(Don't add this one, just for fun)(No Name)-A silver ball that goes about the ocean. IF you attack it will shape shift into a weapon or predatory creature.
Acid Tube(Flora)-A long tube that has the same color scheme as the acid mushrooms. Holds a natural resource, acid. Has a chance at being a home for an acid dweller. Acid Dweller(Fauna)-A crash like creature that lives in Acid Tubes. If you attack its home it will chase after you and shed its outer acid shell creating a damaging cloud. Eats acid.
I was thinking a that they could add a creature which works similarly to The Flood from Halo. A sort of smallish parasite that would move around in a herd infecting all the fauna they touch. This would then make some normally peaceful creatures throw themselves at you in an attempt to kill you...
I drew a new creature and called it the rainbow spiderfish which is perfect for the lilypad biome coming out. I took a picture of it on my phone and tried to post it but unfortunately, that doesnt work here.
Sonic Eel (Not Sonic the Hedgehog): A predatory eel that lives in medium depth waters, feeding on fish about half its size or smaller. Could be about 7 meters long and half a meter thick, and has a dark blue top and black bottom. However it has a head a bit thicker than the rest of its body with a bulge/gland thing on the bottom of its head. It uses this to produce an earbleeding, disorientating, and debilitating sound, which it uses for hunting, mating, and as a deterrent. When hunting, it sneaks up behind its prey and makes this sound, quickly swimming erratically around it before lunging and consuming, or damaging. If the player is exposed to this noise at too close of a range they become stunned and deaf, temporarily. Due to its coloring it's difficult to see, and if the player isn't cautious, they may become its next meal.
Tredicipus: A small yet vicious octopus of sorts. It's also incredibly curious. It looks a lot like an octopus here on Earth, but it has 13 long, slender, and very pointy tentacles. The ends rival the strength of the stalker teeth, and are capable of penetrating normal, silica based glass that isn't enameled. So, it may pierce and severely damage and flood your base or your precious Seamoth. Not your Cyclops, though, since the glass is enameled. This tredicipus would be about 2 meters long bodywise, and its tentacles would be 4 meters long. Also, you probably thought "Why 13?". I just thought the Fibonacci sequence should apply to aliens as well.
Canyon Crawler: A small, passive, crab-like creature that crawls along the sheer drops of the Blood Kelp entrances and the edges of the map. You can collect and cook them.
Grapple Fish: A species that resemble leeches. They attach to the sides of your seamoth, cyclops and exosuit over time, and deal damage to the vehicles. You can knock them off with a knife.
FLORA Catalyst: A yellow sphere that floats still over the Grand Reef and Koosh biomes. If you get too close they emit yellow toxins that deal damage to the player over time.
Hang Roses: A flower that resembles a rose that grows on the edges of the floating island. These flowers droop downwards, and drop green juices into the water below. The water beneath patches of these flowers is green.
I had this in another thread thinking it was this one. Oh well, same topic. Though I'd love for it to be added to the list. It's incredibly unique.
Parasitic fungus. Don't have a name for it yet: It's a fungal infection that infects medium to large creatures with more fleshy bodies, so they wouldn't harm reefbacks, sandsharks, or bonesharks. The spores latch onto a part of a creature, burying its roots inside the flesh, but not thick roots at all, just thin ones with painkilling enzymes, so the fish doesn't know its there. Then, those roots suck up nutrients from the bloodstream, keeping the painkilling effect active. But, this painkilling effect affects the entire body, so, the creature won't really care if you hack at it with a knife. After a few days of being attached to the fish, it starts releasing spores, eventually finding another host. If too many are attached to one fish, the fish will starve and die, along with the fungal colony. And yes, the spores can attach to the player. However, since the player isn't an idiot, they'll notice and can cut them off once they've grown, or use a medical kit.
@ReaverMachete, can you pls move sea trap to flora. When I conceived the idea I thought you meant any creature thing, not just animals. The Sea Trap is actually a carnivorous plant.
I think they should focus on some peaceful creatures. Not just passive and aggressive. And not like some tiny animal like make one about the size of the reaper and make it a gentle giant that can hurt you accidentally but not actually eat you. Maybe like an alien whale or manta ray type creature.
It's a survival Game so i would like to see a creature that waits patiently for prey to come in its range. Not like the Glowshroomsnake, which you can spot from far away. So i thought about something mimicking something existing and the Kroosh came into mind.
