Concept for large room
Join Date: 2016-03-18 Member: 214456Members

this is my idea how larger rooms could be added to subnautica i have based this mostly on the moonpool. to build your room you would only need 3 base parts a straight wall, a curved corner, and a flat ceiling/floor piece those you would arrange as you like in length withe and hight. and the game would fill in the fitting part. this would allow you to build rooms as large as you like or until the structural integrity fails.

any comments suggestions?

any comments suggestions?
do you mean like this?
if yes well as you can se the wall is far to thin at that point it would be a major structural weak point.
These parts are giving me crazy ideas to establish a powerfull empire in this ocean. Mr Regy will be my prime minister
Why design the curve differently? But what I meant was if you took the corner pieces from your original post and turn them the other way. As in, instead of the point around which the curve turns being the interior of the room, it's in the exterior of the room.
No to mention being a little tight to maneuver around if one the aquarium has been installed.
Adding transparent ceiling and floor pieces would be a good option also...
don´t tell me you mean this.
I think you got it right. I could be wrong, but I think they mean an inverted curve (I think that's what it's called). If you wanted to make an L shaped room, you'd need both. A regular curve for the outside and an inverted for the interior right angle of the L.
I hope it can get put in the game and if not maybe you can make a MOD if that will be possible after release.
If the Devs would scale the room we have about .25% or more I could fit my fat @#$ around the ladder.
I could cost more ore then the normal room. And be a 2nd option with out a lot of work.
OH an inverted curve derp here we go. only problem it is an oversize part al the other parts fit into a L2xW2xH2m grid this is L2,3xW2,3xH2m
and me making a mod like this sadly no
You have to start somewhere in your modding career.
Does the software you are using have 3d vector's / 3d coordinates, and makes true 3d models like AutoCAD or 3d studio?
i have no clue but i wouldnt count on it. sketchup is mostly architectural but i know it is used by many concept artist to create well 3d concept art. but it is not a true modeling software like 3dsmax or blender. i have tried many and most drive me insane within minutes.
But even without that, this is a great idea if it could be implemented.