Subnautica list of bugs - Update 1.0 (No longer updating)
USA Join Date: 2016-06-04 Member: 218088Members

Great update, but as far as updates come: There are bugs!
My previous save in survival was utterly destroyed from upgrading. At the top of my head, I do recall some of what I've noticed during this save. After I realized that I couldn't salvage my survival save (or even make a new working save), I was forced to redownload the game. I will tag some bugs as (Old) and the others will be (New) to help clarify where the bugs may be:
- Swimming not working correctly: Upgrading an old save for the update seems to have broken the core game mechanics, such as sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor because the swimming mechanics aren't recognized (Old) (NOTE: A fresh install has fixed this issue)
- Swimming not working correctly, part 2: Fresh game worlds continued to not recognize swimming (Old) (NOTE: A fresh install has fixed this issue)
- Blueprints not unlocking correctly: Mudonis made me remember the blueprint bug: "I'm encountering a bug that deletes my blueprints when I save and reload my game[...]" I did notice this after the upgrade, and it may be part of the upgrade that breaks old saves. I did not encounter this on a fresh install. Hopefully theres a way to salvage old saves, as I deleted my old 8-hour survival game. (Old) (Thanks Mudonis!)
- A fresh install for an upgraded save has destroyed said save: After reinstalling the game, my old save was completely uncompatible (Error prevented from loading). I did upgrade my old save like the game mentioned I could do, but later I decided to reinstall. I wish I jotted down the error code to document here, but I think this is worth a mention. I could not get the error message to remind me what the code is. (New)
- Annoying Brain Coral sounds that persists throughout the game:Brain Coral sounds (as well as other sounds around said Brain Coral) seems to randomly appear while playing the game for a period of time. This can occur at any mode, and anytime, of the game. It is hard to track how it happens, as the brain corals seems to decide whenever they want you to hear what they hear. While streaming directly to my windows 10 laptop for a closer ear to the game, the game sounds as if the player is in two places at once...or are we really Brain Corals
? (Old/New)
***[Possible workarounds for annoying Brain Coral sounds]***
- Invisible resources while breaking open rocks: Copper, Silver, and Gold. (New)
- Coral Shell Plates are indestructible: A fresh knife, until said knife broke, couldn't break the shells (New)
- Unable to interact with the game, thanks to the Mobile Vehicle Bay: Mobile Vehicle Bay unit steals control of the player, turning them to a statue, while the player is helpless and cannot exit, pull up the menu/inventory, nor interact with the unit (New) (NOTE: This forces you to quit the game)
- Sunshine penetrates caves and solid objects: No matter where you are, the shine from the sun will always penetrate objects and caves (New)
- Large lifeforms do not properly lie still, when dead: When killing a Stalker/Sand Shark , it is stuck in a constant limbo state of a life-to-death shake animation. They never reach death, instead, they will endlessly death-twitch for all eternity. Other smaller life forms don't have this issue, and it may just be the large creatures. (New)
- Colonies of fish that do not seem to be there: The ghost colonies of fish ignore the stasis rifle, and I'm still not sure if these will ever be farmable (New)
- Reload button is unbinded by default: I recommend that you set the X button as the default button for that. X is commonly a reload button for the shooter genre on the Xbox One. (New/Old)
- Buildings on the new island can be seen before the island renders in sight Apparently these buildings: were seen not too far from my lifepod. This is really the only way I was able to find the island (Great job on the island, btw!) as I saw a really, really small floating object in the far distance. I thought the floating door bug was back. Is this intentional? It shows outside rendering distance, even when the rest of the island isn't appearing (New) ** Video example of the building from the distance, you can see it just off the horizon**
- Creatures seems to despawn I was chased by a Stalker after accidentally stabbing it while trying to cut creepvine, and before I found a nice spot to fight back: they despawned in thin air water (New)
***[Possible workaround for keybinds being forgotten]***
[workaround for keybinds ends here]
- The game seems to confuse the "Use" and "Left Hand" command, as it is not consistent: I'm in creative mode to test out the torpedoes for the Seamoth. For some reason, the default controls have Use and Left Hand binds on the same button (A). Naturally, I set Left Hand to LT (Left Trigger) in hopes to separate the commands of trying to leave the Seamoth and firing a torpedo. Sounds good, right? Well, heres the problem .