This funny glowing Ballplants.
Imagine exploring the Biome and passing by such a Glowball, which than surprisingly grabs and eats you. No loud screaming, warning you about its existence or something like that (Reapers *coughcough*)
If you have patience and monitor the field it might reveal itself attacking a shark or a reginald. If you are impatient... Well, guaranteed heartattack allinclusive xD
As for the model i think it might be nice to let it spawn glowing tentacles from the lower halfs glowing dots on the Krooshmodel, with a similar, opening part as the Crashfishpods. 4 sections, with teeth on them.
The Wreckcrab.
You know this crabs that hide in seashells? Combine this with the large wreckparts of the aurora.
I would design it peaceful, eating creepvines or other plantstuff.
Imagine the surprise after spotting a new big wreckpart, thinking "hey, maybe there's something nice to scavenge/scan in it, and then, while aproaching the crab unfolds, looking at you with this two antennaeyes (mr. Crabs from spongebob xD) in a manner like: Can i help you?
Camouflage Crab-A crab that can render itself nearly invisible. Only visible in camouflage by slight distortions and at night visible by glowing eyes as well.
Armour Crab-A crab that has a very thick shell making for strong armor. A thick shell makes for slower movement, but it also means that when it uses its pincer it does great damage. Only uses pincer for self defense.
Camouflage Crab-A crab that can render itself nearly invisible. Only visible in camouflage by slight distortions and at night visible by glowing eyes as well.
Not bad, but i would scratch the glowing eyes. They go against the natural logic of beimg able to camouflage in the first place.
And if its peaceful, you dont need to see it in the dark etc. would be great for shocks, exploring a cave or something, with thos things suddenly starting to move right beside you xD
Or, if it camouflages, how about letting it camouflage as growouts? I would love the idea of aproaching such a rock for copperore or lead, with it running away from me after trying to break it xD
@Nautical_Nick - Seatrap has been moved to Flora category, and ideas have been added to the main list )
@ElMonstro - Glowing eyes could serve a biological function such as luring in prey. Also, I like the idea of moving mineral rocks that are actually alive so I've added the idea under your name, hope that's ok XD. All other ideas added also!
I've always felt there should be something similar to the grapple fish or power leech, but would appear if you leave your base empty for too long, to provide a little bit of risk while being off on a long excursion. I've always pictured the risk of coming back to a flooded base after going on a long explore in the seamoth/cyclops and having to repair it, as bases always felt a little too secure to me. So even at the risk of being similar to the previous ideas here is my suggestion.
Name: Lox Limpet Function: To slowly reduce seabase hull integrity if the player is gone for a particularly long time. Also decoration in various biomes where they can be seen on attatched to rocks. Physical Description: A small conical shaped limpet, with a grawing central mouth that can be seen if they attach to glass section of the base. Their outward colouration should be black/deep blue, or alternately match the colouration of the biome the base is in.
Databank Entry:
The Lox limpet is a small, shelled creature usually found attached to various rocks or metallic objects. Once attatched to an object of this variety, they Lox limpet will slowly erode through via a combination of chewing and regurgitating a naturally occuring acid contained within the limpet's stomach. Once the surface of the object is sufficiently liquified, the lox limpet will drink the liquid back through it's mouth to provide nourishment. Once full, a lox limpet will release the object it was feeding off and allow the ocean currents to carry it to another valid object where it will rest, before repeating the feeding process.
Asessment: Minor threat to seabases. When found on seabases it is recommended to remove the lox limpet with the use of a welding tool, before structural integrity becomes compromised.
A strange Creature mostly consisting of a big Mouth, hidden behind a curtain of kelplooking tendrills that serve as movement detectors. It lives in small, caveentracelike looking holes, waiting for clueless prey. Once the prey touches the kelptendrills it rockets itself forward, closing its massive jaws. Besides being a more or less small predator, this strange creatures are even able to kill a curious Gasopod in one bite.
A small, poisonous Fish that roams the deep Sea, living by nibbling at bloodvines. It's name comes from its strange lightpatterns, rapidly flickering for a few seconds. A possible theory for this behaviour might be a potential strategy to blind predators, like the Ampeel. Second to that it might be a way to shortly lighten up its surroundings, if they are secure. Although being highly poisonous, observations show, that the Ampeels seem to have developed a natural antidote against the Flickerfish, hunting it as a mainsource of food deep down, where they live.
