NS2 Won't Start
Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue

Tried to start NS2 today, got the loading screen, then it goes black and the crash dialog box comes up. 1st thing I did was check my log:
Next step was to remove everything from the Natural Selection 2 roaming folder. Now I go straight to black screen, do not pass loading screen..
So I deleted all my personal mod files and code that has been hanging around in the Natural Selection 2 steam folder for several years. Now the game shows loading before crashing again.
This time, the log goes a bit further as it is downloading my subscribed mods.
So I went on steam and unsubscribed from all the NS2 mods I am subscribed to and deleted the roaming folder again. I get the same problem, but now it crashes in the middle of compiling the shaders:
Visually the problem is exactly the same, the loading screen comes up, then black screens.
Does anyone have any other possible solutions before I nuke the whole install? 10GB is a lot to download...
Date: 05/01/14 Time: 13:02:53: -------------------------------------------------------------- Build 264 Windows 8 64-bit (build 9200) Steam initialized Num displays: 2 Direct3D 11 initialized [feature level 11.0] (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti ) Sound Device: Luidsprekers (TASCAM US-1641) stereo Record Device: Lijningang (TASCAM US-1641) PhysX: Using GPU dispatcher Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json PhysX: Using GPU dispatcher Loading config://FavoriteServers.json Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Next step was to remove everything from the Natural Selection 2 roaming folder. Now I go straight to black screen, do not pass loading screen..
So I deleted all my personal mod files and code that has been hanging around in the Natural Selection 2 steam folder for several years. Now the game shows loading before crashing again.
This time, the log goes a bit further as it is downloading my subscribed mods.
Date: 05/01/14 Time: 13:17:25: -------------------------------------------------------------- Build 264 Windows 8 64-bit (build 9200) Steam initialized Num displays: 2 Direct3D 9 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti ( Sound Device: Luidsprekers (TASCAM US-1641) stereo Record Device: Lijningang (TASCAM US-1641) Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json Loading config://FavoriteServers.json Loading config://HistoryServers.json Queuing download of 'Proving Grounds (Alpha) 1.9.4' Queuing download of 'GorgeCraft' Queuing download of 'GorgeZilla' Queuing download of 'Skulks With Shotguns [ALPHA]' Queuing download of 'ExtraEntitiesMod' Mod 'Proving Grounds (Alpha) 1.9.4' installed Mod 'GorgeCraft' installed Queuing download of 'Baby Gorges'
So I went on steam and unsubscribed from all the NS2 mods I am subscribed to and deleted the roaming folder again. I get the same problem, but now it crashes in the middle of compiling the shaders:
Date: 05/01/14 Time: 13:26:49: -------------------------------------------------------------- Build 264 Windows 8 64-bit (build 9200) Steam initialized Num displays: 2 Direct3D 9 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti ( Compiling 'renderer/Drawer.shader' Sound Device: Luidsprekers (TASCAM US-1641) stereo Record Device: Lijningang (TASCAM US-1641) Compiling 'renderer/DeferredShading.shader' Compiling 'renderer/DeferredShading.shader' Compiling 'renderer/LightVolume.shader' Compiling 'renderer/LightVolume.shader' Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader' Loading config://FavoriteServers.json Loading config://HistoryServers.json Compiling 'shaders/Model.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/Model_alpha.surface_shader' Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/window_rain.surface_shader' Compiling 'materials/biodome/biodome_glass.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/Level.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/SkyBox.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/Decal.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/Decal_emissive.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/Emissive.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/ViewModel_emissive.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/ViewModel.surface_shader' Compiling 'renderer/Infestation.shader' Compiling 'renderer/Atmospherics.shader' Compiling 'renderer/Reflection.shader' Compiling 'renderer/Unlit.shader' Compiling 'renderer/AmbientOcclusion.shader' Compiling 'renderer/Refraction.shader' Compiling 'renderer/Particles.shader' Compiling 'renderer/Bloom.shader' Compiling 'renderer/Blur.shader' Compiling 'renderer/ToneMap.shader' Compiling 'renderer/AntiAlias.shader' Compiling 'renderer/DeferredVisualize.shader' Compiling 'models/marine/Dropship/dropship_fx_thrusters.surface_shader' Compiling 'models/alien/alien.surface_shader' Compiling 'models/marine/marine.surface_shader' Compiling 'models/marine/marine_noemissive.surface_shader' Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/elec_trails.surface_shader' Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/Emissive_glow.surface_shader' Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive_alpha.surface_shader' Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/2em_scroll_vtxcolor.surface_shader' Compiling 'models/hologram.surface_shader'
Visually the problem is exactly the same, the loading screen comes up, then black screens.
Does anyone have any other possible solutions before I nuke the whole install? 10GB is a lot to download...
