So Marines vs Aliens - 63.7% vs 36.3% wins.. *Confirmed NS2Stats bug*
Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3367Members

According to NS2Stats, Marines vs Aliens - 63.7% vs 36.3% wins. *Confirmed NS2Stats bug*
Seems on par with how i experienced matches lately, getting my Skulk behind killed by Marines flying over me, getting my Fade behind shot because when i try to move in & out of range, my energy is drained to nothing and i'm a slow moving fragile expensive target.
In all seriousness, UWE, any plans for restoring some balance??
Seems on par with how i experienced matches lately, getting my Skulk behind killed by Marines flying over me, getting my Fade behind shot because when i try to move in & out of range, my energy is drained to nothing and i'm a slow moving fragile expensive target.
In all seriousness, UWE, any plans for restoring some balance??
€dit: On a side note, I have hold my opinion about strafe jump back for very long now. Because I thought I hadn't met the right people. That there is somewhere a marine player that can really outsmart a skulk for more than 5 seconds AND aim very good at the same time.
I haven't met one so far. There were some marines that could evade really good. But by doing so they didn't aim to well. I could get them down with adapting my playstyle. And I simply can't understand all the whine about the topic. Skulk vs marine is harder now, yes. But it isn't some unbeatable mechanic. I don't understand why people say, it is negating the ambush advantage. It does not. You just don't get your kill granted anymore. You need to fight the marine now actually. But I'm sure the only one with this opinion. Let's get back to alien-wins all the time in the next patch. Fun.
Please don´t.
It doesn't take a genius and a year of stats to see there's a problem. Even if the stats seem to be broken.
And no one is saying it does. Take a look at B250/251, at first (and I am speaking strictly in competitive games) marines were found to have a slight advantage until people started learning the best way to use each life form as well as the build orders etc. Then it was alien domination almost all of the way until the really good teams/players started winning more marine rounds than alien rounds.
Something similar happened in public games where people had no idea how to play the squishy lerk and the no energy fade, once they did the games changed completely in alien favour.
All I am saying is 2 weeks worth of stats should not be taken as gospel as to how the games will be in say 2 months time. People are getting much better by the day at playing alien as both commander and all the lifeforms. It is just a matter of adapting.
I do agree though, the new fade does not feel that much fun to play. The speed you could achieve as fade was what made it fun and while you can still achieve decent speeds with celerity, the energy is too low.
Too much fade wasting for no reason, too few battle gorges, umbra not being utilized, drifters rarely used, etc.
edit: and of course the instant concede mentality, because you lost 1 or 2 rt's in the early game.
U should have let the skulk how it was,specially since u gave the marines more mobility. if i jump and crouch as a marine i can almost keep going on the map dogging some attacks from skulks while my team shots at them (no more fear from rines from a group of skulks) i have to say i don't like it i actually prefer to take my position and know my place on the map thinking ahead and actually aim instead what i see it's only jump around.and i don't play on rookie srv's.
I'm sure there are a lot more points to be made,but i really had to say what i'm thinking about my prefered lifeform in this game,we all start with it and we all have to play it and if u're team is good enough u can evolve to a higher one,but yet again till u do that those shotguns and nades or just gl spam does not make it easy for a lerk without spors or a fade without blink.
I guess in the end what i wanted to say is that i would love to see actual tactic in the marines,and less spam(yes it is fun or necessary sometimes) and having the skulk able to match a marine that only jumps and can still shot you while he does that involving no skill whatsoever that's no tactic sry what that marine says the skulk can catch me just gonna keep jumping keeping the skulk as a big target and then poof the other rines shots him down in the end,bring back my old war dog pls:) it is really necessary.
Don't care about the stats,i care about teamplay and gameplay always and what i see now it's really disappointing.and i don't want to start on skulk leap and jetpacks,where i can rarely touch a marine,or get touched as a marine from a skulk.most skilled players they don't even consider exos as a necessity,i would not spend my res on a exosuit when i can have a jetpack and a shotgun.bah i can talk here a lot about many things and keep rambling i just hope that my words count in some way or will be considered one way or another
edit: yea sry for that i was most focused on what i was writing then actual see how my text is written
and thank you for flagging my post as spam when is my second post on these forums ever and just shared my thoughts,just ignore it pls and move on or u can instead just disagree with!
Fade doesn't seem fun to play anymore. You can't go cel fade without risking getting caught on no energy, you really have to practice a lot to get used to it. Adren is necessary for most players but you feel so slow now that it's really cripples the fun factor at least for me. Marine side hops is another issue that comes to mind but I don't think it is the biggest reason for why the winrates are so skewed. That and the issue that frame rate was gimped since the patch that playing skulk in particular is a living nightmare when mixed with side hop.