Might be a valuable Lightsource for Deepsea caverns, if brought along alive.
How about a sea cucumber style animal a size of that sand shark but looks like a sea cucumber but its tentackles reach out and grab you and pull you in to eat you
Jelly Angler: An organism that lives in large colonies, forming large mats of pink jellyfish heads on the surface (which you may safely walk on, but not build on). All these jellies have their heads on the surface, but, they form a dense jungle of green stingers below them. These stingers induce paralysis; blood thinning, causing bleeding; and electrical shock. However, a peeper or small fish may think that in that sea of what appears to be algae is food. While they are correct, they are the food for the jellies. They live above the plains and red grass area.
Cave Light-A plant that hangs onto the wall of a dark cave and glows. The glowing is the chain reaction between chemicals in the water and the plants natural internal acids.
Glow Fish-A cave dwelling fish that glows brightly. Swims away if scared. Can't be cooked (acid inside body too strong)
Stringer: A plant that shoots out a long, sticky string to catch prey. String has small pins that puncture the skin and release a damaging and paralyzing toxin to trap prey. Reels in and closes mouth. Will attack the player but can only latch onto the arm. De-attach string by slicing with knife.
Stringer: A plant that shoots out a long, sticky string to catch prey. String has small pins that puncture the skin and release a damaging and paralyzing toxin to trap prey. Reels in and closes mouth. Will attack the player but can only latch onto the arm. De-attach string by slicing with knife. Provides a natural resource-string resin.
Torpedo Crab: A crab that stores air in a sack just below its right pincer, but instead of having a pincer it has a natural rocket launcher! It uses the air it stores up to launch a pebble that it creates, like coral does with its shell (or a kidney stone). It uses the rocket launcher to attack its prey or warn predators.
Boom Crab: A variation of the Torpedo Crab, this variation has the same concept but the pebble explodes on contact, doing more damage than a normal pebble.
Whirlpool fish: This fish can spin so fast that it can create a force that can create a miniature whirlpool like the Vortex Torpedo. It uses this whirlpool to control currents so it can steer away predators and bring in alien algae and seaweed that has fallen of the main stalk.
Gas Crab-Same idea as Torpedo Crab but instead of a pebble it creates gases that it uses to attack preds and defend itself. It uses its sack to store air and gas. It uses the air to create a bubble to contain the gas until it reaches its target. Cannot hurt itself with the gas, is immune to any form of gas.
Here's mine: the Snatcher, a sessile deep-sea predator native to the Blood Kelp Zone.
The Snatcher is a slow growing carnivorous organism that lives out the first months of its existence as a free swimming planktonic larva before finding a crevice and secreting its calcareous skeleton, which it retracts inside when threatened. A number of long and adhesive tentacles are extruded from the Snatcher's mouth and emit a bioluminescent blue light to attract nearby organisms in the darkness of the Blood Kelp Zone.
When a potential meal has been ensnared by the tentacles, they are reeled towards the stomach where they will be slowly digested over a course of days, sometimes even weeks. Although the mouth is ringed with teeth, they are designed more for gripping their prey than for chewing. Nevertheless larger prey (Such as humans) may be cut into smaller pieces for easier consumption.
There is a way of escaping the death grip of a Snatcher, however. The skin is dotted with tiny eyespots that cannot see far or in any detail but are very sensitive to light. The sudden glare of a flashlight or flare will cause the creature to immediately relinquish its grip and deflate itself before retreating temporarily within the safety of its skeleton.
The dexterious Crabsquids endemic to the ecosystem have learned that they can exploit the Snatcher as a convenient food source by stealing their prey before it reaches the mouth. If they aren't fast enough however, they too will become food.
Hope you guys enjoyed, the model was something I started out of boredom and took about two hours to make. Texturing is the bane of my existence and so I haven't done that...I'll let you imagine what it would look like. On a sidenote, the little bit about the Crabsquids at the end was inspired by a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp I used to keep in my reef tank. The little bugger would wait for me to feed the corals and then he'd snatch the food out of their mouths...
