Wooza's information wall
Switzerland Join Date: 2013-11-21 Member: 189496Members, Squad Five Blue

Find news about all Wooza servers, community, events, changes and tricks in this periodically updated thread.
Please keep it tidy in order to allow for an easy read.
You can contact our Server Ops and Admins as well as the rest of our community on Discord or on our Steam Group.
Upcomming Events:
Mod spotlight revived? No, its another Saturday mod night at Woozas!
Join us to experience what has been hidden. On Saturday night we will play Siege+, Defense and Faded.
How long will you survive?
Saturday 8pm UTC (1pm PDT)
Game Modes:
Wooza's Saturday Mod Night (24 Slots + 4 Specs)
Server News:
You can find the complete changelog on my Steam Profile or in the Archive
- Wooza's Hamster Wheel: All spectator slots have been removed. Server runs now with 32 Slots.
-BotManager added: Players can now play with bots to seed the servers easier.
- A nostalgic NS2:Combat event! Tonight at 7pm UTC / 12:00PM PDT
- Wooza's Playground: Two new secret maps added! Find them with the command sh_listmaps
-New mod added which helps server performance! Special thanks to NoM
- Woozas removed from Hive by UWE
- Wooza's Playground: Map added: ns2_ayumi
- Wooza's Playground: Secret map added! Can you find it? Hint: Use command sh_listmaps to see all running maps on the server
- Wooza's Size Zero (24 Slots) server created. A Server so small, it's painful to watch!
- Wooza's Rookie Magnet (24 Slots, Rookie only) server created.
- Zycar presents Siege+! Find the game mode on "Wooza's Siege+ Back to the Roots!" server.
- (Don't forget to select "ALL" in your NS2 Server browser to find the server)
- How many kills have been made in a year on Wooza's Playground? Guess and win here
- Easter Badges added to all Woozas server
Server Information
Wooza's Playground (42Slots + 4 Spectator Slots)
Wooza's Hamster Wheel(32 Slots + 10 Spectator Slots)
Wooza's Side Zero (24 Slots)
Wooza's Rookies Magnet (24 Slots, rookie only)
Wooza's Club Bizarre (24 Slots, The Faded Mode, Defence Mode)
Wooza's Siege+ Back to the roots! (24 Slots + 4 Spectator, Siege Mode)
Please keep it tidy in order to allow for an easy read.
You can contact our Server Ops and Admins as well as the rest of our community on Discord or on our Steam Group.
Upcomming Events:
Mod spotlight revived? No, its another Saturday mod night at Woozas!
Join us to experience what has been hidden. On Saturday night we will play Siege+, Defense and Faded.
How long will you survive?
Saturday 8pm UTC (1pm PDT)
Game Modes:
Wooza's Saturday Mod Night (24 Slots + 4 Specs)
Server News:
You can find the complete changelog on my Steam Profile or in the Archive
- Wooza's Hamster Wheel: All spectator slots have been removed. Server runs now with 32 Slots.
-BotManager added: Players can now play with bots to seed the servers easier.
- A nostalgic NS2:Combat event! Tonight at 7pm UTC / 12:00PM PDT
- Wooza's Playground: Two new secret maps added! Find them with the command sh_listmaps
-New mod added which helps server performance! Special thanks to NoM
- Woozas removed from Hive by UWE
- Wooza's Playground: Map added: ns2_ayumi
- Wooza's Playground: Secret map added! Can you find it? Hint: Use command sh_listmaps to see all running maps on the server
- Wooza's Size Zero (24 Slots) server created. A Server so small, it's painful to watch!
- Wooza's Rookie Magnet (24 Slots, Rookie only) server created.
- Zycar presents Siege+! Find the game mode on "Wooza's Siege+ Back to the Roots!" server.
