What do you like about NS2? And what do you dislike about it?
Join Date: 2011-02-02 Member: 80033Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow

+ I'm very happy with the game both gameplay and graphics. It feels very professional and up-to-date graphics of the current generation.
- The only thing I'm not pleased with is the UI. I'm very much against everything with the current in-game design (icons, ui). The marine upgrade icons for weapon damage and armor is what I dislike the most. Although I like the concept with the marine ui design. But do anyone know if uwe will ever improve the UI design?
SO what do you like about NS2 and what do you dislike about it?
- The only thing I'm not pleased with is the UI. I'm very much against everything with the current in-game design (icons, ui). The marine upgrade icons for weapon damage and armor is what I dislike the most. Although I like the concept with the marine ui design. But do anyone know if uwe will ever improve the UI design?
SO what do you like about NS2 and what do you dislike about it?
+ art-style
+ aliens vs marines concept
+ updates
+ everything else except for negative points
- performance
- balance changes the community wants come to late/never (Onos/Fade nerf, e.g.)
- stacked teams (can't do anything about it, though)
-Lack of Belly Bounce >: (
even louder lerks?
- the only thing that made me rage-quit: still dying by that last bullet, while I was sure I made it into safety around that corner.
And yes, that one can be louder too pls.
There's two sounds you can make when egging it up...
He knew!!!
- performance
- too many games ending by concede vote
- lack of visual upgrades (different models for upgraded hives, weapons, armor, traits)
+ everything else
The concept is brilliant. The only other similar games I know are Savage and Nuclear Dawn. Savage is too much RTS, action part is really poor. Nuclear dawn is good, but has too much balance/spam issues (nade spam, turret spam, insta kill anything anywhere commander abilities). I hope they make Nuclear dawn 2 with all the major flaw fixed, I'd enjoy it very much.
So, I know no other games that offer same degree of teamplay and immersion. You have to contribute to actually expand, get cooler toys and doom your opponent. Work as a team, fight as a team, win as a team. It's not like you stand in a room for x seconds and room is captured. Room is never really captured by game logic, room just has your stuff in it. Makes everything feel more natural. Unlike Nuclear dawn, when you can afford any weapon as soon as advanced kits are researched (which is cheap), you do care about safety of your stuff, because if it is destroyed, you will end up with nothing. NS makes you care about your stuff, it makes you want to destroy enemy's stuff, not only main building, but everything, because every little bit contributes to their success.
In a few more days, NS will be my number one game by time played. For pure fast skill based fun I have Tribes and Unreal Tournament, for this and everything else I have NS.
This is the same in every shooter, only difference that in some you can tune your config which most people don't do anyway.
+ simply awesome gameplay
+ competition
+ no kids / cheaters
+ casts
- people moaning all the time in the forum / reddit, making theories and having THE reason why the community is so small / not growing / getting smaller / game is dying / blah blah blah... this needs to be buffed, this needs to be nerfed, this is why they quit....
Anyway, in this game it's just to pronounced, to obvious. to a degree that I sometimes evade literally 2 seconds "to early", to avoid this issue.
2 seconds...on servers + players with great pings.
...but I agree with the rest of your post.
Is there no console command for sensitivity?
- Chat history when you push Y to see players typing location and not resorting console to read things you didn't read quickly enough
- 360 degree auto rotating map
the 3% of games about strategy / teamwork / balanced action
the other 97% of games
+private matches
+the occasional times of focused teamwork
-teamwork tends to be loose
-everything to do with 250
-annoying people
-NS2 in it's current state
Also, I love the community. You nearly never meet trolls or ***holes. In most games there is at least one helpful players (if rookies dare to ask).
I think NS2 will stay my favorite game for a while.
- i dont like that a day has only 24 hours
+ feeling of cela-skulk
+ OP Fade (I like to play him)
- OP Fade (it's not the fun for the "not OP Fade" guys)
Hopefully some sort of DAK integration will come to fix the rates..
+Killing Fades
+Having a point to playing an FPS besides simply doing the same thing the person you are trying to frag is doing. Something about shooting something with an M4 who is shooting me with an M4 just doesn't make me care like this game does
+Asymmetrical game play is fun at times.
+Entertaining forums that give me my daily dose of *facepalm
-Small comp scene
-Performance (even though it's a lot better)
-Balance issues
- balance
(hahaha sorry)
p.s. someone mentioned it here but it would be nice to have some sort of visual indicator on models for when they are upgraded (biomass/carapace/marine armor level), even if it's subtle.
- Current balance
- Marine pain trains being too OP late game
- Marine spam jumping
- Marine tech tree being too simple
- Twitchy alien movement
- Game is pretty much decided within the first 5mins
(you know which ones!)
I haven't seen a pain train in AGES, and sometimes I kinda miss them. Nice way to finish the d*mn game
One word: Skylights.