Tram)
8. Armory->2RT's->Obs - Armory is obvious, opens most other tech, RT's let your team quickly expand then move on, Obs ready for phase/beacon.
9. All areas offer cover to the aliens which can allow your team to be rushed, egg lock or stand very far back while shooting the hive down.
10. Mines - Firstly I don't EVER research welders quickly, nothing to weld, that's just dumb. Mines stop rushes and let you hold areas much more easily, so when Phase Gates come you can mine them up and they'll be secure.
1. B; phase gate
2. B; Locker Room/Bar is always nice to have
3. A; jetpacks - otherwise D if jetpacks already researched
4. A; sub-sector
5. A; phase gate/armory if they aren't dying horribly, else save for ARCs
6. A; after their major hive is down we can reclaim the third.
7. A; sneaky phase gates FTW
8. Extractor/Armory/Infantry Portal. Hope that your team doesn't suck while the phase gate tech comes in a bit later.
9. It's wide open, shoot from a distance.
10. A; armor
This is an exercise of adaptation by using other players tactics. There is no right or wrong answer. I allow people to explain why they chose these answers.
I never found mines to be useful, but having someones input like Ghosthree3 gives me a 2nd thought on using mines. Learning the pros and cons of each tactics allows more options for someone who wishes to study.
This thread is an open discussion you are allow to put in "what if"
Marines are attacking the hive.
Thanks for the heads up on the typo.
2. B
3. A or D
4. E - System Waypointing, so you can control Sub-Sector, and harass Nano AND Cargo.
5. Armory/Phase gate.
6. A
7. Is there a phase gate in Shipping?
8. Armoury, Mines, Observatory, Extractor, Extractor, and then either Phase or Armoury(Map depending).
9. What similar features? There's some height advantage, and cover behind things in each room, but all the rooms are pretty dissimilar.
10. Mines.
Some of these are decent questions.. but others are pretty general questions and don't include many circumstances.
This kind of thing is pretty nice though if you wanted to educate commanders to make the correct decisions on the basic occurrences every time.
2. B
3. C if open enough to kill before they can hide behind extractor otherwise mines
4. B
5. A then D if they still can not advance
6. A and order all scattered units back to 3rd base if attack group is doing well
7. A
8. Res, Res, Res, Amory, obs ->your team gets res now you got it so tech to phase tech then upgrades if problems adjust build order accordingly
9. All are difficult to actually move into due to size and thus should be attacked from a ranged position outside of the hive location to establish choke point.
10. B
I just thought I would jump in to correct a common pub mistake.
In the situation described, marines in terminal, aliens in departures. the best places to get a phase gate in order of strength are:
1.Generator: If you hold gen, when they start in departures, you win. Seriously. The game is over.
You will easily hold 4+ extractors and 3 tech points to their 2 harvesters, and single hive. This can be tricky to do because gen is close to their spawn but will result in a win if you can do it. This is true of basically any close spawns start on any map. If you spawn close to the alien's starting hive, if you capture the 'cross' spawn tech point, you will be very likely to win the round because you prevent any kind of alien expansion. (this may not be possible to do if the aliens are good or if they drop an early hive / shift)
2. Ball Court / Maintenance : This is a good second choice. lets you exert a lot of map control, pressure generator, hold locker, and maintenance for good res flow. Still far enough away from alien spawn that it isn't too hard to get early game. Generally this is a more realistic option because you are actually pretty close equally spaced from your spawn and the alien spawn. In most maps there is some good choke point between the tech point close to you, and the tech point close to the aliens when the game is a close spawns start. Go for this choke point. Other examples are Summit Reception, and Reactor on Summit, and Messenine on Tram.
3. Locker Room / Bar: This is the last resort. If you can't get a foot hold in a more meaningful place, you take what you can get at Locker Room. At this point you are turtling and playing passively. This position makes it hard to have any good aggression and pressure, but it will keep you in the game. IE you won't win with this gate, but you won't lose either. You are rolling the dice that you will some how win the res war and out tech the aliens.
Any other gate on the map is probably not worth placing in this starting situation.
Generator is the obvious choice, but with all marines being equal(ly retarded), Locker Room is the safe choice.
And I would argue, that this is too passive. You should at least try for Maintenance. It makes a huge difference. Most pub marine loses I see, are lost from 'under playing.' Public game marines tend to under reach, not grab enough. I probably only see 1 game in 50 that marines lose from over extending with their phase gate placement. I think 20-30 games in 50 are lost from conservative play.
Push for the aggressive gate. If you can't get it, take a more defensive one.
Placing a gate in locker rooms, is admitting defeat in the early game, with out every fighting for it.
