More Torpedoes?
England Join Date: 2015-06-06 Member: 205283Members

there must be a reason for the fabricator to have a whole section for one type of torpedo, the only logical explanation I can think of is that more types of torpedo will be added in the future, perhaps Stasis Torpedoes which I've seen spoken about before.

>Flash Torpedoes that act as a temporary, stupid bright flare that blinds Bone Sharks and other deep sea predators
>Chum Torpedoes that explode into a cloud of blood and fish chunks to attract predators
>Dazzle Torpedoes to distract stalkers and bone sharks
>Volt Torpedoes that explode into an electromagnetic field that stuns creatures and can provide a quick jolt to disabled vehicles.
>Tracker Torpedoes that act as beacons and can stick to creatures.
wait... no i mean there is a section called Seamoth Torpedoes in the fabricator that you open, surely if they weren't planning more torpedoes they would just be readily available rather than having a whole section for one type of torpedo.
Makes sense. It would be in the section with the other upgrades.
yes i already made a thread about this a long time ago
1- warhead torpedo, goes boom
2-flare torpedo, illuminates a large area for a while
3-static torpedo, stuns huge creatures for a very long time
4-Plasma torpedo, does massive damage to large creatures minimal collateral damage
5-Bio seeking torpedo, goes boom but this baby follows hostile creatures
6-laser guided torpedo, a torpedo that locks on targets and then follows them
7-cluster torpedo, wide area effect kills smaller creatures with ease
How many times am I going to have to say this? Things change. The "full on less than lethal" approach is not only unlikely to stay throughout the development, but it's illogical anyways. Let me give you a scenario. If you're attacked by a shark, do you:
A. Allow yourself to be torn apart
B. Inform the shark that he should GTFO with a knife
I don't know about you, but I'm not the person who just sits there and allows myself to die. If I'm going to get killed by a Reaper, then I'll make sure as all hell that he pays for it.
Good point. That's like building an entire prison to house one inmate or something. It just doesn't make sense to make an entire category for one item.
I posted somewhere else about some ideas for torpedoes I had. While I doubt that everything will remain permanently non-lethal, only one of the seven or something ideas actually causes any lasting damage, and even then it's not much. Here, I found the list, I just reduced it to the torpedoes:
Role: Goliath SANIK Warheads will stun anything up to adult-Reefback size within 10 meters, causing them to freeze. Doesn't work like the stasis rifle, however, as the entity is knocked unconscious. They will switch to a ragdoll-like state and start to sink as if killed. The stun duration is from ten seconds (Reapers and adult Reefbacks) to two and a half minutes (Peepers and such). After the duration expires, they will wake up, and resume as usual.
Materials: 1 Plasteel Ingot, 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Computer Chip, 2 Titanium, 4 Enameled Glass, 8 Acid Mushrooms
Role: Detonates on contact, causing roughly 25x the damage of a single knife strike to anything within a 25-meter radius.
Materials: 1 Plasteel Ingot, 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Computer Chip, 2 Titanium, 4 Enameled Glass, 4 Crash Powder, 8 Acid Mushrooms
Role: Distorts the space-time continuum by dropping anything within about 25 meters out of time. This doesn't work like the stasis rifle, stopping them in time so you can knife them. It will actually cause whatever is hit to disappear, then reappear in the same spot and position one minute later.
Materials: 1 Plasteel Ingot, 5 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 2 Titanium, 4 Enameled Glass, 4 Gold
Role: Acts as an omnidirectional repulsion cannon. Any creatures of juvenile Reefback size or smaller within 50 meters will be launched away from the hypocenter of the detonation at 50 meters per second.
Materials: 1 Plasteel Ingot, 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Computer Chip, 2 Titanium, 4 Enameled Glass, 2 Airsacks, 4 Wiring Kits
Role: Mole Warheads are designed for tunneling. The torpedo will proceed in a straight line until it hits land. At this point, it will burrow at the same speed through the ground for 100 meters, leaving a tunnel 5 meters in diameter. After 100 meters of burrowing, it will detonate, creating a spherical cavern 25 meters in diameter.
