Teleporter Found [Spoilers]
US Join Date: 2017-01-11 Member: 226566Members

I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this, but
the island that the has the artillery gun on it has a pathway with a hole in the side of the mountain. If you climb into it and keep going up the inside of the mountain, there is a teleporter hidden in there. There is also a panel that you can put one of the green fuel cubes into, and it powers the teleporter up. This teleporter will take you to the floating island.
Maybe its new, maybe its known. I was excited when I found it and thought I would share it!
Maybe its new, maybe its known. I was excited when I found it and thought I would share it!
Talk about spoilers...
Well if anyone doesn't know the code to that door i'm pretty sure they don't have a seamoth, therefore it won't be spoiled.
But on thread; Anyone who watches jacksepticeye would already know of that teleporter, i've never went to it myself because no need. But it's not really new, it came with the precursor update.