Reserved slots on Tactical Gamer and Voogru



  • pricelinenegotiatorpricelinenegotiator Join Date: 2013-02-12 Member: 183005Members
    Kalabalana wrote: »
    This is an open forum, and I believe I was speaking on topic. I spoke both of good and bad experiences, not exclusively one over the other. I wonder if all the people flagging my posts as trolling are part of a group of some sort...

    Of course this is an open forum! This is also a thread created to discuss the server slot system and how it is incorrectly displayed on the server browser. The OP states that. What you are doing is creating off-topic discussion by talking about the members of our server. You are welcome to make another thread to discuss that on this forum or the TG forum. If you absolutely believe there is an issue, please try to contact us at our forum ( and we will try to resolve it. In fact, I implore you to visit our forums and introduce yourself. We are more than willing to welcome you and discuss any issues.

    There is no one conspiring in the TG community to flag your posts, as that is what you are alluding to. There is simply no one present to do that on our forums or on our TS. You can check for yourself. If you were to continue on off-topic discussion, then the flagging would be entirely appropriate.
  • SolaritySolarity Join Date: 2012-11-13 Member: 170515Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The noun troll may also refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted." -wikipedia

    I was hoping the flagging would notify a moderator, though current forum seems to encourage trolling by listing as if it were a badge to be earned. Instead it is more of a dislike button.

    I'll fully admit the reserve system leaves something to be desired. Though having the 2nd most hours played on the server, I have never seen you on it. Also how do you know our members are rage quiting? Lastly, please don't flame our server if u barely been there, Only people that rage quit are usually pugs, during off hours, when one team is about to loose and that is rare.
  • BentRingBentRing Join Date: 2003-03-04 Member: 14318Members
    Kalabalana wrote: »
    Tactical Gamer has clan members, and admins that routinely rage quit losing games. This on top of their McGyver reserve slot system makes their servers no longer a play choice for me.
    They had some good people too, but it's the bad ones that burn you out.

    Tactical Gamer doesn't have clan members, according to their 'community not clan' creed, and only a handful of admins. You may be referring to members of their Supporting Member program, which allows a player to join the full server (16/20 although 20/20 will happen if all are SM) at any time.

    In my experience, there is a double edged sword effect because of this. At many times when the server is populated mostly with supporting members the games are played in the same manner as a pug (pick up game) rather than a pub (public game), even to the point of sometimes running a plugin that allows two people to become a team captain and choose teams and strategies. The upside is that is can become very easy to expect every (mostly SM) game you play to have good communication, teamwork and tactics throughout, because you are playing with a like-minded group of people who don't mind spending a few bucks to ensure this experience. If these things aren't what you are looking for in a game of NS2, then it's good you choose not to play there.

    *Note that I am not saying you will not or can not find similar situations on a regular basis on other servers. If you know of any servers that have these things consistently, please PM the names to me so I can add them to my favorites.

    The downside to this as a SM is at times when you join the server and the expected criteria aren't met (i.e. it's just a standard pub with no regulars on and people are acting like the proverbial decapitated chicken), it can be quite disheartening. Add this with the ability to join the server at any time, and honestly it wouldn't be surprising to see members leaving with the intention of checking later for regulars on.

    As far as RAGE goes, I'm sure the (real) admins would definitely want to know if any community members are acting inappropriately, and would insist on knowing the details of such so they could take care of any trouble makers as needed.

  • CrazyEddieCrazyEddie Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178196Members
    This thread is for the following subject:

    * The effect that reservation systems like the ones used by Tactical Gamer, National Gaming, and Voogru have on the rest of the community by making the server browser less useful

    The following subjects are off-topic:

    * The benefits or drawbacks that such reservation systems have for the members of said organizations
    * The merits or flaws of said organizations, their members, or the servers that they run

    I would appreciate it if further comments stayed on topic. Thank you.
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    CrazyEddie wrote: »
    This thread is for the following subject:

    * The effect that reservation systems like the ones used by Tactical Gamer, National Gaming, and Voogru have on the rest of the community by making the server browser less useful

    The following subjects are off-topic:

    * The benefits or drawbacks that such reservation systems have for the members of said organizations
    * The merits or flaws of said organizations, their members, or the servers that they run

    I would appreciate it if further comments stayed on topic. Thank you.

    As the only possible benefit of the system is to the members of the community who host the servers, you are effectively saying that the thread is only allowed to discuss the negative side effects of the system.

    Which means you're requesting that the thread not deviate from your preferred state of being a circlejerk about how right your OP is.