I am now required to enter the Seamoth with my Left Hand command (LT), and I'm required to exit with Use (A). Shouldn't the Use (A) command be the same for the both cases? Yet, when it comes to the Communications Relay, I have to press my Left Hand (LT) command to interact with it. To add more insult to injury, You also have to use the Left Hand command (LT) to enter the lifepod, climb ladders, get on the mobile vehicle unit, interact with the fabricator, picking up fish, mining rocks, etc. Shouldn't the Use (A) command have the responsibility of interacting with objects? This could be a problem in the future, if there may be more stuff that may need to use the Left Hand command. Currently, it would be ideal to allow the Left Hand be the activation button for the Seamoth upgrades and future tools/vehicles/mechs that may need to use the same command. Right Hand currently controls the lights, and the torpedo bay is located on the left. (New/Old)
- Erratic movement on the character's right arm Video example of the main character with unhuman-like movement on his right arm, when tools are holstered (New)
- Commonly-reported FPS issues with the Cyclops: This is even more noticeable in highly-populated areas, especially in shallow waters.
- Grue Clusters are indestructible : I think I've stabbed everything possible that was added with the new update. Only the Grue Clusters and Coral Shell Plates are impervious to the knife.
This is all I have soo far. Hope this helps!
My previous save in survival was utterly destroyed from upgrading. At the top of my head, I do recall some of what I've noticed during this save. After I realized that I couldn't salvage my survival save (or even make a new working save), I was forced to redownload the game. I will tag some bugs as (Old) and the others will be (New) to help clarify where the bugs may be:
(Old) Before I had to redownload Subnautica
(New) After a fresh reinstall of Subnautica
***[insert workaround]*** Possible workaround of a bug, if there is any reported here
TL;DR descriptions will be bolded/underlined after the hyphens, for better readability
(Old) Before I had to redownload Subnautica
(New) After a fresh reinstall of Subnautica
***[insert workaround]*** Possible workaround of a bug, if there is any reported here
TL;DR descriptions will be bolded/underlined after the hyphens, for better readability
- Swimming not working correctly: Upgrading an old save for the update seems to have broken the core game mechanics, such as sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor because the swimming mechanics aren't recognized (Old) (NOTE: A fresh install has fixed this issue)
- Swimming not working correctly, part 2: Fresh game worlds continued to not recognize swimming (Old) (NOTE: A fresh install has fixed this issue)
- Blueprints not unlocking correctly: Mudonis made me remember the blueprint bug: "I'm encountering a bug that deletes my blueprints when I save and reload my game[...]" I did notice this after the upgrade, and it may be part of the upgrade that breaks old saves. I did not encounter this on a fresh install. Hopefully theres a way to salvage old saves, as I deleted my old 8-hour survival game. (Old) (Thanks Mudonis!)
Slackerstu wrote: »Referring to the loss of blueprints a reinstall generally solves the issue but even further if you DO NOT quit to menu but rather just go to Xbox dashboard and quit from there it is not likely to happen again. I have been able to load my game this way several times now without issue.
BlindGuardian wrote: »I haven't lost a blueprint to my knowledge, but I still get some stuck at 100% with all fragments scanned that never let me use them, this was in the old version as well.
I am still using my original save, still can't build a moon pool, and now can't build a powercell charger without using the dev menu [...]
