Please fix issues before adding content
BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members

As title. Week after week goes by, still water clipping into the life pod, still text off screen that you cant read on the Rift, still flashing geometry on the Rift, still horrible pop in. I can't even enjoy what there is and you add more? Fix the game please.
What version number IS the Oculus Home version anyways? It seems Steam version gets updates while Oculus Home version gets left behind.
What version number IS the Oculus Home version anyways? It seems Steam version gets updates while Oculus Home version gets left behind.
That´s how game Developement works, special in Early Acces.
To add new Content doesn´t mean that they´r not Bugfixing Bugs. Where have you heared that new Content means stopping Bugfixing?
But don´t get raged if they didn´t fix one of the Bug´s first in Time that you actual hate the most. That´s not the way it works, special beacuse it is not shure, that everyone has your Bugs. You can Report Bugs ingame, there is a Function for it.
For example, im not on Rift, and i don´t have any Clipping Water into the LifePod.
BTW i think Problems with Rift are not minor Priority for Buxfixing at all (i read they have only one Dev working on VR at all) .
How many People play actual Subnautica on VR? 5 - 10 People or less? You can´t expect the devs to put all thier Ressources into fixing VR Issues first, that are only useful for less than 1% of the Player Base at moment. That doesn´t means they wont work on it, but i don´t think it is the way of important than other things, so it only needs its Time.
And i realy cant follow your way of not wanting new Content.
On my Perspective the Game gets better and better with every Update.
They fix Bugs continousley, they add awesome new Content, some new Bugs may occour but those new will get fixed too with some time, special in Early Acces.
Bugfixing is not a thing that should lead to stop the developement of new Content into the Game at all, special because not every Player has the same Bugs most of the Time.
To stop adding Content and developing the Game, only for fixing existing Bugs will mean, 90% of Players that haven´t those Bugs, or for who those Bugs are not important, won´t get new Content only because of Bugfixing Bugs fast, for that perhaps a Player find this would be the ONE BIG BUG that should be Fixed NOW for himself asap.
Where is the sence of it?
That they add new Content with every Update is a very positive thing. Almost the whole Community is awayting every new Stable Build Update with Big Eyes.
Yes new Content is a very good thing, not for you, but for most other People who love playing Subnautica.
90% of Player Base knows there are some Bugs, some of them only a few Player have, but they also now, that is very normal thing in EA, and they know, the Bugs get fixed sometimes.
And I ask again, why is Oculus Home version being left behind while Steam gets the updates. I feel like I wasted my money.
someone should make a poll about how Subnauticans play the game
There's still no cut scenes
I can say with strong confidence that there's no more geometry explosions from schools of fish.
It's playable with good framerates with water set on HIGH and graphics set on BEST (the options are split, thankfully)
I have yet to build a base so I can't test the moonpool bugs or the slow walking bugs, hoping they are fixed.
Hopefully they push this update to the home store because it's a pretty big upgrade not just from content so far but from bugs/playability. It's runs so much better.
Well I just started a brand new game and the water clipping into the pod issue is absolutely resolved.
Lemme guess. Steam version.
Once again, please someone answer why the Oculus Home version is being ignored.
It is though. Turned it on this morning. Still clipping water in the life pod. Turned it off. ( new save too). And I'm pretty sure it's on the august build. I havnt had Home download anything related to Subnautica in a long time.
Bottom line is.. guess what?? the patches and updates come as SOON as they are ready! The devs are an amazing bunch of people! AND from talking to them through posts and threads they really do try thier absolutely dambdest to accomplish everything they can per update!
It's far easier for them to build for and fix the pc version of the game, they have way more flexibility with it then say the xbox one ( do to certification etc ) I don't know to much about the VR in this game but it's for sure going to have its own set of growing pains. Just give it time!
