Do you use the Cyclops?
US Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207202Members

To me the Cyclops just seems kinda useless unless your going to the inactive lava zone. I mean look at the SeaMoth it's faster, you can charge it without making powercells, it can now go down to 600 meters which is fine since most things are above that depth, can carry extra gear or resources but granted not as much, and it can more easily fit into various areas.
For me the Cyclops is just a hassle mainly because we can't charge it without making more powercells. Only thing I use the Cyclops for is to go to the inactive lava zone or avoid reapers, other then that the Seamoth is just always better.
Anyways do you guys use the Cyclops if not or if you do, why?
For me the Cyclops is just a hassle mainly because we can't charge it without making more powercells. Only thing I use the Cyclops for is to go to the inactive lava zone or avoid reapers, other then that the Seamoth is just always better.
Anyways do you guys use the Cyclops if not or if you do, why?
Agreed. The Seamoth is like a submersible, it's more for exploration. If you just want a mobile base, it's useless. Then there's the Cyclops.
Want. All of my want, and then some. That'd be hard to program though, so you'd have to place things well to have it not crash. The autopilot could have it surface, then move in a straight line along the surface to get there, then submerge to 40 meters above the beacon. If you place the beacon right, you can guide it straight to your base with no issues (other than fish casualties). If and when they add a docking clamp or something, good placement of the beacon could make the Cyclops automatically dock itself.
Mobile base wise i'm not convinced since a fabricator drains energy like mad. The upside is, it can hold a lot of storage room but i only needed that once when emptying the floating isles. Three lockers full of quartz isn't something you want to carry home by seamoth (without the storage upgrades back then).
Usually the aurora quest is why i build it in the first place, because it's reaperproof.
Most of the time it's near my base doing nothing but there are these moments when you wanna do something really specific and the cyclops is simply the best option. Large scale transports into deep waters for example ... i built a base in the koosh zone once and it was very far away from my base. Twice the distance you can see a beacons name at. Would've been a pain to bring all that stuff down there by moth.
have you tried putting something heavy on your "W" key? works pretty well
For my keyboard, I've found that a stack of 2 pennies and 2 quarters works perfectly.
* Its energy efficiency is far to poor to function as a realistic full-time base. It will suffice as a mere outpost to set up a base more easy.
* Its slow for personal transport, seamoth does it better.
* Its less needed for depth with the new seamoth updates. (and I will say THANK YOU DEVS for that one.)
* It has poor vision regardless of depth, making it very unsuited for exploration.
Right now it has 2 'big' advantages.
* Reaper can not touch it. So for those rare areas, its still a need.
* If power is not a real issue, its a cargo hauler. You can out in any locker and just haul everything you own in materials.
Place ALL of the lockers! I'm serious. Put two in the cockpit, four in the room behind the cockpit, eight in the SeaMoth entrance thing, four or more in the front of the lower deck... You can haul the whole freaking map.
The only time I ever really use it is when I'm going near the ship (because of the reapers) or when I'm cruising in an unknown direction that might have a reaper in it. Right now the only benefits are storage, reaper protection, bragging rights (it takes quite a bit to build), and honking at reefbacks.
Though to be fair, the more end game regions are seed in the depths (and creatures like the SE and SD ... Who knows .
The real problem is the Cyclops is a god awful base lol.
What, that isn't enough for you?
I mean, since i started playing short before the Alterra Update, they put in free power for your base, free power for your seamoth, free power for your tools... is the cyclops just outdated or is there something wrong with the rest of the stuff.
I don't even dock my seamoth in the cyclops anymore because of the 10 units of power it'd drain me for the two meters i went to get to it from my base.
The cyclops uses ridiculous amounts of power for absolutely everything and it got a lot better from earlier. If it's power capacity were to limit the range of actions you can perform before reloading in your safehaven i'd totally get it, but the way my player brain works i try to not to waste energy if possible so i simply don't use the cyclops.
I can SO understand the calls for a seamoth docking port. I'd happily dive around with it.
I have not played in a while, so I may be wrong, but isn't there a nuclear reactor? Why can we not put that in the cyclops? Would make sense. For that matter, why cant we have a fusion reactor that runs off water?
You "can" put a solar panel on top of a cyclops (but currently it makes the cyclops un-driveable, but hopefully they will fix that). While the nuclear reactor does "exist" (I can at least make and operate them in Experimental) it's huge and heavy, which IMO shouldn't be on/in the sub, unless they introduce a "nuclear class" sub like a seawolf-class sub or something.
I would hope they would also have an upgrade to the number of powercells you can place in a cyclops. The thing is massive, slow and power hungry, so it should really have 1,000+ power units.
Edit: What do you know, you "can" put a reactor on top of the cyclops:
But it has the same problem, it sinks the vessel as soon as it even has the frame to be built, also I couldn't turn it on (because it was wiggling/freaking out too much) so I don't know if it'll actually[/img] power the sub
That, and there's no alternative power option to power cells, so you're going to be spending a lot of time hunting for copper and shrooms still. Cyclops works fine as a cargo sub or inventory save spot, not as a mobile base. If you need to do non-emergency crafting, best to use a seabase.
*head explodes*