- A fresh install for an upgraded save has destroyed said save: After reinstalling the game, my old save was completely uncompatible (Error prevented from loading). I did upgrade my old save like the game mentioned I could do, but later I decided to reinstall. I wish I jotted down the error code to document here, but I think this is worth a mention. I could not get the error message to remind me what the code is. (New)
- Annoying Brain Coral sounds that persists throughout the game:Brain Coral sounds (as well as other sounds around said Brain Coral) seems to randomly appear while playing the game for a period of time. This can occur at any mode, and anytime, of the game. It is hard to track how it happens, as the brain corals seems to decide whenever they want you to hear what they hear. While streaming directly to my windows 10 laptop for a closer ear to the game, the game sounds as if the player is in two places at once...or are we really Brain Corals

***[Possible workarounds for annoying Brain Coral sounds]***
Slackerstu wrote: »The bubble sounds can be killed essentially. If you hear it start look around for the nearest brain coral and kill it with your knife. After a short delay it usually stops for me.
HisUglyMama wrote: »I had this sound the whole time even when it was killed for a moment it appeared over and over again. I deleted my saves, another file subnautica created on my hdd and finally the game itself and downloaded it new on yesterday. I didnt have the issue for about two hours playtime now.
- Invisible resources while breaking open rocks: Copper, Silver, and Gold. (New)
- Coral Shell Plates are indestructible: A fresh knife, until said knife broke, couldn't break the shells (New)
- Unable to interact with the game, thanks to the Mobile Vehicle Bay: Mobile Vehicle Bay unit steals control of the player, turning them to a statue, while the player is helpless and cannot exit, pull up the menu/inventory, nor interact with the unit (New) (NOTE: This forces you to quit the game)
- Sunshine penetrates caves and solid objects: No matter where you are, the shine from the sun will always penetrate objects and caves (New)
- Large lifeforms do not properly lie still, when dead: When killing a Stalker/Sand Shark , it is stuck in a constant limbo state of a life-to-death shake animation. They never reach death, instead, they will endlessly death-twitch for all eternity. Other smaller life forms don't have this issue, and it may just be the large creatures. (New)
- Colonies of fish that do not seem to be there: The ghost colonies of fish ignore the stasis rifle, and I'm still not sure if these will ever be farmable (New)
- Reload button is unbinded by default: I recommend that you set the X button as the default button for that. X is commonly a reload button for the shooter genre on the Xbox One. (New/Old)
Capt_Johanson wrote: »Here is a list of thing I've encountered since the latest update.
1. Randomly disappearing fauna and materials: I'm coming across an occasional bug where all fauna and material items on the ground disappear. Reloading the game fixes this.
2. Cyclops cameras not working correctly: The external hull camera button on the left of the HUD while piloting the cyclops is not interactable and the cameras are not accessible.
3. Scanner room not working correctly The scanner room is not functioning properly. The only thing that works is the remote piloting of cameras. It does not feed info to you HUD if you have the upgrade equiped to a head slot. It also does not allow you to scan for materials.
- Buildings on the new island can be seen before the island renders in sight Apparently these buildings: were seen not too far from my lifepod. This is really the only way I was able to find the island (Great job on the island, btw!) as I saw a really, really small floating object in the far distance. I thought the floating door bug was back. Is this intentional? It shows outside rendering distance, even when the rest of the island isn't appearing (New) ** Video example of the building from the distance, you can see it just off the horizon**
- Creatures seems to despawn I was chased by a Stalker after accidentally stabbing it while trying to cut creepvine, and before I found a nice spot to fight back: they despawned in thin air water (New)
I've noticed three things that I think are bugs...
1) Game is super dark at night: Even in the Safe Shallows, it's hard to find my way around without a light. I don't remember that being a problem pre-update.
2) The Hitbox on fish is tiny: I've actually starved now a couple of times because I can't grab boomerang fish anymore.
3) Neutral lifeforms do not reduce activity at night: I thought that neutral fish were supposed to sleep / reduce activity at night. This made sense (being an aquarium owner) and gave you a reason to go out into the dark. Now it seems all fish still swim around at the same speed / activity, regardless of the time of day.
