3rd Race Brainstorming
Join Date: 2012-03-31 Member: 149708Members

I was bored at work a few days ago and no deliveries were coming in so I did a brainstorm for a third NS2 playable Machine race. These ideas are mainly about team wide differences compared to Marines and Aliens.
Ideas for 3rd Machine race
Key Team Ideas
=== [Team Strengths] ===
- Great point defense capabilities.
- Very high melee and ranged attack Damage numbers.
- Able to self repair.
- Able to transform into different combat modes to adapt to different situations
- Able to repair dead lifeforms just like dropped weapons.
- Generally stronger lifeforms.
- Strong damage absorption.
- Can breach defensive lines with ease.
=== [Team Weaknesses] ===
- Requires constant support when away from friendly territory.
- Often vulnerable when changing positions or healing.
- Personal upgrades cost (P-res).
- Slow lifeform movement across the map.
- Slow Melee and ranged attack speeds.
- All or nothing engagements with few retreating tactics or abilities.
- little to no camouflage detection.
- Very few defensive structures.
- No indirect damage weapons like grenades, bilebombs or ARC cannons.
=== [VS. Marines] ===
The majority of machine lifeforms are much bigger and slower than Alien lifeforms and have very little chance of escape after they begin attacking. Machine lifeforms however have far larger health pools and damage absorption by comparison and can be quite dangerous in confined areas. Marine players will be less concerned about hitting their targets and will be more focused on dealing the most damage possible and not running out of ammunition.
=== [VS. Aliens] ===
The machines are a mixture of both ranged and Melee attackers with the majority of their attacks hitting much slower and much harder. Aliens can be less concerned about standing out in the open as long as they keep moving which also allows them to view combat situation better before going in for the charge. However when and who to attack becomes more important and areas such as vents and rooftops are far more accessible for the Machine race's lesser lifeforms compared to Marines and could make them risky to traverse.
=== [No Health] ===
The machine race does not count as having 'Health-Points', as they are not alive. Instead the machine race only has armor and shield values. The machine race's armor value acts exactly the same as armor for marines or aliens, however when that value reaches 0, the unit or structure dies.
=== [Shields] ===
All of the machine lifeform units have shields in one way or another that count as additional armor and is effective for absorbing ranged damage attacks, such as marine firearms and lerk spikes, but is much less effective for absorbing melee attacks. Shields also allows the health pools of the machine race's lifeforms to act differently both against Aliens or Marines. Shields are also immune to other damage type multipliers such as structural and puncture damage.
'1 point of shield will prevent 2 points of ranged attack damage.'
'1 point of shield will prevent 0.5 points of melee attack damage.'
Shields will recover overtime after they receive damage, at a slow pace while draining the energy of the lifeform. When a shield is damaged, there is a brief cooldown period before the shield is allowed to replenish itself. Bilebomb is extremely effective for killing the machine race's units and structures, however it is not very effective against shields and deals highly reduced damage until the shield is depleted. Spores on the other hand are also not very effective against non-living targets, but can be used to disrupt and damage a machine lifeform's shields allowing a lerk to deal substantial shield damage to several targets before following up with spike attacks.
=== [Energy] ===
Similar to a marine's ammunition or an alien's energy, the machine race has its own supply of energy to fire weapons and use abilities. Unlike aliens, the machine race's energy capacity is much higher and is not needed for melee attacks, and Unlike Marines, the machine race's weapons do not need to be reloaded. A machine's energy supply does not replenish by itself, instead a player must return to the primary base structure, stand near a re-charging support structure, or have a Drone use a charge beam to replenish energy supplies. When a machine lifeform runs out of energy, it is still able to move and make melee attacks freely but will not be able to 'repair' or use any ranged weapons or abilities.
