Please fix server browser
Join Date: 2013-04-16 Member: 184847Members
I select filter full servers, yet I still get full servers results.

Also, a rookie friendly filter would be nice too.
I also notice sometimes when I join a server with 1 free slot, it will kick me saying full server. Yet I go to the server browser after kick and it still shows an open slot.

Also, a rookie friendly filter would be nice too.
I also notice sometimes when I join a server with 1 free slot, it will kick me saying full server. Yet I go to the server browser after kick and it still shows an open slot.
Yes the server browser is bad, but what else is new.
The server browser is attempting to deal with this through color distinctions.
And reserved slots should not be filtered out when you filter full.. due to said different implementations. (you can still join many and spec until a slot opens etc due to their implementation)
Hardly seems like a justified stance to take when the official ns2 reserved slot system is broken, and everything is left up to custom mods..
Maybe make a new option to filter these servers. So the user can decide if he want to see full server, servers with open reserved slots only or just servers with open playable slots.
I'm about to blow your mind -
Except....that doesn't really solve the problem... just clutters the UI up more. No other options will be added to the server browser, I can guarantee that, the only way it would be possible is if I made checkboxes able to be more than just true false.
And what res is that in.
lol, its 1024x768 downscaled, only way for me to get reliable and persistent frame rate in this game
It wouldn't be that hard to make a new row below the Map name filter. That way, maybe we could have the rookie mode filter back, too.
(And a 3 way Checkbox isn't that hard to implement, too. If I recall correctly, the old rookie filter was one. But I'm not sure of this, maybe I'm mixing this with another game)
You have to what, scan over the first few reserved slot servers that are full at the top and then pick one that says 19/20 that isn't yellow... even in that screenshot you provided in that low res, I can count almost 10 servers that are not reserved and not full and are clearly distinguished with white color... you didn't even have to scroll. So I just don't feel its that inconveniencing..
10 of the 20 servers displayed are servers I can't play on despite my filter settings, how are you trying to defend this? This shouldn't be clogging up my view of available servers that I CAN PLAY on. It's already a pain in the ass sifting through the 20,000 billion rookie friendly servers, adding another layer of shit I have to sift through is just an annoyance.
lmao, 1 word clutters the ui
Like this: In an instant's glance you are able to determine which servers you can join.
Try to join a full server...
However with time you get all the tricks down. Update > Rightclickclickclick > Join Queue. Alt-tab. Steam Friends > Join Server if spot's free > If you hear sound > Alt-tab back > update > rightclickclickclick > Join and so on.
I think i was arguing with you and agreeing with things like what Asraniel and ns2isgood are saying... which is funny that I've changed my opinion.. I guess because it really didn't become a problem like i thought it would.
I suppose it's subjective though and could more of a pita for others like OP..
Now considering it, I think the assumption that i'd have to have a server favorited in order to see whether i could join its reserved slot seems silly considering said custom reserved slots.
That said, i dont care that much about it myself. I'm mucky and dont have 50% of the servers i cant play on when i play, but op is really unlucky and i dont think that this part of the ui design works out for him
Is it ever going to be fixed though? IIRC the reserved slots system was one of those cool "post 1.0" features.
The current workarounds are unacceptable, and I'm getting real tired of being locked out of our own servers..
We've been asking for this for 2 years now.
- If you have a reserved slot, that is a feature that lets you 'get into a full server', so it should be obvious to turn that filter off.
- People who want to just spectate are going to be in the minority, they are going to probably be looking for a specific favorite server, and can just turn the filter off to find server counts in a different color.
- Listing those servers is just clutter for the majority who are looking for a populated but not full server to join.
1) Like samus said: If the server still has joinable slots for someone, whether you personally are able to join or not, then it is not "full".. especially given the nature of the recent server mods allowing spec
2) What an assumption. That must be why this guy has so many awesomes, right?..... -_-
3) "and can just turn the filter off to find server counts in a different color." So can you? Are you really arguing that you cannot see which servers are joinable in that screenshot at a single glance? I don't believe this argument about "clutter" when its crystal clear in a single glance. Hell, its even color coded for you...
I have no ETA on that... You're better off asking Sewlek or Samusdroid.
But if you ask me, admins would still use their custom solutions even if vanilla reserved slots were fixed, given how robust their mods are now.
We want our players to be able to connect via steam friends, but doesn't work work with neither passworded servers, nor 18/20 ("full") servers.
Correct me If I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure source games are able to handle reserverd slots within steam, so why can't NS2? Now I know only so much about the ns2 code, but I guess the steam <> game interface is handled inside the engine, and thus isn't fixable by Sewlek or Samusdroid(?).
Should that be the case, is it possible that Max or Dushan might take look at it? I know that they're probably busy with Subnautica, but it would be really cool, if they could fix that. I would probably even buy Subnautica twice as a thank you.