Bigger Submarine Concept - My own 3D model



  • CaptainFearlessCaptainFearless CO, US Join Date: 2016-12-14 Member: 224941Members
    I want this so bad! I hope that things like this will come in dlc's for subnautica, I think everyone including me would buy them all!
  • BreakingForceBreakingForce Join Date: 2016-12-17 Member: 225066Members

    What if we put like turrrets on it? just like on a plane: at every point where a camera is. so if you switch to camera mode you automaticly get control of the turret. it can shoot torpedoes, the same ones as on the exosuit and the seamoth.

    that, or remove the living room and make a missile room. it would get like a ballistic missile sub, carrier, sience, and turret sub, ALL IN ONE!

    just one slight problem: there are no missiles in subnautica.

    you'll notice that subnautica is mostly pacifist. what few weapons there are will either freeze your enemies in place, push them away, or otherwise disencourage them to attack you; but most will not kill, and those that will take a lot of shots to do so. further, once you get into a cyclops you can't be damaged anyway, so there's no need for personal defense. now, i presume that the atlas, planned to be larger than the cyclops, will also be invulnerable and therefore have no need for a defensive system. it just wouldn't fit in.
  • BreakingForceBreakingForce Join Date: 2016-12-17 Member: 225066Members
    I want this so bad! I hope that things like this will come in dlc's for subnautica, I think everyone including me would buy them all!

    eew dlc. don't encourage that >.<. just enable modding. let people who want stuff like this put it into their games on their own
  • WSBurnsWSBurns KingdomOFMadness Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220631Members
    About the circles in the sides i agree with the folks who think these are not escape pods, maybe they are some kind of propulsion system that could allow the submarine to perform side to side motion, i say this because if you take a look at the spaceship Sunbeam it has the same type of side thrusters. Imho this like a trade mark of Pat Presley the original brain behind the concept art of the submarine Minder named, Atlas.
    If you guys go to Pat Presley home page you will see the original concept art image is called Beluga V07, im linking it here:
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    WSBurns wrote: »
    About the circles in the sides i agree with the folks who think these are not escape pods, maybe they are some kind of propulsion system that could allow the submarine to perform side to side motion, i say this because if you take a look at the spaceship Sunbeam it has the same type of side thrusters. Imho this like a trade mark of Pat Presley the original brain behind the concept art of the submarine Minder named, Atlas.
    If you guys go to Pat Presley home page you will see the original concept art image is called Beluga V07, im linking it here:

    still, if you want to attack like the sea dragon/emperor? it is not like you can just run in to it. and the seamoth/exosuit both have an torpedo upgrade, and those are non-lethal. so just use the same.

    and i do support DLC. i think a disc comes out it will be VERY hard to mod. :wink:
  • BreakingForceBreakingForce Join Date: 2016-12-17 Member: 225066Members

    still, if you want to attack like the sea dragon/emperor? it is not like you can just run in to it. and the seamoth/exosuit both have an torpedo upgrade, and those are non-lethal. so just use the same.

    and i do support DLC. i think a disc comes out it will be VERY hard to mod. :wink:

    >.> why would a disc come out? the game's been digital distribution exclusively so far...
  • robotflyrobotfly Virginia Join Date: 2015-07-16 Member: 206185Members
    my only issue with this (dont get me wrong love the 3d) is that what would you use it for?

    on a side note maybe instead of power cells it could be modular, cause lets face it it would look stupid having a wall of like 15 powercells.

    IE it doesn't come with an engine you have to build one (using the nuclear or bio reactor each one with its own cons @ pros like the nuclear is heavy so the sub goes slower but the rods give you enough power to run other stuff with ease.
  • GlassDeviantGlassDeviant Terra Join Date: 2017-02-27 Member: 228342Members
    That's truly awesome, but it's hard enough getting the cyclops around without bashing it against stuff. The Subnautica world is just so small in comparison to a real planet that there are few places this would be useful, especially given the tiny size of the deepest parts of the game world, or in the case of deep caverns the tiny size of their entrances (you are lucky if you can get a seamoth through them).
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    true. i think you should make an nuclear engine. but separate the power and the engine. so if you run out of rods, at least your power wont cut as well. and you don't need to star the engine if you want it to stay in place for a while.
  • WSBurnsWSBurns KingdomOFMadness Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220631Members
    That's truly awesome, but it's hard enough getting the cyclops around without bashing it against stuff. The Subnautica world is just so small in comparison to a real planet that there are few places this would be useful, especially given the tiny size of the deepest parts of the game world, or in the case of deep caverns the tiny size of their entrances (you are lucky if you can get a seamoth through them).

