What kinds of submarines do you want in this game?

Eddie894Eddie894 United Kingdom Join Date: 2015-10-27 Member: 208795Members
edited November 2015 in Ideas and Suggestions
I have made some specific choices here. If you don't see an idea you would like implemented, but want more submarines anyway, just vote for 'Yes, I want more submarines!' (Or not if you don't want more)

Feel free to comment as well as vote!



  • Natan378Natan378 Italy Join Date: 2015-11-02 Member: 208908Members
    I want a new subs,but i think that all the things you write are very good ideas...for the hibrid across seamoth and seaglide,there's a concept art of ''cave thing''that show a sub/robot like what you write...
  • xdg2xxdg2x Italy Join Date: 2015-08-17 Member: 207231Members
    how about a submarine that laughs in the face of the aurora?
  • MyrmMyrm Sweden Join Date: 2015-08-16 Member: 207210Members
    Not sure why we would need more than the two classes of sub we have now; the world isn't that big, and I don't think it'll get very much bigger, at least not big enough to require a larger sub. The Cyclops is perfectly adequate to move around the world, it just needs to be able to recharge its own batteries, or be made to use far less power than it does now.

    The Seamoth is perfect for those quick explorations and visits.
  • FearlessWolfFearlessWolf United States Join Date: 2015-08-29 Member: 207573Members
    An Aurora-sized sub is completely impractical. There is no place to use it.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    I think all we need is a cyclops we can actually control somewhat like the seamoth to make it fun using it underwater instead of having a mobile seabase stiff as a rock.

    The only thing that would get me is a modular submarine construction like the seabase, but with less parts and streamlined for a good looking hull. Different or upgradeable modules changing the overall cyclops look. 1 or 2 mid modules making it a long or short sub. Heavy pressure armoring should change the look too. A transparent front or not. A drive with a normal turbine or advanced jet drives. Mid modules carry the seamoth, exosuit, drone sets or more capacity for energy or torpedos.
  • OxraiderOxraider Join Date: 2015-05-16 Member: 204554Members
    I really want to have more also a more armored diving robot or something

    also a special terraformer ship

    maybe a more specialised sub for survival mode wich suits better needs for hunger stat, etc

    and last some kind of material detector sub with a sonar you can change for wich material you are searching for :)

    what u guys think ? :)
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    I just want to float up to the Sea Dragon, look directly at him, and yell,
    "Behold the power of Mother Russia!"
    while sitting completely immune in this thing:
  • BugzapperBugzapper Australia Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201744Members
    The_Shark wrote: »
    I just want to float up to the Sea Dragon, look directly at him, and yell,
    "Behold the power of Mother Russia!" while sitting completely immune in this thing:

    It's dangerous to go alone. You'll need this...

  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    I vote for turning the reefback into a bio-submarine that is without metal and high energy drive:

    There could be monsters in the deep that eat through metal or seek for metal to eat it.

    Down in the deep you might meet monsters that drain your energy, so you need some sub thats immune to draining.

    The reefback sub is also good for mimics and can bypass an army of seadragons that ignore reefbacks.
  • awesome8diggerawesome8digger PA Join Date: 2015-11-28 Member: 209577Members
    I would like a sub that docs 3 cyclopses with extra seamoth Docing abillity. This is what the scale size would be

    Super sub that is 10 cyclopses long

  • BugzapperBugzapper Australia Join Date: 2015-03-06 Member: 201744Members
    I would like a sub that docs 3 cyclopses with extra seamoth Docing abillity. This is what the scale size would be

    Super sub that is 10 cyclopses long


    You wouldn't need to pilot that monstrosity very far.

    Just pivot the sub in place, have exit hatches at both ends, and ride a Segway to your destination. B)
  • WerrfWerrf USA Join Date: 2015-12-01 Member: 209637Members
    I want a nuclear submarine - one that can draw power from your base, rather than needing power cells, and can go to extreme depths safely - but has no windows. A submarine that you can only navigate by sonar similar to the Seamoth's sonar upgrade. Smaller than the cyclops, with only a pair of storage containers and a fabricator built in, similar to the life pod.

    It'd also be nice to have a Seamoth upgrade that allows the sub to follow you after you leave it. Oh, and some stronger torpedoes would be nice, too :)
  • The_SharkThe_Shark USA Join Date: 2015-08-24 Member: 207433Members
    Bugzapper wrote: »
    You wouldn't need to pilot that monstrosity very far.

