Tec random spawnpoints

Jan84Jan84 Germany Join Date: 2015-07-23 Member: 206349Members
I don`t like that the tec is only at fixed positions. It destroy the exploration part in any other walkthrough. I know every position. It`s like "ok first I go there after that..... .

My suggestion is
I think it is better to get tec at random positions. That`s not bad at all because, if you find a lot of endgame content in the early game you can`t build it because you don`t have the advanced resources.

I think it`s much better to get the tec / and as a reason you discover new areas for the necessary resources


  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    If they did this, they'd have to implement classes of spawn points. Say, lower tier blueprints spawn nearer the surface, and closer to the Safe Shallows. Or maybe instead of tiers, go by types of blueprint. I dunno, it needs to be guided, not random, you wouldn't want to find nuclear reactor or Cyclops blueprints sitting outside your rescue pod, that would be a bit ridiculous, right?
  • TIEbomber1967TIEbomber1967 California Join Date: 2015-09-23 Member: 208109Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    you wouldn't want to find nuclear reactor or Cyclops blueprints sitting outside your rescue pod, that would be a bit ridiculous, right?
    Not necessarily. If you found one (ONLY one) piece of a nuke reactor outside your lifepod, and all the rest were where they are supposed to be, it would be a hint at new tech for new players and perhaps motivate them (or frustrate them to no end when they can't find more pieces nearby). I don't think a little tease would be so bad.

  • Jan84Jan84 Germany Join Date: 2015-07-23 Member: 206349Members
    The problem is after one walkthrough you know each location. It`s my third one and yeah.. (n/hc/n) I know each location. There is Prawn etc etc. There is no reason to play the game again (normally I play my games more as once.) It`s only my third one because of the new content).

    Ok the game is very beautiful and looks so damn good and I get every time a heart attack if the reaper eats my Seamoth but thats all after 2.5 walkthroughs. And most of the fragment boxes outside the wrecks (with important tec) are at the max deep positions which you can reach at your current lvl.

    It`s boring.
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Jan84 wrote: »
    The problem is after one walkthrough you know each location. It`s my third one and yeah.. (n/hc/n) I know each location. There is Prawn etc etc. There is no reason to play the game again (normally I play my games more as once.) It`s only my third one because of the new content).

    Ok the game is very beautiful and looks so damn good and I get every time a heart attack if the reaper eats my Seamoth but thats all after 2.5 walkthroughs. And most of the fragment boxes outside the wrecks (with important tec) are at the max deep positions which you can reach at your current lvl.

    It`s boring.

    To each their own of course. I've got almost 160 hours from dozens of playthroughs and it's still a fun experience for me. It's actually the early to mid game that's most fun for me currently, and each new playthrough I build my base in a different area; one time I made the mistake of building it on the ridge between the Scarce and Grand reefs at just around 100m down, which when I only had a seaglide to use was.... Tricky. But I committed to that bad decision anyway xD

    Everyone's going to be entertained by certain things for different lengths of time, and the fragments being in set locations never really affected me to be honest. It might be interesting to have them shuffled around a bit on creating a new game, like the fragments always spawn in the same areas, but the exact fragment it provides (Thermal reactor, cyclops, etc) would be different. Even if it doesn't though, I don't think that them being in set locations means there's no reason to play the game again, but again to each their own ^^
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    I think the high tier stuff being next to your lifepod is far less of an issue than, say, all the stuff necessary for early survival being far out of reach. Vehicle bay fragments only found below 200 meter cannot be encouraging.
    Jan84 wrote: »
    There is no reason to play the game again (normally I play my games more as once.)

    I'm going to guess you're leaving out that "games" here isn't games in general but survival games and the like specifically. By far most games are a linear experience. And that's never been a bad thing. If that doesn't work for you, that doesn't work for you, but it works for people like me for whom a guaranteed good first playthrough is worth the most.
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