- (Don't forget to select "ALL" in your NS2 Server browser to find the server)
- How many kills have been made in a year on Wooza's Playground? Guess and win here
- Easter Badges added to all Woozas server
Server Information
Wooza's Playground (42Slots + 4 Spectator Slots)
Wooza's Hamster Wheel(32 Slots + 10 Spectator Slots)
Wooza's Side Zero (24 Slots)
Wooza's Rookies Magnet (24 Slots, rookie only)
Wooza's Club Bizarre (24 Slots, The Faded Mode, Defence Mode)
Wooza's Siege+ Back to the roots! (24 Slots + 4 Spectator, Siege Mode)
hahah, im happy to have another 'normal' sizes server where I can play on. Nice list Wooza
Yeah it seems interesting, but never actually got the chance to play it.
There is a strange resistance to change in the NS2 community. Custom maps. Mods like Faded. All we see is the same vanilla maps played over and over and over and over over and over and over... *yawn*
B296 Stats
B297 stats
The difference in win-rate looks huge, but since it's such a small sample size, is not actually considered statistically relevant, according to Fisher's exact test... ( used http://graphpad.com/quickcalcs/contingency1/ with groups: [161,187] and [105,94] )
Also, @Rammler is correct. UWE only attempts to balance for 12-24 players. It is up to its maintainers to balance ns2large as appropriate.
So it is safe to state that:
The average game on Wooza's was more balanced during 296 than it was during 297.
Here's the charts with min 24 players:
B296 Stats
B297 Stats
Here is an analogy: If you flip a quarter only twice, but it lands heads both times, is it unbalanced?
And another one, from @Nordic: Is a piece of toast with butter on one side balanced?
A proper analogy would have been: If you flip a quarter only twice, but it lands heads both times, was the average outcome unbalanced? Answer: Yes, because it was heads both times whilst a balanced outcome would have been once heads and tails each.
Maybe something more than rhetorical questions would help? (pun intended)
That's not how statistics works. The question you are trying to answer is "what's the probability that Marines will win the next game?" That is a quantity that you can get evidence for, but you cannot directly observe.
- A nostalgic NS2:Combat event! Tonight at 7pm UTC / 12:00PM PDT
Edited: Refrain from being aggressive. Thanks.
Ill try to be there.
no need for all the hostility
Edited: No naming and shaming allowed in this forum.
There may be no need for it, but you can't say it's not justified... I've even noticed his review now has the lie "woozas the oldest and most popular ns2 servers around"
So he sort of brings all this hate down on himself with his toxic actions.
Wooza is just informing us here about an event.
Setting up events like this are a fine way to keep interest in the game alive.
There is nothing negative in this announcement.
I'm thru these tactics used to sink or make threads getting closed by stating disputes / pointless arguments.
You're at war, fine, go fight it on the right battlefield, not here.
I will use an understatement aka anti-<span style="color:orange">ICPM</span> (Inter Continental Private Message): Some attitudes here make some people looks like they could be assimilated to an unpleasant sensation in a part of our body that may serve different purposes, one beeing: sitting on a chair before your computer reading all this nonsense.
Quite the definition of a pointless argument.
lets not make this another Wooza vs others war.
The OP clearly is just pure information about Wooza's servers and the events he runs. NOTHING wrong with that. If you agree or disagree with big servers is irrelevant.
Move on if you dont like it, but lets not complain about a topic doing exactly what its title says.
Agreed this isn't even about the whole big servers vs small servers thing anymore.. It's degraded to an extremely toxic individual spreading lies and misinformation while at the same time seemingly trying to "punish" uwe by making them look like bad scammy devs...
You have to admit it's kind of fubar that he lies in his steam review to make people think his server is better than vanilla ns2, names his server "uwe wants this server dead" (which gives new players on his server an incorrect bad impression of uwe) then comes on here acting all innocent like all he wants to do is promote an event...
You can't blame people for being a little peeved at such behavior...
How can they care if they don't even realize they're being lied to?
I'm sure most people dislike being lied to... Look at the rage that gamers display whenever a developer lies.. Just because it's a server owner instead of a dev doesn't make it right...
You are right that this thread shouldn't be derailed any further though... So lets go back on the topic of information about woozas...
Care to inform people what you hoped to accomplish when you renamed your server "UWE wants this server dead"??
I mean clearly that's not true considering all the support they've given large and the fact that you're not shut down... Honestly stuff like that makes it look like you simply want NS2 to die off completely...