I am new here and I cannot figure out how to reply to add comments in threads, so I'm creating a new thread to put all the amendments of the other threads I've read in.
amendment 1:
Defensive creature in aroura crash zone, by Kingdoo10
The carapace armour should be scannable as a fragment (when it's flew off while fighting) to unlock a blueprint for a carapace fabricator. said fabricator should be able to craft a new reinforced dive suit (able to massively reduce damage) and a new survival knife made out of carapace.
add new ideas for the fabricator as you wish
I am new here and I cannot figure out how to reply to add comments in threads, so I'm creating a new thread to put all the amendments of the other threads I've read in.
There should be a "leave comment" box at the bottom of the page with a preview, save draft and post comment button
found out certain threads were closed.
do with this thread as you wish, as I am not changing it (unless people decide to make changes to the idea above)
We were chilling in a skype call when we found this game on steam, Ever since then i have been addicted and so has he. After really sweating out the game, we decided to challenge eachother to things like first to fully explore the aurora or first to get a cyclops. I then thought of the challenge, First to escape the planet... THEN IT HIT ME. We were bouncing ideas off eachother for about 20 minutes straight.
Here are a few things we thought of
A makeable lifepod: IMAGINE being sat in the middle of the ocean and your seamoth runs out of energy or breaks. BAM whip out your emergency lifepod equipped with a fabricator and make yourself a seaglide or cooked your food!
NO ESCAPE When you finally find out you have no escape, but you can disable the gun what do you do? Make a communicator!
You can send messages to people to either have an escape or special drops for good items! Or if you dont want no escape...
MULTI PLANET TRAVEL Rocket ship? Doesnt work! How sad WHAT IF IT DID WORK! Build a rocket pad (expensive!) THEN place your rocket (That takes alot of inv space) ONTO the launch pad! Fuel it with ION crystals (Or a natural fuel if that is added) And pack some food for your space journey! A freezer could be added to preserve your food on the ship, How about a shelf for pda's that can be used as books? Maybe even a bed to place on your ship (if theres space) OR HOW ABOUT Ship upgrades that ADD MORE SPACE and quicker flight speed.
MORE PLANETS AND STORYLINES! Your flying through space in your ship, And you see a cool looking planet out your rockets window, You tell your automated voice planner wife thing (The only person you know) To plot a course for Dimbldon! (Or whatever you call the planets) Your automated voice planner wife thing will then turn the ship and fly you over to (Insert planet name here)
TRAPPED Oh no! You have made it to the planet but have been seen by an alien camp group who have sucked your ship in with a gravity gun! Your now stranded on a planet with no escape. What do you do? SURVIVE The same way you did on the water planet. But this time you have to single handedly either take down an alien race, Or make peace and calmly leave to explore the vast areas of space once again!
NOTE Please dont hate on any of these ideas me and my friend were only having abit of fun, Please only try to improve on these ideas. If you see this and want to add to my ideas either add me on steam (Flewq) or reply to this message
We were chilling in a skype call when we found this game on steam, Ever since then i have been addicted and so has he. After really sweating out the game, we decided to challenge eachother to things like first to fully explore the aurora or first to get a cyclops. I then thought of the challenge, First to escape the planet... THEN IT HIT ME. We were bouncing ideas off eachother for about 20 minutes straight.
Here are a few things we thought of
A makeable lifepod: IMAGINE being sat in the middle of the ocean and your seamoth runs out of energy or breaks. BAM whip out your emergency lifepod equipped with a fabricator and make yourself a seaglide or cooked your food!
NO ESCAPE When you finally find out you have no escape, but you can disable the gun what do you do? Make a communicator!
You can send messages to people to either have an escape or special drops for good items! Or if you dont want no escape...