By now everyone knows buying into a preview game has a 50/50 chance of things being absolutely broken from one day to the next or from patch to patch! again.. give them time!
bla bla bla. I see no reason to delay Oculus Home version updates. I'm done mentioning bugs. Tell me why only the Steam version gets updates now. That's what you don't seem to get. They come when they are ready huh? Well, two builds now seemed "ready" enough for Steam, but not Oculus Home. The excuse can't be VR when you can play it in desktop mode. Todays update is NOT on Oculus Home. If I could get a refund, I would.
My goodness you're a big baby.
It isn't being "ignored" though, that's different than "not yet updated". You just need to learn to have some patience.
It's like me saying "Why the hell are the devs ignoring the PC version to release VR and console versions? Fix my version of the game first, I'm obviously more important than everyone else."
I could make a very persuasive argument that focusing on other platforms than the PC is a waste of time too. Developing the Xbox and PS4 versions of the game takes away valuable time and resources from the PC release's progress. It's no different for you.
If you want a discussion about how the devs are spreading themselves too thin, then fine, I'd be inclined to agree with you. Focus on finishing the PC version then port it over later, would be my suggestion.
You'll have to wait, just like everyone else, that's all there is to it.
Give it a rest you/we may not see a reason to delay updates but then again neither of us are the developers are we? We only see thier efforts after the fact! we are not there sifting through coding to see what's right or wrong!
I own this game on pc and xbox one, I first dove into this game on xbox one. AND let me tell you when it first hit the game was still amazing but it was a giant cluster ****!! and to top it all off we sat and watched as pc got the power nap update + the next one and the one after that before we even got a single patch/update.. we where playing a game nearly 5-6 months behind everyone else!
So I get where your coming from but not once did I feel like they left us behind or forgot about the console! nor did I stoop to the level some people did by slandering or insulting the devs
( not saying you are either )
Again it's far easier for them to build the game for the pc.. it's thier wheel house so to speak. that's where they have been developing for years. plus steam makes it extremely easy for them to update and hot fix. . no certs needed. When they decided to start building for vr and xbox one they had little to no experience from what I gather. as I said above "growing pains"
Look one day in the future the game will be a polished masterpiece with all the bells and whistles working at 100% but until that happens the game is still in DEVELOPMENT! so let them develop!
It's not " like" that at all. all. PC is PC. There's no excuse to be ignoring Oculus Home. I can launch Subnautica in desktop mode the same as the Steam version. I'm stuck with a build some 2 months out of date.
You guys don't get it. Don't bother replying just to troll and white knight, it's getting old.
What you can learn about this? Next Time buy your Game on Steam, and trust the proven Store, you know, the one that gets always it´s Updates first.
I understand your issue. It would be good if you could switch to Steam, but i don´t think this is possible.
(And white knights?)
Latency issues, tracking/rotation issues, compatibility of UI and mechanics, scale and distance issues... really, you're ignorance is showing, do some basic googling to see what actually goes into making a game VR compatible.
Have you even checked the trello page? They're obviously, evidently and without a doubt working on things, and the evidence is right there;
Use IK to move head while seated in VR
Anim for Seamoth detatch in VR
Fix bench in VR
VR support for map room
Disable bulkhead cinematics in VR to prevent nausea
You clearly have no knowledge of what goes into making a game VR compatible and just assume that it must be ready if the PC version is playable. Just because you can play the "normal" version even on a Rift doesn't mean the VR version must also be ready. They are completely separate games, essentially, and it's only once the PC version is updated that the VR version can catch up, then go through testing, then tweaked, and then released.
Go and do your research.
You talk to me like I'm retarded. Can you think before you post please? Think about what you're saying I have REPEATEDLY implied I dont even care about VR at this point. I am wondering why the Oculus Home version is not up to date. Do you read? Did you notice the part where you can launch in Desktop mode just like Steam?
You know it just got Vive support too right? On Steam....with a newer build.
Get it got it good? Nice meme though, you sure are a smart 'n, hyuk.
When I said PC is PC I meant platform shouldn't be relevant here. Oculus Home vs Steam ( at least launching in desktop mode) is like....GOG vs Uplay. It's all PC.
Glad I could explain the bloody obvious for you.
