Subnautica Seabases Released! - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Subnautica now features underwater bases. They are available now, and allow the construction of habitats on the sea floor. Bases are composed of modular units such as compartments, windows, and...
Edit: Forgot to add the link to the thread. Doh!
Thanks Devs!
It's probly already been asked, but I would love my own aquarium on the Cyclops or in the Seabases, anyone know if there is plans for that ? (you could perhaps breed new fish?) Although not sure what that would accomplish.
I can imagine having to allign the diving-hatch at the front of the Cyclops, to a docking-port on the seabase...pretty much like docking in Elite Dangerous is performed (with a special docking-hud, that shows allignment).
This way, the docking-bay for the Seamoth stays clear from the seabase, and can contiue to be functional.
The glass corridor looking like a normal corridor, but doing - 8 to the hull, so you'd have to do something like renforce previous sections, and you probably wouldnt want to put a foundation under it. The lighting system could be like sea lamps, for night time, and you attach it to the outside of the corridor or the foundation, or even by a chain, and it can float a bit?
Just a suggeustive idea i think would be good (If any devs see this)
Just reading above. Most of what I have described in this reply, seems like an Idea already, so I'll just leave this here
How about an energy mining and ship charging function?
Btw ... if you build larger bases, fish will appear inside the corridors. You can see it in the screenshot in front of the locker.
Something i have noticed aswel is that depending on where you build your base the rocks or red sea-grass comes poking through the floor..
Sorry and last thing the Terraformer destroys ground in a bubble shape which to me makes it wierd for when you just want to level out the ground around your base, is there any chance they can make it a square bubble shape?
So far I'm really liking the base building but would like to have the option of making bigger rooms (next to an X-corridor have a room that just opens up the walls of corridors and/or ceilings).
Also I've found an easter-egg supply crate that gives me new shiny stuff every time I open it close to the crashed ship. I've moved it closer to my pod using floaters. I also found transfuser parts to make a transfuser, but haven't found fragment analyzer parts yet.
I've switched the game mode since food-intake needs to happen way too often. This guy is a monster when it comes to burning calories. I like survival but this is just too much of a chore and takes away the fun of exploring.
For a workaround on the disappearing seamoth bug, just make sure your seamoth status is not-docked (it will be docked when you load your game). So first thing you do after loading is go inside your Cyclops, undock Seamoth, exit Seamoth, go back into your Cyclops and go out again, this will fix your Seamoth status and your own X-Y-Z position. Then save. Repeat on next game load.
I agree with this, very much! We need our generator to be able to recharge our vehicles, as a static base should have incentives for taking the time and effort to build, protect, and upkeep it.
I would like to see a 'recharge station' maybe some kind of mechanical arm which we can drive any vehicle towards and it will latch on then power up said vehicle before we choose to undock it. I hope we could even build a seamoth docking bay like the cyclops has, or even dock a cyclops against an airlock door to walk straight into the base
As for power, surely tidal generators are better than 'energy mining'
And b.t.w what's the use of a tidal generator if you have to build a base at 100m?
the Cyclops would approach and dock and be locked in place and be recharged by the base power core, and you would go out the bottom hatch directly into the seabase?
also, maybe some residential parts for the Cyclops and/or the seabases as well as a fatigue implementation?
also maybe some sonar for the Cyclops?
I personally see an aquarium as an artificial environment to keep fish & plants for display, so prefer something more like a fish containment module that is part of the sea around but keep fish or kelps together, like farms pens if you prefer.
The aquarium is all around us :-)
I really like the base-building part of the game and just wanted to fire off some suggestions, most of which you probably already have, but maybe some are a little different to what you had in mind.
Base module components: obviously, what we have at the moment will expand, but here are my ideas.
- Rooms. You can either add pre-made rooms of fixed sizes, or you can remove the junction space between four X-pieces in a 2x2 grid layout to make a room, which can lead to spaces as large as you want them, or of irregular shapes, but can seriously impact your hull integrity. For the really grandiose, you could have multi-level rooms, with balconies and gantries. These can house labs, dorms, trophy rooms, weapons rooms, research labs, factories, rec areas, the list is endless.
-Vertical shafts. If your base has some serious verticality issues, rather than stacking ungainly-looking sections one on top of the other for several levels, you can skip levels with a vertical shaft. Includes the ladder section inside, so you only need to connect one at either end, then when the ladder is activated, you transport from one end to the other, be it one, three or ten levels. Has a low impact on hull integrity, so can be useful for attaching a shallow base to surface modules.
-Hatchery, fishery and holding tanks (surface, reef or deep zone). It's reasonable to assume that the fauna in the game will play a larger role, not only as food, but as valuable resource pools and a larger part of the gameplay mechanic (catch, catalogue, name, link species, splice), so rather than the random hide and seek we have at the moment, there needs to be places to store and breed fish, either as a resource or as your own decorative aquarium-within an aquarium.
-Inter-level pieces. As I already said, I find the placing of tubular sections on top of one another to change levels ungainly, so having a longer section that slants up and connects two decks via stairs would look great. You could potentially make some great looking bases (already thinking of a helicular base that winds upwards to the surface in a spiral with various labs and rooms sprouting from it). You can also have even longer, ramp pieces (reminiscent of the Cyclops lower level that slants upwards); then there's elevators, too!
-Docks. Right now, leaving you subs hanging around in the ocean and having to transfer via the wet stuff from sub to base just isn't how it's going to stay, so I know dock pieces are part of the plan (but if for some reason they're not, here they are). You can have a surface dock for your Cyclops where you can transfer above water, there's also the underwater umbilical, that attaches to the underside port and you can transfer into your sub at lower levels. The Seamoth can also have a permanent launch dock, reminiscent of the dock the dolphin from SeaQuest DSV used to have: access from below into a pressure-controlled chamber that has an open interface with the ocean.
-Decorative and reinforcing pieces. We already have windows and shielding components, and I'm hard-pressed to actually come up with much for this, but what about observation domes (both the smaller, 1-man bubbles and larger rooms with a glass domes ceiling offering amazing views), as well as the ability to promote plant growth on your base, which could be camouflage against any base-hating creatures that might turn up later in the game or just to make it look pretty.
-Power room. I could have added this to rooms, but wanted to make a special case for it. Right now, the power generator really bugs my OCD, as it always end up offset and cant be manipulated very much at all. It would be great to have this either as a matching module piece to incorporate it into the look of the base, or to have an upgrade that is a room, so that this generator is the 'starter level' that runs down over time that you can replace with the better-looking and more permanent power room.
-Water rooms. Again, felt this needed its own category. In survival mode, water is essential, but getting it is a little long-winded and there has to be a process for automating the process. You could have different types of water rooms, depending on your approach: you could have a distilling room, where water is distilled from salt-water (maybe by sunlight, some large surface-based room exposed to the sun, which gives you salt deposits as a by-product. Then there's the reverse osmosis method, which is more scientific and gives you a lab-like room that can be placed at any depth. You also have the possibility of producing your own bleach for cleaning the water chemically, by having a room where you artificially grow the coral and extract the salt needed to make the bleach.
Like I said, I know you have loads of ideas in mind, so most of these things are on a roadmap somewhere, but I hope I've given some ideas!
As for water room, someone (don't remember which thread it was) suggest that the fabricator can be augmented and then distilling water/get salt per hour. But your concept of store the water within a room (or a tank) is good too.
- Hyp3rion