NS2WC Audience Tickets Available - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

In a few weeks time, the Natural Selection 2 World Championship will begin. The best teams from all over the planet will vie for one of four spaces in a live finals series in Cologne, Germany. NS2 has visited Cologne before – The European Open 2012 & NSL Invitational 2013 Grand Finals were held in the ELTV Lounge studio. Both times, a live audience attended, and in the case of the NSL Invitational, added huge life to the event. This time, we’re going bigger and better. The NS2WC Finals Series (Both Semi’s and Grand) will be held a new, bigger studio called the Arena. Featuring stadium seating for one hundred people, and an elevated stage, it is a very cool …
That's gonna be fun, guys.
@Hugh, are you going to be there too?
And do you have concrete plans on how to fill those 10.5 hrs yet?
Also, endless facepaint sounds awesome. As long as it's green.
Now, if you could bring over a George Plush, so I can buy it and take some cute pictures of it with my new born (due in march) that would be great ;-)
don't worry, the corner is ours
There were even more. I got number 87.
Btw, guys, bring some Onos t-shirts. I want to buy merchandise.
You didn't get one?
You can have mine, everyone else has...
Did not get a mail back so dunno if its registered.
I can't get there so if I don't get a mail back from WasabiOne then I release my ticket
here a few days before the event.
I have to take an earlier train if we start right at 13:00.
You're good. Times are close to being locked in, but they are discussing a start time range from 1400-1900. Once it's confirmed, we'll let you know. It will be updated on the ns2wc site and when the official uwe news post goes out, it'll be there too.
Just got confirmation from the ESL guys that doors generally open to the audience 30 minutes before the show start time. Again, will let you know when that is confirmed.