EndlessHalls wrote: »
Moonpool is difficult to build in open space, and reloading the game causes terrain to build inside it : [...] What's up with the moonpool? I set it up, which is difficult, because it doesn't like to be built in the open. It has to be against a slope or pillar, or even down in the sand. After it's built, there is just enough room to get my Seamoth into it, but after a save and relaunch of the game, the entire structures gets built in with sand or rock rendering the structure useless.
Another sound bug is the entrance of the Seamoth into the Cyclops: It always makes a banging sound when docking, which is very cool and realistic, but after I've docked and am in the Cyclops the banging continues. It's loud and comes in threes, which is a little creepy. I was reminded of a Twilight Zone episode where members of a submarine crew kept hearing the sound of banging from outside their submarine at extreme depths.
Ok. That's all I have for now. I'm really enjoying the update, even with these issues. Great job Devs!
7/16/2016 (I woke up really early today...)
***[Possible workaround for keybinds being forgotten]***
Slackerstu wrote: »
You can actually save the keybindings if you change it from within the save. If you change it on the title screen it doesn't seem to save but if you pause the game and alter it within your save it seems to stay that way.
Thats the problem, because I never set it at the title screen while I was having this issue. I always do it in-game, whenever I try to refill an electronic tool and nothing happens (after awhile of playing).
I think I fixed this issue by setting it within the game, then going to the main menu and re-doing it when it was still there.
Its an odd bug.
Wish_4_Wishes wrote: »Actually where you set your bindings doesnt matter. Its using the pause menu to quit the game is when it seems to forget bindings and blueprints. For the time being its safer to save then use the home button to go to dashboard then close Subnautica from there, effectively preventing it from forgetting anything. I set mine at the main menu after a fresh install and after using advice from @Slackerstu and doing the method i just described has left me 100% free of the bluprint bug and the game forgetting my bindings. So far atleast.
[workaround for keybinds ends here]
hallower1980 wrote: »
The in-game feedback form [does not] work: I could type my message, but couldn't categorize it, select an emoticon, or send it. It would be nice if the character counter would stop the player from exceeding the limit, so I wouldn't keep typing only to discover that I wasted my time.
- The game seems to confuse the "Use" and "Left Hand" command, as it is not consistent: I'm in creative mode to test out the torpedoes for the Seamoth. For some reason, the default controls have Use and Left Hand binds on the same button (A). Naturally, I set Left Hand to LT (Left Trigger) in hopes to separate the commands of trying to leave the Seamoth and firing a torpedo. Sounds good, right? Well, heres the problem .
I am now required to enter the Seamoth with my Left Hand command (LT), and I'm required to exit with Use (A). Shouldn't the Use (A) command be the same for the both cases? Yet, when it comes to the Communications Relay, I have to press my Left Hand (LT) command to interact with it. To add more insult to injury, You also have to use the Left Hand command (LT) to enter the lifepod, climb ladders, get on the mobile vehicle unit, interact with the fabricator, picking up fish, mining rocks, etc. Shouldn't the Use (A) command have the responsibility of interacting with objects? This could be a problem in the future, if there may be more stuff that may need to use the Left Hand command. Currently, it would be ideal to allow the Left Hand be the activation button for the Seamoth upgrades and future tools/vehicles/mechs that may need to use the same command. Right Hand currently controls the lights, and the torpedo bay is located on the left. (New/Old)
GhostAngelus wrote: »Predators are more aggressive than usual: It might just be me but has any one else notice that the Predators are more aggressive. I have a stalker that has followed me to my pod. I have hit it three times with a knife but it will not leave me alone. The same for sand sharks.
CodeMyster003 wrote: »My waterproof lockers keep disappearing when I go to other areas.