MULTI PLANET TRAVEL Rocket ship? Doesnt work! How sad WHAT IF IT DID WORK! Build a rocket pad (expensive!) THEN place your rocket (That takes alot of inv space) ONTO the launch pad! Fuel it with ION crystals (Or a natural fuel if that is added) And pack some food for your space journey! A freezer could be added to preserve your food on the ship, How about a shelf for pda's that can be used as books? Maybe even a bed to place on your ship (if theres space) OR HOW ABOUT Ship upgrades that ADD MORE SPACE and quicker flight speed.
MORE PLANETS AND STORYLINES! Your flying through space in your ship, And you see a cool looking planet out your rockets window, You tell your automated voice planner wife thing (The only person you know) To plot a course for Dimbldon! (Or whatever you call the planets) Your automated voice planner wife thing will then turn the ship and fly you over to (Insert planet name here)
TRAPPED Oh no! You have made it to the planet but have been seen by an alien camp group who have sucked your ship in with a gravity gun! Your now stranded on a planet with no escape. What do you do? SURVIVE The same way you did on the water planet. But this time you have to single handedly either take down an alien race, Or make peace and calmly leave to explore the vast areas of space once again!
NOTE Please dont hate on any of these ideas me and my friend were only having abit of fun, Please only try to improve on these ideas. If you see this and want to add to my ideas either add me on steam (Flewq) or reply to this message
Thanks for Reading!
Awesome dude!!!
The only negative thing is the element of sending people messages.
The game is not going to be multiplayer, so there's no-one to send messages to.
But everything else is awesome!
how about sending message to NEARBY SPACESHIPS TO GET RESCUED!!!!!!!!!1111 sorry full capslock right there
What nearby spaceships? It's implied that you were sent out there in order to build a warp gate to bring space traffic to the area, and the Sunbeam was an unlikely find since they were a small ship that just happened to be relatively near enough to catch the distress signal. I think that it's implied that not a lot of ships go near this planet.
@DavidXlte01234 Dude, @Kyman201 is right, not a lot of ships go out there.
But, one ship that definitely would go out there is a precursor ship. think about it. they create a bacterium, unleash it on a planet, make said planet quarantined, and the ones who didn't go out there (I mean, they didn't originate on the planet, otherwise they would have built a lot more that what they did, they were visitors) never came back?
Fishy. Fishy indeed.
So what if they did? what if they monitored all signals from the planet to see if any lucky precursor survivors (who don't exist) wanted pick up, then they pick you up instead?
@DavidXlte01234 no, not at first, they pick you up as they think you are a precursor, then they realise you are not and begin to attack you. You then have to escape this ship by surviving within the time limit (so just basically fight any precursor that finds you, and hide in a good spot until the timer runs out). Once this is complete, you are on the precursor world, and you basically have the same mission as on the normal planet- survive
that is more aggresive as Subnautica should be... we probably need to escape and use the escape pod to go to earth.... and then we escaped and thats the ending.... or if we failed... we become a test subject for the carrar to find the cure.... and anticlimatic ending there.... so, we should add Guns or Weapons that is not so complicated like Semi-Assault Rifle
that is more aggresive as Subnautica should be... we probably need to escape and use the escape pod to go to earth.... and then we escaped and thats the ending.... or if we failed... we become a test subject for the carrar to find the cure.... and anticlimatic ending there.... so, we should add Guns or Weapons that is not so complicated like Semi-Assault Rifle
I have grown weary of hearing "add guns or weapons" The Game developers have said "We will not add Guns to the game" so I don't wish to see any more posts on guns and weapons in subnautica
that is more aggresive as Subnautica should be... we probably need to escape and use the escape pod to go to earth.... and then we escaped and thats the ending.... or if we failed... we become a test subject for the carrar to find the cure.... and anticlimatic ending there.... so, we should add Guns or Weapons that is not so complicated like Semi-Assault Rifle
Oh, my head. [ rant ] OK, the AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite Rifle. If it was Alterra, it would be Alterra Rifle. NOT Assault Rifle. Got it? Good. Next, the AR-15 is the semi-automatic version of the automatic military version, the M-16. Meaning, in the AR-15, if you pull the trigger, it will fire once, eject the old casing, load the next one, and wait for you to pull the trigger again. The AR-15 has 2 modes, Semi and Safe, Semi operates as previously described, and Safe prevents firing. In an M-16, you have 3 different modes: Sami-, Auto, and Safe. the Auto mode function depends on the variant of M-16. Most will fire three shots with one trigger pull before returning to standby mode, although some are full automatic, where they will continue firing for as long as the trigger is kept down (these aren't as common, at least for the in the service M-16s, although I hear the Air Force had or has some). [ /rant ]
Side-note: If a developer reads this, regarding Natural Selection 2, please note that when you empty your magazine, and load a new one, unless you f**ked up, you will not have to re-arm the weapon using the charging handle, as it is designed to lock the bolt to the rear when it runs out of ammunition. You simply drop the old mag, place the fresh mag, slap the bolt release, and you're ready to fire. I can't imagine any other well-designed service rifle would require you to pull the charging handle each time you reload.
