Animal Domestication and Husbandry

TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
I am absolutely LOVING this title. The first game in a LOOOONG time to capture my imagination like this. Bravo!

One of the things I am wanting to do is work with the sealife. I think a series of tools, tech, habitat add-ons and placeable items would work very well in a Animal Domestication/training/ and husbandry module.

Here is what I am thinking::

1. DNA analyzer seems to be in the works. A tool specifically for drawing DNA from Larger Sealife (Stalkers, Gasopods, and Sandsharks) would be great to pull samples from creatures that have natural defenses or behaviors that I could use. Using the stasis gun to freeze a wild animal long enough to get the DNA would be a fun activity.

Example: Gasopods yellow cloud could be developed into a predator repellant that either attaches to an O2 tank or is worn in place of radiation gloves.

Example: Sand Sharks could be studied and perhaps have a resource they can provide that is blended with other tech or items that can be built. Perhaps their armored shell provides an ingredient for the upcoming exo-suit?

Example: I'd like to analyze the Stalker's DNA, taken ostensibly from a Baby Stalker I've hatched in my aquarium and then analyze it's DNA. Results would unlock a number of "blueprints" for Genetic manipulation for several behaviors and imprinting on me as their master. I can then assign Names and have a series of commands that the Stalkers will follow.

a. "Retrieve" - Specific Items
b. "Hunt" - they go off on their own and collect edible fish
c. "Follow and Protect" - Escort me around my seabase environs and ward off other predators


2. Lab Habitat Module - A place to do this work would be great. A lab module with items specific to a Science lab, and specimen study would be ideal. Think Aliens and the glass tanks the creatures are kept in. These tanks would specifically monitor the health of specimens, and any predator or larger animal that I might hatch in an aquarium would stay at a smaller more manageable size for a longer time so as to be able to study it and such. It wouldn't grow at an exponential rate like they currently do.

3. Animal training Habitat Module. - Something along the lines of the moonpool, but specific to calling your domesticated animals. Think of two Stalkers surfacing like dolphins and responding to fresh fish you throw them. Then you can use a new Tool "Call it a DNA Programmer" which is a derivative of the Scanner. You select a researched behavior or command (Hunt, Retrieve, Follow etc.) and you send the blueprint inot the 2 animals. They are now trained and can be given the commands.

4. Naming - In the hatching and domesticating process assigning names would be fantastic.

5. Crazy proofing - So as to set a soft limit on how many animals you can keep, care and feeding would be up to the player. Extra fish/food and the labor of providing it to the animals would limit the total number of animals a player could support with his own resources.

I could go on and on....

thanks again for creating an amazing game!


  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    Thanks for the support!
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    Of course... but I don't like the idea of 'programming' your animals. Instead, you 'train' them by interacting with them in certain ways.

    1. If you swim, they'll swim beside you.
    2. if you pick up a piece of metal salvage, or other item, they'll gradually start doing that, too.
    3. If you scan a fragment, one of your pets might go 'hunting' for more; then come find you and lead you to them.
    4. If you strike other fish with your knife, your pets will over time learn what you're doing; they saw you attack that Sand Shark to repel it several days ago, now your pets will defend you from them if they get too close.
    5. Pet toys?
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    I like your ideas! Over course your method is in fact a training or behavioral science. I think both ideas have merit. I was trying to leverage an upcoming feature in the DNA analyzer. In any case this sort of interaction with the local fauna is very cool.
  • Enderguy059Enderguy059 Australia Join Date: 2015-10-15 Member: 208486Members
    Coranth wrote: »
    Of course... but I don't like the idea of 'programming' your animals. Instead, you 'train' them by interacting with them in certain ways.

    1. If you swim, they'll swim beside you.
    2. if you pick up a piece of metal salvage, or other item, they'll gradually start doing that, too.
    3. If you scan a fragment, one of your pets might go 'hunting' for more; then come find you and lead you to them.
    4. If you strike other fish with your knife, your pets will over time learn what you're doing; they saw you attack that Sand Shark to repel it several days ago, now your pets will defend you from them if they get too close.
    5. Pet toys?

    I wanna train a shocker! His name shall be Electric Fence ("Fen" for short)
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    In my example I focused on the Stalker as a training objective animal, only because they are, aside from their aggression, the closest thing in the game to a dolphin. I think having several animal type that are possible to train for different purposes, and perhaps some that are not would be realistic.

