Larger submarine?

sonic698sonic698 Join Date: 2016-01-30 Member: 212369Members
Once upon a time, (when I hadn't played subnautica yet) I was browsing through some pictures of subnautica and I came across a picture of the Cyclops, (which was one of the deciding factors for me to buy the game) and I was astounded. I was really excited, and when I finally got into the game and got a Cyclops, I was disappointed by it's size.

I understand that if you make it any bigger, it's going to be a nightmare to maneuver, and if it were any bigger it would defeat some of the reasons to have a Sea base.
But hear me out,
This game has my full support, but when this game comes out of early access and people see the Cyclops, it would be bad if they were dissapointed as I was.

So here's my suggestion.
Make a separate submarine that is much larger.

It would be the ultimate goal, to craft the largest thing in the game.
Let's refer to it as "The Alpha" for now.
The Alpha would be about 4x as large as a Cyclops, and would even be able to dock and recharge TWO Cyclopses.
Think about it like the relationship between an aircraft carrier, and a battleship.

Why does it need to be so big?
The purpose of the alpha would be to have a "hub", if you will. It would be completely self sustaining. It can dock 2 Cyclopses, and have several moon pool ports around it to sustain many seamoths. Also serving as a living area with research areas, crafting areas, bedrooms, and other necessities.

Should it be able to move?
Yes, with an upgrade. Much like upgrades for the Seamoth. Of course, it should be very slow and hard to maneuver.

I know that with an alpha, it would defeat the purpose of a Sea base, like I said before. But that's kind of the point. If people want the alpha, they'll need to COMMIT to it. That's just how hard it should be to gain the materials for.
And if they commit to it, then that means they evidently know that it's going to be worth it. If it's going to replace the need for a Sea base, it should be pretty hard to get.

Adding an upgrade in the same way you would a Seamoth, you should be able to add external cannons to the outside of the hull.
The number of cannons and types of cannons should depend on what blueprints and resources the player has.
You can set it to offensive and defensive modes, or just completely turn them off. In defensive mode, they'll target anything that gets too close for comfort, and in offensive mode, they'll shoot any hostile in range.

Since it's so important...
The alpha should need to resurface occasionally, to refresh it's air supply and recharge. (The alpha is Solar powered)

And to put a cherry on the top...
You should be allowed to build rooms and corridors on the sides and the top of the Alpha's hull. (via an upgrade like the upgrade you'll need for it to move)

Anyways, that's the jist. Any questions or clarifications? I'll answer all!


  • andrewcojaandrewcoja earth Join Date: 2016-01-30 Member: 212322Members
    The Cyclops is already too big to take to many places. I don't really get the point of this.
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    i would understand a giantsize ''aircraft carrier'' type of building, that float on the water and is big enough to house 1-2 cyclops but a submersible bigger than the cyclops atm isnt needed in my opinion
  • 6ismus6ismus Florida Join Date: 2015-12-30 Member: 210592Members
    Get your head out of the clouds. Even though it would be cool, it defeats the purpose of having a base. Why would you want to dock something onto another thing that will drift because of tides. The seamoth docking on the cyclops was a little over the top in the first place. Look, I know everyone wants a mass submarine of destruction and think that is the goal of the game, but it isn't.
  • RequiemfangRequiemfang Join Date: 2015-02-22 Member: 201492Members
    6ismus wrote: »
    Get your head out of the clouds. Even though it would be cool, it defeats the purpose of having a base. Why would you want to dock something onto another thing that will drift because of tides. The seamoth docking on the cyclops was a little over the top in the first place. Look, I know everyone wants a mass submarine of destruction and think that is the goal of the game, but it isn't.

    developers haven't ruled out that there might be another third sub larger than the cyclops. Even if we get the large sub the developers would I think limit it's functions as a mobile base and give us a reason to actually create a static base. Not everything on the roadmap may happen hell they might even add things that aren't even on the roadmap.
  • TheF0CTORTheF0CTOR A Galaxy Far Far Away Join Date: 2015-08-09 Member: 206945Members
    This type of idea has been tossed around a lot, and the consensus has always been that it's too impractical. A surface ship that size would kind of make sense, but you seem to be talking about a submersible.
  • sonic698sonic698 Join Date: 2016-01-30 Member: 212369Members
    6ismus wrote: »
    Get your head out of the clouds. Even though it would be cool, it defeats the purpose of having a base. Why would you want to dock something onto another thing that will drift because of tides. The seamoth docking on the cyclops was a little over the top in the first place. Look, I know everyone wants a mass submarine of destruction and think that is the goal of the game, but it isn't.

    Rude. I was being kind, I thought you would be too.
  • RequiemfangRequiemfang Join Date: 2015-02-22 Member: 201492Members
    sonic698 wrote: »
    6ismus wrote: »
    Get your head out of the clouds. Even though it would be cool, it defeats the purpose of having a base. Why would you want to dock something onto another thing that will drift because of tides. The seamoth docking on the cyclops was a little over the top in the first place. Look, I know everyone wants a mass submarine of destruction and think that is the goal of the game, but it isn't.

    Rude. I was being kind, I thought you would be too.

    this is the internet, people think it's an excuse just because they can hide behind being anonymous that they can say or do what they want. Rarely do people have courage to act so blatantly like an a-hole without getting public ridicule and embarrassment. But he could have been a lot worse with his choice of words, his words were mild in comparison to some others I've seen.
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