- Erratic movement on the character's right arm Video example of the main character with unhuman-like movement on his right arm, when tools are holstered (New)
Cyclops lights do not work I can't use the Cyclops because I can't see out of the glass because the Cyclops internal light won't turn off.
Wish_4_Wishes wrote: »Various sound issues: Okay i got a new one, it seems ive lost some sounds. I no longer hear the low hum in my bases, stalkers no longer make the aggro sounds or the chomp sound when they bite you and the gasopods dont make their sounds either. Literaly silent but deadly. I still have ambient sound in the cyclops though and the chargers and scanner room still make noise. Worse part is that it stays even after saving and reloading. To sum it up, i lost creature and ambient base sounds. 10 hours in survival, had a 16 hour playthrough before without this bug and it was the current version of the game.
- Commonly-reported FPS issues with the Cyclops: This is even more noticeable in highly-populated areas, especially in shallow waters.
- Grue Clusters are indestructible : I think I've stabbed everything possible that was added with the new update. Only the Grue Clusters and Coral Shell Plates are impervious to the knife.
TheAndrewQ wrote: »Here's a few bugs I've been having with the Xbox One version.
Flashing textures on hand after cinematic: When I start a new game sometimes the textures on my characters hands will flash during the opening cinematic and continues after that.
Cleared landscape, while building, returns inside the base after returning to said base: When I built a base and it cleared some land for it I'd come back later and find the land was back and clipping inside my base, sometimes making it impossible to use that base. Couldn't even deconstruct it.
A built Med Kit Fabricator removes itself from the wall, onto the floor : I built a Med Kit fabricator in my base, would only let me put it on one part of one wall. I go out for a while and come back and it was stuck in the floor. Could not use it or deconstruct it. It eventually disapeared altogether.
Fish swimming around inside my base: Sometimes I'd come back and find a peeper or air sack swimming around inside my base like it was full of water. Made it easier to catch them. Still strange none the less.
Plants clipping through the floor: Even if I put down a foundation before building a base on it I still get plants clipping through the floor.
Stacking Foundations [lack pillars between each other]: I found it weird that when I built a foundation on top of another one there were no pillars connecting them. The one on the ground had pillars going into the land, but the one on top didn't have any pillars. It just looks like its floating over the one under it. Which makes it look unrealistic.
Invisible barriers [that seem to prevent you from leaving your base]: I loaded my game and when I tried to leave my base there was an invisible barrier in my way. Could not get around it. Had to quit the game and reload before it would go away.
JebusChrust wrote: »Here is my list of bugs, I'll bold the ones that I don't think I see in the main post.
- It is very difficult to see anything above water. There seems to be a physical limit to the water at a point lower than the actual top of the water. The only time you can see anything above water is when the water slightly lowers because of a wave. Very disorienting and a headache.
- Sometimes I cannot see out of the Cyclops window when driven since it has a reflection texture on it [...]
- The [Cave Crawlers] at the Aurora and the Aurora itself cause the game to run at 2 FPS, making it impossible to fight the [crawlers]
- The battery life on the Seaglide and other electronic devices drains incredibly fast. I'm having to carry 5 batteries just to get from my life pod to my base that isn't too far away. Seems that something as small as pushing forward for 2 seconds drains 3% of battery.
Wish_4_Wishes wrote: »I got some more details on the sound bug i encountered a while ago.
Sound bug details based on the Scanner Room:Its caused by the Scanner Room, and once built i loose a wide array of sounds suchs as the base hum, gasopod's pods, stalker attacking and other ambient noises. This is NOT the brain coral sound bug and has only occured while i had a Scanner Room built. Demolishing the Scanner Room immediatly (spell check) returned my missing sounds. My best guess that the Scanner Room covers up these sounds once built even when out of ear shot.
JebusChrust wrote: »Just remembered a few more bugs that I have noticed the past couple days that I haven't seen get pointed out too much:
- Gasopod's gas clips into the lifepod or into your base.
