Tech should not be found on seafloor
France Join Date: 2015-09-19 Member: 208031Members

I feel that our tech should not be found randomly on the seafloor. Just like the floodlights, we should find it (i) in wreck, (ii) in the Aurora and/or (iii) in old abandonned bases.
It's just more logical that way and would also better drive the player's progression ingame.
Also, I feel it would be better if, at the start of the game, you find a service scanner in the escape pod, next to the fire extinguisher (so you don't have to build it), and have an empty fabricator (i.e. it should not have a single blueprint loaded in, not one). Then, you should start scanning everything around you, go back to the fabricator and, upon loading the scanner's info into the fabricator, it would reveal which items can be build based on the properties of the stuff you have scanned.
Indeed, it's not normal that, while landing on an alien planet, your fabricator already knows that 2 of those pinkish little mushrooms will be perfect to create a battery... How does it know of their acid content or how much of said acid can be collected per mushroom, thus justifying bringing 2 mushroom for a battery? That's not logical. I mean the way it is now, if you truly want to get out of the planet, don't bother searching for clues, just ask the fabricator because it seems it already knows the planet inside out.
It's just more logical that way and would also better drive the player's progression ingame.
Also, I feel it would be better if, at the start of the game, you find a service scanner in the escape pod, next to the fire extinguisher (so you don't have to build it), and have an empty fabricator (i.e. it should not have a single blueprint loaded in, not one). Then, you should start scanning everything around you, go back to the fabricator and, upon loading the scanner's info into the fabricator, it would reveal which items can be build based on the properties of the stuff you have scanned.
Indeed, it's not normal that, while landing on an alien planet, your fabricator already knows that 2 of those pinkish little mushrooms will be perfect to create a battery... How does it know of their acid content or how much of said acid can be collected per mushroom, thus justifying bringing 2 mushroom for a battery? That's not logical. I mean the way it is now, if you truly want to get out of the planet, don't bother searching for clues, just ask the fabricator because it seems it already knows the planet inside out.
Also, it kinda is silly that the fabricator already knows recipies that use alien flora to create basic things such as batteries. However, since it's still in development, everything is likely to change in a way that would make it more immersive and logical?
Probably easier for stuff to be as it is right now, for testing purposes, given that there's still plenty of time to change things until version 1.0 is released.
But that's my opinion.
Edit: Or what Sidchicken said. He was quicker than I was posting.
But the thing is, that some smaller wreck parts can be found lying around and include tech parts too. Although I tend to think that higher tech should be found either at difficult locked wreck places and the Aurora or be of the abondoned crew tech and be found lost at secret places tracable through old PDA logs. Best tech should be found at precursor bases or alien relict locations.
Your scanner idea is good. The scanner should be one of the first items to be found or built.
The rest: It's just a game. Why can we cook unknown alien fish to eat them, but not simply cook water to drink it? Why do my lungs have more air capacity than O2 tanks? Why has my Seamoth good sight and a sonar and the Cyclops is blind and deaf? ... Don't ask too much.
Well, considering the release of v1.0 is planned for August, I would not go as far as to say they have plenty of time ahead
Of course, as with everything, release date is subject to change, but if you look at the speed at which changes have been made to the game over the past year and what remains to be done based on the trello roadmap (which does not include what I have posted here), and take into account the fact that they will take holydays in June, then I would say that, on the contrary, they are running out of time. In fact, from my point of view, an August release is already impossible, unless they cut lots of things from the planning (like the transfuser).
And I am generally of the opinion that it's better to perfect what's already done, rather than add something new but imperfect. What needs to be ingame for the release is Exosuit, the last remaining zones, the story and cleaning up all that needs to be cleaned up, such as the fact that not every creature is scannable, or as in my OP, the tech progression curve (by that I mean that IMO, the game simply cannot be release if that's not finished, whereas the rest, such as creatures attacking base or rechargeable batteries, can wait v1.1).
As far as I am concerned, if they end up short on time, I would rather see this tech change implemented over, for instance, the transfuser (but that's only me).
You know I was wondering about the Cyclops thing too. I was wondering if it was just me or if we all had a hard time seeing through the front window. I guess I now have the answer
Anything is better than just swimming along the border of 2 biomes and collecting every module you need.
I always hope that players will use those guides as a last resort, when they feel they've looked everywhere but still can't find the blasted Moonpool, but you know that some people will just take the short cut.