    Training a Shocker might be dangerous! ; )
  • darrenkocaydarrenkocay canada Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215894Members
    yeah i agree or if you were able to like hook jumper cables connected to your base to them to charge your base that would be cool or to even jumpstart charge the seamoth or cyclops that would be really cool
  • ifferiffer Join Date: 2005-03-12 Member: 45041Members, Constellation
    edited May 2016
    ok, going a bit off topic here, but maybe a cyclops upgrade "shield" that harvests electrical attacks and/or ambient heat (keeps the cyclops safe/cool until the batteries are fully charged then start taking damage). Bit better than making your cyclops a horse and buggy sort of harness with a couple tame shockers out pulling :smiley:
  • ifferiffer Join Date: 2005-03-12 Member: 45041Members, Constellation
    Lol - dumped a couple stalker eggs in a double large tank. Didn't consider they might also replicate (my peeper population was looking very nervous!) We need a bbq/smoker for preserved monster roast!
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    I had the same thing happen. I was comfortable that creatures wouldn't grow to full size in an aquarium. So much so that next thing I knew I had 4 stalkers, and 1 was FULL grown. He was a bear to wrestle out and release back into the wild in the Creepvine...LOVE this game...
  • GabrielBCGabrielBC anh? Join Date: 2016-04-30 Member: 216170Members
    I think there shouldn't be a DNA analyzer, but a secondary mode for the scanner. The first mode to scan and add on to the data base, and the other mode you could draw the DNA like you said.
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    GabrielBC wrote: »
    I think there shouldn't be a DNA analyzer, but a secondary mode for the scanner. The first mode to scan and add on to the data base, and the other mode you could draw the DNA like you said.

    I think anything would be great. Perhaps a requirement for a computer chip to upgrade the scanner?
  • GabrielBCGabrielBC anh? Join Date: 2016-04-30 Member: 216170Members
    TheElf wrote: »
    I think anything would be great. Perhaps a requirement for a computer chip to upgrade the scanner?

    That would be nice I guess.
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    TheElf wrote: »
    I had the same thing happen. I was comfortable that creatures wouldn't grow to full size in an aquarium. So much so that next thing I knew I had 4 stalkers, and 1 was FULL grown. He was a bear to wrestle out and release back into the wild in the Creepvine...LOVE this game...

    I have a similar problem, but my Stalker is full grown and I also have a baby Bone Shark. Now apparently I can go in and grab them and put them in my pocket...the problem comes when I release them! Lookout!

    I would really like to pull this little guy out and start training him to follow me around and help protect and sniff out items! I need Quartz for my underwater Solarium!
  • DarkH3lm3tDarkH3lm3t Australia Join Date: 2016-06-03 Member: 218012Members
    I love this idea. What would be really cool is if you can train smaller creatures (maybe make a domestic style creature similar to a Dolphin). This brings me images of an old TV show - SeaQuest DSV - It would be cool if you could fit a bionic implant to a creature and have it swim through your base in tubes and stuff. Like this idea lots !!!
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    DarkH3lm3t wrote: »
    I love this idea. What would be really cool is if you can train smaller creatures (maybe make a domestic style creature similar to a Dolphin). This brings me images of an old TV show - SeaQuest DSV - It would be cool if you could fit a bionic implant to a creature and have it swim through your base in tubes and stuff. Like this idea lots !!!

    I like your ideas! I think it would be cool to have a dolphin-type animal. Right now the closest we have is the ole Stalker...

    But an intelligent species like a Dolphin that isn't a threat and forms a kind of bond with the player would be pretty cool.
  • morryataymorryatay Australia m8 Join Date: 2016-06-06 Member: 218175Members
    i personoally would like to see a habitat ejector, where you could set a limit on the number of creatures within a habitat, and it would automatically eject any extras into the ocean.
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    morryatay wrote: »
    i personoally would like to see a habitat ejector, where you could set a limit on the number of creatures within a habitat, and it would automatically eject any extras into the ocean.

    cool idea!
  • A_FREAKING_DUCKA_FREAKING_DUCK Join Date: 2016-04-03 Member: 215296Members
    Wow, I read a post earlier suggesting something similar but with less detail and disliked it there but, my god, this post definitely convinced me. I can definitely see how much thought you put into this and agree with everything you said. Wish you were one of the developers. Just the things in this post would probably have me playing the game weeks longer then I normally would. Awesome ideas.
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    iffer wrote: »
    ok, going a bit off topic here, but maybe a cyclops upgrade "shield" that harvests electrical attacks and/or ambient heat (keeps the cyclops safe/cool until the batteries are fully charged then start taking damage). Bit better than making your cyclops a horse and buggy sort of harness with a couple tame shockers out pulling :smiley:

    Hmmm, What about if you have an aquarium with a shocker in it it adds 25 energy to your base like a solar panel?
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    TheElf wrote: »

    Hmmm, What about if you have an aquarium with a shocker in it it adds 25 energy to your base like a solar panel?

