The Ghost Leviathan is now in experimental!
Join Date: 2016-04-21 Member: 216034Members

The Ghost Leviathan is now spawnable in experimental mode.
It can only be seen in game using the command spawn ghostleviathan and currently only has basic AI. It is aggressive and will attack the player and all of their vehicles.
Update: The devs have said that the Ghost Leviathan likely won't spawn in the Lost River. I personally would like to see it in the Grand Reef or Void.
What biome would you like to see it in?
The Ghost Leviathan in the Various Biomes:
Size comparison with the player:
Size comparison with the Reaper Leviathan:
It can only be seen in game using the command spawn ghostleviathan and currently only has basic AI. It is aggressive and will attack the player and all of their vehicles.
Update: The devs have said that the Ghost Leviathan likely won't spawn in the Lost River. I personally would like to see it in the Grand Reef or Void.
What biome would you like to see it in?
The Ghost Leviathan in the Various Biomes:
Northern Bloodkelp:

Bulb Zone:
Crag Field:
Grand Reef:
Mushroom Forest
Underwater Islands:

Bulb Zone:

Crag Field:

Grand Reef:

Mushroom Forest

Underwater Islands:


Size comparison with the player:

Size comparison with the Reaper Leviathan:

There, I'm glad I got that out of my system.
I quite like the Ghost Leviathan, if you can't tell.
Anywhere else as an aggressive creature and one might as well just not bother building the Cyclops.
God dammit.
I hope we don't get burned out of massive creatures in this game. I was alright with having just the Reefbacks, Sea Dragons and Emperor as enormous creatures, and now it's become a contest to see which leviathan can be the biggest. Personally, I liked having this leviathan be a little smaller than the rest because it fit its aesthetic and environment and such, and I'd like to have seen these creatures swim around in pairs or small groups of three, but surprise surprise, we've got another gigantic solitary leviathan to look forward to.
I know a lot of you might disagree with me on this, because it does look like it's a pretty unpopular opinion for me to have. It's just that I would have liked to see more predatory creatures travelling in packs (especially larger ones) and the Phantom seemed like a perfect candidate. I don't make the decisions around here, though, the Ghost Leviathan might actually work as another leviathan. I'll just have to wait and see.
So what's the size of it compared to some other things?
Is it bigger than the Reaper?
It's pretty much as big as the Sea Dragon now.
Eh, not the greatest size for it.
Make it just in between the Reaper and Sea Dragon could be perfect.
Just updated the size comparisons.
Edit: Added SDL Comparison
which part of the lost river? certain areas are larger than others. I would think the devs plan on putting it in the most spacious area of the Lost River biome. Regardless of that they'll probably tweak it's size due to feedback from us who play on experimental.
The places it seems to fit best in are in the main Junction and above the DRF. Everywhere else seems a little too small for it.
I spawned it in the bonefields main room where the largest skeleton is. It's head wouldn't fit between the ribs and when it tried to go above, it wouldn't fit between the rock formations hanging from the ceiling. If you're right and they plan on placing it only in the most spacious areas, the only place that seems to be large enough for it now would be tree cove, which means many people with bases there should be highly concerned.
Because its a beautifully well done asset and it would be a massive waste if no one ever saw it because it only existed out in the abyss. I want to see it in the commonly traveled areas of the map and I want it to be a threat in those zones, I just don't want it to be an unpassable guardian blocking the path through the lost river and completely removing one of the best, most interesting forward base locations from consideration with no way to effectively deal with it.
That said, I'm just very, VERY happy that the Ghost Leviathan did make it into the game, it has always been one of my favorite creatures from the concept art.
But at the moment it seems as though this is UWE's only trick. We already have the Reaper (a large, predatory, solitary leviathan) and the Sea Dragon (a large, predatory, solitary leviathan). Now we have the Ghost Leviathan, and it's looking like it's going to be another large, predatory, solitary leviathan.
This felt like the perfect candidate with which to do something new. Seeing four of the old, smaller versions of the Ghost Leviathan swimming around the Lost River in a pack would make me feel so much more than just seeing another big leviathan.
Putting this new Ghost Leviathan in the Lost River isn't a great idea, either, and not just because it gets stuck on the environment. I always saw the Lost River as dangerous, but for all the right reasons; brine that could damage me, Mesmers everywhere... It didn't need a leviathan and that's what was so good about it. It made me feel like I had to be incredibly careful when travelling there. Now it's just another game of avoid the Leviathan. You also need to save the big-leviathan shock for the Lava Zone; showing players something that's as big as (and arguably scarier than) the Sea Dragon a zone before it exhausts all that shock way too early.
I really wanted to see the Ghost Leviathan in-game, but not like this. It's a really big disappointment for me.
@Calarand77 meant it in the sense that the more large creatures, the better, but I missed that nuance the first time I read it as well. That said, even though I had my reservations about putting a leviathan of any sort into the lost river, I much preferred the smaller version to this massive thing. When on par with the reaper, it was just small enough to swim amongst the bones and formations of the area without much conflict and with a more fluid (i.e. similar to the reaper) movement animation set, it will look very much like the concept art image. I can see how they would want it to be much larger if it was only going to protect the abyss, but I reiterate what I said earlier in the hopes that someone from UWE is reading that this would be a massive waste of a beautiful asset as few people would ever see it more than once or twice.
If They make it so it's area of haunting is along the edge of all the current outer edge biomes, as well as out in the abyss...
One would probably see it quite often.
Especially if it can occasionally drift over the outer edges and a little ways into said biomes.
...but then again, I'd also keep the Sea Dragon smaller than the Sea Emperor!
Your poll is flawed, there's no 'Other' choice.
If it had to be in one biome only, The Grand Reef is probably the best option.
But I see it as a nicely scaled creature to haunt the outer edges of all the peripheral biomes.
My top choices: (not counting the void)
1: Grand reef - It needs something dangerous, it fits well with the floating stones, and it could be the leviathan that killed the degasi.
2. Blood kelp - needs no real explanation. It's a freaking ghost.
3. Sparse reef - Again, needs something dangerous.
As for an existing biome... Grand Reef seems better than Sparse reef (that area always seemed like it should be safe or infested with crabs or something).
Even then, it will be rarely seen. I'm not against putting it in the abyss, but it would still be a quite a waste if it was only in the abyss.