Phase/Beacon combo implementation
Join Date: 2012-11-09 Member: 168595Members

I've been thinking for a while about how to improve on the phase gates, especially how they become the main focus of attention for Alien attack, how they become a "meat grinder" once a handful of Aliens are attacking it, how too many phase gates slows down travel time (requiring "middle gates" to be sold at a loss eventually) and how it can be difficult to see where you have/are going to end up.
I would like to suggest a phase gate implementation as follows:
Once a phase gate has been placed, the Commander can choose a ROOM that you will phase to be going through the gate. But, instead of having a set exit, you are "teleported" to a random location in that room, much like when a beacon goes off. If there is no power to the phase gate or to the exit room, then the connection is broken. To get back to the initial room, or elsewhere, you build another phase gate and set it's exit location again.
This deals with my points like so:
Aliens can now focus on the Power Node (which has more HP) or on other important buildings in that room.
As you're appearing anywhere in the room, the chance of appearing between a Skulk's teeth is reduced (but you still need to get your bearings and find the attacker(s) before they find you).
Commanders need to be more conservative of placing exits, as you can't move the exit room (except maybe with a res. penalty). No more sending Marines to Back Alley on Docking, say, whilst you attack Locker Rooms, only to build a Locker PG once you have it and selling the Back Alley one. You either take Locker first and place your exit there, or you pay to move the exit.
As each phase gate is it's own connection, the criss-crossing lines on the map would simply become a series of individual arrows pointing to the room you'd end up in.
The only problem I see arising from this system would be getting across the map quickly, when you're having to locate the next phase gate in each room before moving on. This could easily be countered though, by having a series of phase gates in your main base, each going to their own destination.
It could then lead to some interesting placement options by each team. Do you want a roundabout style system, or a "quick offensive, slow defensive" system, or a combination of both. The ideas:

I would like to suggest a phase gate implementation as follows:
Once a phase gate has been placed, the Commander can choose a ROOM that you will phase to be going through the gate. But, instead of having a set exit, you are "teleported" to a random location in that room, much like when a beacon goes off. If there is no power to the phase gate or to the exit room, then the connection is broken. To get back to the initial room, or elsewhere, you build another phase gate and set it's exit location again.
This deals with my points like so:
Aliens can now focus on the Power Node (which has more HP) or on other important buildings in that room.
As you're appearing anywhere in the room, the chance of appearing between a Skulk's teeth is reduced (but you still need to get your bearings and find the attacker(s) before they find you).
Commanders need to be more conservative of placing exits, as you can't move the exit room (except maybe with a res. penalty). No more sending Marines to Back Alley on Docking, say, whilst you attack Locker Rooms, only to build a Locker PG once you have it and selling the Back Alley one. You either take Locker first and place your exit there, or you pay to move the exit.
As each phase gate is it's own connection, the criss-crossing lines on the map would simply become a series of individual arrows pointing to the room you'd end up in.
The only problem I see arising from this system would be getting across the map quickly, when you're having to locate the next phase gate in each room before moving on. This could easily be countered though, by having a series of phase gates in your main base, each going to their own destination.
It could then lead to some interesting placement options by each team. Do you want a roundabout style system, or a "quick offensive, slow defensive" system, or a combination of both. The ideas:

I dont like the Idea.
So you can throw your marine in the ennemy hive without problem ? Just build the power node ?
SO Its seems very frustating for the Alien teams. And Unfair. You cant destroy a "pre-build 99% power node"
If you have money, you can build more pg.
Like Terminal=>locker=>Departure=>terminal=>stability.
You have 2 pg in terminal but you can go stability directly.
you can also put 2 pg in a "dangerous" room. So you divide by 2 the "meatgrinder"
You can spam medpack/nano for your guys too
Its my idea and my opinion
Sorry for my english
Yes, it leaves your base unoccupied and there's no easy way to get back to your base, but with a big push like that, there's no need to get back to base so quickly. And the comm can simply beacon everyone back if something happens.
Something like this would make ninja phases useless.
Furthermore, this wouldn't decreas travel times with phase gates, it'd actually increase it. You have the chance of porting into a corner of the room opposite to the phase in that room. Making you have to run to through phase after phase to get somewhere.
Interesting idea for sure, but I don't quite think it'd be best.
To be honest, I didn't think of this. And there's no real way around the issue other than "you can't select a room as a phase destination that has infestation in/a Hive in", but then that would render the idea in comparision to the current method not only less effective, but also difficult to control.
Simply make a hive and/or other alien structure (Shade...) block any teleportation to the room. You can further tweak it by allowing to phase into room with...say observatory regardless of what aliens have built there, to mirror the "ninja pg" strategy.
I like the idea quite a lot. Thumbs up.