    Wow! Thanks Duck! Lets hope the devs are reading this post : )
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    I have found that if you raise 2 stalkers in a tank they will reproduce without eggs I am aware that their are fish that bear live young but it seems that everything in on the planet is suppose to come from an egg but if its in the "alien containment" as it is now called everything bears live
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    I think being able to get eggs from harvested fish and then growing them in an Incubator that automatically lets them into the tank when big enough
  • AweFilafilOsophyAweFilafilOsophy Join Date: 2016-10-05 Member: 222877Members
    Bumping this because this is an awesome idea!
  • TheElfTheElf Deep blue Sea Join Date: 2016-05-07 Member: 216483Members
    Bumping this because this is an awesome idea!

    Thanks for the vote of awesomeness! Any word if something like this is being considered? I've been away from the forums for a few months...
  • TarkannenTarkannen North Carolina Join Date: 2016-08-15 Member: 221304Members
    I'm not so much a fan of animal maintenance and upkeep for game in general, but after seeing some ideas posted in the thread I thought I would toss mine in the ring:

    1. A basic vehicle: a water-skimming pontoon made up of a Mobile Vehicle Bay tethered behind 2 Stalkers
    2. Then an upgrade: an underwater chariot made from an Observatory tethered behind 4 Sandsharks
    3. Next up would be: a completely mobile base with 4 Multipurpose Rooms built onto a Reefback
    4. How can you go bigger? How about: An Exosuit riding a Cyclops tied onto a Reaper's back???

    Okay so my ideas are way out there, but it would be nice if we could "Aquaman" it up and use some of the larger creatures for mobility, even if it's for early game or convenience. Or if we could at least tame them so they dont attack us on sight and instead defend us from other creatures (like from a sudden Reaper or Warper appearance).
  • ookasmcplookusookasmcplookus Join Date: 2016-10-22 Member: 223300Members
    edited November 2016
    Just going to copy paste this here. It was some suggestions I made a while ago to try and encourage the building of multiple bases; allow those multiple bases to be as grand as single bases currently possible in the game through enabling resource generation; and also give functionality to eggs/ cultivating creatures / and plants; as well as keep other aspects of the game still useful such as the cyclops (bases should not be so good such that cyclops is obsolete, or at least have the cyclops required for the whatever makes the bases better). I hope some of what I wrote here could help with the discussion going on around this suggestion because I really do like the idea of hatched creatures having a purpose. I think the list of suggestions I put this in was too damn long so most people just skipped past it. I've also gone ahead and made some grammar corrections to this copy and put in images that were otherwise found by following the links.

    Here I want to try encourage the establishment of multiple bases in the best ways I could think of without having them, in combination with the limited resource supply; lead to the multiple bases that are made being less grand than single ones constructed in the current game; where most of the gathered resources are dedicated to that one construction.

    1 - [Teleportation gate built at bases, usable with cyclops]
    ALSO SEE Revisions upon community feedback 1
    I believe you are going to add teleporters into the game to enable easier navigation of the map between bases? If so, please do not add it as an internal module for the bases. Instead, implement it as an external structure or even unique room, that must be close to at least a power source (even a single multi purpose room with nuclear reactor). Have it only teleport the cyclops when the cyclops is driven through what I would imagine would resemble something off stargate (see image). If you allow teleportation between bases from inside the bases, I feel as though this will greatly reduce the usefulness of the cyclops as the mobile base. However being able to use your first base to construct materials for your second one, and then enabling teleportation between the 2 would likely reduce the hurdle of achieving multiple bases. Even if the bases beyond the first are just there to be small power stations for gateways enabling the cyclops to warp.
    Resemble something off stargate:

    2 - [biomes effecting plant growth]
    Please make it so that plants will yield only 1 or reduced seed/s when harvested if they were grown in a grow bed outside of their biome of origin. Also have them grow at an enhanced rate in their biome of origin. This in combination with the above warping system may motivate players to set up multiple bases so that they could for instance grow melons efficiently at the floating island, creepy vine at the kelp forest, blood vine at the blood kelp zone and then move between them as required with ease through teleportation.