Worst case, delete %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/system_options.xml if you all ahve what i think you do that should fix things.
if not you know post logs.
Deleted the %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/system_options.xml file
Deleted the folder %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/cache
Deleted the folder %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/Workshop (after unsubscribing from everything)
And it works now.
Also, you didnt say that you tried verifying steam cache?
Time: 09:44:27:
Build 265
Windows 7 64-bit (build 7601)
Steam initialized
Num displays: 1
Direct3D 9 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 (
Sound Device: Haut-parleurs (VIA High Definition Audio) stereo
Record Device: CD audio (VIA High Definition Audio)
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 265
Steam Id: 919983
Connected to Steam servers
Connecting to server
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
VAC Enabled
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 265
Steam Id: 919983
Loading config://ServerConfig.json
Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
Loading config://MapCycle.json
Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
Hashed 802 *.lua files for consistency
Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
Hashed 139 *.surface_shader files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
Hashed 13 *.level files for consistency
Hashed 5865 *.dds files for consistency
Hashed 88 *.jpg files for consistency
Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
Hashed 905 *.cinematic files for consistency
Hashed 2202 *.material files for consistency
Hashed 3924 *.model files for consistency
Hashed 103 *.animation_graph files for consistency
Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.fev files for consistency
Hashed 22 *.fsb files for consistency
Skipped 382 ui/*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 127 *_view*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 54 *_view*.material files for consistency
Skipped 143 *_view*.model files for consistency
Skipped 21 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
Consistency checking took 2 seconds
Loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Error: Couldn't bind socket (Une seule utilisation de chaque adresse de socket (protocole/adresse réseau/port) est habituellement autorisée.
Error: Error binding server to :27015
Error: SteamGameServer_Init call failed
Error: Couldn't connect to Steam
Connecting to server
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Loading config://ServerConfig.json
Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
Loading config://MapCycle.json
Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
Hashed 802 *.lua files for consistency
Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
Hashed 139 *.surface_shader files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
Hashed 13 *.level files for consistency
Hashed 5865 *.dds files for consistency
Hashed 88 *.jpg files for consistency
Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
Hashed 905 *.cinematic files for consistency
Hashed 2202 *.material files for consistency
Hashed 3924 *.model files for consistency
Hashed 103 *.animation_graph files for consistency
Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.fev files for consistency
Hashed 22 *.fsb files for consistency
Skipped 382 ui/*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 127 *_view*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 54 *_view*.material files for consistency
Skipped 143 *_view*.model files for consistency
Skipped 21 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
Hashed 0 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
Consistency checking took 2 seconds
Loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 265
Steam Id: 919983
Error: Attempted to load remote options from a file that does not exist.
Error: 133400 memory leaks in 'Client' (23791304 bytes)
Error: 12772 memory leaks in 'Script' (62903744 bytes)
Error: 157803 memory leaks in 'Model' (251152996 bytes)
Error: 84 memory leaks in 'Material' (91728 bytes)
I deleted the %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/system_options.xml file
the folder %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/cache
the folder %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/Workshop (after unsubscribing from everything)
Now I don't even make it to the menu : black screen and back to windows as soon as I launch the game.
Windows 7 64-bit (build 7601)
Error: PhysX: Invalid Cuda context!
Steam initialized
Num displays: 1
Direct3D 9 initialized: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series (
Sound Device: Lautsprecher (VIA High Definition Audio) stereo
Record Device: Front Mic (VIA High Definition Audio)
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Error: Mod '' wasn't available
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m619984c_1350223054/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1393826953/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/mc11703b_1386614558/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/md01b957_1395089833/
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 265
Steam Id: 48430293
Connected to Steam servers
Downloading mods
Connecting to server
Client connecting (
VAC Enabled
Starting download of 'ns2_nothing [WIP]'
Starting download of 'ns2_sws_refinery'
Error: Mod '88fecb5', doesn't contain a valid title
Starting download of 'Badges+'
Starting download of 'ns2_veil_siege'
Starting download of 'ns2_jambi'
Starting download of 'Laser-Mines'
Starting download of 'ns2_tramsiege'
Download of 'Laser-Mines' complete
Download of 'Badges+' complete
Download of 'ns2_sws_refinery' complete
Error: Error installing mod 'ns2_nothing [WIP]' (download failed: 28)
Error: Error installing mod 'ns2_veil_siege' (download failed: 28)
