As for skulk movement, I'm not a big fan of the current iteration to be honest. It feels like I'm a brick whenever I turn in engagements and it doesn't really feel like I'm building any significant momentum either when jumping around (I tried bunnyhopping or strafejumping, whatever you want to call it now) Not sure about this but celerity also feels faster, it's like I'm on rollerskates as a skulk and especially on the lerk it feels a bit overkill.
I'm pretty content with most of the other changes so far.
so how do I find servers with this mod? the old inversion one I had set to favorite isn't up anymore.
I just putted saunamen server back to balance test mode(NS2 BT):
Saunamen.Priv 2 with NSL maps
Good job sewlek, gonna waiting new features to vanilla ns2
If you can you should tweak reloading system, too many deaths with non reloading weapon (the buggy ones, mostly lmg jamming and default system ).. Like if you stop pressing mouse1 whenever lmg hit the 0 ammo count the gun will not reload, same goes to pistol... Not big deal but annoying some times
From betterns2 mod:
* Improved auto reload. A reload will be triggered whenever the currently equipped weapons clip is empty instead of auto reloading only when attempting to fire with a fully emptied clip.
From betterns2 mod:
* Improved auto reload. A reload will be triggered whenever the currently equipped weapons clip is empty instead of auto reloading only when attempting to fire with a fully emptied clip.
Please add this, I get myself killed from fail reloads so often, I've just got so used to most games making you reload as soon as you're out of bullets >.<
oldassgamersJoin Date: 2011-02-02Member: 80033Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
edited March 2013
I'm hoping the armory hoping removal on vanilla games will be removed where the armory stop healing armor. I miss the good old days "hit and run" fade tactics. Now it just spam, spam spaaaaaaaaaam to take a person down. Less tactic, more spaming. Because of all commander droping armories everywhere. I like this mod. Keep up the good work.
One question about the changes to the Egg Hatch and Shift:
The replacement for the forward Shift is now a Shift at the Hive that teleports eggs to the frontline. Does that mean teleported eggs have priority during the selection of a spawn point for an alien, just like Shift-hatched eggs have in vanilla? Or is it up to randomness whether or not someone will spawn in that one egg that you teleported away?
Shift Teleport for Eggs should be instant and have a three second cooldown or the like. The current method of the three second delay means you can miss eggs when people hatch and it is rather annoying.
Maybe make the time it takes to teleport a structure = (1.1^StructureCost - 0.6), so you would end up with half a second delay for a 1 res egg and ~6 seconds for a 20 res structure.
ScatterJoin Date: 2012-09-02Member: 157341Members, Squad Five Blue
edited March 2013
Lerk issues I have:
-Flap force is too high. 1 flap increases speed from like 7 to 13. whereas it should be like 3 orso flaps to do that.
-Speed might be a tad too high given celerity doesn't deactivate in combat.
-Spikes are still too good early game and could perhaps scale with biomass?
-Spike tracers are visually obstructive for marines and could be toned down a bit. (not sure why all the whining about this being a lerk nerf)
Lerk is better in this mod than vanilla which is a worry.
Isn't that the point of the Aura ability though?
If anything I'd want parasite to give less information than the perfect outline we have now. : p
Lerk spikes shouldn't show the marine outline either.
I'd actually love for skulk parasite (since it's extremely underused now), to show some measure of marine health. Even if a teammate bites a marine in the room with you. It'd be nice to see who was most injured / who to target for attack.
Parasite does the initial 10 damage as always, plus another 10 dot for ~5s (or whatever time) afterwards. The dot doesn't work if the marine already has parasite, so subsequent parasites only do 10 damage. This gives parasite some more bite, but more importantly it allows skulks to take down armor level 2 marines with a parasite plus 3 bites, giving level 3 a benefit over 2 for skulks (similar to level 1 over 0).
Keep the hive sight on damage only if the marine is on infestation. In fact, I'd like to give infestation some more weight in general (right now its mostly decoration). Remember when infestation always gave aliens hive sight..shit was scary. I don't want that back, but what if it infestation gave hive sight on all marines that sprinted, jumped or fired weapons while on infestation? Maybe not the outline sight, but something. It still allows marines to sneak around alien territory.
Parasite will ensure that aliens always have outline hive sight on the marine regardless of his actions or if he is off infestation.
Keep the hive sight on damage only if the marine is on infestation. In fact, I'd like to give infestation some more weight in general (right now its mostly decoration). Remember when infestation always gave aliens hive sight..shit was scary. I don't want that back, but what if it infestation gave hive sight on all marines that sprinted, jumped or fired weapons while on infestation? Maybe not the outline sight, but something. It still allows marines to sneak around alien territory.
