"Game files do not match the server's..."



  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited May 2014
    krysopath wrote: »
    I provided a log from a vanilla install (made some days ago), which threw the known error. Henceforth change of issue is necessary. But if people just like to bash on my hardware, then this wont happen. Im afraid i cant get this attitude into my head. Why should a slow processor render hash-generation broken?
    ("well yes, if its coupled with win xp and low ram, barbecue can reach escape velocity"-type of argument)
    The only attitude that's been an issue in this entire thread is your own.
    You come into this technical support thread and make assumptions and accusations that just make you sound irate and uninformed, and you do this despite your own hardware not being supported (*This matters, stay with me here) and then declare that you will never again buy a UWE product and will tell all others do follow suit...

    I get you are upset that your game isn't working, (though it shouldn't even run in the first place) but that is not the way to illicit assistance in a technical support forum ran by community members. Unless you came only to report what we already know, in that case: great, thanks.. take care.

    Of course we've narrowed down that murmur hash checking is causing issues... for 32 bit / low ram users. Typical RAM/VRAM 64 bit users are not having an issue with this on their local system so far.
    krysopath wrote: »
    My system specs arent in question, but upgrading my hardware wont fix issues with hash-generation & consistency checking.
    *Yes, yes they are. Upgrading your hardware and software WILL fix the issue. This is where your PC specifications matter beyond not even meeting the minimum requirements, which are already considered insufficient by the entire community. You seem savvy enough with computers to understand this aspect, so i don't understand the denial you are displaying.. I guarantee you if you had an I7 processor with a 680 GTX 2GB VRAM, with 8 GB DDR3 in a 64 bit Windows 7 ... you would not be able to reproduce this issue.
    On this note, take off your tinfoil helmet, I obviously genuinely missed you posting your tech support, otherwise i wouldn't have bothered mentioning it.

    Long story short:
    Save your opinions and disgruntled attitude for general discussion. These forums are for assisting users and gathering data.
    If you'd like to further assist with new information, then tone down the attitude, I don't care if you're angry - it is not welcome here and this is the only warning that i'll provide on the matter.
    Time to put this thread back on track

    For everyone with this issue:
    Looking over what murmur is doing, I believe ghoul may be onto something in regards to the consistency failing locally like we've seen many pages ago - it might be caching it.
    When i looked through the install directory i found a file called ".hashes" located in \Steam\SteamApps\common\Natural Selection 2\ns2 it seems to be doing just this from what i can tell.
    Those who cannot optimize the game from the menu without this consistency failing, please delete this file and before starting NS2 again, right click it in your steam library > properties > set launch options > type: -verbose
    Then post the log should it fail
  • krysopathkrysopath Europe Join Date: 2014-05-22 Member: 196175Members
    edited May 2014
    You come into this technical support thread and make assumptions and accusations that just make you sound irate and uninformed, and you do this despite your own hardware not being supported (*This matters, stay with me here) and then declare that you will never again buy a UWE product and will tell all others do follow suit...

    please read my future post more closely. i came across irate, true.

    well, sorry for my ironic tone, its evident im frustrated by five copies of this game not working up to expectations on 4 of 5 machines. i garantuee that except my own machine these are quite capable and recent hardware. but because you tried to help me in a way i dont like, i shouldnt fall into sarcasm mode with you. i usually do this if i see people not listening. so listen or dont.

    honestly, my irony was caused by a feel of neglience. due to the fact that i stated initially that my machine was capable to just start ns2 and play it to some extent in the past. recent software changes seemed to make it impossible. and i saw you fixated on mods doing debugging, because UWE devs dont take responsibility for it. hence my log of a failing vanilla install with no involved mods. indeed, i spent several hours to just repeat every mentioned step everywhere and vented at the end.

    i want to remind you, that this game ran just fine enough in the past. my attitude towards games expects games, to not suddenly take more ressources. I obviously never change my running system :) I dont like to be forced to upgrade my hardware, just because some UWE reasoning changed hash generation. would you buy a bigger tank for your car, just because the manufacturer decided to increase fuel consumption remotely?