  • CrazyEddieCrazyEddie Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178196Members
    You're welcome to not add comments if you think there's nothing left to say.
  • CrazyEddieCrazyEddie Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178196Members
    Add The Insane Asylum to the list of server admins that are inconsiderately inconveniencing the rest of the NS2 community.
  • KalabalanaKalabalana Join Date: 2003-11-14 Member: 22859Members
    Kalabalana wrote: »
    This is an open forum, and I believe I was speaking on topic. I spoke both of good and bad experiences, not exclusively one over the other. I wonder if all the people flagging my posts as trolling are part of a group of some sort...

    Of course this is an open forum! This is also a thread created to discuss the server slot system and how it is incorrectly displayed on the server browser. The OP states that. What you are doing is creating off-topic discussion by talking about the members of our server. You are welcome to make another thread to discuss that on this forum or the TG forum. If you absolutely believe there is an issue, please try to contact us at our forum ( and we will try to resolve it. In fact, I implore you to visit our forums and introduce yourself. We are more than willing to welcome you and discuss any issues.

    There is no one conspiring in the TG community to flag your posts, as that is what you are alluding to. There is simply no one present to do that on our forums or on our TS. You can check for yourself. If you were to continue on off-topic discussion, then the flagging would be entirely appropriate.

    I wrote of my experiences with one of the servers in the topic title: Tactical Gamer. I believe such a reserved slot system is indicative of the type(s) of people that play on such a server. As such, my post was completely within topic. Whether it was or wasn't, it is not your, or any non-admin's place to try and police my posts. What a sense of entitlement...
    3 people flagged my posts, two of which are Solarity and yourself. Not sure if Crazyeddie is a TG guy or not. Would not be surprised if he was. That would certainly constitute a trend (no collusion required) if he was a regular, [TG]/[TG-r], or friend of yours. Regardless, I feel like I was ganged up on, especially since any trolling value my posts may have had, was not intended, and were perceived as such on your end, not mine. So as you guys respond that I am trolling, I can't really do anything simply because you guys decided I was 'trolling', regardless of the truth. Notice my post count, my forum account age, and in-game hours. Also my other responses. I don't troll, and have been around much much longer than any of you, even if you added up all three of your stats together. The automatic assumption that something unsavory must be completely unjustified and false is a defense mechanism many people propagate, and you guys did just this. If you don't like the inevitable negative opinions that absolutely everything in this world can have, try to fix the problem, rather than attack the messenger.

    Also I hardly imagine at this point, anything I have to say would be 'welcome' at your forums, and based on the responses you guys have given, I am not going anywhere near them, as I prefer rational mature discussion; and despite the initial semblance of such in your posts, the underlying messages you have directed towards me are anything but.

    So let me drive this home one last time, my original post was not off-topic, since it related to topic at hand, and the experience of such a server which employs a reserved slot system like TG does, and it was not intended to be inflammatory towards anyone. I got 3 toll tags, a forum admin has reviewed my posts in this thread, and has not banned/warned me. That is the law, and perhaps you should respect it, rather than continue your witchhunt against me.
  • CrazyEddieCrazyEddie Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178196Members
    Kalabalana wrote: »
    Not sure if Crazyeddie is a TG guy or not. Would not be surprised if he was.

    I don't think you've been paying attention to this thread.
  • CrazyEddieCrazyEddie Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178196Members
    At any rate: your posts have been off-topic. The posts telling you your posts were off-topic were off-topic. This post is off-topic.

    Please let the madness stop.
  • KalabalanaKalabalana Join Date: 2003-11-14 Member: 22859Members
    edited February 2013
    CrazyEddie wrote: »
    At any rate: your posts have been off-topic. The posts telling you your posts were off-topic were off-topic. This post is off-topic.

    Please let the madness stop.
    Honestly, all personal opinions aside (and there are many) I agree, I'm on your side, I'd rather avoid any further conflict, nobody wins whether right or wrong.

    and I'm actually going to give your servers another try, as cutting them off because of a few bad experiences isn't really solidly justifiable in my books.
  • DaxxDaxx Join Date: 2002-04-16 Member: 460Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Daxx wrote: »
    Rellik_pt wrote: »
    just avoid thoses server like i do

    Pretty much. Frustrating to join then get kicked, and doubly frustrating to get kicked mid game so I just avoid servers like that in the first place.