1. Extractor. This is a natural resource tower which as Marines you should hold the entirety of the game leading up to a victory.
2. Locker Rooms. Cafeteria is a given to control and to best prevent the alien team from winning you must definitely deny the 3rd Hive which would have to be Locker Rooms in that situation.
3. Other. You have Marines patrol that zone as they make pushes in order to recapture/defend. Think of Marines prior to phase tech as a conveyor belt. If you have Marines constantly flowing through the map to attack/defend from your base especially if it's going through your territory you will naturally defend these zones as you move through to make attacks. Obviously aliens can wait for Marine patrols to pass by but this significantly lowers the amount of times an RT can be easily attacked. (additionally if Marines end up being successful in the attack it is usually worth the trade)
The most advanced way to defend your resource towers is to put your Marines between your controlled area and the most obvious lane of attack from the Alien Hive. Chasing the skulks from other areas is the "noob" way to defend your extractors. And should only be done as a last resort due to the current positioning in the situation.
4. Other. System Waypointing gives you control over the entire west side of the map as well as the ability to defend NanoGrid and strike into Cargo. It is the most favorable room to fight in for Marines and also serves as a choke point for Marine control.
Assuming the Alien team is decent, going for anything else after the first few engagements would be greedy/unrealistic.
5. Other. Those other answers are too specific without conveying enough information about the situation. Assess the situation. If you provide commander support (medpacks/ammo/nanoshields) will it be good use of your resources? (usually this is all it takes to help good marines break through) are they only being fragged due to being wittled away because of no support or are they being steam rolled? ... or if not then place an Armory and/or Phase Gate to make the push more sustained and eventually if the Marines can not break the Hive with conventional weapons follow up with ARCs.
6. Trade your 3rd Base for the Alien's 2nd Hive and then continue the push into their last hive before the hive is grown in your 3rd base. As long as you split your forces with enough to hold off any small base rushes to your main base you should be able to use the attack on your 3rd base to quickly decimate the 2nd Hive and rally for the final assault on the Main/Last hive. But this is also dependent on the enemy forces as well. There are many factors you have left out in this question.
7. NS2_Tram* You should attempt a phase gate in server room to block the aliens into expanding into Repair room which would be the most ideal. Obviously you would use a scan to allow the Marine to be aware of what is nearby while building. If not send more Marines to back him up in this endeavor. Blocking the favorable expansion with an early phase gate is certainly a good choice.
8. It is map dependent and dependent on the situation as well.
9. Friendly to Jetpacks.
10. Mines are most effective in the early stages of the game as the ways to destroy them or avoid them are much less common as well as what they need to counter is most common. (flanks from vents/rooms, base rushes, extractor hits through vents/flanks)
2. Locker Room - Cafeteria is a default. Its pretty much given to you early in the game. I consider it a res room than a base. However if push comes to shove and I really need to get a protos I will uses cafe because it's right there next to terminal.
3. Mines "Other" - After reviewing ghost response. I realized that mines are one of the best choices. Because marines uses their res instead of mine. What ever res I'm not using to defend a res node is money that can research passive upgrades that the army can uses like weapons or armor.
4. Nano - I find it easier to win viel with nanogrid. The other res nodes are easy to respond to because its near the main base. If the aliens don't get res from nano they loss a huge advantage. After that I will establish a 2nd base that further away from the aliens main.
5. Establish a forward base - Makes the going in one by one thing go away. Eliminate travel then you eliminate single file line.
6. Command your team to march into the enemy base - You just need 2 bases to have protos available. If they eliminate the 3rd, protos won't be down. Take down a hive you take down more upgrades for the enemy.
7. Divert - I'm not comfortable in having a liability. If focus was to put on making a base in server without having elevator transfer it leaves server room wide open to attacks on the phase gate or power. Once either goes down then the base is free to get ravaged while I have no proxy base to have marines to respond from. Its like trying to defend an island with slow boats.
8. Armory, Obs, Phase, res, res - early phase and res is always vital to a good game.
9. All have cliffs or something to stand on high ceilings. With a jet pack and GL I can do a lot of hopping around and damage on structures. Air supremacy.
10. Armor - Marine die to fast.
I agree that certain choices will ensure victory such as holding generator or cargo. However high rewards have high risks. If you hold the alien's second tech point you'll be damn sure they'll fight the best they can for it.
Then there are low risk low reward choices.
I've played under this one comm who would make us rush to a high risk location, drop an armory with mines already researched. Mine field. Profit.