=== [Repair] ===
All of the Machine Life forms can enter a repair mode [Q] anywhere on the map to recover damaged health, armor and shields over a period of time. The machine cannot move or attack until either all health, armor, and shields have been recovered or the machine runs out of energy. Also while repairing, the machine will lose the benefit of its shields making it vulnerable just like an Alien egg. Using Repair is the machine race's primary method of recovering damage. While a lifeform is engaged in repair mode, the player controlling the lifeform can 'disembark' with the [G] key.(see Disembarking)
=== [Transforming/deploying] ===
All of the Machine race's lifeforms have either the ability to transform or deploy into different modes, modifying the strengths of their attacks or changing the effects of certain abilities. Transforming for all life forms is done by holding down the right mouse button and takes 3 seconds to complete. While transforming the unit moves at a very slow pace and cannot attack or use abilities. The transformation can also be cancelled by releasing the right mouse button prior to completion. Here are some examples of the types of transformations that could be available:
Vector - Can transforms from a mobile Melee attacker that can slowly climb walls to a slower moving Attacker with a ranged weapon that can no longer climb walls.
Drone - Can Deploy from a flying support unit into a floating stationary turret with stronger shields.
Distruptor - Can Deploy from a large Onos sized robot with short ranged blasters into a stationary weapon platform with heavy guns.
=== [Modules] ===
Modules are similar to alien evolutions. Machine race players can choose from a number of different upgrades for their lifeforms. Each lifeform has access to 3 different modules that are unique to that lifeform and players can choose to activate any available module anywhere on in the map and cost (5Pres) to apply. Modules can be swapped on the fly after they are applied but will cost the player an additional (5Pres). Modules are available in the "b" menu.
=== [Reclamation] ===
All of the machine race's lifeforms will fall on the ground when they die similar to a dropped marine weapon, and will remain on the field for a short period of time. Any machine player as a Drone that approaches a fallen lifeform in melee range will have the option to press [E] and spend (5-pres) to 'resurrect' the lifeform. The lifeform will act as though it had just entered repair mode at 10% Armor with a full supply of energy. After and during the repair, the lifeform is considered available for 'possession' (See Re-spawning). However fallen lifeforms can be destroyed completely when hit by Bilebomb or flamethrowers.
=== [living Defence turrets] ===
The machine race lacks any prominent base defense structures such as Sentries, Hydras, or Whips and instead the team must rely on their support unit (the Drone) to act as their primary base defense turret when the Drone deployment research has been completed. Although extremely effective once deployed, It does completely occupy a player and may leave other offense / defense engagements elsewhere on the map weaker because of it.
=== [Main base] ===
The Machine race's starting tech point room at the beginning of the game includes a primary base structure (Mainframe), a resource tower (Assimilator), and two buildings that both work like a Marine IP and Armory combined called a (Vector-Fabricator). Each starting room also has a corrupted powernode which is built upon an 'un-socketed' powernode, a half built powernode, or a destroyed Marine powernode and is used to provide power to the Machine race's structures.
=== [Re-spawning] ===
The machine race does not spawn the same way as Aliens or Marines as they have their own unique way of joining the game. Players at the beginning of the game start off as the Machine race's standard unit called the Vector. When a Machine lifeform dies, rather than displaying a black screen to the player with death information, the player will become an intangible holographic sprite at the point the lifeform died that can freely fly around the map at high speeds. While in this form, Machine players are able to scout the map, or can simply return to a Vector-fabricator located in Machine territory to 'possess' a new Vector with the [G] key. Vectors are the only lifeforms available in the Vector-fabricators with higher lifeforms requiring more advanced fabricators. The Vector-Fabricators can each hold 1 completed Vector and will hold it within the structure until it is 'possessed' by a Sprite player. Each Vector takes about 20 seconds to complete per fabricator, but multiple fabricators can be built across the map in areas that are receiving corrupted power. Fabricators are also highly visible to all Machine players in Sprite Mode.
=== [Disembarking] ===
As the majority of the machine race's lifeforms are extremely slow moving and with the team lacking any effective teleportation methods such as the Phasegate or Gorge Tunnels, The machine race relies on a combination of the Sprites fast movement and 'pre-positioned' machine lifeforms to defend and attack on multiple fronts effectively. After possessing a lifeform the player may push the [G] button once again to leave the lifeform, causing it to remain stationary at that location until it is possessed once again by another player. There is no limit to how many Machine lifeforms can be active on the map at one time, however as the Vector is a free lifeform, only one may be active per-player at any time. Vectors will continually build in fabricators, but will begin to 'de-spawn' from the map if more are deployed from a Vector-fabricator than there are available players to control them.