    3 - [external cage structure that allows release of alien containment creatures hatched from eggs without them swimming away]
    I submitted a post to the subnautica subreddit a while ago regarding a cage I built out of pipes for containing my released amp eels that I had hatched from eggs in an alien containment. I noticed that these eels were still not at their full size despite being released to the wild so i figured there is probably some difference between the hatched and the natural ones even after release. Wouldn't it be cool if there really was and it was a functional difference? My suggestion is to provide the player with the ability to build some kind of cage in which they can release hatched creatures from the alien containment. However the creatures that were hatched, have to be fed with plants from their respective biomes. The plants can be grown in an integrated grow bed much like the alien containment has, then the hatched creature inside the cage will occasionally eat from this slowly depleting it. In combination with the suggestion above; this means to feed animals outside of their natural biome, a player would likely have to have a base for growing the food, then occasionally transport that food with the cyclops to the base with the creature. The suggestion below will expand on why they would have a creature outside its natural biome.
    Cage structure made with pipes, something like this could be used to contain and feed hatched creatures:

    4 - [animals that can hatch from eggs provide different benefits from being in different biomes]
    One of the problems with trying to build bases in certain biomes is the lack of say quartz or titanium integral to building base pieces. The sea treader is a creature with a unique ability of being able to spawn basalt outcrops where it is walking. What if, in different biomes the sea treader spawned different outcrops; for instance limestone outcrops in the crash zone or safe shallows, grassy plateau could have salt deposits, when it treads at blood kelp it spawns quartz or uranium, etc etc. The reaper leviathan could keep lesser predators and maybe even other reapers away from the base, this would be a solution to the warper issue i have seen people complain about. The amp eel could simply be a sauce of power. The warper could maybe drop an item based on the biome it is in, used to calibrate which biome a teleportation gate would target, then bringing up a list of applicable bases in that biome to choose from. The crabsquid could use its ability to interact with human built technology to somehow give indication as to the location of wrecks or fragments (maybe it drops an item like the sea treader drops dung. The item is then attracted and moves towards the nearest fragment / wreck when dropped by the player; a bit like eye of ender from minecraft).

    Regarding the individual abilities of each hatchable creature I honestly have not thought much further than the sea treader and reaper leviathan, I would love to see what other players / the developers could come up with. I think a system like this would encourage players to get an almost jurrasic park like set up across multiple bases with unique and important functionality at every single one of them, in this way it would be unlikely an old base would loose its usefulness and be abandoned.

    Revisions upon community feedback:
    1 - [integrate cyclops teleporters into cyclops docking]
    Thanks to feedback from iRhuel on the subreddit, crash09, and MyAliasWasTaken I think it would be worth finding some way to integrate the teleportation / quick travel system into the cyclops docking system that is already being suggested as a possible feature.
    iRhuel said "I believe an easier and more sensible implementation would be to use the cyclops base docks (after they're implemented). Allow the cyclops to "fast travel" between docks, and implement a nav beacon upgrade at each dock or nav system module on the cyclops to act as the gameplay gate."
    crash09 said "I agree the bases should have a certain level of power accessible in order to use it (say, 250-500 power per teleport). It makes improved power sources that much more worthwhile."
    MyAliasWasTaken said "I think that growing plants in their home biome would just get annoying, especially if only the cyclops could go through teleporters. Speaking of teleporters, they could potentially be rebalanced by having them work only in certain areas so you still need the cyclops occasionally."

    I think by having the teleporter integrated into the docking system you would prevent that problem of annoyance and convolution that would come from having to swim between base and cyclops to move items between bases. This way the cyclops would be more like an extension of any base it is docked on. Also by having it still use teleportation, the power required would still come from the base, which would encourage the construction of more robust power supplies as crash09 said and by extension restrict the areas they can work in as MyAliasWasTaken said. All of this together would allow the cyclops to still be useful and worth building after teleporter tech is acquired, and still encourage construction of bases with enough power supply to operate the teleporter, as well as grown plants or keep animals at.
  • EvilSmooEvilSmoo Join Date: 2008-02-16 Member: 63662Members
    External Crashfish breeding facility. Ignore player and base, and kamikaze incoming hostile fish. Explosion probably should not affect friendly targets, since simpler AI is kind of sloppy about such things.
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