TL;DR: There is no such thing as a semi-assault rifle. There are semi-automatic weapons. There is a label often used, which is "assault rifle", but no one seems to be able to define what makes it an assault rifle, besides "menacing" and "black" (isn't that racist?!). Fully-automatic weapons have been illegal besides police, military, or heavily regulated (expensive license, registration, background check, etc, not just a background check & go) use since 1934.
Watch this video I looked up, it's by a California Law Enforcement Officer, and he does a good job neutrally differentiating the terms and exactly how semi- and full-auto "assault" rifles get confused:
EDIT: Ok, and yes, I got so carried away, I forgot to also mention, Subnautica isn't going to include weapons, but if you're going to be silly and request it anyways, at least know of what you speak.
Locked threads are locked for reasons, generally. Some of them are even valid.
Mostly, though, special little snowflakes roll in and start making the same threads about resources, multiplayer, and weapons. Then they are oh so surprised that these things have been done to death, because their idea is fresh and new. Just like the it was the last 50 times it was posted.
Also, can you REALLY not work a "post comment" button?
@DavidXlte01234 no, not at first, they pick you up as they think you are a precursor, then they realise you are not and begin to attack you. You then have to escape this ship by surviving within the time limit (so just basically fight any precursor that finds you, and hide in a good spot until the timer runs out). Once this is complete, you are on the precursor world, and you basically have the same mission as on the normal planet- survive
I've seen this, people wanting there to be a Part Two in the game which is Called Subnautica But Is Basically Not.
Like the thread I saw suggesting "What if you get in your rocket at the end and fly to NEW PLANETS?!" or like this example, where you go to a different world with different environments, wildlife, tone, and feel.
Like, can we not have just ONE excellently-crafted planet? Can we not have ONE world with its own distinctive wildlife? Can we not just have ONE story about surviving until you find a way to get off the planet? Is that one story and experience not good enough anymore? Do we have to get effectively six or seven of those in one pack for a game to be considered worthwhile anymore?
hey... i'm not writing that! i just said once we go to the escape pods.. we escaped to earth and we finished.... and the game is sci-fi so probably there already implemented Semi-Assault Rifle... perhaps... well... thats what i think sooo..... blame me about guns.... propulsion cannon is enough to kick some aliens crabs and its still fun.... for me
that is more aggresive as Subnautica should be... we probably need to escape and use the escape pod to go to earth.... and then we escaped and thats the ending.... or if we failed... we become a test subject for the carrar to find the cure.... and anticlimatic ending there.... so, we should add Guns or Weapons that is not so complicated like Semi-Assault Rifle
Oh, my head. [ rant ] OK, the AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite Rifle. If it was Alterra, it would be Alterra Rifle. NOT Assault Rifle. Got it? Good. Next, the AR-15 is the semi-automatic version of the automatic military version, the M-16. Meaning, in the AR-15, if you pull the trigger, it will fire once, eject the old casing, load the next one, and wait for you to pull the trigger again. The AR-15 has 2 modes, Semi and Safe, Semi operates as previously described, and Safe prevents firing. In an M-16, you have 3 different modes: Sami-, Auto, and Safe. the Auto mode function depends on the variant of M-16. Most will fire three shots with one trigger pull before returning to standby mode, although some are full automatic, where they will continue firing for as long as the trigger is kept down (these aren't as common, at least for the in the service M-16s, although I hear the Air Force had or has some). [ /rant ]
Side-note: If a developer reads this, regarding Natural Selection 2, please note that when you empty your magazine, and load a new one, unless you f**ked up, you will not have to re-arm the weapon using the charging handle, as it is designed to lock the bolt to the rear when it runs out of ammunition. You simply drop the old mag, place the fresh mag, slap the bolt release, and you're ready to fire. I can't imagine any other well-designed service rifle would require you to pull the charging handle each time you reload.
