The Guns In Subnautica Debate
Lost in a cave Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214022Members

For those who miss having guns in this game, how much have you experimented with using the Stasis Rifle and Propulsion Cannon?
It seems that the devs have tried to provide non-lethal ways of dealing with aggressive creatures, but it does take effort on the players' part to break out of the usual "kill things" mind set and experiment with other tools.
On the other hand, if this is what the devs are trying to accomplish, then those tools should be introduced very early in the game so the player has a chance to experiment safely and build up strategies to deal with enemies. If players have to fight through tons of nasty critters just to get the technology in the first place, they'll tend to fall back on the tried-and-true "kill everything that moves" gaming habit.
Maybe the Propulsion Cannon should be standard equipment on the Lifepod. Then the player can begin heading down the non-lethal path right from the start of the game.
It seems that the devs have tried to provide non-lethal ways of dealing with aggressive creatures, but it does take effort on the players' part to break out of the usual "kill things" mind set and experiment with other tools.
On the other hand, if this is what the devs are trying to accomplish, then those tools should be introduced very early in the game so the player has a chance to experiment safely and build up strategies to deal with enemies. If players have to fight through tons of nasty critters just to get the technology in the first place, they'll tend to fall back on the tried-and-true "kill everything that moves" gaming habit.
Maybe the Propulsion Cannon should be standard equipment on the Lifepod. Then the player can begin heading down the non-lethal path right from the start of the game.
Maybe not in first place, but lets say in 3 place... maybe in the grassy plateaus or so...
But I agree, that its hard to get your first serious defensive tool so far out...
I agree with Klinn that the fear of getting killed, or the desire to not be killed can prompt the " kill everything" mentality.Thinking about this issue made me realize that I suffered it already, and I did not like it, but, like I said somewhere else, better they than I.
I discovered that it is possible to kill some of the small aggressive species with just the common knife. The way I did it was because I panicked at having a crawler jump at me, so I grabbed the only weapon I had, and slashed at it. It died, I didn't. That was good. But what was not good is that I could not even scan it once dead. Or that a dead creature does not look nice in game. I don't want to imagine a biome full of dead creatures floating away and rotting.
What would be better is to have a defense system or mechanism, maybe a small electrical charge? That would allow the player some protection. Now, wild creatures learn. Maybe after a shock or two, they would learn to avoid the player and let us all co exist peacefully? If there is no provocation, there shouldn't be an attack, I think.
So,if the stasis rifle or the propulsion cannon do this, I'd certainly hope they could be set as part of the basic equipment in the life pod.
However lack of explanation why we can't make lethal weapons ruins the atmosphere as well.
I've taken the survival knife to quite a few biters as well. Goddamn biters.
YES! ive ''windshield'ed'' more biters than i can count as well and much much more to come in the future! Death to all biterzzzz!!
A "Stungun" or "Zap Gun" would make a great non-lethal weapon to stun or incapacitate a creature for a period of time, though the larger the creature is the smaller amount of time it would be stunned for. The Stasis Rifle already does something similar, but it can only have one field deployed, and for a limited time, whereas a stungun-type weapon could potentially be used to stun individual creatures for a longer amount of time, as well as being able to be shot at multiple creatures without having to remove a stun.
Still, sometimes it's really necessary to kill stuff. I wouldn't mind an actual weapon to kill Biters, Bleeders, and perhaps more aggressive Stalkers and whatnot (Especially when they enter an area they're not supposed to be in, disrupt the food supply, and attack the player whenever they get the chance.)
Well, at this point of course, you actually CAN'T scan the reaper, so there's that.
Stasis rifle DOES let you scan things, assuming they can be scanned.
I agree with everyone who says Death to Biters and enthusiastically sign on to the Seamoth Windshield Biter Death Crusade!
I thought I was the only one Chanting "Death to the Biters"
Dam messed up the quote thingy. Sorry I'll get it right some day.
... Although I must say #FuckBiters and #FuckTigerPlants
I agree, at first when it stung me i didnt even know what was happening, and most of the time it left me with bearly 10 hp... next to the stalkers. So one bite and i was out.
Of course, as most have realized, it can be really fun to hunt the smaller predators with your seamoth. Don't forget your welder though.
If you want to play with weapons, you'll find the stasis rifle most powerful and allows you to hunt down leviathans.
I would love to see predators having more interesting behavioral pattern, so you could "read" them and predict their actions to know when they are dangerous and when they can be ignored.
For example it would be cool if Stalker would stalk the player before attacking (follow the player at some distance, but not attacking for some time).
Would make a whole new meaning to Hardcore mode, becoming the hunted. I would make a long range exploding tip spear gun or at least a bang stick with a shotgun shell on the end.
Fun fact, we don't have 'lethal' weapons, because doing lethal ranged weapons underwater is VERY hard due to physics. Spearguns have a range of only a few metres, and are more a good fishing tool than a defensive weapon.