    umodded vanilla game connects to localhost, starts to optimize, gives failed check for male and female model. but worked prior to the current build and the hardware was unchanged. but hashing was changed.

    a real strong hint to look at how hash values are being created, stored and checked. the bug seemed to be biased against 32bit architecture. in all honesty hash generation/checking has to work in a way that generates the same values for a given data on every machine you intent to check the hash on. short research into mumur3 project even gave the idea, that mumur3 doesnt hash consistently between the 32bit and the 64bit version. if this is true then murmur3 is autobroken imho.

    murmur3 isnt a established way of hash generation. why do you want to change the already working checkingmethod is beyond my understanding and the scope of this thread, too. UWE may have a good reason to use murmur3, but if they discriminate old hardware they should take angry customers into account. why do you think i need recent hardware to do my hashing on? maybe i fail to see your point here, but even my trusty nokia can generates hashes correctly.

    if it is not murmur3 and hashing, then UWE just made their software behave erratically. or perhaps my cpu switched the ns2 flag, just to annoy me?

    i think your fingerpointing at my old hardware misses an important point that i made by my initial post. I just know a bit on hashing and applied this to the facts at hand to my best power. dont let this irritate you, please. maybe ns2 consistency checks need recent cpu and loads of ram for unkown reasons, but hashing in general does not.

    if i get you right, then your last suggestion does not apply to me? ... still i am going to add checking for *.model again and post a verbose log soonish, for the sake of a verbose log.

    best of wishes,
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited May 2014
    krysopath wrote: »
    umodded vanilla game connects to localhost, starts to optimize, gives failed check for male and female model. but worked prior to the current build and the hardware was unchanged. but hashing was changed. the bug seemed to be biased against 32bit architecture.

    This is the crux of the issue. Although I cannot say if it will be fixed for sure, it is at least known.
    This is because it's obviously a 3rd party implementation that is on the makers to update / make compatible... and I cannot answer regarding outright reversion of the implementation, given the advantages in loading times it provides for the rest of the users. Like i said previously, already so much has been cannibalized to keep things compatible for 32 bit.. an obsolete technology that is in a small minority, according to steam. We already can't include a single model more in this game due to 32 bit users, essentially holding back features for all users.

    In other others: while it is known and on our list, It is not a high priority item afaik. Who knows though, maybe it can be easily reverted *shrug*
    Myself and others will update everyone here as we know more.

    For now please attempt deleting that .hash file to generate a new one, by just reproducing it locally (by using the optimize option, or a local server, not by joining a server) just to try for the sake of it.

    Slightly offtopic:
    krysopath wrote: »
    I dont like to be forced to upgrade my hardware, just because some UWE reasoning changed hash generation. would you buy a bigger tank for your car, just because the manufacturer decided to increase fuel consumption remotely?
    If gas was considered an outdated fossil fuel and the world moved onto electric, exclusively? Yeah.. i might consider upgrading.
    Your PC falls below the minimum requirements for the strong majority of modern AAA games released today.

    idk how much experience you have with PC gaming so I don't mean to offend.. but it's absolutely inherent in the experience that you upgrade your hardware in order to meet the needs of new games. It is the largest driving force behind the research and development of future gaming (PC) hardware, and essentially an entire technology industry. 14 years later is no longer "new" in terms of PC hardware and gaming, however, hehe.. that's a dinosaur. I remember getting my first GPU (3dfx) to play Quake finally, after staring at the box for months in anticipation - that was 20 years ago exactly - this requirement has been occurring since the beginning of PC gaming ;)
  • bfox982bfox982 usa Join Date: 2014-01-21 Member: 193399Members
    i know this post is old but helped me out a lot with the exception of the bickering, lol. Untill recent i was not having this error(male,female marine models etc.) and kept dropping during map changes. I was running 32 bit XP and changed to windows home premium 64bit, i have yet to have any errors including "Resampling uncompressed animations at 1/2 frame rate to conserve memory". THANKS
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