Community/Forum Guideline
Join Date: 2013-03-31 Member: 184566Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter, Pistachionauts

We like playing games together with other people. We like to have polite and rational discussions about a wide range of topics.
In that matter we want to provide communication platforms where everyone feels welcomed, can meet many new friends and have fun.
To ensure that our platforms fulfill their purpose, we moderate them following the below stated rules.
Behave politely at all times! So don’t post anything:
Reporting a post
Select a moderator and send them a direct message including whom you wish to report a copy of the post you report and the reason why you wish to report it.
Click at “Flag” in the title bar of the post you want to report and then at “Report”. Fill in the reason for your report and hit ok.
Warning system
In case you are a long term community member and break our rules in any way, you will get kicked and receive a private message from our moderators about the reason of your kick. You are free to rejoin our server at any time after a kick.
Otherwise if you are a new member of our community or have been kicked recently and break our rules you will receive a permanent ban. Permanent bans can be appealed by contacting an admin or moderator but are very unlikely to get lifted.
Each post that breaks our rules gets reviewed by a community moderator and may get edited or deleted.
Based on the nature of the offense the moderator will send you either a minor, normal or major warning.
Each of these warnings increases your warning level by:
As long as you have 5 points you will be temporarily banned.
Moderators will close a thread if its topic does not fit into given category or if the majority of posts in given thread are breaking our rules.
Our moderators are volunteers chosen out of the community who have proven to stick to the rules and have shown a very high involvement into the community overall.
A list of current moderators can be found in the next post
In that matter we want to provide communication platforms where everyone feels welcomed, can meet many new friends and have fun.
To ensure that our platforms fulfill their purpose, we moderate them following the below stated rules.
Behave politely at all times! So don’t post anything:
- which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
- for which you do not own the copyright
- which can be classified as advertisements, chain letters or pyramid schemes
- which doesn’t fit into the topic of given channel or thread
Reporting a post
Select a moderator and send them a direct message including whom you wish to report a copy of the post you report and the reason why you wish to report it.
Click at “Flag” in the title bar of the post you want to report and then at “Report”. Fill in the reason for your report and hit ok.
Warning system
In case you are a long term community member and break our rules in any way, you will get kicked and receive a private message from our moderators about the reason of your kick. You are free to rejoin our server at any time after a kick.
Otherwise if you are a new member of our community or have been kicked recently and break our rules you will receive a permanent ban. Permanent bans can be appealed by contacting an admin or moderator but are very unlikely to get lifted.
Each post that breaks our rules gets reviewed by a community moderator and may get edited or deleted.
Based on the nature of the offense the moderator will send you either a minor, normal or major warning.
Each of these warnings increases your warning level by:
- Minor : 0 points,
- Normal: 2 points, last 1 week
- Major: 3 points, last 2 weeks
As long as you have 5 points you will be temporarily banned.
Moderators will close a thread if its topic does not fit into given category or if the majority of posts in given thread are breaking our rules.
Our moderators are volunteers chosen out of the community who have proven to stick to the rules and have shown a very high involvement into the community overall.
A list of current moderators can be found in the next post
Head Admin:
May we also see the rules for moderators so that we can call them out for abusing their privileges?
As for how long jailing or temporary bans last - I don't know.
Just received my second ban on Discord yesterday without any reason sent. So criticsm is no longer welcome at all?
Changed the text. Hopefully it's now clear. You are banned/jailed as long as your warning level is beyond given limits. Your points last each as long as the last warning
E.g. : You receive a major warning -> You are jailed for 2 week or You receive 2 x normal warnings -> you are jailed for a week etc.
There is no such rule. But forum moderation concerns do not belong into the NS2 sub forum.
Is open discussions allowed in the General Forum and Discord?? Considering several posts and topics been shutdown immediatly, even if the topics and posts been On-Topic and in terms with SubForum?
So my point is, add a info note regarding the whole General/Open section:
No critisism is allowed to be talked in any kind of open social media hosted/created by UWE. Such as Discord and Unknown Worlds Forum.
It becomes a ninja burying if there is no visible admin action anywhere. The effect is only visible if you actually view the thread and notice the mismatch between the last actual posts and status on the forum thread listing. As far as I can tell, it is mostly used for removing an unwanted thread from 'hot topics' while leaving no visible trace of actual moderation happening.
Burying itself can be part of the moderation (as can locking threads and all that), but doing that without clear transparency is very questionable. If there's a legit use for ninja bury, I haven't figured it out or seen it being utilized so far.
Behind the scenes -PM
Where your concerns get buried.
As in, publicly, in a multilateral discussion?
But captain, we just don't have the power!
Both sinking and closing a thread will be announced in given thread by the executing moderator from now on.
All kind of website feedback belongs into .
Also this is the first time we've publicly changed our guidelines since before NS2 was in Alpha.. and even then it's barely different.. just more verbose / clear -Iron
It says it right there in the text you quoted.. .
The points are aggregate so if you have 2 points already and you earn 3 before that 1 week expires, then you are temp banned until that level 2 part expires (because it'll expire before the 3 points will)
- so less than a week typically.
We also have other topics that aren't allowed based purely on common sense and those fall under the main rules already mentioned.
Yes, it does so now :P
It is crucial to understand that what is posted here are rules for the public to follow, and not for you to "call out" moderators on.
While Mods do follow a process we have all agreed to, they can (and are expected to) exercise their own discretion still when necessary - and the last thing we want is people derailing every thread with claims of mod abuse. That will just cause further moderation taken towards that user doing so as it falls under the "Stay on topic" rule.
As explained ad nauseum: if you take issue with a moderator's action you can PM any mod in these forums or on our Discord for faster responses.
We are constantly improving our processes, and one of the newest things we're considering is having an appeals process where you can speak with multiple admins at once and even have the conversation public (read only) for others, in the name of transparency.
So if you have suggestions on how to improve our processes, we always welcome those when they are given in the appropriate place, just like appeals.
I want that this moderator tells everyone here what I did to get banned. Thanks.
Positive attributes:
-Can send PMs
Sounds like you are overworked and need a holiday.
I disagree. Moderators too should be accountable for their actions, and we shouldn't have to guess if they overstepped their boundaries. If you are worried about discretion, a principles based guideline would accomodate that.
At the very least, there is the official stance now that it will be announced when threads are locked or sunk, which is appreciated, though I have to wonder why anyone ever thought ninja sinks were a good idea, especially given how slowly this forum usually moves.
Besides, if members are to be reminded to regulate their behaviour with warning points, I don't see why moderators shouldn't. People may change after getting power and its hard to tell your friends that you are going to remove them without at least some justification. /troll
We have full accountability for our actions, as we have provided a reason to the individual without fail.
If you disagree with that reason at all... this is where you appeal by contacting that moderator or any other, either here or Discord. There is no "guessing" in this process whatsoever.