Railguns Demystified!
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I posted this as a reply to another thread but upon further reflection I decided it could use a thread of its own as there's an awful lot of confusion and misinformation flying around in-game about what railguns can and can't do. Copy-pasted directly from the other thread:
I hope that helps! Feel free to ask anything else about how railguns work and I'll see what I can do to deliver the facts. Specifically, please ask about the NS2 railguns. Not actual, real railguns. I'm not very good at physics.
Narfwak wrote:I'm not sure it's communicated in the patch notes or the brief summary of the patch that Hugh posted, but yes, the railgun DOES have a wider hitscan than a normal weapon. It's not splash damage or a "blast radius" per se - think of it more as a very small circle hitscan rather than a single pixel hitscan. It's sort of like the difference between drawing an infinitely thin line between you and the target and drawing a cylinder with a very, very narrow radius between you and the target.
I don't have the exact width off-hand but I'll see if I can find it for you. [Edit: straight from Andi - width is 0.12 meters]
A fewer other clarifications about railgun behavior in general (since there's a bit of confusion in many places):
-railguns cannot shoot through walls
-railguns can shoot through players and structures (entities), both friendly and enemy
-railguns do structure damage (double damage to alien buildings and eggs)
-you cannot one shot a lerk, gorge or fade from full HP, although a charged shot against a lerk or a gorge comes very close to killing it
I hope that helps! Feel free to ask anything else about how railguns work and I'll see what I can do to deliver the facts. Specifically, please ask about the NS2 railguns. Not actual, real railguns. I'm not very good at physics.
In general, though, miniguns outperform railguns in straight DPS against large a single, high-HP target like a hive or an onos. Bear in mind, however, that a railgun exosuit is much faster than a minigun exosuit and quite a bit faster than a dual minigun exosuit; combined with the mechanic of charge time => instant damage you can use your extra mobility to strafe around corners to fire a fully charged shot while keeping the amount of time you're exposed to hydras or lerks to a minimum.
Also: railguns, like miniguns, do not benefit from passive weapon damage upgrades. Railgun exosuits do benefit from passive armor upgrades in the same way as all other exosuits.
On another note you move fairly fast with the railgun and with 'non-speed decrease while moving backwards' really breaks through when there's a bunch of targets headed your way down a long corridor!
Don't know why but I just get this weird image of seeing the EXO suit with the railgun being similar to the "Imperial guard sentinel walker" < Warhammer 40k universe. O0
The narrow isn't narrow enough. It is so forgiving, you can have a shot that is clearly no where near a skulk and it just explodes. They're amazing fun to use, but sheesh, missing with it is almost impossible. I've never had so many kills in a lone exo in an enemy controlled section of map.
I dislike this.
What is the cooldown after each shot? What is max time you can hold charge?
Damage equation. It starts at 50 but does it go from 50 to 200 linearly? I want the equation, not max damage.
given the fact that a gorge can self-heal between shots, you'd probably need 3-4 fully charged shots to kill a gorge by yourself.
Sounds good to me.
We lined up lots of whips yesterday and the railgun went through 8, so its not infinite.
Gosh, I'd have liked to have been there for that.
Thats not a problem that the 2nd highest marine tech item can counter skulks
sorry but you must have witnessed some lucky/good marines... skulks are by no means useless against railgun.
i spent a lot of time welding exo's yesterday, and sometimes a single skulk would take an exo down to 75% in a couple of seconds. 4-5 bites is roughly 30% of the exo's ehp gone. i tried to assist in taking down the skulk but it's kinda hard when a big fat exo keeps blocking your shot
two railgun exo's defending eachother is another matter. you can make yourself a hard target to one guy, but then his buddy with a better angle has an easy hit.
While they are similar, marines really didn't need an "equivalent of the fade". They already had one called the shotgun. There are now 2 ways for marines to 1-shot aliens (or do a metric &&&& load of damage to them) while aliens have... wait, let me count them... 0 ways to 1-shot a marine. Still waiting to hear the reasoning behind this and how this is balanced.
Aliens may win more games (at least before the patch, can't tell atm), but imho, this is a major balance contention for pubs (at least, can't speak for comp) and a lame mechanic.
2 ways to one-shot a skulk. Not so much anything else. Also, an onos charge + gore can one-shot A0/A1 marines.
The big difference that most people are overlooking is that the railgun doesn't have the massive muzzle flash that the minigin EXO has. That's been a huge issue that has impacted the performance of the dual-mini EXO.
It does 150 additional damage, not 150 total damage.
Side note: you'll almost never see a railgun do exactly fifty damage as it's almost impossible to release the mouse click without the game thinking you charged up at least a tiny bit. "Uncharged" shots usually end up doing around 55-58 damage.
The width of the hitscan is not as big as it seems when you get hit by it. There's a few things going on when you're on the receiving end of a railgun hit that can make this a bit deceptive. For starters, hit detection is done on the client with hitscan attacks and, just like with rifles or miniguns, you can sometimes be around a corner on your screen and die because you were still in line of sight on the screen of the shooter. Another issue is that all exosuit arms/weapons don't always line up with the angle of the shot fired in the perspective of the person being shot. I think it's a field-of-view thing going on but I'm not sure; either way, yeah, it looks a little funky as whenever an exo is looking directly at you his arms are going to be pointing to the side of you.
0.12 meters is very narrow. If you don't believe me you can check it out for yourself in explore mode by shooting alien structures on the edge of the hitbox and seeing how far from the edge you can aim and still land a hit.
Edit: thanks for editing the post with a correction.
I heard you like LUA:
Oh I don´t see that as a problem.What IS a problem is they shouldn´t instawin because of something I CANNOT POSSIBLY counter.I should loose because of their skill.What really happens is, I get killed because on my screen the exo is facing a different direction and instagibs me.It kills me 0,5 second before I get into position.There should be a clear indication where the shot is coming from.
TL:DR It´s how they kill me, that bothers me.They don´t win because win because of skill, but lag.