    Lol, just got burned by my own advice. Saw the server had less then 16, joined up and got 20 mins into a game, bam kicked. Like 3 members were on, and was top of my teams scoreboard (go bile). Herp derp.
  • pricelinenegotiatorpricelinenegotiator Join Date: 2013-02-12 Member: 183005Members
    Kalabalana wrote: »
    Whether it was or wasn't, it is not your, or any non-admin's place to try and police my posts. What a sense of entitlement... 3 people flagged my posts, two of which are Solarity and yourself.
    There is no sense of entitlement here. We are a community and we want to discuss anything that we feel can be improved upon. Also, I did not flag your post, so I don't know where you get that information from.
    Not sure if Crazyeddie is a TG guy or not. Would not be surprised if he was.
    You obviously didn't even read the thread then. It would make sense that since you did not read the thread, that you somehow think your posts are on-topic. Hmm.
    Regardless, I feel like I was ganged up on, especially since any trolling value my posts may have had, was not intended, and were perceived as such on your end, not mine. So as you guys respond that I am trolling, I can't really do anything simply because you guys decided I was 'trolling', regardless of the truth.
    You felt ganged up on because you came into a thread regarding x and you posted b. Our response was to question you not only because it was off-topic, but defamatory to our community. And now you don't want to let us try and fix the issue.
    Notice my post count, my forum account age, and in-game hours. Also my other responses. I don't troll, and have been around much much longer than any of you, even if you added up all three of your stats together.
    That means nothing. Just because you do something a lot doesn't mean you are good at it. I think labeling you as a troll was a bit much, but misinformed would be a more accurate descriptor.
    try to fix the problem, rather than attack the messenger.
    Which is why I invited you to our forums! You are still very much welcome there. We are OPEN to discussion. We don't want to bash you to oblivion in a giant circlejerk, as that's a little bit weird. Why not just work on the problem?
    Also I hardly imagine at this point, anything I have to say would be 'welcome' at your forums, and based on the responses you guys have given, I am not going anywhere near them, as I prefer rational mature discussion; and despite the initial semblance of such in your posts, the underlying messages you have directed towards me are anything but.
    I keep trying to keep this discussion mature, but for some reason you think I am bashing you. Again, you can visit our forums, TS, or our NS2 server and talk with us. We would love to talk to you.
    I got 3 toll tags, a forum admin has reviewed my posts in this thread, and has not banned/warned me.
    Then let the admin post within this thread and settle it.
    That is the law, and perhaps you should respect it, rather than continue your witchhunt against me.
    Witchhunt? I think you're being a little bit pompous. There are two TG members continuously posting in this thread: Solarity and me. Bentring plays on our server a lot, but I don't think he considers himself TG.


    Please come and talk to us. I am being completely honest. We will welcome you with open arms. A chance to hear criticism and exchange words about it is a chance for us to improve. Send me a PM and I'll forward you to our TS server, where I wish to talk to you. We're just like you.
  • pricelinenegotiatorpricelinenegotiator Join Date: 2013-02-12 Member: 183005Members
    Daxx wrote: »
    Daxx wrote: »
    Rellik_pt wrote: »
    just avoid thoses server like i do

    Pretty much. Frustrating to join then get kicked, and doubly frustrating to get kicked mid game so I just avoid servers like that in the first place.

    Lol, just got burned by my own advice. Saw the server had less then 16, joined up and got 20 mins into a game, bam kicked. Like 3 members were on, and was top of my teams scoreboard (go bile). Herp derp.

    Daxx, I saw you on the server just now. You were playing quite well as a Fade. There are incentives if you become a regular in our community, that you can get priority to stay over the ? players. If you need help with anything on the forums, let me know. In the meantime, I'll add you as a friend on Steam.
  • DaxxDaxx Join Date: 2002-04-16 Member: 460Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Daxx, I saw you on the server just now. You were playing quite well as a Fade. There are incentives if you become a regular in our community, that you can get priority to stay over the ? players. If you need help with anything on the forums, let me know. In the meantime, I'll add you as a friend on Steam.

    I've been around TG for quite some time, and played extensively during NS1. I just don't have the disposable income atm to justify spending more on games.

    I'm not against reserved slots, just the current implementation.
  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    i think servers should have just waited until a decent feature was released. a lot of people that don't read these forums don't understand why they keep getting kicked from servers with 2-4 slots open..
  • SolaritySolarity Join Date: 2012-11-13 Member: 170515Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    We did change our server to list as an odd number, please use this as an indication that it is a reserved slot server.
  • CrazyEddieCrazyEddie Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178196Members
    Solarity wrote: »
    We did change our server to list as an odd number, please use this as an indication that it is a reserved slot server.

    That does help. Thanks for the improvement!

  • pricelinenegotiatorpricelinenegotiator Join Date: 2013-02-12 Member: 183005Members
    Yes, also the name has been changed to include 16/23, which is our server limit.
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