Tips for Begginers(Add yours)



  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited December 2016
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    You can head northeast to find the mountain island. The outcrops here can give you the diamond you desperately need for a repair tool. You can head southwest from the lifepod for the floating island, where you can find everything you need to start farming your own food.


    It goes
    .           .N
    .         .W  .E
    .           .S

    So if you're heading Northeast, you're traveling towards the front of the Aurora wreck, and getting closer to the wreck... I'm pretty sure if the Aurora is facing North, then you'd head North West to get to the mountains and South East to get to the floating island?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, I can check tomorrow regardless.

    Nope, the Aurora faces North East so it's South West to the Floating Island. It's almost directly in line with the Aurora's stern. The Mountain Island lays almost directly off the port bow of the Aurora, which is indeed to the North North East of the Safe Shallows. (Give or take a few degrees.)

    Before recent updates, one of the first things I've always done when starting a new game has been swimming to the South West. Keep the Aurora's stern right behind you and keep going until you hit the Floating Island.

    Jeez, dude, put [spoiler][/spoiler] tags on that image lol. Some new players might not want to use a map.
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    edited December 2016
    Fine, just for you.

    But seriously? It's just a map, you'd have to be a serious noob to find that a spoiler, and if you do more than glance at it in passing you have serious impulse control problems, and if that's the case you really shouldn't be on the freaking forums, and on a TIPS thread of all things.
    Every single post in this entire thread is a spoiler.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Fine, just for you.

    But seriously? It's just a map, you'd have to be a serious noob to find that a spoiler, and if that's the case you really shouldn't be on the freaking forums.

    To each their own. I don't mind, but I know some here do. And thanks.
  • EnglishInfidelEnglishInfidel Canada Join Date: 2016-07-04 Member: 219533Members
    It's fine, you had a valid point, I just find it a bit redundant on this particular thread.
  • FathomFathom Earth Join Date: 2016-07-01 Member: 219405Members
    Easiest way to find the Mountain Island is to go to Pod 7, from there to the wreck you can see and then swim to the surface. The island should be within sight now.
  • Krow1913Krow1913 Join Date: 2016-10-22 Member: 223299Members
    HiSaZuL wrote: »

    Seaglide is bad.

    Wat? I've always found the Sealide to be very useful. How, exactly, is it considered bad?

  • SkopeSkope Wouldn't you like to know ;) Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218212Members
    Krow1913 wrote: »
    HiSaZuL wrote: »

    Seaglide is bad.

    Wat? I've always found the Sealide to be very useful. How, exactly, is it considered bad?

    It doesn't give any protection, and its battery drains super quickly. Without the battery charger, the Seaglide is pretty much useless.
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    Skope wrote: »
    Krow1913 wrote: »
    HiSaZuL wrote: »

    Seaglide is bad.

    Wat? I've always found the Sealide to be very useful. How, exactly, is it considered bad?

    It doesn't give any protection, and its battery drains super quickly. Without the battery charger, the Seaglide is pretty much useless.

    I have to agree. The protection bit is fair, but the battery drain makes it a very demanding piece of equipment. I personally only use it to dive to lifepod 17 and visit its wreck. If I have charge left after that I use it to get home. Without the powerglide upgrade and lithium batteries, it stays in the lockers after that.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited December 2016
    Eh, isn't there a signal that leads you to a pod near a wreck with the battery charger? Cause if so, you'll get the charger relatively quickly. EDIT: There's a Trello card about the lithium batteries missing from the mod station, I believe.
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Eh, isn't there a signal that leads you to a pod near a wreck with the battery charger? Cause if so, you'll get the charger relatively quickly. EDIT: There's a Trello card about the lithium batteries missing from the mod station, I believe.

    Yes, but sweet irony has it so that you also get the Seamoth and MVB fragments in that same haul. From there its battery & power cell goodies at the Aurora and battery charger or moonpool and we never look back to the Seaglide.

    So there is. I do hope the lithium batteries will do the Seaglide a favor. Would be nice if we could get one or two lithium batteries from the Aurora too to bridge the gap to the modification station.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    Oh geez. That would finally give a reason for picking up batteries from the Aurora crash site.
  • Krow1913Krow1913 Join Date: 2016-10-22 Member: 223299Members
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Eh, isn't there a signal that leads you to a pod near a wreck with the battery charger? Cause if so, you'll get the charger relatively quickly. EDIT: There's a Trello card about the lithium batteries missing from the mod station, I believe.

    Yes, but sweet irony has it so that you also get the Seamoth and MVB fragments in that same haul. From there its battery & power cell goodies at the Aurora and battery charger or moonpool and we never look back to the Seaglide.

    So there is. I do hope the lithium batteries will do the Seaglide a favor. Would be nice if we could get one or two lithium batteries from the Aurora too to bridge the gap to the modification station.

    But that's assuming you know about the Seamoth fragments either A) Ahead of time or B) You're dilligent in searching. I know when I first found the Seaglide, I didn't know about the Seamoth nor did I know that there were even fragments around the Lifepod 17 wreck until you just mentioned it.

    The battery charger is easy to get. You find those pieces in so many wrecks that it's almost impossible to miss it. Seamoth is a bit harder to find for someone that doesn't know where to find all the fragments.

    Not trying to sound rude here, but maybe you've been playing too long. Or I haven't been playing long enough, but between finding batteries scattered around the Aurora (mostly from the chests underwater, I never headed into the aurora until much later my first time) and how easy it is to find the battery charger, the Seaglide is a great tool for a beginner IMO.