- The Reaper Leviathan has yet to appear in my game despite me going into territories where they should be spawning. This has been a benefit for me, but kinda disappointing at the same time.
- Sometimes fragments don't disappear after being scanned, and seem to either be repeatedly able to be scanned or cannot be scanned at all. I had this bug with the Terraformer fragments.
- Any area with the [Cave Crawlers] will send the game into 2 frames per second, I thought this was just an issue on the Aurora but it was a massive issue on one of the islands as well.
This is all I have soo far. Hope this helps!
Ah, I forgot about that one. I had that issue before I deleted Subnautica for a reinstall. I'll edit that in the post.
1. I'm coming across an occasional bug where all fauna and material items on the ground disappear. Reloading the game fixes this.
2. The external hull camera button on the left of the HUD while piloting the cyclops is not interactable and the cameras are not accessible.
3. The scanner room is not functioning properly. The only thing that works is the remote piloting of cameras. It does not feed info to you HUD if you have the upgrade equiped to a head slot. It also does not allow you to scan for materials.
Updated, your quote is in the main post
Incase this topic gets a little busy, everything will be in 1 spot
Or they have said something, when will reach correction ...
Sounds like a good way to get around the blueprint issue without reinstalling for a fresh game. I didn't lose much with my deleted save, but thanks
I am still using my original save, still can't build a moon pool, and now can't build a powercell charger without using the dev menu...Also does anyone know the dev menu powercell charger blueprint spelling? and my bio reactor is stuck too. Again I have all the fragments.
I would assume the right console command would be: BLUEPRINT POWERCELLCHARGERBLUEPRINT
If you wanted to spawn a Stasis Rifle, you would use: ITEM STASISRIFLE
I think the same rules would apply.
Any item with more than 1 word requires no space in the middle. If that does not work, then its possible the console command isn't working for that particular item.
EDIT: If that does not work, you might need to use UNLOCKALL to get the blueprint you're looking for. It isn't the best command for the situation, since it'll cheat you straight to the end with every blueprint. The command does hang the game for a bit, but the game should continue once its done unlocking.
I'm thinking it might have a short form, I've tried a few ways of spelling it and still no luck. Some of them are short forms, for example Plate Steel Ingot is Plasteelingot. I'll keep playing around more and see if I can figure it out. It's more of a nuisance than a huge game breaker, I just don't like using the console commands if I don't have to
1) Game is super dark at night. Even in the Safe Shallows, it's hard to find my way around without a light. I don't remember that being a problem pre-update.
2) The Hitbox on fish is tiny. I've actually starved now a couple of times because I can't grab boomerang fish anymore.
3) I thought that neutral fish were supposed to sleep / reduce activity at night. This made sense (being an aquarium owner) and gave you a reason to go out into the dark. Now it seems all fish still swim around at the same speed / activity, regardless of the time of day.
I am experiencing all the above. Also, what's up with the moonpool? I set it up, which is difficult, because it doesn't like to be built in the open. It has to be against a slope or pillar, or even down in the sand. After it's built, there is just enough room to get my Seamoth into it, but after a save and relaunch of the game, the entire structures gets built in with sand or rock rendering the structure useless.
Another sound bug is the entrance of the Seamoth into the Cyclops. It always makes a banging sound when docking, which is very cool and realistic, but after I've docked and am in the Cyclops the banging continues. It's loud and comes in threes, which is a little creepy. I was reminded of a Twilight Zone episode where members of a submarine crew kept hearing the sound of banging from outside their submarine at extreme depths.
I'm not sure what the reload button is in the above quote, but I am not able to put new batteries in my hand tools. Very frustrating. The battery recharger is awesome and it can't be used. I'm forced to build all new tools. Is there no way to destroy the old ones?
Am I doing something wrong with the terraformer? I have the blueprint, but can't find where to build it. It's not in any upgrade modules or upgrade fabricators and it's not in my personal items or tools. I could really use it for the moonpool.