TL;DR: There is no such thing as a semi-assault rifle. There are semi-automatic weapons. There is a label often used, which is "assault rifle", but no one seems to be able to define what makes it an assault rifle, besides "menacing" and "black" (isn't that racist?!). Fully-automatic weapons have been illegal besides police, military, or heavily regulated (expensive license, registration, background check, etc, not just a background check & go) use since 1934.
Watch this video I looked up, it's by a California Law Enforcement Officer, and he does a good job neutrally differentiating the terms and exactly how semi- and full-auto "assault" rifles get confused:
EDIT: Ok, and yes, I got so carried away, I forgot to also mention, Subnautica isn't going to include weapons, but if you're going to be silly and request it anyways, at least know of what you speak.
@DavidXlte01234 no, not at first, they pick you up as they think you are a precursor, then they realise you are not and begin to attack you. You then have to escape this ship by surviving within the time limit (so just basically fight any precursor that finds you, and hide in a good spot until the timer runs out). Once this is complete, you are on the precursor world, and you basically have the same mission as on the normal planet- survive
I've seen this, people wanting there to be a Part Two in the game which is Called Subnautica But Is Basically Not.
Like the thread I saw suggesting "What if you get in your rocket at the end and fly to NEW PLANETS?!" or like this example, where you go to a different world with different environments, wildlife, tone, and feel.
Like, can we not have just ONE excellently-crafted planet? Can we not have ONE world with its own distinctive wildlife? Can we not just have ONE story about surviving until you find a way to get off the planet? Is that one story and experience not good enough anymore? Do we have to get effectively six or seven of those in one pack for a game to be considered worthwhile anymore?
Hashtag Just One Planet, I suppose.
This game is worth it without the extra planets, I just think it will be a good idea to have one extra planet
I'm not saying that the new environment takes the development away from the original planet, it doesn't have a different feel or mood, yes it has different wildlife but so what?
You need difference, you can't make everything the same all throughout the game EVER HEARD OF VARIATION?
Multi planet travel is just as bad as multiplayer. The game is called subnautica it is about an ocean planet. not multiple planets and one of them being an ocean and the rest having a lot of land
it doesn't have a different feel or mood, yes it has different wildlife but so what?
You need difference, you can't make everything the same all throughout the game EVER HEARD OF VARIATION?
So you don't think that another planet (which WILL take time to code and develop, time which would have gone into the first planet unless the new planet is a post-release updates) won't change the feel or mood for the game... Yet you want variation, which will require it feeling different in some way.
And compare the Lava Zone biome to the Dunes or the Blood Kelp or the Grand Reed biomes. You don't need another planet for variation.
Subnautica does not need, nor do I want, another planet in this particular game. Hell, if there's a sequel with a bigger game world I'd rather it be set on the same planet, just a different part of it.
the game is pretty big too and a lot of explorin', so adding a new planet would destroy my PC and.... its too aggresive and not THE subnautica we know and love
@Kyman201 [ nor do I want, another planet in this particular game.]
so? You don't want it. Ever heard of the word egotistical? It refers to thinking that the world revolves oneself.
You are being very egotistical, deciding that you don't want it. Think about other people. I know of two people including myself-and have a strong feeling that there are more-who agree with me that there should be some planet variation.
and on your point of comparing biomes, look at any other exploration game-the biomes are always extremely diverse!