Just an idea
Tredicipus: A small yet vicious octopus of sorts. It's also incredibly curious. It looks a lot like an octopus here on Earth, but it has 13 long, slender, and very pointy tentacles. The ends rival the strength of the stalker teeth, and are capable of penetrating normal, silica based glass that isn't enameled. So, it may pierce and severely damage and flood your base or your precious Seamoth. Not your Cyclops, though, since the glass is enameled. This tredicipus would be about 2 meters long bodywise, and its tentacles would be 4 meters long. Also, you probably thought "Why 13?". I just thought the Fibonacci sequence should apply to aliens as well.
@aft2001 - Added your ideas but tried to shorten them so they fit in the list better, hope you don't mind! ^_^ (cool ideas btw)
@Starovoyovm20 - Sounds amazing, didnt add it as theres not a lot of information
@Yargish89 @Zisis @ARCTIC117 - All Ideas added and sound pretty damn awesome if I might say c:
This list will continue to be updated so don't slow down your creative juices!
Canyon Crawler: A small, passive, crab-like creature that crawls along the sheer drops of the Blood Kelp entrances and the edges of the map. You can collect and cook them.
Grapple Fish: A species that resemble leeches. They attach to the sides of your seamoth, cyclops and exosuit over time, and deal damage to the vehicles. You can knock them off with a knife.
Catalyst: A yellow sphere that floats still over the Grand Reef and Koosh biomes. If you get too close they emit yellow toxins that deal damage to the player over time.
Hang Roses: A flower that resembles a rose that grows on the edges of the floating island. These flowers droop downwards, and drop green juices into the water below. The water beneath patches of these flowers is green.
Parasitic fungus. Don't have a name for it yet: It's a fungal infection that infects medium to large creatures with more fleshy bodies, so they wouldn't harm reefbacks, sandsharks, or bonesharks. The spores latch onto a part of a creature, burying its roots inside the flesh, but not thick roots at all, just thin ones with painkilling enzymes, so the fish doesn't know its there. Then, those roots suck up nutrients from the bloodstream, keeping the painkilling effect active. But, this painkilling effect affects the entire body, so, the creature won't really care if you hack at it with a knife. After a few days of being attached to the fish, it starts releasing spores, eventually finding another host. If too many are attached to one fish, the fish will starve and die, along with the fungal colony. And yes, the spores can attach to the player. However, since the player isn't an idiot, they'll notice and can cut them off once they've grown, or use a medical kit.
This funny glowing Ballplants.
Imagine exploring the Biome and passing by such a Glowball, which than surprisingly grabs and eats you. No loud screaming, warning you about its existence or something like that (Reapers *coughcough*)
If you have patience and monitor the field it might reveal itself attacking a shark or a reginald. If you are impatient... Well, guaranteed heartattack allinclusive xD
As for the model i think it might be nice to let it spawn glowing tentacles from the lower halfs glowing dots on the Krooshmodel, with a similar, opening part as the Crashfishpods. 4 sections, with teeth on them.
The Wreckcrab.
You know this crabs that hide in seashells? Combine this with the large wreckparts of the aurora.
I would design it peaceful, eating creepvines or other plantstuff.
Imagine the surprise after spotting a new big wreckpart, thinking "hey, maybe there's something nice to scavenge/scan in it, and then, while aproaching the crab unfolds, looking at you with this two antennaeyes (mr. Crabs from spongebob xD) in a manner like: Can i help you?
Armour Crab-A crab that has a very thick shell making for strong armor. A thick shell makes for slower movement, but it also means that when it uses its pincer it does great damage. Only uses pincer for self defense.
Not bad, but i would scratch the glowing eyes. They go against the natural logic of beimg able to camouflage in the first place.
And if its peaceful, you dont need to see it in the dark etc. would be great for shocks, exploring a cave or something, with thos things suddenly starting to move right beside you xD
Or, if it camouflages, how about letting it camouflage as growouts? I would love the idea of aproaching such a rock for copperore or lead, with it running away from me after trying to break it xD
@Nautical_Nick - Seatrap has been moved to Flora category, and ideas have been added to the main list
@ElMonstro - Glowing eyes could serve a biological function such as luring in prey. Also, I like the idea of moving mineral rocks that are actually alive so I've added the idea under your name, hope that's ok XD. All other ideas added also!
@Jamezorg @aft2001 @SWEET_DEATH456 @Yargish89 - Ideas have been added to the main list, good to see the creativity is still strong and our Flora list is growing c:
Keep it up!