Concerning Aura, since Sewlek himself said that he considers it quite OP:
Maybe give it a little nerf to the wallhack. Make it so that it only outlines enemies that would also appear on the minimap for your team. So every enemy that is in line of sight to you, one of your teammates, a Drifter or parasited will get outlined. So basically the same as the current version except that it doesn't show enemies through walls that your team has absolutely no information about.
You can experiment with increasing the range of the effect in return or give more detailed information about an enemy's remaining HP, but this way marines have at least still the chance to set up an ambush.
So you gain the outline with Aura for all enemies that show up on the radar map to your team OR walk on infestation.
Also concerning Drifters: do we already have some result for the viability of scouting Drifters in the mod if you don't get a Shade Hive quickly? Does the lack of cloaking for Drifters make them useless except for pushes?
Because if it does, maybe make it so that Drifters still retain a simple camouflage when they are not moving, regardless of tech path choice (simple camouflage meaning that you only see that distortion that you usually see on slowly moving aliens) until they get a Shade tech path and become completely invisible while resting. Marines would still be able to see the simple camouflage on the Drifter if they move around a bit, but it becomes less obvious over distances.
So you gain the outline with Aura for all enemies that show up on the radar map to your team OR walk on infestation.
Walk? Or do you mean sprint/jump/fire on infestation. Showing up on hive sight by simply walking on infestation was tried in beta, and was deemed too OP.
Lets try this:
Marines that walk or crouch walk on infestation should stay hidden from hive sight.
While on infestation, if marine players are within sight range of alien players, are damaged by alien players or they sprint/jump/fire, they will show up on hive some form or another.
While on or off infestation, if marine players are within sight range of a drifter or are parasited, they will show up outlined in hive sight.
Also concerning Drifters: do we already have some result for the viability of scouting Drifters in the mod if you don't get a Shade Hive quickly? Does the lack of cloaking for Drifters make them useless except for pushes?
Because if it does, maybe make it so that Drifters still retain a simple camouflage when they are not moving, regardless of tech path choice (simple camouflage meaning that you only see that distortion that you usually see on slowly moving aliens) until they get a Shade tech path and become completely invisible while resting. Marines would still be able to see the simple camouflage on the Drifter if they move around a bit, but it becomes less obvious over distances.
I haven't played it enough to tell you for sure, but I think its safe to say that drifter scouting is probably not very viable without cloaking. What if drifters can only cloak on infestation (bring on the infestation buffs) without a shade hive , but once a shade hive is built, drifters can cloak off infestation.
I would agree uncloaked drifters are a bit expensive at 5 t.res to be honest. The problem is that 5 t.res may be an adequate cost for cloaked ones, but there's no way to differentiate the costs between drifters.
So you gain the outline with Aura for all enemies that show up on the radar map to your team OR walk on infestation.
Walk? Or do you mean sprint/jump/fire on infestation. Showing up on hive sight by simply walking on infestation was tried in beta, and was deemed too OP.
Lets try this:
Marines that walk or crouch walk on infestation should stay hidden from hive sight.
While on infestation, if marine players are within sight range of alien players, are damaged by alien players or they sprint/jump/fire, they will show up on hive some form or another.
While on or off infestation, if marine players are within sight range of a drifter or are parasited, they will show up outlined in hive sight.
I wonder if we are on the same page here.
Are we talking about a general Hive Sight that is available to every alien and the khammander by default? Do we refer to a Hive Sight in terms of outlines across the entire map, only in the vicinity or no outlines at all by default and instead just showing up on the minimap?
Or do we refer to a Hive Sight that is only granted to those who use the Aura trait?
Also concerning Drifters: do we already have some result for the viability of scouting Drifters in the mod if you don't get a Shade Hive quickly? Does the lack of cloaking for Drifters make them useless except for pushes?
Because if it does, maybe make it so that Drifters still retain a simple camouflage when they are not moving, regardless of tech path choice (simple camouflage meaning that you only see that distortion that you usually see on slowly moving aliens) until they get a Shade tech path and become completely invisible while resting. Marines would still be able to see the simple camouflage on the Drifter if they move around a bit, but it becomes less obvious over distances.
I haven't played it enough to tell you for sure, but I think its safe to say that drifter scouting is probably not very viable without cloaking. What if drifters can only cloak on infestation (bring on the infestation buffs) without a shade hive , but once a shade hive is built, drifters can cloak off infestation.
Sounds like a plan. I am all for giving some viability back to infestation other than "you need it to build stuff here" after it got nerfed already by allowing marines to build on it.
I just wonder how expensive it is from a performance point of view to perform a check for infestation below an entity. Not that it will drag performance down a lot in the end.
