Stasis rifle, knife, prop cannon. Totally overpowered.
oregon Join Date: 2015-04-15 Member: 203493Members

The game is meant to be have one fearing the creatures around you, because, as I have been told so many times when I suggest any sort of weapon, we are not meant to be the top predator, we have to be afraid of the hostile life. But the stasis rifle/knife combo, and the prop cannon, make all of the predators useless. with little effort, you can kill anything in the game but reapers. And for those, you can simply build a cyclops and not have to worry about them (or anything else) ever again. Ironically, many weapon sugestion threads add far weaker things than these. They really need to be nerfed. (I personally dont like the stasis rifle at all cuz physics)
I built a base by the underwater islands on a ledge with around 8-10 bonesharks in the area.
One fully charged shot from the statis rifle let me build in peace, and, combined with the charge-fins, I was able to build a base amid a pack of bonesharks without taking ANY damage.
Perhaps if the creatures were slowed, instead of stopped cold, things would still be a challenge
I don't see too much of a problem with stasis (other than it barely uses energy) early on.
But if you could eventually have stalkers or bonesharks etc later attempt to dodge you it could just make things more interesting.
Or have the warper for instance (if he is aggressive, if he is passive then there's not much of a point putting this in) open a portal that teleports your stasis bubble somewhere else, etc. etc.
Bonesharks could adapt and grow plating that can vibrate (heh IDK, I'm not a scientist :P ) and allow it to move slowly with increasing speed through a bubble
For the stasis rifle you are all talking like you WILL hit any target despite the fact that from most people I see playing, they miss and a lot. The bubble has limited duration and no it can't be made to "slow down" enemies because thats not how stasis works or at least I think it doesn't work that way.
The knife needs a lot of work to kill anything and it has to be at close range which is risky.
Propulsion cannon is being worked on so it aggros whatever you use it on, so like the stalker or boneshark you just threw above sea level would be faster and stronger for a short period of time in a fit of rage to get back at you.
The only reason I'm able to do this is because its so easy to "side-step" predetors while charging it. Maybe this could be looked at to make things a bit harder?
This only leads to fear and fear warrants violence. This suggestion is entirely counterintuitive and poorly though out.
This idea is applicable to all species, because each of them will have special role in ecosystem and gameplay in general. Items like Transfuser, for example, will be most useful if all types of creature are available to the player.
If you decide to go on killing spree, you are risking to lose important resources. Saving as many species as possible untouched is in your best interests.
Can we all just grow up and admit that the argument of "if the player is given weapons they'll just go on a killing spree and murder the whole ocean then quit playing the game!" is hilariously dumb?
You're missing the point.
Indeed, I suspect that even a small coral reef on earth would be able to sustain one person forever. I see no reason why this planet should be different.
This is exactly why i think the stasis rifle is too powerful; the AOE sphere it creates. If it was a punctual shot - and a little bit more precise and reliable - it would be more skillbased to stun a predator. The bubbles also stay for too long.
The Stasis Rifle enables you to easily make offensive maneuvers against bigger fish, be they dumb or smart about it. The idea of a nonleathal stun gun is pretty nice, but i think it's utility should be nerfed. It's to easy to create a sphere on a wall or plant and hide inside to let the fish come to you ... and yes the AI needs polishing either way.
If the bubble would only stun near to it's center and slow in the outer areas, the fish could be like "hey this is not right. Let's get the eff outa here!"
Stasis rifle: I think the only mod I would approve of would be making the bubbles disappear faster.
Prop can: Haven't even built one yet : S
leon. you see my profile picture? that's the canadian national firearms association.
i fight for gun rights IN REAL LIFE. and people tell me that owning an AR-15 makes people violent. that guns are only for mass murder.
people use that argument fervently in real life in the face of evidence to the contrary. people will cling to their arguments because it's all they have.
if someone will tell me to my face " if you are given a gun what's to stop you from shooting up a school." i doubt they would have any issue saying the same about some peepers.
Why do you try so hard to bring political issues into this?
well. from a physics standpoint. a machete would work under water, but not as effectively as on land.
TL;DR a machete would work, but only when swung in a straight line, with perfect edge alignment.
if you go past this point you will have a self admitting redneck explaining the physics of bladed weaponry. you have been warned. more effective would be a rapier or other thin foil sword.
a machete gets its cutting power in a few ways.
- the sharpness of the edge
- the gravitational pull on the machete when on a downswing
- the centrifugal force of the swing.
- and the flex of the blade.
in the air this is all well and good. but underwater, due to the reduced gravitational effect (im not sure what the term is when you want to say how an object is effected under different mediums like air, water, or in a dense fluid or gas.) from being in water, you lose that power almost in full.
sharpness obviously is maintained.
centrifugal energy
here is where it gets interesting. even a slight angle in the swing;
target 1 target 2 target 3
/ l \
like in 1 and 3 would send the blade in a very exaggerated direction due to the blade acting like a hydrofoil. you would need to swing the blade so that it is on a perfect 90 degree angle to the point of impact.
we could get into the physics of drag but you can look here if you want
skin friction would be your only drag for the most part.
and the flex. so, as a machete arcs through the air the blade flexes. this flex acts like a spring storing energy in the blade that gets released on contact.
im not certain but i think this would be mostly void in water.
I understand where you're coming from but why would you make your avatar on a video game forum the logo of a real world political party
Except that your brain needs tools to actually do things.
Tools like a Speargun.
But when we get psychic powers in the game, I'll be right there with you.