floating wreckage

warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
Ok watched the trailer on the steam page, and the first thing I noticed was floating wreckage... and that got me to thinking.

first off floating wreckage.

the floating wreckage would be found between the players spawn location and the ship, initially it would be a good source of titanium as the player can cut large peaces off it off with a welder. Also as the wreckage is floating this means the player can use them as stable points to stand on.

mechanics of floating wreckage.

over time the wreckage will start to sink either by air escaping the wreckage or by player/stalker interactions (stalkers will rip off bits of wreckage to take to their "nests"). as the wreckage starts to sink it starts to act as a artificial reef. This is where things get dangerous.

as wreckage that sinks bellow 75 meters will quickly become home to stalkers, and wreckage that sinks bellow 100 (deep areas?) will become home to reapers. Be warned that once the wreckage starts sinking the easy metal that is was soon vanishes, do to either stalkers ripping the large chunks apart or via coral overwhelming it.

reef creation

this is the big part of the sinking wreckage. Once the wreckage sinks many food fish will start to make their nests in it, as well as stalkers and bigger baddies in the deeper areas. With the food fish comes coral which will slowly spread over the wreckage. changing them from a good source of metal to coral, salt and quartz farms of sort.


  • warbrand2warbrand2 Join Date: 2010-12-13 Member: 75657Members
    So guessing no one has a real opinion on this?
  • SangmerSangmer Miami, FL Join Date: 2015-03-29 Member: 202722Members
    At first it seemed a bit complicated for doing things that are already in the game (I think it's important to keep the game mechanics simple) but the farm idea can really be something. Maybe implement a way to move the wreckages and put them together near your base, then use it as a farm.
  • FrostyFishFrostyFish Unknown Liquid Bearing World Join Date: 2015-03-28 Member: 202652Members
    Well it looks like with the new Crashed Ship update coming up soon, there will be large chunks of debris on the seafloor. So perhaps part of your ideas may be implemented. The problem with "floating debris" is that they'd have to be extremely large sections and/or parts that would lend to floating. Since the majority of the ship is metal and alloys they would sink far too rapidly for any player to effectively see them for but a minute. But I do like the reef idea and suspect that the Devs may use the larger portions of debris in that manner as the game progresses?
  • JackalopeJackalope Join Date: 2015-03-13 Member: 202057Members
    I like the thought and potential game play aspects of large chunks of floating debris could be cool but it seems to me that any good sources of titanium would sink to the seabed. But who knows, maybe the hull of spacecraft are loaded with foam and other floatable materials in the future.
  • RequiemfangRequiemfang Join Date: 2015-02-22 Member: 201492Members
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