=== [The Sprite] ===
The sprite is a representation of the actual Machine race's consciousness moving around a collective network and is considered the actual living element of the team. All of the Machine race's lifeforms are merely avatars of these computer based lifeforms. Upon death, opposing players can see this intangible consciousness removing itself from the destroyed body and returning to re-build once more. Opposing players are rewarded kill points for any 'possessed' lifeform they destroy as well as points to add to their overall score. Players are also awarded 1/2 points for killing any 'un-possessed' machine lifeforms.
Ideas for 3rd Machine race
Key Team Ideas
=== [Team Strengths] ===
- Great point defense capabilities.
- Very high melee and ranged attack Damage numbers.
- Able to self repair.
- Able to transform into different combat modes to adapt to different situations
- Able to repair dead lifeforms just like dropped weapons.
- Generally stronger lifeforms.
- Strong damage absorption.
- Can breach defensive lines with ease.
=== [Team Weaknesses] ===
- Requires constant support when away from friendly territory.
- Often vulnerable when changing positions or healing.
- Personal upgrades cost (P-res).
- Slow lifeform movement across the map.
- Slow Melee and ranged attack speeds.
- All or nothing engagements with few retreating tactics or abilities.
- little to no camouflage detection.
- Very few defensive structures.
- No indirect damage weapons like grenades, bilebombs or ARC cannons.
=== [VS. Marines] ===
The majority of machine lifeforms are much bigger and slower than Alien lifeforms and have very little chance of escape after they begin attacking. Machine lifeforms however have far larger health pools and damage absorption by comparison and can be quite dangerous in confined areas. Marine players will be less concerned about hitting their targets and will be more focused on dealing the most damage possible and not running out of ammunition.
=== [VS. Aliens] ===
The machines are a mixture of both ranged and Melee attackers with the majority of their attacks hitting much slower and much harder. Aliens can be less concerned about standing out in the open as long as they keep moving which also allows them to view combat situation better before going in for the charge. However when and who to attack becomes more important and areas such as vents and rooftops are far more accessible for the Machine race's lesser lifeforms compared to Marines and could make them risky to traverse.
=== [No Health] ===
The machine race does not count as having 'Health-Points', as they are not alive. Instead the machine race only has armor and shield values. The machine race's armor value acts exactly the same as armor for marines or aliens, however when that value reaches 0, the unit or structure dies.
=== [Shields] ===
All of the machine lifeform units have shields in one way or another that count as additional armor and is effective for absorbing ranged damage attacks, such as marine firearms and lerk spikes, but is much less effective for absorbing melee attacks. Shields also allows the health pools of the machine race's lifeforms to act differently both against Aliens or Marines. Shields are also immune to other damage type multipliers such as structural and puncture damage.
'1 point of shield will prevent 2 points of ranged attack damage.'
'1 point of shield will prevent 0.5 points of melee attack damage.'
Shields will recover overtime after they receive damage, at a slow pace while draining the energy of the lifeform. When a shield is damaged, there is a brief cooldown period before the shield is allowed to replenish itself. Bilebomb is extremely effective for killing the machine race's units and structures, however it is not very effective against shields and deals highly reduced damage until the shield is depleted. Spores on the other hand are also not very effective against non-living targets, but can be used to disrupt and damage a machine lifeform's shields allowing a lerk to deal substantial shield damage to several targets before following up with spike attacks.
=== [Energy] ===
Similar to a marine's ammunition or an alien's energy, the machine race has its own supply of energy to fire weapons and use abilities. Unlike aliens, the machine race's energy capacity is much higher and is not needed for melee attacks, and Unlike Marines, the machine race's weapons do not need to be reloaded. A machine's energy supply does not replenish by itself, instead a player must return to the primary base structure, stand near a re-charging support structure, or have a Drone use a charge beam to replenish energy supplies. When a machine lifeform runs out of energy, it is still able to move and make melee attacks freely but will not be able to 'repair' or use any ranged weapons or abilities.