You are being very egotistical, deciding that you don't want it. Think about other people. I know of two people including myself-and have a strong feeling that there are more-who agree with me that there should be some planet variation.
I can turn this around just as easily, you know. You're the one insisting that your idea of adding another planet is totally a great idea, and you're speaking for others that you totally insist exist.
I, on the other hand, only spoke for myself, giving the opinion of myself. I was unaware that expressing a persona opinion is 'egotistical'. These threads are asking for feedback, and I'm giving my feedback of "I think that's a terrible idea that will weaken the overall strengths of the game".
Also, seems that other people on this thread seem to think that one planet is enough, so, ah, looks like I'm not alone, if we're going to play the "Other people want it" card.
and on your point of comparing biomes, look at any other exploration game-the biomes are always extremely diverse!
So why do we need more planets if, by your own admission, the biomes already feel diverse and thus add variation? What will more planets bring that simply adding more biomes won't add?
Look, let me learn ya about WHY, from a narrative standpoint, adding another part that's "After you escape you get captured/shot down/crash on a different planet" is a bad idea.
From a narrative standpoint, it basically kicks the players in the crotch and renders their accomplishments moot with the wet farting sound of a balloon eeking out the last bit of air. Think about it this way. The player has spent the entire game trying to survive on this watery hellhole. You survive, you learn, you gather materials, you build, you cure a disease, you harness a unique crystal for energy, you find the technology of a species that came before, you build your own dang rocket ship and take off in massive defiance to the planet that tried to kill you countless times.
Whoops your rocket got shot down despite all your effort. You wanted closure, a sense of triumph at having beaten all odds and escaped? Too bad, crash again, have a new planet.
I personally (and to make it crystal clear I do not presume to speak for anybody but me in case you try to accuse me of something) would find this kind of infuriating. A sense of "What you did amounted to nothing, do all that again" is not satisfying. It's like that godawful ending in No Man's Sky (I'll stop going back to that game when it stops being a pillar of What Not To Do) where upon reaching the center of the galaxy, the game just zooms out, out, out, and out, and plonks you on the edge of another galaxy and says "Do all this shit all over again"
You are being very egotistical, deciding that you don't want it. Think about other people. I know of two people including myself-and have a strong feeling that there are more-who agree with me that there should be some planet variation.
I can turn this around just as easily, you know. You're the one insisting that your idea of adding another planet is totally a great idea, and you're speaking for others that you totally insist exist.
I, on the other hand, only spoke for myself, giving the opinion of myself. I was unaware that expressing a persona opinion is 'egotistical'. These threads are asking for feedback, and I'm giving my feedback of "I think that's a terrible idea that will weaken the overall strengths of the game".
Also, seems that other people on this thread seem to think that one planet is enough, so, ah, looks like I'm not alone, if we're going to play the "Other people want it" card.
and on your point of comparing biomes, look at any other exploration game-the biomes are always extremely diverse!
So why do we need more planets if, by your own admission, the biomes already feel diverse and thus add variation? What will more planets bring that simply adding more biomes won't add?
Look, let me learn ya about WHY, from a narrative standpoint, adding another part that's "After you escape you get captured/shot down/crash on a different planet" is a bad idea.
From a narrative standpoint, it basically kicks the players in the crotch and renders their accomplishments moot with the wet farting sound of a balloon eeking out the last bit of air. Think about it this way. The player has spent the entire game trying to survive on this watery hellhole. You survive, you learn, you gather materials, you build, you cure a disease, you harness a unique crystal for energy, you find the technology of a species that came before, you build your own dang rocket ship and take off in massive defiance to the planet that tried to kill you countless times.
Whoops your rocket got shot down despite all your effort. You wanted closure, a sense of triumph at having beaten all odds and escaped? Too bad, crash again, have a new planet.
