New goodies we just got in (ATTENTION: SPOILERS)
Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members

Today ive created a new Hardcore game in the experimental build and im very thrilled with the new stuff that just got implemented. Most of all the cool tech stuff that we used to get automatically at the beginning of a new game is now gone and must be found in the wilds via fragment blueprints! that includes the Seaglide, Mobile Vehicle Bay, solar panels and at long freakin last, the Cyclops is now gone too and must be found via lots of ''Cyclops pieces'' fragments on the ground.
Im so excited, now it really feels like the character is more defenseless at the beginning of the game and needs to explore alot to find the most basic blueprints. Also, some fragments that used to be in different biomes now can be found closer to the starting points like the Bioreactor fragment. If i had one comment id like to make tho, is the fact that you can find all the Seamoth fragments much sooner than the Mobile Vehicle bay ones which are located farther from start in different biomes. Doesnt make much sense to me that you can find all of the seamoth's before the machine required to make it. Personally, id place the Mobile Bay frags in the safe shallows then the Seamoth's farther away where the current Vehicle Bay ones are at right now, but otherwise im very happy with how the changes occured. Ive come across an issue regarding the Seaglide that ive posted in the Bugs section of the forum but im sure itll be fixed soon.
Keep up the good work Devs!
Im so excited, now it really feels like the character is more defenseless at the beginning of the game and needs to explore alot to find the most basic blueprints. Also, some fragments that used to be in different biomes now can be found closer to the starting points like the Bioreactor fragment. If i had one comment id like to make tho, is the fact that you can find all the Seamoth fragments much sooner than the Mobile Vehicle bay ones which are located farther from start in different biomes. Doesnt make much sense to me that you can find all of the seamoth's before the machine required to make it. Personally, id place the Mobile Bay frags in the safe shallows then the Seamoth's farther away where the current Vehicle Bay ones are at right now, but otherwise im very happy with how the changes occured. Ive come across an issue regarding the Seaglide that ive posted in the Bugs section of the forum but im sure itll be fixed soon.
Keep up the good work Devs!
They are broken down into different pieces yes and you need to find all the diff ones before being able to make the whole thing =D
Yes I get the bioreactor almost everywhere, which I never use anyway, as I don't like scavenging just to feed my bioreactor in early game phases and later there are better reactors to go with. But now I had a harder time finding the solar panel fragments than finding the cyclops hull fragments. By the time I got all 2 solar panel fragments I already had build my moonpool, seamoth and seamoth upgrades - yes I had to build the mobile vehicle bay at the lifepod, because I got so many fragments, yet no solar panel fragments.
personally i was lucky and found the solar panels within the first hour of gameplay and its the Seaglide fragments i had difficulty finding. I had my seamoth even before i found that accursed 2nd seaglide frag lol. Also, It stroke me a bit weird that seamoth frags are everywhere but the Mobile Bay ones were out way off and very few in numbers (it may just be my dumb luck too, dunno) personally, i'd put the Mobile bay/Seaglide frags closer to the starting point and the Seamoth frags farther.
As for the Bioreactor i almost never use it either, simply because it so tedious to go fetch giant mush plants and now the Creepvines taking 4 slots in the inventory instead of the 1 they used to. Kinda weird that HUMONGOUS mushroom pieces takes 1 slot inventory and small creepvine piece takes 4 imo. Makes early game simply more tedious than adding more gameplay time. For the Bioreactor id make it so the recipe includes more plants to decompose (like acid mushrooms, blue plam, purple fan ....) you know all those plants easily found in the safe shallows. Either that or make it more efficient energy-wise ..... The solar panels, while less effiecient energy-wise, are much easier to make and once theyre made they do not require us to add stuff in them to continue producing energy
Blueprint BaseWaterParkBlueprint
This is the large Aquarium
Blueprint FarmingTrayBlueprint
The outdoor farming tray (Edit: This can be scanned now and it unlocks the blueprint)
Blueprint PlanterPotBlueprint
At least one type of planting pots
Blueprint PlanterShelfBlueprint
The planter shelf
Blueprint PlanterBoxBlueprint
The indoor planter box
Blueprint PowerTransmitterBlueprint
Power transmitter. I found a fragment, but coundn't scan it.
Blueprint RadiationSuitBlueprint
Radiation Suit
Blueprint StillsuitBlueprint
The Stillsuit
You unlock this if...
ive crafted both lead and fiber mesh pieces, the recipe still isnt in the fabricator for me. Im playing in hardcore mode in the Experimental version.
It didn't show up for me too, but things on experimental change so fast its hard to keep up.
ALL fragments will be moved to wrecks, destroyed lifepods and abandoned bases. Also a lot of other blueprints (like the floodlight, LED, furniture, etc.) will be obtained from scannable props in wrecks and abandoned bases. The new radio will give signals that lead the player to wrecks, etc.
It showed back up in my game, but I'm using a previous save and its been 2 days.
That said, there's a lot of other goodies around atm, that update wasn't 120 mb for nothing! (Check out the floater island)
You know, To look realistic Just like the cyclops and the other new fragments?
Oh but they are, its even done if im not mistaken so it should be part of the next big update we are supposed to have somewhere around the end of the week. You can see that for yourself right Here . Im not quite sure yet if thats just damaged techs or actual things we will get to scan for blueprints, but it looks pretty nice
from my understanding the damaged tech items you see in game are what we're going to have to scan from now on in order to get blueprints. You scan one damaged item and you get a little data from it, scan another of the damaged item and even more data gets added, so on and so forth until you get all the data to unlock the BP. Some of these items you'll find in the damaged escape pods, abandoned bases and wreak pieces.
This game is getting better each passing day, man ... cant wait, work faster damn you, haha, jk.