Name: Lox Limpet
Function: To slowly reduce seabase hull integrity if the player is gone for a particularly long time. Also decoration in various biomes where they can be seen on attatched to rocks.
Physical Description: A small conical shaped limpet, with a grawing central mouth that can be seen if they attach to glass section of the base. Their outward colouration should be black/deep blue, or alternately match the colouration of the biome the base is in.
Databank Entry:
The Lox limpet is a small, shelled creature usually found attached to various rocks or metallic objects. Once attatched to an object of this variety, they Lox limpet will slowly erode through via a combination of chewing and regurgitating a naturally occuring acid contained within the limpet's stomach. Once the surface of the object is sufficiently liquified, the lox limpet will drink the liquid back through it's mouth to provide nourishment. Once full, a lox limpet will release the object it was feeding off and allow the ocean currents to carry it to another valid object where it will rest, before repeating the feeding process.
Asessment: Minor threat to seabases. When found on seabases it is recommended to remove the lox limpet with the use of a welding tool, before structural integrity becomes compromised.
The Kelplion
A strange Creature mostly consisting of a big Mouth, hidden behind a curtain of kelplooking tendrills that serve as movement detectors. It lives in small, caveentracelike looking holes, waiting for clueless prey. Once the prey touches the kelptendrills it rockets itself forward, closing its massive jaws. Besides being a more or less small predator, this strange creatures are even able to kill a curious Gasopod in one bite.
A small, poisonous Fish that roams the deep Sea, living by nibbling at bloodvines. It's name comes from its strange lightpatterns, rapidly flickering for a few seconds. A possible theory for this behaviour might be a potential strategy to blind predators, like the Ampeel. Second to that it might be a way to shortly lighten up its surroundings, if they are secure. Although being highly poisonous, observations show, that the Ampeels seem to have developed a natural antidote against the Flickerfish, hunting it as a mainsource of food deep down, where they live.
Might be a valuable Lightsource for Deepsea caverns, if brought along alive.
New ideas added to the list! I must say there's a lot of stationary creatures popping up :P it's pretty cool.
Glow Fish-A cave dwelling fish that glows brightly. Swims away if scared. Can't be cooked (acid inside body too strong)
Boom Crab: A variation of the Torpedo Crab, this variation has the same concept but the pebble explodes on contact, doing more damage than a normal pebble.
Whirlpool fish: This fish can spin so fast that it can create a force that can create a miniature whirlpool like the Vortex Torpedo. It uses this whirlpool to control currents so it can steer away predators and bring in alien algae and seaweed that has fallen of the main stalk.
Gas Crab-Same idea as Torpedo Crab but instead of a pebble it creates gases that it uses to attack preds and defend itself. It uses its sack to store air and gas. It uses the air to create a bubble to contain the gas until it reaches its target. Cannot hurt itself with the gas, is immune to any form of gas.
The Snatcher is a slow growing carnivorous organism that lives out the first months of its existence as a free swimming planktonic larva before finding a crevice and secreting its calcareous skeleton, which it retracts inside when threatened. A number of long and adhesive tentacles are extruded from the Snatcher's mouth and emit a bioluminescent blue light to attract nearby organisms in the darkness of the Blood Kelp Zone.
When a potential meal has been ensnared by the tentacles, they are reeled towards the stomach where they will be slowly digested over a course of days, sometimes even weeks. Although the mouth is ringed with teeth, they are designed more for gripping their prey than for chewing. Nevertheless larger prey (Such as humans) may be cut into smaller pieces for easier consumption.
There is a way of escaping the death grip of a Snatcher, however. The skin is dotted with tiny eyespots that cannot see far or in any detail but are very sensitive to light. The sudden glare of a flashlight or flare will cause the creature to immediately relinquish its grip and deflate itself before retreating temporarily within the safety of its skeleton.
The dexterious Crabsquids endemic to the ecosystem have learned that they can exploit the Snatcher as a convenient food source by stealing their prey before it reaches the mouth. If they aren't fast enough however, they too will become food.
Hope you guys enjoyed, the model was something I started out of boredom and took about two hours to make. Texturing is the bane of my existence and so I haven't done that...I'll let you imagine what it would look like. On a sidenote, the little bit about the Crabsquids at the end was inspired by a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp I used to keep in my reef tank. The little bugger would wait for me to feed the corals and then he'd snatch the food out of their mouths...
What a coincidence.