I could at least play a newer build in desktop mode if I had the Steam version.
Lightbulbs going off for ya yet? Understand??
5-10 people play in VR, ya that is naive if not veiled trolling. Sorry you're too poor but there's at least a quarter million VR users, not including mobile at this point. 5-10 people? It was a laughable comment.
I am not even talking about development at this point, or complaining about bugs. I'm saying its bullcrap Steam is up to date namely with the update yesterday and Oculus Home ( a platform the game is sold on, with the ability to play a game with optional VR support, in desktop mode just like Steam ) is left 2 builds out of date.
Just stating the obvious.
How about we try again from the beginning? @Someonestolema02 how about you state your argument clearly, with specific examples, and without personal attacks. Then discussion can resume I hope?
P.S. The only reason I only said @Someonestolema02 is because they originally started the forum, ergo they should have the opportunity to state their opinion first.
This isn't about PC is PC as in "fixes on the normal version should work on the oculus version.
What this guy is saying is why is the Home store version (not the VR version but the version of Subnautica sold on oculus' digital storefront) not kept up to date with stable steam releases? There were a number of VR fixes in the latest version, yet the one that is on Oculus' storefront is an older build without these fixes. The two storefronts are essentially selling the exact same software (the oculus home version can be played without VR just like the steam version) yet one is out of date and one is not. If someone purchase subnautica on Home, they don't have it on Steam and can't use the latest version (supposedly.. tbh I have it on Steam because I hate Home and owned Subnautica long before I owned a rift.)
Now, as for why, there's a number of potential reasons. Some storefronts charge for patches and updates (PSN, XBLA as I understand) and others have long and tedious approval processes. Steam, as we know, is quite open and hands off to a fault (really.. to a fault.. Valve needs to work on that..) and so it could be that the devs are staggering their updates on Home in order to avoid the cost or the hassle. You shouldn't just jump to blaming the devs for something that may be out of their control. For all we know, Oculus Home might have a lengthy approval process and Unknown Worlds would rather not have multiple patches sitting in a queue.
Now, can we stop chomping at the bit to prove each other wrong about things we clearly have barely read enough to understand or requiring industry insight we don't fucking have??
I have no idea how to be any bloody clearer. Azirphaeli can read. Apparently you can't.
Reading is fun.
"the Oculus Home version"....
"the Oculus Home VERSION"
" a platform the game is sold on, with the ability to play a game with optional VR support, in desktop mode just like Steam "
What part of that don't you people get. How much clearer does it have to be? I was ABSOLUTELY clear and you people continue jabbing and attacking me, acting like I;m not being clear. My posts were PERFECTLY clear.
Nice to see the devs ignore this and just allow a simple question to get trolled endlessly. I was attacked in another thread too, apparently I show up in every single thread! Gimme a break. Answer the bloody question. People like you and your snide comments get a comment from me in kind and that's what you come up with? You can post a smart ass Anigo Montoya meme and come off like you're smarter than me, and I can't rebutal? looool. Don't worry, this forum isn't exactly a place I hang out.
Honestly, I didn't understand either, because I didn't know Occulus sold the game separately (why did Subnautica release on both stores, I don't know?)
I don't think the devs browse through here regularly, except like once a week or two to catch up on anything going on here, as they're busy with development.
As you can see from the Future Perfect forum here, they don't have that much staff:
It sure is.
Everybody understands what you mean by Oculus Home Version, I think people are getting confused about what you say after that.
Hold on. Who are you to decide if your posts are clear or not. If almost everybody else doesn't understand it you can't stand there and say they're the ones doing something wrong, it doesn't work that way.
Hold on, no one was attacking you in the first place! Someone didn't understand what you said and when they told you you got defensive, telling them that what you said was clear enough (which I don't know how you can do). People aren't attacking you, that's just happening a lot. If someone doesn't understand what you're saying, clarify for them.
And the devs aren't ignoring you, they don't respond to a lot of threads, and you think that just because they don't reply they're ignoring you?