Suggestion about the hive score.
Iceland Join Date: 2016-01-02 Member: 210761Members
From what I've seen in game is that the hive skill is not what makes you good, it's the skill it self. From my opinion I'd say it would be more balanced if the Hive score goes through K/d instead of winning. There are some players struggling to get up on hive score because they have a good score but his team isn't as experienced as him and he looses points. The current usage of the hive score is too complicated and unbalanced because it goes through win rating. All I am saying is that this is just a suggestion and there need's to be a little bit of a balanced skill level so people know and actually get shuffled to the right team. Maybe it's okey to have like 20-30% as the winning rate to effect on the hive score but I'd recommend mainly to have it on Kill/death ratio because that is based on the character's skill level which the hive was probably made to tell that the player is experienced and a good player.
This is my first suggestion so feel free to say anything about this, be open and happy new year
This is my first suggestion so feel free to say anything about this, be open and happy new year

Its a team effort. Time to teach inexperienced players.
I also had that idea but forgot to mention it, but yeah people who takes care of structures and player damage should be rated higher, I would understand that this is a complicated system but I still think there should be putting in a little more thinking to the balance of the hive score.
scaling the elo change would be much less important in a better designed game btw. the problem is that giving 1 player (the commander) so much responsibility means that team win/loss is really out of a players hands sometimes, especially with mechanics like base rushing (e.g. failing to beacon, etc). so you need to look at other factors (their individual performance).
finally, make the scoring a bit better so your spot on the scoreboard is more reflective of your contributions. for example, a gorge having built a hive should give more points than a gorge having built a hydra.
the current system is really bad and is a step backwards from what ns2stats had several years ago.
Let me sum up ELO this way:
Anything, that you perceive as a skill worth recording. Does not matter, if it does not manifest itself, in the ability to complete the win conditions. Therefore, if a skill, like fragging, does not manifest itself in your winrate. Then you should re-evaluate the true impact of k/d.
what do you mean?
the hive skill only affects the team and not the single player. i hate stacking and always try too balance a game. but with a lot of rookies this days my hive skills falls although i do a great job.
Edit: not to mention hive skill and hive level are confusing to most new players I encounter. Call it hive elo maybe?
Any "skill" that doesn't manifest in your chance to win, is a worthless skill. For example, you could give players a number based on how good they are at trickjumps. Certainly that is a difficult skill to perform. But they rarely win you games, so it's a relatively worthless skill (I write this as a lover of trickjumps).
For that reason I think it's reasonable to call it hive skill, well-knowing of the fact that it doesn't capture all categories of skill.
I wouldn't object to renaming it "hive elo" or what ever - which people seem to do colloquially anyway. But honestly, hive skill is perfectly descriptive imo.
I agree that any skill that does not manifest itself in your chance to win is not a skill at all in ns2. But even then, win loss rate only correlates with your skill value at .651.
I personaly don't care if my Hive Skill is 1000 or 4000 but the hive skill is a number that team balance is based on. So hive skill should measure the skill better. and when you don't want to give the hive skill such a big attention you should not base the shuffle-function on it.
Competitive and gather players often have their hive skill value incredibly off because they lose far more often in gathers than they would in pubs.
The hive system works very similarly to the LOL system.
Also, hive 2.0 is currently being worked on and I expect it to fix a lot of the problems concerning hive.