    Well i have made several travels with the cyclops inside the lava zone and back, while its a pretty narrow cave it can be done. Any way Pat Presley concepted several other submarines and starships that have never been used , while we will probably never see this model in the actual game, its nice to see it in 3D, we can only thank Minder to take the time to model, texture and share it with the rest of us. Maybe by showing our appreciation with this sub, the developers will decide to add it to a future game/expansion/dlc, etc.
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    Awesome! I never thought that a star wars X-Wing was japanese.

    so i gues we will see the atlas in 3/4 weeks. well, see you then!
  • TheRaccoonTheRaccoon Australia Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228921Members
    my god! I've just spent 3 hours reading all these comments! this ship is amazing! I saw the concept art for this beauty about 4 months ago and while I was exploring the internet for more subnautica concept art I stumbled upon your just started model, after some clicking and reading I found myself looking at the model you just started texturing on the subnautica forums. When I discovered this on Sketchfab I almost lost my mind! my friend what you have made is BEAUTIFUL and the devs would be MAD not to notice your hard work. PLEASE keep working, I can't wait until the day this comes into the game (unless the devs want to lose their heads!) and I finally get to explore the vast oceans in the 'Atlas' in the observation deck looking out at the PUNY reefbacks. I wish all my luck in modelling this submarine. you're extremely talented, for my sanity don't stop!
  • OjekronOOjekronO Join Date: 2017-03-16 Member: 228983Members
    Yargish89 wrote: »
    Wow thats huge looks nice though

    Ya I think it looks great :D:D:D:D I hope we get some big machines sometime soon :expressionless:
  • OjekronOOjekronO Join Date: 2017-03-16 Member: 228983Members
    Jamezorg wrote: »
    Dude, this is amazing. Keep doing what you're doing, man. Oh, but take your time, too. It seems like work worth taking your time on ;)

    Also, do you think those circles could just be entrances, each to a different room?

    I think it could be cool if theyre escape pods :open_mouth: maybe when that Sea Dragon chomps ur ship you can evac?
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    OjekronO wrote: »

    I think it could be cool if theyre escape pods :open_mouth: maybe when that Sea Dragon chomps ur ship you can evac?

    well, that was the orignal idea
  • WSBurnsWSBurns KingdomOFMadness Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220631Members
    edited March 2017
    Good work Minder, a perfect quad distribution like a model should have, i look forward to see your remake of the Atlas sub. Its true, it could use some retopology.
    When texturing your aircraft, just dont forget, its not about looking brand new like if it just rolled out of the assembly line, its more about the right amount of roughness, make it look a bit beaten and wear like it has seen some action.
    You may want to visit Anders Lejczack site if you haven't done so already, he served has inspiration for many aircraft modellers out there, including myself.You can download many of his models, and see how he adds certain details to his textures.
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    Minder wrote: »

    Hi guys! I need your opinions! I'm currently working on the texturing of the exterior of the submarine. But i have also thought about the layout of the rooms inside it. So i have quickly came out with this :

    SUBNAUTICA_INTERIOR_complete.pnghebergement image

    Tell me what do you think, and if i must continue toward this idea :)

    hey, if you make like a small window from the escape pod bay to the vehicle bay, wouden't that be amazing?
  • TheRaccoonTheRaccoon Australia Join Date: 2017-03-14 Member: 228921Members
    I was looking at the subnautica trello and found that after 1.0 they might add 10 things from the community! this could be a chance to get the atlas in the game! :smiley:
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    TheRaccoon wrote: »
    I was looking at the subnautica trello and found that after 1.0 they might add 10 things from the community! this could be a chance to get the atlas in the game! :smiley:

    if that would happen i will be so happy! still hope it will get in the game by DLC and not by modding. I hate modding.
  • NickHowler337NickHowler337 Malaysia Join Date: 2017-03-28 Member: 229250Members
    Happy new month and April Fools!
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    hi guys! does anyone still come to this forum?
  • 0x6A72320x6A7232 US Join Date: 2016-10-06 Member: 222906Members
    edited April 2017
    Wut? Bruh. There's 500+ people online in the Subnautica Discord server, and there's always dozens of topics per day posted on the forums. ;) We're all here.
  • CAPSHAWCAPSHAW Nevada Join Date: 2016-09-29 Member: 222692Members
  • MuovipulloMuovipullo Join Date: 2017-03-24 Member: 229158Members
    This is art! This would be perfect for the game :) 5/5
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members

    hey, if you make like a small window from the escape pod bay to the vehicle bay, wouden't that be amazing?

    perhaps in the front or bottom front some ware you can put an containment tank where you can keep/breed fish but also have an arm mounted or torpedo based capture device that automatically puts things into the tank

    also you forgot the galley (kitchen and dinning area)
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    <div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper"><iframe width="640" height="480" src="; frameborder="0" allowvr allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>

    <p style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; margin: 5px; color: #4A4A4A;">
    <a href="; target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">The Atlas - WIP</a>
    by <a href="; target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Minder</a>
    on <a href="; target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Sketchfab</a>

    looks great
  • SkopeSkope Wouldn't you like to know ;) Join Date: 2016-06-07 Member: 218212Members
    <div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper"><iframe width="640" height="480" src="; frameborder="0" allowvr allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" onmousewheel=""></iframe>

    <p style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; margin: 5px; color: #4A4A4A;">
    <a href="; target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">The Atlas - WIP</a>
    by <a href="; target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Minder</a>
    on <a href="; target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1CAAD9;">Sketchfab</a>

    looks great

    That is a beautiful looking submarine? Honestly, if UWE ever decides that they want this sub in game, they might as well come here.

    Good freaking job @Minder! :)
  • CousinFruitCupzCousinFruitCupz USA Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229736Members
    I would love somthing like this in the game, lokes like you could even dock two things in it! I just love the 2D art model!
  • mistermanbruhmistermanbruh netherlands Join Date: 2016-12-21 Member: 225293Members
    I would love somthing like this in the game, lokes like you could even dock two things in it! I just love the 2D art model!

    you can, actualy, dock two things.
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