I personally (and to make it crystal clear I do not presume to speak for anybody but me in case you try to accuse me of something) would find this kind of infuriating. A sense of "What you did amounted to nothing, do all that again" is not satisfying. It's like that godawful ending in No Man's Sky (I'll stop going back to that game when it stops being a pillar of What Not To Do) where upon reaching the center of the galaxy, the game just zooms out, out, out, and out, and plonks you on the edge of another galaxy and says "Do all this shit all over again"
I am not insisting it's a great idea. I'm simply stating that other people would like that idea. Also, I never said you were alone, I said that your view of you wanting it was an egotistical view, I never said anything about you being alone. So don't twist my words to suit yourself.
Plus, the planet is actually related to the story; plus on this idea, no-one stated how long you have to survive for. It could be like a 1-death little minigame/challenge for players.
Yes the biomes already feel diverse, but they are all based around a similar thing- the underwater nature of this planet. By adding a second planet, it creates a new base of ideas and therefore you have true variation because the base has changed, rather than just the looks
Also, I never said the new ship (a Precursor ship) gets shot down. I said it lands on the precursor planet. Therefore, your argument is moot, as it refers to a completely different effect-and theme-to the one I described.
Next time you try to completely disrespect my slight adaptation of someone else's idea (one that I thought was absolutely amazing but needed one tiny tweak) get it right.
@Kyman201 [ nor do I want, another planet in this particular game.]
so? You don't want it. Ever heard of the word egotistical? It refers to thinking that the world revolves oneself.
You are being very egotistical, deciding that you don't want it. Think about other people. I know of two people including myself-and have a strong feeling that there are more-who agree with me that there should be some planet variation.
and on your point of comparing biomes, look at any other exploration game-the biomes are always extremely diverse!
-grumbles- Ever heard of the word hypocritical? If what you say is true, you then have to turn around and label yourself egotistical, based on
You are being very egotistical, deciding that you don't want it. Think about other people.
By your logic we should all be the Borg and never disagree with each other.
Defensive creature in aroura crash zone, by Kingdoo10
The carapace armour should be scannable as a fragment (when it's flew off while fighting) to unlock a blueprint for a carapace fabricator. said fabricator should be able to craft a new reinforced dive suit (able to massively reduce damage) and a new survival knife made out of carapace.
add new ideas for the fabricator as you wish
There should be a "leave comment" box at the bottom of the page with a preview, save draft and post comment button
do with this thread as you wish, as I am not changing it (unless people decide to make changes to the idea above)
We were chilling in a skype call when we found this game on steam, Ever since then i have been addicted and so has he. After really sweating out the game, we decided to challenge eachother to things like first to fully explore the aurora or first to get a cyclops. I then thought of the challenge, First to escape the planet... THEN IT HIT ME. We were bouncing ideas off eachother for about 20 minutes straight.
Here are a few things we thought of
A makeable lifepod: IMAGINE being sat in the middle of the ocean and your seamoth runs out of energy or breaks. BAM whip out your emergency lifepod equipped with a fabricator and make yourself a seaglide or cooked your food!
NO ESCAPE When you finally find out you have no escape, but you can disable the gun what do you do? Make a communicator!
You can send messages to people to either have an escape or special drops for good items! Or if you dont want no escape...
MULTI PLANET TRAVEL Rocket ship? Doesnt work! How sad
MORE PLANETS AND STORYLINES! Your flying through space in your ship, And you see a cool looking planet out your rockets window, You tell your automated voice planner wife thing (The only person you know) To plot a course for Dimbldon! (Or whatever you call the planets) Your automated voice planner wife thing will then turn the ship and fly you over to (Insert planet name here)
TRAPPED Oh no! You have made it to the planet but have been seen by an alien camp group who have sucked your ship in with a gravity gun! Your now stranded on a planet with no escape. What do you do? SURVIVE The same way you did on the water planet. But this time you have to single handedly either take down an alien race, Or make peace and calmly leave to explore the vast areas of space once again!