Error: Error installing mod 'ns2_jambi' (download failed: 28)
Error: Error installing mod 'ns2_tramsiege' (download failed: 28)
Finished downloading and installing mods
Error: Mod wasn't available
Error: Mod wasn't available
Error: Mod wasn't available
Error: Mod wasn't available
Error: Mod wasn't available
Error: Mod wasn't available
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m619984c_1350223054/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1393826953/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m7a4d129_1367331451/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/mb7149f9_1398962221/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/mc11703b_1386614558/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/mcb11261_1392557514/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/md01b957_1395089833/
Loading Badge config://ServerUID.txt
Loading Badge config://ServerAdmin.json
Loading config://ServerConfig.json
Loading config://ServerAdmin.json
Loading config://BannedPlayers.json
Loading config://MapCycle.json
Loading config://ConsistencyConfig.json
Hashed 1 game_setup.xml files for consistency
Hashed 821 *.lua files for consistency
Hashed 37 *.hlsl files for consistency
Hashed 30 *.shader files for consistency
Hashed 18 *.screenfx files for consistency
Hashed 139 *.surface_shader files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.fxh files for consistency
Hashed 3 *.render_setup files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.shader_template files for consistency
Hashed 14 *.level files for consistency
Hashed 6395 *.dds files for consistency
Hashed 89 *.jpg files for consistency
Hashed 43 *.png files for consistency
Hashed 905 *.cinematic files for consistency
Hashed 2203 *.material files for consistency
Hashed 3924 *.model files for consistency
Hashed 103 *.animation_graph files for consistency
Hashed 201 *.polygons files for consistency
Hashed 2 *.fev files for consistency
Hashed 22 *.fsb files for consistency
Skipped 911 ui/*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 127 *_view*.dds files for consistency
Skipped 54 *_view*.material files for consistency
Skipped 143 *_view*.model files for consistency
Skipped 21 models/marine/hands/* files for consistency
Hashed 1 lua/entry/*.entry files for consistency
Consistency checking took 2 seconds
Loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Downloading mods
Queuing download of 'Badges+'
Queuing download of 'Laser-Mines'
Queuing download of 'ns2_sws_refinery'
Queuing download of 'ns2_caged'
Starting download of 'Laser-Mines'
Queuing download of 'ns2_jambi'
Queuing download of 'ns2_nothing [WIP]'
Queuing download of 'ns2_veil_siege'
Queuing download of 'ns2_tramsiege'[/quote]
win7, gtx 460, 8gb ram, asus p7p55de, gskill 120GB SSD, i7 at stock 2.93Ghz
had no problems running NS2 whatsoever up until the update last night. NS2 is the only game I have installed under steam and I'm not subscribed to any other mods.
also attempted to update anything else such as C++ to no avail
unsubscribing from all items in the workshop fixed it for me. I did not delete anything, just pressed unsubscribe in the workshop.
For reference, here is the my list of subscribed items
Hands with Triforce
Uke's Awesome Loading
237 Khammander A'cyst
Murphy's Balance Mod
Sanity Mod
Same here , first I thought windows updates were the problem (IE fix update and so on). But after deleting the updates and an earlier system snapshot is the problem allready here...
We have all bad luck -.- and no support from game developers...
"Direct3D 11 initialized"
I believe this is why you had a black screen, initially, considering it was fixed after you deleted your options file which properly put you into directx 9 mode.
The crashing when caching just sounds like steam might have downloaded a botched file, and is something verifying the cache more than likely could have fixed.
Thanks for the thoroughness btw
You need to start your own thread, your issue is much different than the one listed here.
Your starting hint is this error in your log: "Error: Couldn't connect to Steam"
You have support. If devs need to know what is going on, i will relay. Until then we diagnose, troubleshoot and collect data.
In your log :
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m619984c_1350223054/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1393826953/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/mc11703b_1386614558/
Mounting mod from C:/Users/Michael/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/md01b957_1395089833/
Looks like you are still subscribed to mods. Please unsubscribe through steam first, THEN delete your workshop folder.
^ This goes for all users having this issue!! Unsubscribe from all mods through steam, then manually delete your workshop folder after and report back your results.
I understand D3D 11 is in beta, but to be honest @IronHorse I have only used D3D11 since it was added. I have never had a problem. According to most people I spoke to, it was some sort of mod issue. As removing subscription from mods seems to clear it. The big mystery is why it happened around 9 hours BEFORE ns2 was updated. We can understand after, but not before :P
way 1: steam -> library -> NS2 (right klick) -> community hub -> workshop (at top) -> subscribed items (on the right)
way 2: steam -> library -> NS2 (left klickt) -> browse the workshop (some where in the middle) -> subscribed items (on the right)
way 3: steam -> community -> workshop (all at top) -> search for Natural Selection 2 -> subscribed items (on the right)
Thank you, now I found this option
But my problem is, that there is nothing subsribed
EDIT : OK, this is getting weirder : The game seems to work only at night, WTF ?
drivers of course. Those get updated plenty. (yes, thats a assumption, but still)
This solved it for me though:
There has to be something wrong with the update. Anyway...