JektJoin Date: 2012-02-05Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
I'd actually love for skulk parasite (since it's extremely underused now), to show some measure of marine health. Even if a teammate bites a marine in the room with you. It'd be nice to see who was most injured / who to target for attack.
Since in this mod, you only get easy mode drifter scouting if you go shade hive, I'd expect parasite to once again become essential for more than just one less bite before A1.
I have to agree with lerk feeling too fast when playing, it's not that increased speed is a bad thing, but the current speed is a LITTLE bit too high; like in a way that it's actually harder to track a marine simply because you're flapping around so fast lol
I'd actually love for skulk parasite (since it's extremely underused now), to show some measure of marine health. Even if a teammate bites a marine in the room with you. It'd be nice to see who was most injured / who to target for attack.
Since in this mod, you only get easy mode drifter scouting if you go shade hive, I'd expect parasite to once again become essential for more than just one less bite before A1.
What do you mean "once again"? It was essential in NS1 where it was permanent, uncurable and visible at any range. In NS2 it's none of those things, I don't remember it ever being very useful.
I'd actually love for skulk parasite (since it's extremely underused now), to show some measure of marine health. Even if a teammate bites a marine in the room with you. It'd be nice to see who was most injured / who to target for attack.
Since in this mod, you only get easy mode drifter scouting if you go shade hive, I'd expect parasite to once again become essential for more than just one less bite before A1.
What do you mean "once again"? It was essential in NS1 where it was permanent, uncurable and visible at any range. In NS2 it's none of those things, I don't remember it ever being very useful.
Answered your own question in regards to NS1, in respect to NS2 during the beta it didn't wear off by its self and was visible from a much greater range (with a more arbitrary indicator), there also didn't use to be cloaked drifters in every room providing essential free scouting with minimal skill required.
Anyway in this mod, drifters are much less useful at providing scouting information. Making parasite more important even in its currently gimped state. What I don't want parasite to become is the scent of fear ability from NS1 / the Aura ability in this mod, why not keep them separate. Have one player use Aura in a group fight to call targets while the others are using silence after having some of them parasited before hand. It seems much more interesting to me to keep the two apart.
Since I hate the armory not healing armor thing, and a few of you agree with it because it's a spam method, here's an idea!
Armories next to command stations WILL heal both health and armor
Armories made elsewhere (not near command stations) will only heal health/ammo (and also be able to buy from like usual) because the whole reason of retreating to my main base is either
1) building something
2) saving a structure
3) going to heal my health/armor!
How does that sound? It would prevent the forward armory spam issue you guys are complaining about, while not completely ruining the fact that you do need to go back and heal at a com station
Since I hate the armory not healing armor thing, and a few of you agree with it because it's a spam method, here's an idea!
Armories next to command stations WILL heal both health and armor
Armories made elsewhere (not near command stations) will only heal health/ammo (and also be able to buy from like usual) because the whole reason of retreating to my main base is either
1) building something
2) saving a structure
3) going to heal my health/armor!
How does that sound? It would prevent the forward armory spam issue you guys are complaining about, while not completely ruining the fact that you do need to go back and heal at a com station
That is an interesting idea to be sure. The problem I see is how to communicate this to the average player (hidden numbers and all that). It would be a confusing change without some sort of visual indicator on the armory to let them know that it provides "more" than an armory that is elsewhere.
Since I hate the armory not healing armor thing, and a few of you agree with it because it's a spam method, here's an idea!
Armories next to command stations WILL heal both health and armor
Armories made elsewhere (not near command stations) will only heal health/ammo (and also be able to buy from like usual) because the whole reason of retreating to my main base is either
1) building something
2) saving a structure
3) going to heal my health/armor!
How does that sound? It would prevent the forward armory spam issue you guys are complaining about, while not completely ruining the fact that you do need to go back and heal at a com station
It's been suggested in the armory healing thread. People did not like it and kept arguing that the marines would just walk back to base and it would not promote good game play. Besides 19 pages of arguing and the changes remain the same:
Since I hate the armory not healing armor thing, and a few of you agree with it because it's a spam method, here's an idea!
Armories next to command stations WILL heal both health and armor
Armories made elsewhere (not near command stations) will only heal health/ammo (and also be able to buy from like usual) because the whole reason of retreating to my main base is either
1) building something
2) saving a structure
3) going to heal my health/armor!
