Precursor bases update thread
Germany/Saxony Join Date: 2016-03-23 Member: 214728Members

warp 430 -90 1191 GUN
warp -379 -749 410 LR
warp 29 -1227 112 ALZ

Find out the new Story here and everythinh about the Carar
Obraxis said, it is not comming within the next update, still in Experimental. It is in the earliest stage, not finished, fully in Development. They are working very hard on it.
Future Plans can be found here:
Test it out and write your thoughts into the comments. Let's discuss!
Oh, I hope that thing is enormous; I hope that as you go up to it, it just gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger...
That better be an awe-inspiring, humbling structure; you'd better be a little p-ssant compared to this thing or someone better tell the Devs to make it bigger!
Precursor Trump: Were gonna build a GUN and its gonna be HUUUGE! And Alterra is gonna pay!
No. Just no. That is big enough. Please no!
Perhaps with its only entrance in the LZ so you have to grapple your way up inside the mountain.
That energy pulse is a good reason to duck, that's what it is.
MARGUERIT: I don't know. I found it outside, in the mud.
PAUL: Part of another ship?
MARGUERIT: None I've seen.
BART: It's not even scratched.
PAUL: Don't touch it, it could be valuable!
MARGUERIT: Stand down, Chief, I'm just lookin'. If it were goin' to crumble to dust it woulda done so when I first picked it up.
PAUL: It's glowing.
BART: It's still powered.
PAUL: We're not the first people to come to this planet.
MARGUERIT: People. Maybe. Could be aliens. Could be the damn seamonsters. Just one way to find out.
They found a Precursor key.
Well not to brag but I refer you to one of my previous posts on the story : (9th post)
Praise my genius! Muhahahahahahahaha
Yep that is my Screenshot or rather it was, and I stumbled upon the gun by Accident! I was blown away by the enormity of this gun, I'm not surprised the Aurora was shot down; heck I have even been inside it it looks absolutely amazing devs! Keep it up.
heh when I saw it, I had to walk away from my PC for a minute
Maybe someone is compensating for something then?
Sorry lol I had to be THAT person
lol movies aren't that scary, sure it gives you a jump or two but really that stuff is mild compare to a lot of the horror movies being released these days.