Question about End Game Content.
I don't know Join Date: 2016-03-27 Member: 214880Members

Hello, before I buy this game I just want to ask a quick question.
With the talk of the Leviathan Emperor etc. I wanted to know how one person would be able to take it down, I understand the developers priority isn't CO-OP/Multiplayer but would we be able to find AI such as other survivors or machines that will assist us in the battle against these "bosses"? or will we have to battle them in a large vessel or mech suit?
Do we know what the plans are yet?
- Blu
With the talk of the Leviathan Emperor etc. I wanted to know how one person would be able to take it down, I understand the developers priority isn't CO-OP/Multiplayer but would we be able to find AI such as other survivors or machines that will assist us in the battle against these "bosses"? or will we have to battle them in a large vessel or mech suit?
Do we know what the plans are yet?
- Blu

In my opinion the whole point of this game is avoiding danger rather than face and kill it so i think we wont have to face such creatures in battle to complete the storyline. As i said before thats just my point of view and i could be wrong tho
But theres a video which shows the animations for the Leviathan, it his a "Death" animation, also its said to have an important part in the game.
If I look at the roadmap of an August release and compare what's done so far, the devs are behind schedule or must drop a lot of stuff. Maybe the depths get cut at 1500m and the lava cave will be final. Or the game release will be around Xmas.
the Emperors prison is located at 200, -1440, -222
it's just an empty hole right now though.
That's the Lava Cave Center, I know that one too good. But I've seen a hidden blockspace system that ranges from 1300-2000m and the Chellonian tech and game world depth suggest it once made sense for a deeper cave system. Probably got cut, so we can see the release in August, and those are leftover remnants from a past design.
When I think about it, the devs really have no more time left and already must drop a lot of stuff for the August schedule. Cyclops upgrading is already far behind schedule and a lot of creatures still need to get into the game. Not to speak about the Lost River.
But the scanner room will be finished soon. All other content gets shifted to the creature attack update. O2 was already shifted and cut, the cyclops update will get shifted, the lost river gets another shift and most creatures now are far behind their original schedule. I hope the most tech rework is done now and the bugs fixed.
Considering the whole roadmap, a lot more might get cut and/or the release date shifted. Let's see how transfusing and new creature behaviour works and if they arrive in april.
What I really don't understand is the roadmap telling me that the return to the game menu function is already finished, while I can't see that option in experimental.
I don't think it was the warpers that imprisoned the Emperor. From the trello board it seems the Emperor prison and the really really deep base belong to something called the precursors. It was probably them that did it. And as for the roadmap, remember that is says nothing is set in stone and everything is subject to change. We may just have to wait a little longer for this update like we did with the H2.0 update.