Sounds like something I would make pubbies do instead of playing into their want for instant phase gates :P
2. B. Locker Rooms
3. E. Other
4. B. Cargo
5. A. Establish a forward base with an armory and phase gate
6. A. Command your team to march into the enemy base.
7. A. Place a phase gate in Server room.
8. 5 extractors
9. This is your opinion and to me these bases have nothing really all that particular in common. 3 of them, are in very open rooms which can be shot far away with rifles.
10. Mines
2)B: Locker room, denies expansion
3)E: Mines, Are pretty much 1 guaranteed harass denial (per mine)
4)C: NANO, it is near impossible to win veil w/o nano
5)D: A seems like a good idea, but with an arc train they aren't distracted by trying to kill every structure they see, let them focus on the aliens and let the arc's do the damage
6) C: Hopefully 4 exo's can defend each other until reinforcements arrive
7) A: Phase for constant pressure
8) N/A: Not enough comm experience to say with alacrity
9) N/A: I know what they are but I don't know them like I do with other map in other games CTF 2fort & turbine in TF2.
10) A: +66% (30->50 or +20 if i'm right) armor is a nice buff, and it'd not as much affected by l2p as say, weapons or shotgun. (that damage doesn't mean anything if you guys can't aim)
I agree but with average competency I would say Ball Court is where the phase should go, the choke point from maintenance should make it a little easier to defend for marines with crummier aim but it still denies aliens Maintenance. Honestly if your team is good enough to hold maintenance it is probably worth pushing stability instead.
2. Locker room. Cafeteria is a given with any alien spawn other than Locker Room, pretty much, and with a Departures start point, no right-minded alien commander is thinking to themselves "we need to secure cafeteria!" Generator would be too hard to secure with any competent alien team.
3. Other: Nano-shield that sucker, and instruct the nearest marine to rush there and defend it. Tell them to buy a welder and weld it back up to 100%. Nothing deters a skulk more than them getting killed and watching the marines simply weld the extractor back to full health, completely negating all that effort put forth by the skulk. They will most certainly be deterred from attempting that move again solo.
4. Pre-238, I would have gone with a phase gate in y-junction, for easy access to both cargo and nano grid, cutting aliens off from the left side of the map. Now with the "shutters" over the vents in nano, making bile bomb a non-threat, I'd have to go with rushing nano first since aliens will have a hard time getting cysts there in time. Haven't tried being commander on veil yet with 238.
5. Forward base with phase gate and armory. Nothing seems to be more effective at pushing a hive with pure marines than an armory plus phase gate. Nades are a resource sink that are easily countered with whips. Arcs will die quickly to bile bomb if they're not guarded exceptionally well, so you need to be able to keep sending marines to that location. AKA phase gate!
6. Attack the enemy base and recycle that 3rd base. You only need a second comm chair to get everything you need, so the 3rd is just a deterrent to keep the aliens from getting hive 3 abilities. Since you have exos about to attack a hive, beaconing away the welders will make them too vulnerable. Kill the hive ASAP and build it up. Marines can secure a location far faster than aliens. In addition, you might get lucky and kill a few upgrade structures. At the very least, you'll just exchange tech points. If you beacon, you run the risk of losing not only your exos, but the jetpackers who got beaconed, as well. Bad idea to split up your forces like that.
7. Hide the marine. Try and build the power first without getting caught. Wait for the hive to get dropped, and then spring a phase gate to snipe it down.
8. 3 resource extractors right off the bat, which is 30 res. I'd send marines in two different directions to claim the nearest two. By that point, there should be some interaction with aliens to know where they spawned so I can plan which tech point to secure. Then I'd build the next RT along that path. After that, it's time for the armory + observatory at base, which will cost 25, so I'd have to wait a few tics to get that. As soon as res is available, 2nd IP, and onward from there.
9. Sounds like a rhetorical question.
10. Armor before welders. Phase tech first, then armor 1, then weapons 1, then welders, mines, etc.
I can see the advantages in phase gating maintenance or ball court first early game. However I see more vulnerability for locker room to be attacked from court yard. If you have locker room established then can't you move forward to ballcourt and maintenance. It's only right next door. I agree that PG locker room makes the game longer, but it gives me instant response to the room. I also won plenty of rounds by establishing locker room and keeping maintenance away from aliens.
This is a competency issue. Not all players are vigilant to things that is going on in the map. So if locker room was getting hit and people in maintenance are busy defending off that position, what prevents them from getting flanked later after locker room is taken down.
I'm passive when playing marine, but opportunistic when playing as aliens. I would take advantage of cracks in armor like leaving locker room with no immediate responding aid.
Ooo I like that. I always forget nano shield. As a skulk I tend to find vulnerable res nodes. I do rage when marines are vigilant and kill me on the spot before I get the extractor down.