Ok. That's all I have for now. I'm really enjoying the update, even with these issues. Great job Devs!
Strange, because it was fine pre/post-update for me. Is there any chance you didn't optimize the TV for your X1? I had that problem around when I was first playing.
Also, updated post.
If you can't build the terraformer from the fabricator (on the lifepod), then you're probably dealing with the blueprint bug.
As far as the reload button goes, there is not a single button that it is binded to. You'll have to go through your settings to set it to something. Down on the D-pad and X aren't used for anything, so those could be a good option. The problem that I have with the reload keybind is that the game won't remember it between loaded saves. I have to constantly set it.
You can actually save the keybindings if you change it from within the save. If you change it on the title screen it doesn't seem to save but if you pause the game and alter it within your save it seems to stay that way.
Thats the problem, because I never set it at the title screen while I was having this issue. I always do it in-game, whenever I try to refill an electronic tool and nothing happens (after awhile of playing).
I think I fixed this issue by setting it within the game, then going to the main menu and re-doing it when it was still there.
Its an odd bug.
The bubbles+mechanical audio bug is unavoidable and annoying, so I can only play with the sound off. It was cool to hear seemingly big creatures from a long way off, but I also hear things like a Stalker snapping as if it was right next to me.
I haven't encountered any other bugs yet, but that's probably because I manually deleted my old saves and started a new game in Freedom mode. When reloading repeatedly didn't fix the audio bug, I again create a new save and that didn't help either (though it did remove those poisonous manatees from directly beneath my life pod).
The in-game feedback form didn't work. I could type my message, but couldn't categorize it, select an emoticon, or send it. It would be nice if the character counter would stop the player from exceeding the limit, so I wouldn't keep typing only to discover that I wasted my time.
I love the game. I wish it worked. Hopefully, after bug-smashing and optimizing, y'all continue to add new creatures, areas, building options, and ways to interact.
Thanks, but that's a temporary fix and sometimes requires hunting for multiple brain corals. At best, it buys me 10 minutes or so before I have to look again. And it doesn't eliminate the sounds of distant animals (most of which are alright, but the snapping Stalker always sounds close enough to be a danger). It's easier just to play without sound for now.
I like some of the new additions. I wonder how the game will look on Project Scorpio (if that's preferable to just buying a desktop PC).
Sounds great, but it'll be a pain to look around for brain corals to exterminate. I hardly see one myself, and I need the sounds as assistance
Will add in the post
I'm a newby and I finally got the guts to leave the safe shallow (I'm a chicken I know) so I could get base filtration machine fragments that are suppose to be in the grassy plateau wreck and the koosh zone wreck. I checked both place where they should be and did not found the fragments.
I know I need the lazer cutter for the grassy plateau and I know the fragment is not in the wreck of the koosh zone, but instead somewhere around it and still I scanned all fragment with no succes.
Instead I got the propulsion canon and... the workbench thing I dont remember the real name
I think they moved around the fragments with the new biome, as well as adding new fragments we could search for.
If you mean the water filtration machine, that is located in the Spare Reef biome.
Our current client should be in-line with that page.
Unfortunately, the scanner room is bugged and isn't working properly. The only thing you can use is the remote controlled cameras and the upgrades.
Not much can be done until it gets fixed.
I had this sound the whole time even when it was killed for a moment it appeared over and over again. I deleted my saves, another file subnautica created on my hdd and finally the game itself and downloaded it new on yesterday. I didnt have the issue for about two hours playtime now.
Glad you found a way around it, but I don't think many people would be willing to go that far for the sounds
I have not found any new bugs lately, other than the reported bugs.
EDIT: Actually, I found an interesting bug with Left Hand and Use commands. When you want them to be separate, those two are not consistent within the game (Especially when it comes to the Seamoth and any other object/vehicle/etc. you can interact with.) I've added an explanation under July 19, 2016 (7/19/2016).