    Of course, I avoided the wiki like the plague because one of the biggest draws of new survival games for me is figuring out how to do things/where things are so maybe I'm an exception in that regard but calling the Seaglide "useless" seems a bit unfair.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    They're doing another pass at blueprint placement before 1.0 release IIRC.
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    edited December 2016
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    Oh geez. That would finally give a reason for picking up batteries from the Aurora crash site.

    I did request making power cells part of Cyclops and PRAWN recipes for V1.0. If it goes through (I am not the only one who wants power consistency) I expect that eight power cells or sixteen batteries would be plenty of reason to thoroughly clean the Aurora.

    Oh, considering this is a tip thread, does anyone have a good strategy to share for gathering resources behind the Aurora? I've tried a few times, but managing the reaper there is tougher than I hope it needs to be.
    Krow1913 wrote: »
    But that's assuming you know about the Seamoth fragments either A) Ahead of time or B) You're dilligent in searching. I know when I first found the Seaglide, I didn't know about the Seamoth nor did I know that there were even fragments around the Lifepod 17 wreck until you just mentioned it.

    The battery charger is easy to get. You find those pieces in so many wrecks that it's almost impossible to miss it. Seamoth is a bit harder to find for someone that doesn't know where to find all the fragments.

    Not trying to sound rude here, but maybe you've been playing too long. Or I haven't been playing long enough, but between finding batteries scattered around the Aurora (mostly from the chests underwater, I never headed into the aurora until much later my first time) and how easy it is to find the battery charger, the Seaglide is a great tool for a beginner IMO.

    Sort of. I've been playing since before the fragments were moved to wrecks, so I did know ahead of time the Seamoth existed by the time the fragments were moved. I did not know where they went, though, but simply following the signal to Lifepod 17, one of the first signals you get, got me battery charger, seamoth, and MVB all at once. Due to the signal placement at the seafloor, the seamoth fragments are even easier to find than the other two, for which you need to spot the hole in the wreck some way up.

    I like the seaglide, don't let my criticism hide that, but it takes a lot of inventory space and with the recent energy cuts requires multiple batteries for relatively short trips. Making batteries is not a problem (I'm a hoarder; by "endgame" I have a whole locker filled with them, another filled with power cells, and spares in any extra bases because I like to rp hopefulness that someone is still alive, could reach the base, and then find themself in reasonable comfort), but all the space less I have in my inventory I can't use for loot and loot matters in early game. And then any balancing you have to consider with the seaglide gets thrown out with one of the first signals because the seamoth is a nobrainer replacement.

    I do realize that my playstyle might affect my usage of the seaglide too. Many people advice using it to reach wrecks at depths the seamoth can't reach yet, but I prefer swimming on my own or sitting it out until I have the PRAWN (which other people, in turn, rarely use for reasons of being slow). That's cool, but with those two upgrades that should be implemented I think the seaglide could be of interest to me (and other people I know to be disappointed by the drain) too.
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited December 2016
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    Oh, considering this is a tip thread, does anyone have a good strategy to share for gathering resources behind the Aurora? I've tried a few times, but managing the reaper there is tougher than I hope it needs to be.

    Bring a Cyclops to hide out in.

    As for the SeaGlide, equip storage in your Seamoth for extra space, and bring the SeaGlide to make your expeditions from the Seamoth faster. Probably stuff extra batteries in the Seamoth storage.
  • DrownedOutDrownedOut Habitat Join Date: 2016-05-26 Member: 217559Members
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    Oh, considering this is a tip thread, does anyone have a good strategy to share for gathering resources behind the Aurora? I've tried a few times, but managing the reaper there is tougher than I hope it needs to be.

    Bring a Cyclops to hide out in.

    As for the SeaGlide, equip storage in your Seamoth for extra space, and bring the SeaGlide to make your expeditions from the Seamoth faster. Probably stuff extra batteries in the Seamoth storage.

    Hiding in the Cyclops works well, but I gotta go outside too. But alright, if the Cyclops is the one key, I'll give it another go next update.

    I actually only recently tried the storage modules, having priorly only equipped my Seamoth with survival stuff. I was surprised by how much extra stuff I could store and certainly aim to do again. Question: if I unequip a storage module, do any stuff left in remain stored inside?
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited December 2016
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    Question: if I unequip a storage module, do any stuff left in remain stored inside?

    I don't *think* so, but try leaving a single piece of titanium in it to test the theory. EDIT: Or lead. I have no use for lead lol. Until the nuclear reactors, which I haven't built, which might be why I have no use for lead yet.
  • Archer74Archer74 Join Date: 2016-12-07 Member: 224659Members
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    0x6A7232 wrote: »
    DrownedOut wrote: »
    Oh, considering this is a tip thread, does anyone have a good strategy to share for gathering resources behind the Aurora? I've tried a few times, but managing the reaper there is tougher than I hope it needs to be.

    Bring a Cyclops to hide out in.

    As for the SeaGlide, equip storage in your Seamoth for extra space, and bring the SeaGlide to make your expeditions from the Seamoth faster. Probably stuff extra batteries in the Seamoth storage.

    Hiding in the Cyclops works well, but I gotta go outside too. But alright, if the Cyclops is the one key, I'll give it another go next update.

    I actually only recently tried the storage modules, having priorly only equipped my Seamoth with survival stuff. I was surprised by how much extra stuff I could store and certainly aim to do again. Question: if I unequip a storage module, do any stuff left in remain stored inside?

    You can't unequipe a storage module from the seamoth if there is an item inside. From the exo suit you can until the space available reduces to minimum containment for the item/s inside.
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