=== [Repair] ===
All of the Machine Life forms can enter a repair mode [Q] anywhere on the map to recover damaged health, armor and shields over a period of time. The machine cannot move or attack until either all health, armor, and shields have been recovered or the machine runs out of energy. Also while repairing, the machine will lose the benefit of its shields making it vulnerable just like an Alien egg. Using Repair is the machine race's primary method of recovering damage. While a lifeform is engaged in repair mode, the player controlling the lifeform can 'disembark' with the [G] key.(see Disembarking)
=== [Transforming/deploying] ===
All of the Machine race's lifeforms have either the ability to transform or deploy into different modes, modifying the strengths of their attacks or changing the effects of certain abilities. Transforming for all life forms is done by holding down the right mouse button and takes 3 seconds to complete. While transforming the unit moves at a very slow pace and cannot attack or use abilities. The transformation can also be cancelled by releasing the right mouse button prior to completion. Here are some examples of the types of transformations that could be available:
Vector - Can transforms from a mobile Melee attacker that can slowly climb walls to a slower moving Attacker with a ranged weapon that can no longer climb walls.
Drone - Can Deploy from a flying support unit into a floating stationary turret with stronger shields.
Distruptor - Can Deploy from a large Onos sized robot with short ranged blasters into a stationary weapon platform with heavy guns.
=== [Modules] ===
Modules are similar to alien evolutions. Machine race players can choose from a number of different upgrades for their lifeforms. Each lifeform has access to 3 different modules that are unique to that lifeform and players can choose to activate any available module anywhere on in the map and cost (5Pres) to apply. Modules can be swapped on the fly after they are applied but will cost the player an additional (5Pres). Modules are available in the "b" menu.
=== [Reclamation] ===
All of the machine race's lifeforms will fall on the ground when they die similar to a dropped marine weapon, and will remain on the field for a short period of time. Any machine player as a Drone that approaches a fallen lifeform in melee range will have the option to press [E] and spend (5-pres) to 'resurrect' the lifeform. The lifeform will act as though it had just entered repair mode at 10% Armor with a full supply of energy. After and during the repair, the lifeform is considered available for 'possession' (See Re-spawning). However fallen lifeforms can be destroyed completely when hit by Bilebomb or flamethrowers.
=== [living Defence turrets] ===
The machine race lacks any prominent base defense structures such as Sentries, Hydras, or Whips and instead the team must rely on their support unit (the Drone) to act as their primary base defense turret when the Drone deployment research has been completed. Although extremely effective once deployed, It does completely occupy a player and may leave other offense / defense engagements elsewhere on the map weaker because of it.
=== [Main base] ===
The Machine race's starting tech point room at the beginning of the game includes a primary base structure (Mainframe), a resource tower (Assimilator), and two buildings that both work like a Marine IP and Armory combined called a (Vector-Fabricator). Each starting room also has a corrupted powernode which is built upon an 'un-socketed' powernode, a half built powernode, or a destroyed Marine powernode and is used to provide power to the Machine race's structures.
=== [Re-spawning] ===
The machine race does not spawn the same way as Aliens or Marines as they have their own unique way of joining the game. Players at the beginning of the game start off as the Machine race's standard unit called the Vector. When a Machine lifeform dies, rather than displaying a black screen to the player with death information, the player will become an intangible holographic sprite at the point the lifeform died that can freely fly around the map at high speeds. While in this form, Machine players are able to scout the map, or can simply return to a Vector-fabricator located in Machine territory to 'possess' a new Vector with the [G] key. Vectors are the only lifeforms available in the Vector-fabricators with higher lifeforms requiring more advanced fabricators. The Vector-Fabricators can each hold 1 completed Vector and will hold it within the structure until it is 'possessed' by a Sprite player. Each Vector takes about 20 seconds to complete per fabricator, but multiple fabricators can be built across the map in areas that are receiving corrupted power. Fabricators are also highly visible to all Machine players in Sprite Mode.
=== [Disembarking] ===
As the majority of the machine race's lifeforms are extremely slow moving and with the team lacking any effective teleportation methods such as the Phasegate or Gorge Tunnels, The machine race relies on a combination of the Sprites fast movement and 'pre-positioned' machine lifeforms to defend and attack on multiple fronts effectively. After possessing a lifeform the player may push the [G] button once again to leave the lifeform, causing it to remain stationary at that location until it is possessed once again by another player. There is no limit to how many Machine lifeforms can be active on the map at one time, however as the Vector is a free lifeform, only one may be active per-player at any time. Vectors will continually build in fabricators, but will begin to 'de-spawn' from the map if more are deployed from a Vector-fabricator than there are available players to control them.