How does that sound? It would prevent the forward armory spam issue you guys are complaining about, while not completely ruining the fact that you do need to go back and heal at a com station
It's been suggested in the armory healing thread. People did not like it and kept arguing that the marines would just walk back to base and it would not promote good game play. Besides 19 pages of arguing and the changes remain the same:
Yeah, it can only be done near the com stations, so say a marine team has a phase outside of a hive/ they will keep phasing back to the armory (or a good team would just keep welding each other with the com medpacking)
When they go to phase back, the alien team can initiate a push on the phase; we'll see what others think. I personally think it's a better idea than having no armories healing no armor what so ever
Just assign a MAC to your Armory and you will get armor healing from it if you really want to. It just costs you a little more, so I think having no armor healing at all from an Armory is fine.
-Flap force is too high. 1 flap increases speed from like 7 to 13. whereas it should be like 3 orso flaps to do that.
-Speed might be a tad too high given celerity doesn't deactivate in combat.
-Spikes are still too good early game and could perhaps scale with biomass?
-Spike tracers are visually obstructive for marines and could be toned down a bit. (not sure why all the whining about this being a lerk nerf)
Lerk is better in this mod than vanilla which is a worry.
Disagree with the others as i really like the change in lerk speed finally, it helps make up for it's HP/Cost disproportions i believe, and gives more breathing room and ability for evasion and thus surviving / added viability. The downside is that it definitely increases the skill requirement to play it, since dodging and tracking a marine with spikes becomes that much more difficult.
But to answer the tracers question: Because it makes phantom /silence useless and removes one playstyle from the small hand of cards the Lerk has to play: That silent, distant harasser you spend time trying to find. Arguably not the most effective employment but its definitely one method that i've seen tie up time and energy from a squad.
What all this means is, its adding to it's harassing role as well as viability in regards to survival, but to compensate it's combat effectiveness would have to be pulled back a bit. (Like how spores is made T3, with a supporting ability as Umbra T2)
Agree with this, damage of any kind really shouldn't show marine outlines. Only parasite.
Especially with such a high rate of fire. If you see a group of marines, you can tag them all before they can fully react.
As for skulk movement, I'm not a big fan of the current iteration to be honest. It feels like I'm a brick whenever I turn in engagements and it doesn't really feel like I'm building any significant momentum either when jumping around (I tried bunnyhopping or strafejumping, whatever you want to call it now) Not sure about this but celerity also feels faster, it's like I'm on rollerskates as a skulk and especially on the lerk it feels a bit overkill.
I'm pretty content with most of the other changes so far.
I just putted saunamen server back to balance test mode(NS2 BT):
Saunamen.Priv 2 with NSL maps
Good job sewlek, gonna waiting new features to vanilla ns2
If you can you should tweak reloading system, too many deaths with non reloading weapon (the buggy ones, mostly lmg jamming and default system
From betterns2 mod:
* Improved auto reload. A reload will be triggered whenever the currently equipped weapons clip is empty instead of auto reloading only when attempting to fire with a fully emptied clip.
Please add this, I get myself killed from fail reloads so often, I've just got so used to most games making you reload as soon as you're out of bullets >.<
The replacement for the forward Shift is now a Shift at the Hive that teleports eggs to the frontline. Does that mean teleported eggs have priority during the selection of a spawn point for an alien, just like Shift-hatched eggs have in vanilla? Or is it up to randomness whether or not someone will spawn in that one egg that you teleported away?
-Flap force is too high. 1 flap increases speed from like 7 to 13. whereas it should be like 3 orso flaps to do that.
-Speed might be a tad too high given celerity doesn't deactivate in combat.
-Spikes are still too good early game and could perhaps scale with biomass?
-Spike tracers are visually obstructive for marines and could be toned down a bit. (not sure why all the whining about this being a lerk nerf)
Lerk is better in this mod than vanilla which is a worry.
I'd actually love for skulk parasite (since it's extremely underused now), to show some measure of marine health. Even if a teammate bites a marine in the room with you. It'd be nice to see who was most injured / who to target for attack.
Parasite removal on armory heal only.
Parasite does the initial 10 damage as always, plus another 10 dot for ~5s (or whatever time) afterwards. The dot doesn't work if the marine already has parasite, so subsequent parasites only do 10 damage. This gives parasite some more bite, but more importantly it allows skulks to take down armor level 2 marines with a parasite plus 3 bites, giving level 3 a benefit over 2 for skulks (similar to level 1 over 0).
Keep the hive sight on damage only if the marine is on infestation. In fact, I'd like to give infestation some more weight in general (right now its mostly decoration). Remember when infestation always gave aliens hive sight..shit was scary. I don't want that back, but what if it infestation gave hive sight on all marines that sprinted, jumped or fired weapons while on infestation? Maybe not the outline sight, but something. It still allows marines to sneak around alien territory.