Some players prefer to navigate while using one of the Cyclops' camera views, rather than peering through the murky windshield. Or is that watershield?
LOL, tell me what you saw with the cams when you were down at the pitch black ILZ to the Lava Castle. I didn't see a thing (inside the cyclops) and memorized the whole path to navigate down there blindly. Or did they change the lightmaps again? Nevertheless I think even with interior lights turned out (only some inner window reflection) and exterior lights out (not getting blinded by reflection of the own searchlights), your sight is still worse than the Seamoth sight without lights.
Of course cam navigation is perfect to go down the deep reef. But as you can't do the Seamoth navigation of tilting and rolling around obstacles you have to play submarine tetris with the Cyclops.
Thematically it still works, because we have themed these areas that contain fragments as small wreckage sites, with other debris from the ship scattered around.
Cool, that's good news. I was expecting the Seamoth and Cyclops fragments to stay on the seafloor anyway but as long as most of the fragments are inside wrecks, that's great (especially if you indeed theme said areas)! It will add a lot to the gameplay and atmosphere in my view.
Now if I can push my luck trying to get another answer from you... how about the fabricator?
Well it is not the first expedition to the planet. There were already some other expeditions, hence the abandoned bases. So they transmittted their findings and research results, based on that the fabricators were already set up with all the blueprints needed for basic survival.
The Fabricator should come 'pre-loaded' with basic survival items - knife, tank, fins, builder, medkit - it's a survival fabricator after all, but those blueprints - though 'there' and able to be used, will be 'locked' until you use the scanner to start scanning resources which you then collect. Everything else for the Fabricator needs an "update" via scanning with the hand-scanner, which you get at the start as it's included with the 'basics' in the lifepod.
Standard Provisions (From the Wiki):
2x All-Environment Protection Suit (well, only one now because you've got one on)
1x Handheld spectroscope scanner
3x Ready-to-eat rations (the Nutrient Blocks)
3x 1L drinking water provision (Filtered or Disinfected Water)
1x Emergency medkit
1x Flashlight
1x Emergency flare
1x Assorted replacement parts (this could be a 'kit' which you 'use' on the Panel and Comm. Relay to get them working so no need for the Welder until the Aurora blows)
The Builder should come with only the basic base module blueprints installed - metal foundation, room, large aquarium so you can do a basic farm and 'get set up'; but nothing else until you get your butt out of your basic hut and go explore, which is the whole point of it all!
The "Blueprints" Tab of the PDA feels very cluttered at the moment; I think it should be cleaned up a bit and another tab should be for "Resources" that you find--that or it should be turned into a Resources Tab and the Blueprints stay on the Builder's Construction Menu only.
1. Fabricator 'resources' section is empty until you go out and start scanning elements such as quartz, titanium, copper, the stone formations, etc.
2. As you scan, the 'resources' becomes populated; then the basics (tank, fins, knife, builder) open up.
3. The 'builder' blueprints contain the barebones at first: foundation, corridors, multi-purpose room ONLY until you find and scan damaged things.
(Edited for clarity)
I agree - it would make the most sense if you can see the blueprint for, let's say, fins... but not how to make rubber. Then once you harvest some seeds and bring them back with you, the recipe for rubber would unlock.
Cool, thanks for the answer
That way players (i) know what they can craft, and (ii) know that they need to scan the environment to fill the Fabricator with the relevant components for each craftable element.
Of course, not all craftables should be there at the start. For instance, enameled glass can wait until you have scanned a tooth before it appears in the Fabricator.
Oh well, knowing you're thinking about it is enough for me
For example,
Starting survival protocol
The basic of survival is to have sustainable nurishment for the body and mind get accustomed to your new surroundings and locate means of hydration and source of protien.
Every live-raft is equipped with a handheld scanner and a fabricator to make best of every foreign environment resources.
Water, needs to be cleared of contamination this can be done by either filtering it through a membrane or through disinfection.
Food, can be anything containing enough proteïne and calories found in most vegetation and wild live.
Alterra's fabricators can filter most contaminations found in water or edible biomasses.
Longterm exposure to the elements.
Resources are key to survival when rescue can take a while even in the most hostile environments and alien worlds elements don't change.
Most tools require power to function and while battery''s can be hard to come by an electric current can be started by oxidising metals like copper in acidic fluids.