Major Crashes
USA Join Date: 2017-01-07 Member: 226304Members
In seamoth , even using the sea glider the game will load new section then overpower the fan in computer and then crash - i even tried to adjust settings to recommended , but no help
Crash log -
Dxdiag -
i have more crash logs , was hoping it would just stop , it is a new computer just a week old from when i bought it , please help tks : )
Crash log -
Dxdiag -
i have more crash logs , was hoping it would just stop , it is a new computer just a week old from when i bought it , please help tks : )
1) Upload your saved game folder so the devs can take a look at what's going on.
2) Try clearing your cache.
3) Try destroying your Seamoth (take everything out of it, grab a few O2 tanks and a SeaGlide, and take it under 200m, then use the console to get another one using the code in the console).
will try the next few steps
Ya, that's it, hopefully the devs can find something useful in there, I know @Obraxis was collecting saved games to try to figure some stuff out.
14-18-15 is the file that causes the most problems, apparently. Try only deleting that first, then if issues persist, clear the entire cache.