    Just pivot the sub in place, have exit hatches at both ends, and ride a Segway to your destination. B)

    Despite a "super-massive vehicle" being the first idea I ever proposed on the SN forums, I have to say that it would be rather impractical, at least until the if and when point that the map is bigger, multiplayer is added, and some honest threats to absolutely anything smaller are thrown in.
    Werrf wrote: »
    I want a nuclear submarine - one that can draw power from your base, rather than needing power cells, and can go to extreme depths safely - but has no windows. A submarine that you can only navigate by sonar similar to the Seamoth's sonar upgrade. Smaller than the cyclops, with only a pair of storage containers and a fabricator built in, similar to the life pod.

    Or maybe bigger than the Cyclops, to cripple its ability to maneuver, but a lot slower, and not as versatile. It could have a pair of bays for Moths and Exosuits, some storage, and maybe a dormitory-like area, all crammed in the front 40%. In real-life Los-Angeles-class nuclear attack submarines, 60% is dedicated just to the engine and engine room, so the proportions wouldn't be too far-fetched.
    Werrf wrote: »
    It'd also be nice to have a Seamoth upgrade that allows the sub to follow you after you leave it.

    Now that someone's mentioned the idea, so that I actually am thinking about it... want. So much want, and then some.
    Werrf wrote: »
    Oh, and some stronger torpedoes would be nice, too :)

    Witness the power that technology can impart unto us!
  • nittelsnittels Austria Join Date: 2015-12-27 Member: 210441Members
    edited December 2015
    I dont think another sub would make sense. We have the seamoth for traveling and the dyclops for a mobile station. What 3rd type of vehicle would be needed? The only thing I could imagine would be a speed boat on water later in the game for fast traveling between stations when collecting and exploring is not necessary.
  • ROBOCOPMAXROBOCOPMAX Frechen, DE Join Date: 2015-12-29 Member: 210544Members
    edited December 2015
    xdg2x wrote: »
    how about a submarine that laughs in the face of the aurora?

    Do you want to crash your computer?

    Well, I want a subarine bigger than the cyclops, which needs a whole crew to fully funcion.
    Maybe equipped with some long-distance rockets.

    But i also want a submarine or an upgrade system for one, which allows me to interact with loot without leaving the submarine.
    Like, with some robotic claws.
    I also want something like a ground-bound vehicle that hooks itself into solid stone floor.

  • paradineparadine usa Join Date: 2015-09-18 Member: 208004Members
    LordDerp wrote: »
    I'd like a bigger one yes, but not a gigantic one. More something like this:
    or this:

    I like this one and think it should be 2.5x the size of the Cyclops.
  • ERLBkoreo38ERLBkoreo38 Mexico Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210574Members
    I'd like to have a submarine big enough to be a mobile self-sustaining base,and by big enough i mean that it should be able to fit in the small aquariums,farming trays and water purification machine,I'd also like to be able to breed small fish in the aquariums :smile:
  • perseusstormperseusstorm Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210598Members
    Bugzapper wrote: »
    I would like a sub that docs 3 cyclopses with extra seamoth Docing abillity. This is what the scale size would be

    Super sub that is 10 cyclopses long


    You wouldn't need to pilot that monstrosity very far.

    Just pivot the sub in place, have exit hatches at both ends, and ride a Segway to your destination. B)

    no no no have it dock 10 aruras
  • 6ismus6ismus Florida Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210592Members
    If they do make a sub larger than the Cyclops, I'd like if they allowed you to add windows, reinforcements, and lockers like your base. Also a new torpedo, one that can explode and kill reapers. The vortex stuff isn't that satisfying.
  • MerandixMerandix Netherlands Join Date: 2016-01-05 Member: 210951Members
    I honestly think there is something missing in-between the Seamoth and the Cyclops. But I also think the Cyclops is suffering from lack of modularity, and a lot of useless space. The Cyclops is 55 metres; but it seems most of that space is 'padding' around the Seamoth bay. The entire lower deck is pretty much useless, so I feel and hope the devs have some surprises left on part of the Cyclops.

    Anyway, I feel we're missing some key things to the submarine game. The Seamoth seems very well fleshed out. It's upgradable, and modular as far as it's possible within it's fairly small frame. Some new goodies may eventually hit it; but it's very rounded thusfar.