I think one of the problems people have with fades is that they are used to having OP fades. Now that fades are not that good most people complains. In my opinion now, more than ever, fades have to work with their team mates to achieve things, and going the whole team fade is not viable anymore (at least not the best option). Going lerk/gorge or saving for onos is an option with this balance.
And, as some people already said, players still have to get used to the new movement mechanics.
P.S: Changing the sh*tty alien vision might help too, these days I see more dizzy-don't know-where-to-bite skulks than ever.
PS.. Sorry for my spelling, english is not my native language!..
That. My skulking was horrible last week until i installed an alien vision mod which solved a lot of tracking problems.
Doh, sorry about his win ratio thing, seems that its been incorrect on for long time by accident. Now when I looked into win ratio functions i found line:
//WHERE round.winner = 1 ' . Filter::addFilterConditions() . ' APRIL FOOL CHANGE
which was changed to WHERE (round.winner = 1 OR round.winner=2)' which stand for marine wins or alien wins. So it was showing marine+alien wins on marine side instead of only marine wins... I don't know if this change has been there since april or gotten there again for some reason after it, but now its fixed. Link to github file on win ratio functions:
Well reason I prob forgot it there was that I did not play ns2 for long time, but now ns2 seems to have improved quite much so started playing it again + spending more time with ns2stats.
Edit: looked into it and seems that its been incorrect only for 2 days. Now i remember too that i uploaded lots of file to server that day.
Restoring balance? You do realize that before this patch aliens were winning 70 percent of games?
Marines nearly can't win in < 5 minutes. When the game ends before, it is a skulk rush in 80% of the cases. 20% marine wins may be hive rushs or people F4ing because team balance is skewed.
Games that end between 5 and 25 minutes are actually nicely balanced with 48% - 52% alien wins.
As soon as we are after 25 minutes aliens come out big time. Between 25 - 60 minutes aliens have an average win chance of 68%.
One can see, that aliens struggle a bit under 10 minutes. Maybe of skulk nerfs. A better outline of marines (Like in HUZEs mod) could already fix that. It also shows that aliens remain overpowered after 25 minutes. You can even see the time when Exos are out and marines have again a chance to finish the aliens (only 61% alien wins between 40 - 45 minutes.)
This thread was started to "proof" that marines are overpowered now. And that strafe jump needs to go. I disagree. People are really used to easy-mode skulks and fades. It is understandable that the loss of the feeling of being overpowered hurts the fun. But we need to find a middle ground between short time fun and long time fun. And overpowered aliens that are more often winning, is boring in the long term.
The skulk was overpowered before reinforced. It was damn easy to kill most marines when ambushing. You could even go in a group of 2 and kill at least 1 if they weren't some twitch aimers. Now you have to fight for your kill. And it is more than possible to win. Many people have asked not to nerf the skulk but to buff marines in order to restore balance. (Because nerfing something can cost the fun) They did that. The marine can evade now.
All in all, I think alien buildings need a health nerf so marines can clear them up faster. Or egg drops for t-res need to go. Anything so the alien team doesn't increase so much in power after 25 minutes. Maybe strafe-jump needs some tweaking too, but first make the outlines of marines to colored surfaces, so it easier to track them. That should already help.
Just my 2 cent.
INB4 ns2stats doesn't say anything about balance: It says at least more than "your feeling" of which side wins more often.
€dit: @Sint Thanks for the info. And nice job with NS2stats I think there is really much information hidden in those over 900 matches since 255. One just needs to look.
You can avoid any skulk coming from the front, not only directly, but any angle from the front. By simply jumping over the skulk. Turn while you are jumping, start shooting then strafe jump when you land (Still while shooting).
You can even jump over a Onos and avoid the 1st hit, im pretty sure I could get 2 jumps over the onos with more practice.
The worst part is, even if it did balance everything out, it's a awful mechanic that promotes awful gameplay (Bunny Hopping).
Vid or it didn't happen.
Srsly, it is a mechanic that allows you to react on an attack instead of just standing there and letting the skulk kill you, if you messed up your aim in the 2 seconds he needed to engage you.
No reason to save for fade instead of going lerk anymore
1. Broken right now as they are adding new stuff and fidling whit the code.
2. Its still to close to the release of reinforced to get any meaningfull numbers. (a trend perhaps, but nothing more.)
3. UWE gets all the stats, ns2stats "only" get stats from participating servers and thues see #2.
The game is about teamwork, 2 skulks will easily kill a marine, the same as 2 marines will easily kill a skulk... But it takes ALOT of skill on either side to always win a one on one.