Materials: 1 Plasteel Ingot, 1 Advanced Wiring Kit, 1 Computer Chip, 10 Titanium, 4 Enameled Glass, 2 Crash Powder
Role: Acts the same as the Goliath variant, but with reduced ability. Blast radius is 5 meters, max target size is Stalker-size, and a stun from 5 to 30 seconds.
Materials: 1 Lithium, 2 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 8 Titanium, 1 Enameled Glass, 4 Acid Mushrooms
Role: Detonation on impact does 10x knife-strike damage in a 15-meter radius.
Materials: 1 Lithium, 2 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 8 Titanium, 1 Enameled Glass, 2 Crash Powder, 4 Acid Mushrooms
Role: Reduced blast radius to 15 meters, and a reduced timer to 15 seconds from the Goliath variant.
Materials: 1 Lithium, 4 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 8 Titanium, 1 Enameled Glass, 2 Gold
Role: Blast radius of 25 meters, max target size is Stalker size, speed is 25 meters per second.
Materials: 1 Lithium, 2 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 8 Titanium, 1 Enameled Glass, 1 Airsack, 2 Wiring Kits
Role: Identical to the Goliath Mole Warheads. However, the tunnel will be 50 meters long and 3 meters wide, with the cavern at the end being 10 meters in diameter.
Materials: 1 Lithium, 2 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 12 Titanium, 1 Enameled Glass, 1 Crash Powder
Role: Swarm Warheads are very basic compared to many other things, even in modern day. They will release a small group of 10-15 glowing rods of metal, attracting the attention of any curious creatures (definitely Stalkers, maybe Reefbacks, Reapers, Peepers, and so on). These rods will fly up to 30 meters in any given direction, with no particular pattern to the distribution. They will then sink like normal items, and dissolve on contact with the seafloor. If a Stalker attacks the rods, then it will lose teeth as if it were scrap metal.
Materials: 1 Lithium, 2 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 8 Titanium, 1 Enameled Glass, 2 Titanium Ingots, 4 Airsacks
Role: Works as a mobile flare. Will illuminate a 25-meter-radius sphere around itself until it hits something. It will then stick to whatever it hit, giving off a reduced-radius (5-meter) sphere for 30 minutes before dying out and despawning. Useful for tagging potential threats, so you can see them from a long way off because of the telltale glow.
Materials: 1 Lithium, 2 Advanced Wiring Kits, 1 Computer Chip, 8 Titanium, 1 Enameled Glass, 1 Flare
Don't get your hope sup m8
Because this doom of the depths (probably bathing inside lava) gets only tickled by normal torpedos and seems to enjoy a nuclear warhead snack.
Plasteel Bar, Trilithium, Dark Matter Core and Nanite Wiring System
Please stay outside a 100m radius to avoid getting sucked inside.
Obviously (almost) anyone would go for B, provided they HAVE a knife. Now you might want to blast that sea dragon to kingdom come, but without the weaponry it ain't gonna happen.
Also Need to add Homing Torpedoes.
There better be a Torpedo Cannon on your Megaclops!
Of course. Include a Computer Chip in with the recipe to make any torpedo homing.
Homing Crash torpedoes, homing Chum torpedoes
Homing Tracker Torpedoes would be especially useful for tagging quick moving Reapers.
The illumination torpedo
He attracts all fauna, but only in the night, as he illuminates the darkness only. Useless in daylight or near the surface. Most fish follow him quite a while if it's dark. Attached with a guidance module the torpedo can serve as a light source in the darkness guiding the sub ahead of its course. Can be recollected if not destroyed.
This is why I love our community. Thank you for these great suggestions.
[Effeminate Squeeeeeeeeeee]