NOTE Please dont hate on any of these ideas me and my friend were only having abit of fun, Please only try to improve on these ideas. If you see this and want to add to my ideas either add me on steam (Flewq) or reply to this message
Thanks for Reading!
Awesome dude!!!
The only negative thing is the element of sending people messages.
The game is not going to be multiplayer, so there's no-one to send messages to.
But everything else is awesome!
What nearby spaceships? It's implied that you were sent out there in order to build a warp gate to bring space traffic to the area, and the Sunbeam was an unlikely find since they were a small ship that just happened to be relatively near enough to catch the distress signal. I think that it's implied that not a lot of ships go near this planet.
But, one ship that definitely would go out there is a precursor ship. think about it. they create a bacterium, unleash it on a planet, make said planet quarantined, and the ones who didn't go out there (I mean, they didn't originate on the planet, otherwise they would have built a lot more that what they did, they were visitors) never came back?
Fishy. Fishy indeed.
So what if they did? what if they monitored all signals from the planet to see if any lucky precursor survivors (who don't exist) wanted pick up, then they pick you up instead?
I have grown weary of hearing "add guns or weapons" The Game developers have said "We will not add Guns to the game" so I don't wish to see any more posts on guns and weapons in subnautica
Oh, my head. [ rant ] OK, the AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite Rifle. If it was Alterra, it would be Alterra Rifle. NOT Assault Rifle. Got it? Good. Next, the AR-15 is the semi-automatic version of the automatic military version, the M-16. Meaning, in the AR-15, if you pull the trigger, it will fire once, eject the old casing, load the next one, and wait for you to pull the trigger again. The AR-15 has 2 modes, Semi and Safe, Semi operates as previously described, and Safe prevents firing. In an M-16, you have 3 different modes: Sami-, Auto, and Safe. the Auto mode function depends on the variant of M-16. Most will fire three shots with one trigger pull before returning to standby mode, although some are full automatic, where they will continue firing for as long as the trigger is kept down (these aren't as common, at least for the in the service M-16s, although I hear the Air Force had or has some). [ /rant ]
Side-note: If a developer reads this, regarding Natural Selection 2, please note that when you empty your magazine, and load a new one, unless you f**ked up, you will not have to re-arm the weapon using the charging handle, as it is designed to lock the bolt to the rear when it runs out of ammunition. You simply drop the old mag, place the fresh mag, slap the bolt release, and you're ready to fire. I can't imagine any other well-designed service rifle would require you to pull the charging handle each time you reload.
TL;DR: There is no such thing as a semi-assault rifle. There are semi-automatic weapons. There is a label often used, which is "assault rifle", but no one seems to be able to define what makes it an assault rifle, besides "menacing" and "black" (isn't that racist?!). Fully-automatic weapons have been illegal besides police, military, or heavily regulated (expensive license, registration, background check, etc, not just a background check & go) use since 1934.
Watch this video I looked up, it's by a California Law Enforcement Officer, and he does a good job neutrally differentiating the terms and exactly how semi- and full-auto "assault" rifles get confused:
EDIT: Ok, and yes, I got so carried away, I forgot to also mention, Subnautica isn't going to include weapons, but if you're going to be silly and request it anyways, at least know of what you speak.
Mostly, though, special little snowflakes roll in and start making the same threads about resources, multiplayer, and weapons. Then they are oh so surprised that these things have been done to death, because their idea is fresh and new. Just like the it was the last 50 times it was posted.
Also, can you REALLY not work a "post comment" button?
I've seen this, people wanting there to be a Part Two in the game which is Called Subnautica But Is Basically Not.
Like the thread I saw suggesting "What if you get in your rocket at the end and fly to NEW PLANETS?!" or like this example, where you go to a different world with different environments, wildlife, tone, and feel.
Like, can we not have just ONE excellently-crafted planet? Can we not have ONE world with its own distinctive wildlife? Can we not just have ONE story about surviving until you find a way to get off the planet? Is that one story and experience not good enough anymore? Do we have to get effectively six or seven of those in one pack for a game to be considered worthwhile anymore?
