Concentration of energies, time and passion
England Join Date: 2009-03-19 Member: 66806Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow

Either way, I'm not sure UWE is yet even in a position to do NS3 justice due to to a multitude of factors. We're really only JUST starting to truly see what the dev team is capable of within NS2
I got almost 700 hours in the game, played scrims and gathers, watched the championships and posted in the forums, and still play it frequently now - but it's not the same game as I once enjoyed.
I would love an NS3, built on a better engine, taking everything that's been learned from NS2 and improving on it in every way.
Yes, if UWE was to ever consider NS3, release it with a fully working tutorial first, this is paramount, the same mistakes cannot be made again!
I've spent more time bickering in these forums than I have enjoying the game, the initial performance, the terrible mod support, the lack of maps, the core gameplay changes, the harsh server playercount restrictions when I used to only play 32 player slot servers in ns1, and of course the dwindling and imbalanced skill wise remaining community that makes it hard to casually achieve a "good game."
If NS1 was the reason for my unending dedication to NS2, then NS2 as it is right now will be the reason why I won't support NS3.
If you don't play the game, don't like it then why would you spend more money and keep bickering? No one is making you play, uwe clearly messed up with many things in making ns2, it sucks but it happens. There's plenty of good games out there but i do think you summarize many players feelings about ns2. This is why you don't pre order games. I can only hope uwe actually learn from there mistakes and if they do make an ns3 to not fuck it up, all i'd want from ns3 is better net code + more comp scene support. But there is no way i would pre order Ns3, but sitting on the forums saying you won't ever buy it, they won't ever listen to you, in the end money speaks.
Who are you?
I stick around and provide monetary/ideas guy support because despite all the shortcomings the game has, I think (potentially naively) that it can still become the game I hoped for when I pre-ordered 6-7 years ago. Of course that's just me and no one should feel obliged nor should I expect for everyone to cater to my every whims of making the game NS1HD.
Your words hurt.
A sequel such as NS3 would have been the smarter way of trying new features while not removing or breaking NS2 gameplay. Yeah it would "split" the community but I would rather have had that than have the game I enjoy playing be tweaked to something I no longer enjoy.
1) I fear that if/when they make NS3 they will go the route of matchmaking like so many other new games.. Which will make it unplayable for me.
2) I worry that if/when they make NS3 it will be an unoptimized mess in the beginning like NS2 was..
3) I want to see improvements to NS2 to keep it alive. Mainly hive2.0 and more maps/lifeforms/weapons/upgrades/etc.
4) I don't want to wait years while they create NS3.. They should keep the PDT working on NS2 while they have others working on NS3..
You're not saying you disagree with me.
1) Matchmaking for competitive 6vs6 (just like CSGO) AND server browser would remedy this.
2) Well the whole idea is for UWE to learn from the mistakes made with NS2, what's the saying? "Only a fool makes the same mistake twice".
3) These are all coming regardless.
4) This would be the most sensible option to take, which could potentially become reality if a kickstarter fund is created, these seem to be all the rage nowdays anyways, see
NS2 is a good game, but the stigma surounding it from so many players haveing bad experiances will never go away. A huge amount of progress has been made recently, but its just too late, nearly everyone who has ever bought the game will never play it again.
The creation of NS3 will be UWE chance to stand up and say "We screwed up. NS2 was not the sequel NS1 deserved, and the player base sufferd becouse of that, but we have learnt from out mistakes and intend to use all our new knowlage to make the game you deserve". NS3 will be the big chance to start fresh, a new engine, inbuilt tutorial, official game modes (Im looking at you NS2:Combat), everything people want from you.
1st step. Get a Community Manager.
2. Use UE4 Engine which is not licensed and open source
3. Enjoy Life & NS3
The community would probably go ballistic (again) if there was only matchmaking. I can't imagine they'd go without a server browser at all.
I have to agree that there's a point here - all these gradual improvements don't bring back players because they never hear of them. Once ns2 is in a really good place, some big event is needed for publicity.
Once it has reached a certain level of new content, features, gameplay, balance changes been added, it would need to be re-released as Natural Selection 2.0, a few games have done this to varying success, otherwise most of this will go unnoticed outside of the community.
Can we get both of these things in the same game? Who knows. But if we can't, a stance needs to be taken by UWE, and stuck to.
CS:GO shows exactly how you can have a thriving competitive scene, without people bitching about it always being 6 v 6, or de_dust2 over and over again. Why can't we want that for NS2?
Kharaa vs Frontiersement vs something else.. AI robots?
Protoss. You just have to sell your company to blizzard first, but that's a small sacrifice.
quiet you
maybe support a uwe siege mod,
and a official UWE mod that bette balances large player server which are very limited in tactics imo due to the economy
and BAM, UWE will have done what could be accomplished by one or two people that are familiar with ns2 modding
and opened up entirely new game modes that have struggled to exist but still have an active audience that WANTS
it to exist and would be happy to play again. these types of games were/are great ways for newer players to learn NS:2 gameplay and mechanics that are very frustrating to learn (DIEALOT) in the vanilla Natural selection experience.
Realistically though, continuing on developing NS with expansions is not good business for UWE at this present stage, subnautica is going to help them get attention, but they will need to focus on other game projects before considering on updgrading NS again. I just don't see it being a good thing for UWE long term due to not having the same level of popularity as other gaming companies. UWE deserves more popularity, unfortunately focusing on NS won't get them there.
Agreed, right after Subnautica is at a good point.
And wow, @kyliegirl is a name I haven't seen popup in many years! I still remember the awesome Gorge sketches you made agessss ago. Welcome back