Where have you built your bases?
usa Join Date: 2016-03-05 Member: 213886Members

Sorry for the noobie question, but I am really torn on where I should build a permanent place. Am I thinking too much into it? Do you go by scenery,safety, or closest to resoures? Should I stay near the Aurura or go to the other side of the map? Stick to the center of the map to have access to everything?
What was your strategy? Any input is greatly appreciated. Have a good weekend!
What was your strategy? Any input is greatly appreciated. Have a good weekend!
Titanium is derived from metal salvage.
I made my first perm base at the edge of the grand reef roughly where the grand reef, kelp forest, sparse reef meet up. I put my base down right next to some black smokers that are just under 200m down so unmodified seamoths and cyclops could get there. Thermal generators near the smokers are amazing for power generation. I have 4 and even with a water purifier and tons of crafting I cant ever seem to dent my power availability. Also, as Kerbal said, no hostiles. That is key to me, at least for your first main base.
Once you setup your base and get your basics all covered with food and water and such, you wil more then likely set up multiple satellite bases anyway. In my stable game I have 4 now. Main in grand reef whee I said, another at the edge of kelp forest and gassy plateaus to the northish. Another in Koosh near an eruption site for more thermal, and one in underwater islands I just started that isnt anything more then 2 rooms at the moment.
You should probably set up a temporary starter base right near your lifepod when you start a new game only so you have a place to work from until you get other stuff built to let you travel easier. I always throw down 2 rooms under it or so just to work out of until I get solar panels and what not and dont need the pod anymore.
I have a base in the Great Reef
2 near Wrecks
1 on the floating islands
1 on the Volcanic island
and 1 in the Jellyshroom cave.
Edit sorry I think I posted to the wrong page. that's what I get for playing for hours on end and reading forums. My bad I should get more sleep and less play time.
I'm sad about the water changes - I previously liked having an expansive luxury base in the grand reef for the views, but now the water is too dark and hazy to see very much.
It's shallow enough to get plenty of sunlight for power, it's close to three biomes for harvesting resources, and it's pretty equally distant from most of the other biomes.
Plus, in my experience, the main entrance to the Jelly Shroom Caves isn't very far away from it, so you can pop on down there for rarer resources.
Before the farming update reset, I had a spare base in the Grand Reef, more of an outpost than anything. Got some of its power from thermal, and some from a solar array with a couple power relays beaming it down to the base. It took a bit of gathering, but if you go into the dunes you'll find a LOT of scrap, and you'll find tons of it closer to the Aurora.
(If you go for either of those, make sure your Seamoth has an electric defense. There Be Reapers in the western dunes and near the Aurora)
I use mine for emergency food/water/power/air. Also each one has some batteries and powercells among other things.
After I find and can build the seamoth ill make outposts stocked with just food and water and enough power to cook, just one or two solar panel's. Most play through I make them near the 2 islands, lately I have been going deeper near resource area and putting up an outpost.
With the extra storage on the seamoth I can carry enough titanium, glass, and quartz to make one room, one foundation for the panels, the hatch of course, the fabricator and one locker and maybe a window if I have the extra glass. I make regular trips to stock them with the mats to make water ( salt and coral).
Having all 4 of the up grade slots on the seamoth with storage opens up a new dimension of playing.
I also like the mushroom forest. You can build your base on the coral stalks and wrap it around the mushrooms any way you like.
I don't think there is a single best place. It's where you like, that's the best place.
If i head up to the Aurora there is the shroom forest (bow side of the Aurora).
I've discovered later the place i've choose for the permanent base is just between 3 biomes, and better, if you are close to the bow of the aurora (not to close, beware of radiations son !) you find yourself on the center of the currently available map !! Traveling to the other side of the map and be back at home with 20% energy on my seamoth
This base run on 4 solar panels and 2 bioreactors. Water facility, many aquariums, farming observatories and now I think to build the glorious Cyclop instead of getting the courage and patience to rebuild this base properly
Some people talk about doing a base near the espace pod, well, after 14h ingame my escape pod is now far far FAR away. Don't refer about the escape pod ! After hours of game it will be on the location of mountains/shroom forest
PS : If, like me, you don't find any thermal reactor fragment or nuclear reactor fragment don't panic, a bunch of solar panels and a couple of bioreactors (easy to find & scan) and your base can now support a full recharge on the Moonpool + a water facility.
-Make sure to have kelp near your bio alimented base and locate rapidly a shroom forest to harvest the precious shroom hat.
-Also make sure to start the second bioreactor when the first come to 50% energy.
Your in luck, the Inactive Lava zone is pitch black lol
I've eared about a lava castle. How do you do to build at these depths ? Many reinforcements i suppose.
If you want to find the lava castle, I started a thread detailing how to get there.
Building at depth isn't really very hard. You do need more reinforcements than you do near the surface, but probably not as much as you think.
My second base is usually in the grand reef, overlooking the glowy blue things. This one is typically smaller than my first one, but it has enough storage for my longer scavenging trips in the grand reef and a double stacked aquarium so I don't have to worry about food and water.
At some point I want to build a base either in the mushroom forest or the koosh zone. Maybe both. I like being able to have interesting things to look at when I put windows in.
And one day, one day in the future, I will build a mega base in Reaper territory. Just so I can flip them the bird every time they swim by. XD
In april's update (conveniently named Creature's Attack) we will see our bases assaulted by sea monsters, so if you do that be prepared for war! altho that perspective makes it very tempting to actually build a base near a reaper just to be able to witness the destruction!
I like the idea of some sort of a high frequency sonic emitter that causes discomfort to certain creatures and wards them off, like an area denial defence.
What I wonder more is how they will be attacking the bases. I would hate to see biters tearing through titanium hulls meant to withstand pressure at hundreds of meters.
In anticiation for patches where cold = more food / body energy needed and ofc to use them for power.
near to the suface for lots of solar power, able to get 3x thermal reactors in the vent without any destruction needed, then do a bit of landscaping and fit all the thermal reactors you want in and boom