    Inbetween the Cyclops and the Seamoth, something is missing. A nimble sub that has some interior space. Maybe even space for an exoskeleton. It should be able to have some interior storage space, a fabricator, and some basic things. A small space to make your own. I would much prefer it if it was as modular as possible. Want a shallow water sight seeing sub? Add windows and a research facility of some sort. And an external scanner. Want a sub for exploration? Maybe a sonar, reinforced panels, vortex torpedo's, a ship sized repulsion cannon, exoskeleton bay... you name it. Not just interior modularity, but also external. Maybe some modules can be stuck on; for example, either extra interior space, or an exo-skeleton bay?

    The Cyclops needs a similar modularity treatment. It also needs some love in terms of practical interior space. It's a 54 metre submarine, but it honestly feels like it only has the useful interior of a sub less than half that size. The sub needs a more practical, more modular interior.

    Also, we need a way to dock the Cyclops to a base :D
  • coldsnapcoldsnap Join Date: 2015-12-26 Member: 210395Members
    The Cyclops feels like a mobile base, maybe it could have some "ops room" features, like a map.
    Also, I would love it if the cockpit displays were functional, displaying actual depth, sub stats and a seaglide-style map.
    Having actual instruments to look at instead of HUD elements is somewhat clunky but incredibly immersive.

    Also, I'd love to have a small crew compartment, even if sleeping never becomes a thing it's good for flavor.

    And yes, a dock would be awesome! Maybe an access tube that fits the bottom hatch, auto-docking when you get close, like the seamoth dock?
  • 07Kennya07Kennya England Join Date: 2016-01-12 Member: 211293Members
    how about the means to build our own from structures?
  • P.KermanP.Kerman Join Date: 2015-09-16 Member: 207982Members
    How about this little sub? Space for everything you might need including a pool and a helipad! ;)
  • 04Leonhardt04Leonhardt I came here to laugh at you Join Date: 2015-08-01 Member: 206618Members
    I don't want another sub. I want like a giant crab-turtle seafloor crawler that can dock with the exosuit.
  • TheJewelOfJoolTheJewelOfJool Southwestern Ontario Join Date: 2016-01-11 Member: 211261Members
    I want the cross between a Seaglide and a Seamoth, but make it an upgrade to the seaglide, and also make it have a safe depth and a crush depth.
  • SpacedInvaderSpacedInvader Join Date: 2016-01-08 Member: 211083Members
    I really want this... make it big enough to have two docking bays so I can take the seamoth and the exosuit on the same cruise, but still small enough that it can go *most* of the places the Cyclops can go. It would be nice if it could fit a large aquarium and a water purification station so that it really could be a mobile base for long exploration runs.
  • zetachronzetachron Germany Join Date: 2014-11-14 Member: 199655Members
    Has anyone ever tried to navigate the cyclops from the top of the grand reef down the deep reef into the inactive lava zone and towards the lava castle?
    (of course not in creative mode)

    Then good luck navigating with a sub where you can't see into the direction where you want to go (downwards). If you made it into the great inactive lava cave system you should tell me how good it feels to navigate the cyclops.

    So do I need a another sub that might be even bigger (and therefore get stuck between the stalagmites and stalagtites)?

    No, hell. I need a sub where I can see in the direction I navigate. Certainly not bigger than the cyclops if the caverns of the deep don't allow much bigger subs to pass through bottlenecks. Better a sonar upgrade module for the cyclops like the seamoth.

    And if you have still doubts about a 3rd sub, than you can simply look at the Subnautica Roadmap at Trello. And it makes sense, considering the whole lot of work that needs to get done.
  • SpacedInvaderSpacedInvader Join Date: 2016-01-08 Member: 211083Members
    zetachron wrote: »
    Has anyone ever tried to navigate the cyclops from the top of the grand reef down the deep reef into the inactive lava zone and towards the lava castle?
    (of course not in creative mode)

    Then good luck navigating with a sub where you can't see into the direction where you want to go (downwards). If you made it into the great inactive lava cave system you should tell me how good it feels to navigate the cyclops.

    So do I need a another sub that might be even bigger (and therefore get stuck between the stalagmites and stalagtites)?

    No, hell. I need a sub where I can see in the direction I navigate. Certainly not bigger than the cyclops if the caverns of the deep don't allow much bigger subs to pass through bottlenecks. Better a sonar upgrade module for the cyclops like the seamoth.

    And if you have still doubts about a 3rd sub, than you can simply look at the Subnautica Roadmap at Trello. And it makes sense, considering the whole lot of work that needs to get done.

    This is why we need improved navigation tools for the Cyclops. Even just an implementation of the Seamoth sonar in the Cyclops would make a world of difference in its functionality.
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