Hashtag Just One Planet, I suppose.
While funny, not relevant in the slightest.
This game is worth it without the extra planets, I just think it will be a good idea to have one extra planet
I'm not saying that the new environment takes the development away from the original planet, it doesn't have a different feel or mood, yes it has different wildlife but so what?
You need difference, you can't make everything the same all throughout the game
So you don't think that another planet (which WILL take time to code and develop, time which would have gone into the first planet unless the new planet is a post-release updates) won't change the feel or mood for the game... Yet you want variation, which will require it feeling different in some way.
And compare the Lava Zone biome to the Dunes or the Blood Kelp or the Grand Reed biomes. You don't need another planet for variation.
Subnautica does not need, nor do I want, another planet in this particular game. Hell, if there's a sequel with a bigger game world I'd rather it be set on the same planet, just a different part of it.
You don't want it. Ever heard of the word egotistical? It refers to thinking that the world revolves oneself.
You are being very egotistical, deciding that you don't want it. Think about other people. I know of two people including myself-and have a strong feeling that there are more-who agree with me that there should be some planet variation.
and on your point of comparing biomes, look at any other exploration game-the biomes are always extremely diverse!
I, on the other hand, only spoke for myself, giving the opinion of myself. I was unaware that expressing a persona opinion is 'egotistical'. These threads are asking for feedback, and I'm giving my feedback of "I think that's a terrible idea that will weaken the overall strengths of the game".
Also, seems that other people on this thread seem to think that one planet is enough, so, ah, looks like I'm not alone, if we're going to play the "Other people want it" card.
So why do we need more planets if, by your own admission, the biomes already feel diverse and thus add variation? What will more planets bring that simply adding more biomes won't add?
Look, let me learn ya about WHY, from a narrative standpoint, adding another part that's "After you escape you get captured/shot down/crash on a different planet" is a bad idea.
From a narrative standpoint, it basically kicks the players in the crotch and renders their accomplishments moot with the wet farting sound of a balloon eeking out the last bit of air. Think about it this way. The player has spent the entire game trying to survive on this watery hellhole. You survive, you learn, you gather materials, you build, you cure a disease, you harness a unique crystal for energy, you find the technology of a species that came before, you build your own dang rocket ship and take off in massive defiance to the planet that tried to kill you countless times.
Whoops your rocket got shot down despite all your effort. You wanted closure, a sense of triumph at having beaten all odds and escaped? Too bad, crash again, have a new planet.
I personally (and to make it crystal clear I do not presume to speak for anybody but me in case you try to accuse me of something) would find this kind of infuriating. A sense of "What you did amounted to nothing, do all that again" is not satisfying. It's like that godawful ending in No Man's Sky (I'll stop going back to that game when it stops being a pillar of What Not To Do) where upon reaching the center of the galaxy, the game just zooms out, out, out, and out, and plonks you on the edge of another galaxy and says "Do all this shit all over again"
I am not insisting it's a great idea. I'm simply stating that other people would like that idea. Also, I never said you were alone, I said that your view of you wanting it was an egotistical view, I never said anything about you being alone. So don't twist my words to suit yourself.
Plus, the planet is actually related to the story; plus on this idea, no-one stated how long you have to survive for. It could be like a 1-death little minigame/challenge for players.
Yes the biomes already feel diverse, but they are all based around a similar thing- the underwater nature of this planet. By adding a second planet, it creates a new base of ideas and therefore you have true variation because the base has changed, rather than just the looks
Also, I never said the new ship (a Precursor ship) gets shot down. I said it lands on the precursor planet. Therefore, your argument is moot, as it refers to a completely different effect-and theme-to the one I described.
Next time you try to completely disrespect my slight adaptation of someone else's idea (one that I thought was absolutely amazing but needed one tiny tweak) get it right.
-grumbles- Ever heard of the word hypocritical? If what you say is true, you then have to turn around and label yourself egotistical, based on
By your logic we should all be the Borg and never disagree with each other.