Parasite will ensure that aliens always have outline hive sight on the marine regardless of his actions or if he is off infestation.
Hmm, maybe combine this with:
So you gain the outline with Aura for all enemies that show up on the radar map to your team OR walk on infestation.
Also concerning Drifters: do we already have some result for the viability of scouting Drifters in the mod if you don't get a Shade Hive quickly? Does the lack of cloaking for Drifters make them useless except for pushes?
Because if it does, maybe make it so that Drifters still retain a simple camouflage when they are not moving, regardless of tech path choice (simple camouflage meaning that you only see that distortion that you usually see on slowly moving aliens) until they get a Shade tech path and become completely invisible while resting. Marines would still be able to see the simple camouflage on the Drifter if they move around a bit, but it becomes less obvious over distances.
Walk? Or do you mean sprint/jump/fire on infestation. Showing up on hive sight by simply walking on infestation was tried in beta, and was deemed too OP.
Lets try this:
Marines that walk or crouch walk on infestation should stay hidden from hive sight.
While on infestation, if marine players are within sight range of alien players, are damaged by alien players or they sprint/jump/fire, they will show up on hive some form or another.
While on or off infestation, if marine players are within sight range of a drifter or are parasited, they will show up outlined in hive sight.
I haven't played it enough to tell you for sure, but I think its safe to say that drifter scouting is probably not very viable without cloaking. What if drifters can only cloak on infestation (bring on the infestation buffs) without a shade hive , but once a shade hive is built, drifters can cloak off infestation.
I wonder if we are on the same page here.
Are we talking about a general Hive Sight that is available to every alien and the khammander by default? Do we refer to a Hive Sight in terms of outlines across the entire map, only in the vicinity or no outlines at all by default and instead just showing up on the minimap?
Or do we refer to a Hive Sight that is only granted to those who use the Aura trait?
Sounds like a plan. I am all for giving some viability back to infestation other than "you need it to build stuff here" after it got nerfed already by allowing marines to build on it.
I just wonder how expensive it is from a performance point of view to perform a check for infestation below an entity. Not that it will drag performance down a lot in the end.
Since in this mod, you only get easy mode drifter scouting if you go shade hive, I'd expect parasite to once again become essential for more than just one less bite before A1.
What do you mean "once again"? It was essential in NS1 where it was permanent, uncurable and visible at any range. In NS2 it's none of those things, I don't remember it ever being very useful.
Answered your own question in regards to NS1, in respect to NS2 during the beta it didn't wear off by its self and was visible from a much greater range (with a more arbitrary indicator), there also didn't use to be cloaked drifters in every room providing essential free scouting with minimal skill required.
Anyway in this mod, drifters are much less useful at providing scouting information. Making parasite more important even in its currently gimped state. What I don't want parasite to become is the scent of fear ability from NS1 / the Aura ability in this mod, why not keep them separate. Have one player use Aura in a group fight to call targets while the others are using silence after having some of them parasited before hand. It seems much more interesting to me to keep the two apart.
Since I hate the armory not healing armor thing, and a few of you agree with it because it's a spam method, here's an idea!
Armories next to command stations WILL heal both health and armor
Armories made elsewhere (not near command stations) will only heal health/ammo (and also be able to buy from like usual) because the whole reason of retreating to my main base is either
1) building something
2) saving a structure
3) going to heal my health/armor!
How does that sound? It would prevent the forward armory spam issue you guys are complaining about, while not completely ruining the fact that you do need to go back and heal at a com station
That is an interesting idea to be sure. The problem I see is how to communicate this to the average player (hidden numbers and all that). It would be a confusing change without some sort of visual indicator on the armory to let them know that it provides "more" than an armory that is elsewhere.
edit: Also ask and ye shall receive:
It's been suggested in the armory healing thread. People did not like it and kept arguing that the marines would just walk back to base and it would not promote good game play. Besides 19 pages of arguing and the changes remain the same:
Yeah, it can only be done near the com stations, so say a marine team has a phase outside of a hive/ they will keep phasing back to the armory (or a good team would just keep welding each other with the com medpacking)
When they go to phase back, the alien team can initiate a push on the phase; we'll see what others think. I personally think it's a better idea than having no armories healing no armor what so ever
But to answer the tracers question: Because it makes phantom /silence useless and removes one playstyle from the small hand of cards the Lerk has to play: That silent, distant harasser you spend time trying to find. Arguably not the most effective employment but its definitely one method that i've seen tie up time and energy from a squad.
What all this means is, its adding to it's harassing role as well as viability in regards to survival, but to compensate it's combat effectiveness would have to be pulled back a bit. (Like how spores is made T3, with a supporting ability as Umbra T2)