Ability to build campfires to cook things. Before you find the thermal blade in late-game.
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Or something. We can't build something as simple as a campfire on the islands to eat things. Just an idea, anyway. I shouldn't need to get a full-blown base going on just to cook a Reginald on the Mountain island.
EDIT: Best type of stove / ingredients so far:
2 Titanium, and uses a single, regular battery, like everything else. Then you can use the battery up and swap it out like any other device. Stove is a 1x1 item.
See below for similar stoves we use right now:
EDIT: Best type of stove / ingredients so far:
2 Titanium, and uses a single, regular battery, like everything else. Then you can use the battery up and swap it out like any other device. Stove is a 1x1 item.
See below for similar stoves we use right now:
http://www.bioliteenergy.com/products/biolite-campstove (uses sticks to generate heat to cook, and electricity to charge or power lights)

Regular propane or butane stoves:

Regular propane or butane stoves:

ah, ok. makes sense.
Make a simple stove that also cooks fish (but not instantly.)
Would be a very simple object to implement, granted the buildings and furnishings run on the same basic Object data.
The idea can be:
2 Titanium
1 Magnesium (for lighting fire)
How about 1 Titanium, 1 Magnesium, and 1 Crashfish powder (fuel)?
After that, you have the stove in inventory (1x1 hopefully) and all you have to do is stick a crashfish powder in it to light it for... I dunno, 5 minutes or something, enough to cook enough fish to fill your hunger bar provided they aren't all Garryfish.
Take a step back and reread that idea.
You want them to add an entire new deployable/item to do something that can already be done.
You want it to take crashfish powder, something people already complain about being hard to farm. Or what other type of fuel? A new fuel system entirely?
You think carrying a lit cooking device in the pocket/pack of a swimsuit is a good idea.
You want them to add an entire new container system into the inventory system, just to cook fish.
Even if campfires were added (they don't strike me as the most complex device in Ark:SE for example) it still requires fuel, and a method of getting that fuel. Since neither exist very much in SN, it's a lot of extra work (models, programming), for exactly zero new gameplay pay-off. As a post-launch thing, it could be interesting, I guess.
You did give me a good idea, though. Change the recipe to: 1 Titanium, 1 Copper - and then have it take a single acid mushroom instead, to produce electricity.
Hmm. Actualy, that's too much for a simple cookstove, have the fabricator make a normal battery, then, and for the stove 2 Titanium, and use a single, regular battery, like everything else. Then you can use the battery up and swap it out like any other device.
What do you say about that ^ ?
That way, it can act like most of the devices/containers act, which should hopefully be no new tech, just a re-rig of existing tech. Then it counts to 100% and outputs cooked fish.
Or just have the thing be sealed to work underwater, and deployable on any terrain.
Then, you'd want a deployable air-bubble-sleeping-pod, and deployable oxygen generators (that attach to nearby sleep pods). That would make camping trips without a sub possible, if there's ever a section of terrain too narrow to admit even a minisub. Or, pack stuff into cargo modules on minisubs, and deploy campsites. A sentry turret might be nice as well, considering the fauna in SN, though. Functional beds would be nice, rather than just typing /day a lot...
Upon reflection, though, inventory containers CAN contain objects and be picked up, so that's not bad at all.