=== [The Sprite] ===
The sprite is a representation of the actual Machine race's consciousness moving around a collective network and is considered the actual living element of the team. All of the Machine race's lifeforms are merely avatars of these computer based lifeforms. Upon death, opposing players can see this intangible consciousness removing itself from the destroyed body and returning to re-build once more. Opposing players are rewarded kill points for any 'possessed' lifeform they destroy as well as points to add to their overall score. Players are also awarded 1/2 points for killing any 'un-possessed' machine lifeforms.
Size- The machines should be humanoid to some extent. The maps as they are now are quite small and corridors are of the plenty. A big player the size of a exo will be too much f a burden since speed is a necessity.
Modes- LIke the aliens, they all start out with one type and have to buy the rest. Maybe the robot comm has to us some res to attain these forms if it is only by the click of the button that the robot is another form? As in, they all start out with the weakest (the vector i guess) but they cant transform. All of the other types you have to buy (much like the aliens) but the transformations act like alien upgrades (leap, bile etc)
Sprites- The way i see it, all of the robot types act like exos? But as soo as the robot dies, this "ghost" i suppose, drifts out and floats away?
From what i have read, there seems to be a lot of running around. No that his is bad but it may get a little hectic no?
Besides that, you seem to have gotten everything! If you need help brain storming, Im your guy!
Well in NS1 we had 1 commander, in NS2 we have 2. Judging by this in NS3 we will have 3 commanders and the robot race will be introduced.
Yeah, I am not majorly attached to the idea of Modules, I suppose the lifeforms themselves should be cost enough.
The Vector would be the same size as a marine, although more animal like in its movements. (Like the Robots from the file I Robot after the robots go rogue. Lifeforms like the Drone would be about the size a big basketball and would be able to fit into vents.
=== [More on the Sprites] ===
I like the idea of free flying around the map after a lifeform has died as it would give the Machine race a unique advantage over the other teams by always being able to choose you're re-spawn location as opposed to a random assignment like the Marine's Infantry-Portal spawning. The other advantage would be that you could essentially wait around where you last died, if you knew there would be a Drone nearby that is willing to pay the 5(Pres) to bring your lifeform back to life after an engagement to save you the walk back, especially if it for an expensive lifeform.
I do agree that the Sprite or Ghost would be confusing to get a handle on for new players, and I think there would need to be a really effective method of showing available spawn locations and lifeforms. Perhaps while in the sprite form, available structures and lifeforms and fabricators could be highlighted on the map and could also be highlighted through wall using the same 'hivesight' technique the Aliens use to see marines and other skulks through solid walls.
I also thought that the Sprite could also be used as the primary method of building the team's structures. The Sprites or Ghosts have to physically leave their avatar lifeform and jump into the structure using the same method to build and activate the structure. After the building is complete the Sprite/ghost can jump out again and back into its lifeform.
=== [Sprite Alternative] ===
Perhaps players could just always spawn as a basic Vector lifeform and just change/upgrade into different lifeforms like Aliens but through an armory type building like the Protolab or Armory, just to make it easier on everybody.
=== [Transforming] ===
I like the Idea of transformations and Deploy modes having to be unlocked by the commander, but I would want them to be options that you would want to change between constantly, to get a real adapting machine type feel. Take the Vector for example: if you were moving through a confined area like a twisting corridor, you may opt for the melee mode as it deals more damage and you would have already closed the distance, however in a large open room with plenty of long range possibilities like 'Lava Falls' ns2_refinery, you would most likely opt for the ranged combat mode. Another example could be that the Vector could choose to go into the melee mode to allow it to climb walls which could then allow you to reach a more advantageous shooting position for the ranged mode.
Really though, please don't.
Aliens = Organic inspired functionality
Protos... err 3rd race: = High Technology inspired functionality. Shields, other fancy stuff that would be in stark contrast to aliens and marines.
Though tbh... Imagine what could be achieved if UWE teamed up with blizzard to make SC3:NS3 :P